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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Thats a cool banner. I like how the name fades in and out. Kind of bland though. Not a whole lost of pictures or anything. But its ok.
  2. I watch about 1.5-3 hours a day. I mean but there is no such thing as too much TV. TV is awesome. It relieves alot of stress from me when I watch it. At least when I watch comedies.
  3. Oh, sounds cool. I have the Sonics for the GBA and I love them. Hopefully I can enjoy this one too.
  4. Sonic Heroes? Never heard of it. Is it new? If you have a site or some screenshots Id love to see them. But I havent seen anything on it yet.
  5. You know, I like it kind of. Its really wierd why but I just do. I like the explanations and such. Its a good piece.
  6. Hey anyone else here do any skating or snowboarding. I myself skateboard and snowboard and their both really fun. Except I live in Maryland and we dont too much snow except for last winter when we got a ton but thats not the point. So anyone else skate or snowboard?
  7. I like numbers 22 and 24. But you should maybe try adding some backgrounds into some of them... They look kind of lame without them.
  8. Hey I never said I wasnt dead. DOUGH!!! Wasnt supposed to tell anyone that. LOL. But anyway, nobody will ever know until they die.
  9. Oh I forgot Extreme G. That was a pretty cool game. Thats the on where you drove around in motorcycle looking things right. Well if it is I loved that because it had like missles and stuf that you could shoot at other racers. Im a very destructive type of person. LOL. :)
  10. LOL... Those are the kind of sites that kill video games when they arent the cause of violence. I hate people that do that. It gets on my nerves, ALOT.
  11. So do you think you could change the rules a little bit, because some of these threads are just really graphic.
  12. I do believe in afterlife. But not reincarnation. I believe that when we die that we will go to one of two place: Heaven or Hell. Once we get there we "live" the best life we can there. But I do not believe that we will come back as a different person with the same soul.
  13. Uhh question. What is Hina?? Is it a good show?? Does it have alot of action?? Can someone tell me what it is.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]Could you please make it against the rules of the board to post that victims of crimes such as rape, murder, and unwilling hazing "got what they deserved" or "were asking for it?" Such posts serve no purpose except to start flamewars between these coldhearted persons of low intellectual stature and their fellow posters who have a bit more humanity and common sense than they. :angel: [/B][/QUOTE] I have to agree. Some of the threads have been a little more graphic the I would have prefered. But the one about the friends getting raped, that was just asking for help, that wasnt really bad.
  15. Hmph, Must have been Grokster then. Ill get them off my computer if they are still there and send. Hopefuly the technician didnt delete. Ill let you know.
  16. I LOVE IT. Very suspensfull. Alot of emotion in the writing. NIce work.
  17. Rhys, I totally agree. I mean every game, including some of the Mario games, are now being called violent. I was on a website and a pop-up came up explaining how games these days are too violent. I mean some games that are rated M arent really all that violent. For example Devil May Cry 2. I mean it has blood and shooting and stuff, but its demons. I mean, its not like shooting living innocent people or something. I mean some games are too violent though, but they are fun. One GTA 3 and Vice City. I mean in those games you can shoot up cops, civilians, pretty much anything you can find. Another thing about that game that is not violent but a bad influence is the whole point of the game... to steal cars. But dont get me wrong, one of the best games Ive played.
  18. I found them using Kazaa, or it might have been Grokster. One of the two. I just searched "Dragonball GT" (english) and boom, they were popping up all over the place. At least I thinks that was the search.
  19. Oh, so the game is based upon the Matrix: Reloaded but just from Ghost and/or Niobes point. Or am I wrong.
  20. Ok, but my computers getting fixed up right now. This is my brothers comp and they're not on here. So it will probably be a couple days.
  21. Oh crap, thats right its on tonight. I hope Clay and Ruben stay. I dont like Kimbereley that much. She doesnt have a very good voice in my opinion. I think both Clay and Ruben have a better voice.
  22. He doesnt look like hes looking up to me. But thats just my point of view. But his right cheek may be a little pointy.
  23. I think Clay should win. He has a great voice and sings very well. And it like Simon said "That was one of the best performances of American Idol". YEA!!
  24. Im not exactly sure, but I think he did. Ill have to ask him if hes on later.
  25. Hey I found this in Nomad's sig and I thoght it was awkward but really interesting take a read: [quote][B]As the man walks through the back door, he opens the fron gate. Only to find the sun setting in the morning while a purple moose yells MOO. The point of the story it to reaveal the point of the end. Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you to stand behind you to tell you something I know nothing about. Thursday, which is Good Friday, we're having a fthers day party for mothers only. Admission is free, pay at the door, pull out a chair and sit on the floor.[/B][/quote] Nice job Nomad.
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