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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Is the PSP supposed to have better graphics than the GBA SP. I heard that it was supposed to be almost as good as N64. Anyone know.
  2. Havent seen this preview but Tom Cruise, a foreign man, I dont get it. Hes American, how can he be foreign (From America). Doesnt make sense too me.
  3. Oh ok, so if someone was only spamming only a little they wouldnt ban thhem using their IP because its too much of a hassle for such a little violation or am I wrong.
  4. Epitome

    Koala Su

    I like it. I like how its dressed up in the Koala suit too. I already said this but its so cute and cuddly. I just wanted to emphasize that.
  5. Epitome

    Law and Order

    I like Criminal Intent. The reason being is because of the male detective but I forgot his name. He always messes around with his suspects and scares them so much. Its pretty funny.
  6. Yea it was supposed to be like that. I wanted to make it feel like he was like nothing in the world. And if it was bad it was my first one so be nice please.
  7. Yea but I still thinks its perfect. :) I love it, you have amazing art skill.
  8. My definition of friendship, thats a tough one actually. Friendship to me is a bond between two people that lets them act in a good way towards each other. A friend to me would help me up when Im down, back me up in a fight or something. You know what Im saying.
  9. Ohhh, I see. Okay thanx Sara. But how would they know the IP or whatever.
  10. I know what it means, like your boyfriend or husband or whoever is leaving but you said that you feel alone. So I said youll never be alone, but I understand the poem. At least I hope thats what it meant.
  11. I hated Duelist Souls. I didnt like it at all. For some reason it just didnt interest me but I am a HUGE Yu-Gi-Oh fan. I just didnt like it.
  12. Oh, ok thanks James, I appreciate it. And Im willing for the job too. *whispers* I hope I get hired.
  13. Ummm, question...When you ban a person say for spamming, couldnt they easily come back but with a different name. I mean they could do that like 10 times and keep spamming and spamming and spamming. Couldnt they?
  14. Thats really good. Sounds kind of like a Linkin Park song if it was sung. I like it.
  15. No its okay, It was my first one, probably was hard to understand.
  16. NO WAY!! I love Trigun. They cant take it out. They cant, I wont let them do it. NOOOOOO!!!
  17. Its about someone who kills himslef because no one ever bothers to even notice him. Thats where I got Im not there from. The beggining supposed to be a regular day of his parents not even saying hello or anything.
  18. I wake up Get in the shower and rrush my teeth later that hour Walk down stairs Eat my breakfast nothing to do doing nothing Go up to my room wipe off the mirror Its what I see Its what I dont see Im not there Im. Not. There Thats what Im saying Im. not there Having nothing to do Later that night My life is over Over with a knife My first one, go easy on me
  19. Whoa, normally I would think that this was so dumb but those last word forever it seems hit me. I like it.
  20. Ok, those banners are really demented. I like cant see straight anymore. I mean I think I might have a ceasure. JK. But I like them. There very...unique.
  21. Thanx but I wont be able to post any up until I get [b]MY[/b] comp back from the technician. This one doesnt have a scanner because its my brothers so. Thanks Hatake.
  22. Hmmm Ninja Five-o eh. Habent seen this one wither but from what you say, I think I can take your word for it and try it.
  23. Beautiful in my mind, sheesh I dont know. Mainly when I think of beutiful, I think of the mind and heart. If your heart says a girl/boy is beautiful, and so does your mind, she/he is beautiful. Also she/he has to have a great personality and that makes up beautiful to me.
  24. Ok I have just done some drawings and I was wondering if anyone knew how I could put them up. I would love to get reviews from everyone but I dont know how. Can someone tell me.
  25. I dont hate them, I love them very much. What I meant to say was that I dislike it when they try to stop from the things that I love to watch and that interests me. I dont hate them though, kind of a figure of speech.
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