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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. OMG, that totally moved me so much. Your never alone either, your fellow Otakus will always be with you.
  2. Yes he does. That is correct for one hundred points. Whoops, been wathing too many game shows lately. LOL.
  3. Yea I think thats it, its kind of sad though that kid dies. All he was doing was helping his family. WHY LORD, WHY!!!??? Oh sorry, got a little carried a way. But thanx Sara.
  4. I agree with Semjaza on this one. When this comes out, I bet you, because of the success of PS2, that these will sell like hell. But I dont think that it will be as expensive as you said Semjaza. Maybe $130-$150 but definatley not $200. That would be so expensive the no one would probably by it.
  5. If there were no anime my whole life would be over. The only cartoons that I practically watch are anime, exceot for a few here and there but anime is like my life right now. I dont what I would do without it.
  6. I like it but a little shading couldnt hurt. Also the neck is too thick in my view. But otherwise its an okay drawing.
  7. No, I dont think. He still stays in kid form but I think he has the same amount if power, which in that case is a very good thing.
  8. Poor dog. But anyways I still wouldnt drink it even if it was purified I mean, theres a dead body in the water, a corpse. That so disgusting.
  9. Epitome

    megaman nt warrior

    Thats what I thought, Ive seen some commercials for it, Ill hve to watch the next episode.
  10. Ok Im down, but you still didnt answer my question james :( How often do we write.
  11. Epitome

    megaman nt warrior

    What channel is it on. If I knew I would probably watch it. Can you tell me.
  12. I also read one that he wrote about a boy going out to chop wood but he cuts off his hand. And goes to his doctor or whatever but he still dies. Does anyone know which one Im talking about and do you know what its called.
  13. Epitome

    Xmen evo

    Its not anime, at least not Japanese anime. But it is a pretty good show. I hated last nights episode though, because Nightcrawler wouldnt reveal himself. Bast*rd, just kidding. LOL.
  14. Ive never played this game, but I heard it got some good reviews. Ill have to try it some time.
  15. Thats pretty astonishing, especially the first one. I cant believe they would safe to drink. And the third one, I cant believe someone would do that from such a simple mistake. I fell sorry for that girl too because of what she had to see and go through.
  16. I like it.Its nice but you are right about the background. But I think you should make the words a little darker. I like the colors though.
  17. My parents dont like me watching it either. My parents whenever I watch Adult Swim and they here the characters cuss or something there like "What are you Watching" and like I have some DVDS that have swearing and a little nudity but I mean they dont like it. I hate them for that.
  18. Epitome


    How do you guys like him so much. I dont get it. Hes just another SSJ. I dont like him that much. He didnt have a big role. I just dont like him.
  19. Yea I like it too, but not the best in my mind. Its a good game because I thought the other ones were too dark but this one is a lot lighter which I like.
  20. My favorite is Mending Wall. Its great, you should read it some time. I like it. Well post some up here if you know of any.
  21. Oh ok good. Because Ima not going to buy it if I can bbeat the game in four days, just rent it from Blockbuster. LOL.
  22. Those are pretty good. The only thing I have to say is the one with Subaru's eyes closed, the nose is alittle out of proportion but otherwise, they are great pictures.
  23. OMG!! You have amazing art skills. That is also an amzing picture. I would give this the same review as last one. Good shading, I think everythings perfect. Nice job Rhys.
  24. Question: What is the name of the Pokemon that is blue, flies, and is an ice elemeantal creature. Ive been thinking about this forever but I cant seem to come up with the name. Anyone have an idea who it is.
  25. I like it as well. The main thing that attracts me are the grey things in the middle. I like the background too. But you should put your name on it somewhere.
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