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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. [size=1][color=orange]It's been quite a while since I posted here and today I was looking through my favorites and found it so I thought I'd stop by. But to the topic of this thread: college life. I am a senior in high school right now and the end of the year is coming very quickly. I have been accepted to the college of my choice and I am extremely excited to go... or so I tell myself. I realized just recently that in approximatley 5 months I will be off on my own. No one to watch over me, no one to tell me what to do, no one to wake me up in the mornings to get to class, no one to make me food. I will be alone. Now for some people this seems like it would be the greatest experience and can't wait, however in my situation it's very different. I need guidance. I am the type of person that if someone doesn't really force me to do something, I probably won't end up doing it. The guidance and help of another person to stay on task is crucial for me. That is why I am probably one of the only kids my age freaking out about going to college. I am very much what people would call a "momma's boy." I am the youngest in my family and I have always been treated like a prince. My parents have given me the greatest childhood imaginable. I pretty much got everything I wanted, did whatever I want, and when I did something wrong, punishments weren't bad at all. But now that I am going to be going away, all that luxury is gone. Besides the occasional carepackage my mom will ship to me, I have to do everything for myself. Everything for myself... and I don't even know how to do a load of laundry yet. Now the reason for me posting this thread is because I would like some feedback from students about to go into their freshman year at a college, or college students that have already made that transition. Are there other people out their that feel or felt like me when their time was coming to leave home? Thoughts please.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=#CC6600][size=1]I think I am going to go with Nashville's, although your submissions were very good as well Anxiety. Its just that Nashville has taken my request from the beginning so I think its only fair to show my appreciation for his hard work. Thanks to both of you.[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=#003399]Ahh I like the top one. But if it wouldnt be too much trouble, would you mind adding my name and maybe making an avatar to go along with it?[/size][/color]
  4. [color=#003399][size=1]Well, since its been a while, I was hoping I could get a new banner. I just happened to purchase the Tommyland: The Ride CD not too long ago so I was hoping I could get a banner with the cover of the CD as a banner. Any banner is appreciated.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=#003399]Been a while since I even posted but I had an idea for a story so I thoughtd I share it with you. [b]Everyone Falls the First Time[/b] [i]I sat in the chair as requested and heard on of my fellow shipmates say "This will only hurt for a moment," followed by a sharp pain to the back of my head. I then found myself in a "room" surrounded by nothing but white and the man they called Silence, the captain of the ship. He explained to me what this so called room was, and then began speaking as if talking to someone outside of the "construct." We then were immediatley transfered to what look liked a workout room, except it wasnt filled with normal weights or tredmills. This had machines with fully loaded guns, and I was supposed to destroy them with my bare hands. As I began the attemp Silence laughed at me and said "You are not nearly ready for this training yet, this is just the tour. Your training begins *snaps his fingers* here." At the snap of his fingers we were in what looked to be a large city, standing on top of a very large building. Silence stepped up to me and asked "Do you think you can do it?" "Do what?" I replied. "This..." Silence began running and right before the edge of the building lifted off of the building only to reach another building across the street. I looked on in amazement. I thought to myself "Is this really possible? Did he just jump from one building to next 20 stories high?" I didnt know what to do. I didnt want to die but I thought to myself "If he could do it, so could I." Back in reality on the ship, the other crew members had been discussing whether I would be able to do it. A fellow crew member, Krin, asked the others if they thought I would make it. From what I hear, Loak responded saying "Everyone falls the first time." But I was a different story. I started to run and when I got to the ledge, closed my eyes, felt the hard concrete of the next building hit my feet, and looked up to the amazement on Silence's face.[/i][/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=#003399]Green Day hands down. My Chemical Romance does not appeal to me at all. I dont like them one bit. But on the other hand, Green Day, I mean its Green Day... Nothing more needed to be said.[/size][/color]
  7. [QUOTE=dd protector][COLOR=Indigo]I think its almost impossible not to judge people on there looks. I never try to but i know i do. I learned that when i moved to a new school. I had to stop myself forcibly from judging people. How you look is part of who you are. No matter what happens everyone will judge by how people look. They will stereotype and perhaps even ridcule. All you can really do is to try very hard not to yourself.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#003399]I totally agree. Whether you want to or not, you will judge a person by looks. Even if you may think she is hott or ugly you will. But that does not mean you are shallow and wont date a girl for personality and not for looks. My girlfriend is amazing but not everyone thinks she is amazingly hott, and I dont think she is SOOO hot either. But I do judge her based on looks.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=#003399]I like group projects, but only when I can choose my group. I am the type of person that thinks if you are with people you like or dont think you wont get along with, that you can accomplish much more. Even though you may goof off a little, you still get things done. Recently, I had a Spanish project that required video, and we got 100%, even though the ideas we came up with were so... incomprehendible(sp?) in the sense that we had no idea where we got them. But in a situation with some you dislike, the two or however many people there are that dont like each other, always seem to bring the group down. Either they are constantly bickering at each other, or they dont say anything because of what they think will happen if they say it. But I in fact do like them, they are much fun most of the time.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=#003399]Now I bet all of you would probably want the ability to fly or be invincible, but I know what ability I would want. Telekenisis and super speed are all I would need. Its the best combonation, you can run around so fast that no one would be able to tell who you are and you pick up things at the same time causing mayhem, or fighting crime. I personally would cause mayhem because thats just my style. ^_^[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=#003399]I have about 3 nicknames in my life and all of them I really liked. My mom when I was little called me [b]Blakeypoo[/b] or [b]Blakey[/b]. With my name being Blake their isnt much you can come up with that so I thought that was pretty neat. The second I got when I was about 13. I was called [b]BWhip[/b] or [b]BD[/b]. My full name is Blake Daniel Whipple, so [b]BD[/b] are my first 2 initals, and [b]BWhip[/b] is my first initial and have my name. My final nickname is [b]Cotton[/b]. For those of you who have seen "Dodgeball," the really messed up dude that sits with Cotton always says his name after everything. Since I am really wierd, they decided to name me that for some reason. Even some of my teachers call me cotton. So yeah, you guys can call me any of those if you want. Just dont wear them out ~_^[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=#003399]I have had mixed feelings on the movie. The plot itself looks brilliant. But like some of you have said, Reeves doesnt seem like the right fit for the character of John Constantine. A more likeable character would have maybe been someone who is prone to doing these types of movies. But I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Whether it sucks or is amazing, I am going to see it.[/size][/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]True, but I would have called it "semi arranged". In my first post, I stated that some muslim parents offer their children in marriage with out thinking properly, or getting their opinion, assuming that their child agrees. In "John's" situation what his father did in the first place was wrong and disrespectful to John, but I doubt he would actually forced "John" into the marriage if "John" had disagreed. John's family is Muslim (I know it doesn't say so in the first post, but he's Arabic and lives in Saudi Arabia, so that must be true), and it is against Islam to force somebody into a marriage. That was why I had found it neccesary to explain Islamic marriage. "John's" marriage was labeled as "arranged" when infact it was not. At least not entirely. I hope this clarifies the purpose of my previous posts.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#00339]Untrue. Thats one of the reasons that John was thinking about running to the U.S. to come back and live with his aunt and uncle. He was going to be forced into the marriage regadless. And you are correct, it is against Islam to force people into marriage, but sometimes your faith comes after material goods. But an update on the situation: He is scheduled to be married this July to Shely-kael(I really dont know how to spell it--as close as I can get). He says that she is very enjoyable to be around and that her "smile makes me smile." So she seems like a good ladie. P.S. If this thread is causing problems, which I hope its not, please close it. I dont want any fighting between my Otakuites ^_^[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=#003399][b]First Grade: Mrs. Nelson-[/b] Man did I love that class. I remember everyday, someone would get to sit in the "special" chair which was right next to hers and get to choose someone to play on the mini jungle gym in her room. We went in alphabetical order so I was last but it was still a good time. [b]Fifth Grade: Mr. Scaduto-[/b] He was a fun teacher as well. Every Friday during our english "session" if you will, he would read us books. We ended up finishing two and they were "Holes" and "Avalanche." And they were both excellent. He also us do alot of what we wanted to do in his class. We even got to play with crawfish as an experiment. ^_^ [b]Eigth Grade: Mrs. Alston-[/b] How this woman got married, I could not tell you. She was the most picky, OCDish teacher I have ever had and she hated everyone. She taught my Earth Science class that year and she hated me more than anyone, but only because I didnt pay attention and still finished off with an average of about 96%. I also had a free period with her that year and all she let us do was read. We couldnt do any homework or anything. [b]Ninth Grade: Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Perzinsk-[/b] I hated Mr. Armstrong. He wasnt really my teacher but he was the disciplinary principle. All he did was walk around school looking for reasons to write someone up. He was one of the biggest, pardon my french, ******** I have ever had as part of my school. But Mr. Perzinski was the best. He was my English teacher that year and man he had class. Even though he gave me some below average grades, he was probably the coolest teacher I have ever had. He would play music in class, we watched movies all the time, and on top of that, most of the time we would just chill out and talk during class. I looked forward to that class everyday. And last but not least, [b]Tenth Grade: Mr. Kibler-[/b] Even though I havent finished this year out yet(about half way through), he is probably my coolest teacher. We have only had 2 tests the whole year including midterms and never have homework. We basically talk about current events of what is going on in the government and thats it. Plus, we watch at least one full hour and a half movie every 2 weeks to show how a subject fits into our government. So, I would say I have had some pretty cool teachers, and some pretty un-cool ones ^_^.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=#003399]I like it alot. It has a very unique style to it. The way you blended the black and the green onto Morpheus adds an awesome touch to it. I also like the way you made it look like Morpheus was in-motion in a wierd kind of way. But its really good. Just as a side note: I always like how you put the trace program at the side too.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=#003399]Well, today I was talking to a friend online who is about 6-7 years older than I am and he found out today that he is getting married to someone he hasnt even met yet. He is Arabic and he said that his parents told him today that one of his dad's clients needed a husband for his daughter (they currently live in Saudi Arabia), and to make sure the client stayed happy with John's father they arranged a marriage. When they told him he said he was shocked and didnt know if he wanted to go through with it. Even though John, [i]Side Note:[/i] not his real name, wanted to do this for his father, he was thinking about coming back to the US just to get away from it. But he thought it over and told me he decided to go through with it. Later that day, he met her and he said she was beautiful and had a great personality. But to get to the point, has anyone ever had an arranged marriage in their family. Or has had an arranged marriage or is going to have one? Ive always thought about what it would be like if I did get an arranged marriage. Even though I am caucasion(sp?), I wouldnt mind seeing what it would be like and how it works out. John's dad had an arranged marriage and it seems to me that it worked out fine. His parents are still together so. But I have also wanted to know how such things work. For example, Johns parents just picked a random girl without even letthing them meet before hand. Is this how it always happens, or do they normally meet before? And who pays for everything? Or do they split it? Your opinions please.[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=#003399]This is a banner I just made. I thought I needed a change. Its of a WoW wallpaper and I thought the orcs in the background would come out clearer but they didnt. I went for a simplistic look as I usually do for all my banners and I really like the font Im using so I stuck with it. Maybe next time Ill change it. Comment please.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=#003399]They quite possibly have the wierdest style of music, but man it kicks arse. I wouldnt be sure on what "category" they would fit under but I think anyone would like them. Their unique style makes it seem like they shoot for everyone to listen. So far out of their CD "Scenes from a Memory," my favorite song is "Fatal Tragedy." Some other songs that I like by them, but not from this CD, is a long 23 minute song called "A Change of Seasons," and "Hells Kitchen." Im looking forward to listening to some more of their songs and buying some more of their CDs. But in the meantime, has anyone else heard of the band?[/size][/color]
  18. [color=orange][size=1]Personally, I dont think either of them are too bad. The avatars text could be a little clearer, sure. But I love the design of the avatar. Also in the banner, I like the way you put the text in the little line there. It gives it a nice look. So, I really dont think either are that bad.[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=orange]He could have a bad memory stick. I would suggest telling him to take it in to a repair store and having it looked at.[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=orange]Well for the older folk on the Boards, if any of you have seen the Mr. Whipple guy on the old Charmin commercials, my family is related to him. Also, my ancestor, William Whipple, signed the Declaration of Independence so that was pretty cool. My granfather has like 8 full like 2 inch binders of our family tree and weve been related to alot of kings of Scotland and England too. So thats basically my "famous" relatives.[/size][/color]
  21. Epitome


    [size=1][color=orange]Ever since I heard "Cold" and "So Far Away" by them I have been addicted to their music. Both songs are really deep and have an awesome sound. Ive been looking to buy an album of theirs soon so I can hear some of their other stuff but I am satisfied with the two I have right now. ^_^ The band reminds me a little bit of Nickleback with a better sound and a much better vocalist. If I had to classify them into a group of bands, it would most likely be punk/emo but no matter, they are awesome. So has anyone else heard of them, or heard any of their songs?[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=orange]Ive been skating for a while now. I can do all the basics as Billy Shears put them and I have some other decent tricks I can do(hardflips, 360 flips, varials, etc.) The best trick I have ever landed would probably have been my first handplant. That was the longest trick to learn because of my skinny self not being able to hold myself for very long but I got it after about 2 and a half months or so. But my favorite skater overall is Eric Koston. The average street skater with alot of style...[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=orange][b]What was it?[/b] Otakuboards [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] Its OB. A place where people can come to mellow out, talk games, movies, music, anime, and basically anything on their mind. A place to release anger in a battle between rivals or a place to venture out on a journey through the lands of who knows what. [b]What was it?[/b] wrist cutter[member] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] Hes an excellent member. He speaks his mind and says stuff that normal people wouldnt. [b]What was it?[/b] The Reanimatrix[thread] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] Excellent stories written by many different members of OB and I enjoyed reading them all. All of them were very interesting and something to read when you got bored. [b]What was it?[/b] Your current desktop thread[thread] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] I enjoyed seeing all the different graphics and designs people have used for their desktops to make them look more unique. Some of the people who made their own did a wonderful jobs on them. [b]What was it?[/b] Ice Cream World[thread] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] An excellent well written story by Shy that I was very impressed with. Keep the stories coming! /b]What was it?[/b] Baron Samedi[member] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] An excellent who does very nice work with banners and his myO site. Also someone you can always count on to listen. Thanks Baron. And last but certainly not least... [b]What was it?[/b] DW[member] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] Funny as always and always finds ways to make simple stuff that would be somewhat dumb, into something that can make me laugh my *** of for days.[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=orange]I decided to put this here because its theatre so... But anyway, these shows are basically circuses on stage but some have story lines. Also, they have comedy to them as well. I have seen 4 of these shows so far and I have loved them all. I have seen "O," "Ka," "La Nouba," and "Mystere." When we went to go see La Nouba, which was the first one I saw, I thought it was going to be more of like some stupid circus, but this is more like a circus for adults. They do some fantastic stunts and in Ka, you can also follow the story of what happens. So has anyone else seen any of these shows?[/size][/color]
  25. [quote name='Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86']After criticism of being too immature, KFC's new range of meals are aimed at more adult diners.[/COLOR][/quote] [size=1][color=orange]HAHAHAHA!!!! After reading through all the posts, this was definatley the one that made me laugh the most. Solo, congratz![/size][/color]
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