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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Okay, I justed rented the game from Blockbuster and me and my friend love it. I love the "Focus" movements and how you can see the bullets flying at you and the ones coming out of the gun. Im playing as Ghost currently and I love the game. Its awesome.
  2. Yea thats the one. I thought the one that you put up looked familiar. They're both great though.
  3. Yea I like it, but I thought I saw you post this up before. It looks familiar. But it just might be similar. I like how thw white goes with the blue so well. Good work.
  4. Oh cool. Hey could put one up of like Trigun with Vash or .hack//SIGN with Crim or Tsukasa on it. If you can thanx.
  5. Name:Bahamut Element: I think electri Appearance: Big black kinf of dude with wings and big circles on his back. Attack: Forgot sorry Overdrive: Also forgot. LOL. If anyone knows the two I missed, please post them up.
  6. Thats pretty awesome. I like the picture, whoever that is, but he goes good with the background. Did you make it.
  7. Same here. I think that it looks kind of like Keanu Reeves but I like the picture.
  8. I havent played it but Ive heard good things about it. I think my brother rented it once but I'm not sure.
  9. There ok, but the hair is red. Should be yellow.
  10. I know, it would have benn funnier if they put like Chris Rock, or someone else that is usually in a comdic movie. I think that it might have been a better show, even though I havent seen it, if they put more of a comedian in it.
  11. Oh so is it better for the other systems or is it just the same as the GC.
  12. Also try getting some life gaining cards yourself. Like Don Kieto the Cure Master and even some of the cards that he has. Then it will make it harder for him to kill you, he might run out of cards.
  13. Epitome


    I like them. How like how the one on the bottom left's hair. I like how you made it look like it was coming over the side of her face and how the hair comes up first. I think thats this is a good drawing.
  14. Enter the Matrix is out for the GC. I never knew that. Hmph, I should maybe get it for GC because GC is mine, hmmm.
  15. I think they might be the same thing. Ive seen Hairspray as well but never saw Hair.
  16. I might get a game for GBA but not for the GC. The game I want to get is Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. I have only played it for a little while with my friends GBA, but it was awesome. Its got good graphics and I like the lighting.
  17. Yes so would I, from the part of the picture that is shown, it looks pretty good. And like Sara said, has alot of potential.
  18. Its good but along with all of the other comments, its a little hard to see. But I like it. Good job.
  19. Its "quite good". I like it, has a nice touch too it. and I like the way her knee is up on the chair too. Nice job daedalus.
  20. Yea same, I saw it right after American Idol too. It looks pretty funny but I dont like the fact that Josh Hartnett is in it.
  21. RUBEN WON!! NOOOOOOO!! I think Clay should have won but Ruben is a great singer. He has great talent but Clay still have won. But congratulations Ruben.
  22. Phantasy Star is out for GBA. I had no idea. Man I have to catch up with the times. I havent seen alot of games.
  23. I just saw a commercial for a new movie called Hollywood Homicide. Its with Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett, but its like a comedy/action movie. It looked pretty funny from the commercials, has anyone else heard of this movie.
  24. Help Me, Help Me I need your help I need you to show me I need you to help me I need you I need you to know I hope you can help I know that you know Please help me Im falling Falling forever Its taking over It has taken its place I know it has Its going to kill me I need you to help The night I die You'll find out what it is You'll know.... Its Cancer I wrote that when my best friend died of cancer about 2-3 years ago... I wrote it after the figured out that the "unknown cause" was cancer.
  25. Epitome

    Koala Su

    Yes she would, and speaking of avatar, thats a pretty cool one you have on right now. Did you draw that as well. And why are they always looking so puzzled.
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