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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Ummm, I dont think that is going to become the Otaku banner anytime soon. One WAY too plain. Two, the background is not that great, and three all its says is theotaku.com. You should make some adjustments.
  2. I like them, they are pretty good but I liked Hybrid Theory better than Meteroa. But they a good band.
  3. Now that I think about it, Im kind of like Tetsuo from Akira as well. Forgot to mantion that I have a short temper and according to my book, so does Tetsuo, so both Tetsuo and Tsukasa. Kind of on oxi-moron heh.:demon:
  4. Has anyone read any of his poems and literature. We're doing poems in reading and I must say, he is an excellent writer. He has a ton of famous poems and even read one at the inaugouration(how ever you spell that) of President JFK. Has anyone read any?
  5. Man thats short. But did you play constantly or like maybe an hour a day. But 4 hours, not very long. Oh wait, did you beat it with bost Ghost and Niobe??
  6. Im most like Tsukasa from .hack//SIGN. I say this because I feel really stressed out some times and down alot too. I also dont really show alot of emotion when Im sad or down. You know.
  7. Epitome


    Well, you know what I meant Renegaede. I didnt like the way he effected the "movies". I do think that he was a good character.
  8. Oh I knew I forgot something. If you BMX post it here too.
  9. Ok, I hope that will do that. I know you said it wont be coming in anytime soon, but that would be awesome if that would happen. Well hopefully you'll do it.
  10. I think that this might be another awesome Sonic. I also wanted to know when this game comes out. And you said this game comes out for all the major systems, so I plan on buying it for the PS2 if thats right.
  11. Yea, you cant really judge the game too much until you play it. But from what those screenshots look like, I dont think it will be good. But hey, you never know, the controls and fighting style might br awesome.
  12. Clay and Ruben are the finalists. I dont care now because I like them both. The other thing is, is that I liked the show tonight. It was great.
  13. I also have to add that Im a fire because like Ding Dong, I have a very short temper. And when I get mad, I get MAD!! But I dont get mad very often because people have seen me mad and they dont like it.
  14. Epitome

    Koala Su

    All I know is that, its so cuddly. *hugs computer* Its so addorable. LOL.
  15. I ordered them off Amazon.com I think. I asked my mom to get them for me but we might have gotten them from Best Buy. Im not sure though.
  16. Also .hack//SIGN is on at 12:30 on Saturday's. I actually just found that out last Thursday too. And also Trigun is now on at 1:00.
  17. I would most likely be fire for two reasons. Number one, Im a pyro and I love fire. Two, I just feel that the heart is a fire burning inside of you that keeps you going.
  18. Oh thanks, but do you know how many come in a single DVD. I want to buy some more but Im not going to if theres only one episode.
  19. Epitome


    Brolli, in my opinion, was kind of stupid. I just didnt like the way he effected the plot or himself either. I think they should have left him out of the whole show. But once again, thats just my opinion.
  20. I like it alot better now. I like the smaller font and the picture is great. I also like how the Matrix code is scrolling down the left hand side. Great banner.
  21. How many episodes come on each .hack//SIGN DVD. I dont want to buy anymore if they only come with one. I just purchased two online and I didnt check. Does anyone know.
  22. The only reason I really watch is for the anime and movies. The only main times I watch are late at night when lots of anime is on and when Toonam is on. Sometimes I watch HBO and Cinemax to watch some good movies, but mainly I only watch anime.
  23. Epitome

    Koala Su

    Yea Metatrons right, I would love to buy it if it was doll. *imagines himself with the doll* Wait a minute, Im a guy. But I would still but it, but for my little cousin because its her birthday tommorow. :)
  24. Yea I see what your saying, if I see any of these types of posts Ill report them.
  25. Epitome

    Koala Su

    Thats so cool. Really kiddish. Looks kind of like a chibi. I like it.
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