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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Epitome

    Oceans 12

    Yes, it is a true movie, but I dont think that they are calling it "Oceans 12" but I know that a sequal is coming out and I think its going to be awesome, the first one was great too.
  2. Oh ok, well thanx for letting me know and Im going to have to try out some of the games that you guys have posted up.
  3. Epitome

    Kevin Smith Movies

    I like Mallrats and Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob, but I dont think hes that great of a director, but yea hes a great comedian.
  4. I agree, Gogeta, that would be nice if you could do that kind of stuff with the connection but it would be alot more work and make things even harder for Nintendo. One thing is that they might have to make more GBA games compatible with GC games and that would make it so that they would have to take longer times to put the games out. People want to play the games probably as well, and dont want to cheat to get the strongest weapon. In my opinion, I think doing that would spoil the game because it would make it to easy. Those are just my thoughts though.
  5. Battle looks good and I would buy that, but pinball, I wouldnt get pinball, because me personally, I hate all pinball games except for the actual arcade ones. I dont like vidoe game pinball.
  6. Thats hilarious. HAHAHAHA. Its so funny especially the bottom captions. "The Wee Pissing Guy" its great. But it can get you in trouble like DarkOrder said but I love it. *falls out of chair laughing* And one question, DarkOrder are you like skitzaphranic or whatevr because you have two personalities, lol.
  7. I know, I think that that they should make the DBZ games more like the Super Budodens and Hyper Dimension. Those DBZ games were actually good. But this, this LOOKS, and let me emphasize LOOKS, bad. But I have to play it first to get the true feeling for the game.
  8. I dont like it that much either. One its way too light, two, it has no shading what s ever, and three, his face is way out of proportion. But its ok from drawing it from memory.
  9. I like that. Its got alot of details in the coloring and I like the expression on "its" face. lol "its". Well anyway Sara got me out of rating because, she made me realize thats its pointless. Thanx Sara.
  10. I have to agree with Semjaza and Tricool about Advance Wars. I forgot to mention it in the first post sorry. I like that though because of the different types of "guys" you can use. I also like it because it's kinda like Red Alert.
  11. What do you think is the best game currently for Nintendos GBA. My current favorite right now is Golden Sun: The Lost Age. I like it because its like the old Final Fantasy games and it has awesome battle graphics. And plus, I just got Piers!!:babble: :demon: And please, try not to spoil anything fro others about a game.
  12. I have to agree with you on Monty Python Pikas, its so funny when the guy is sitting there talking, and the knight flies by and kills him. Its hilarious.
  13. I do have to agree with GinnyLyn on the negative space thing... It has too much. You should either add something or make the banner smaller.
  14. LOL! I think that is also one of the best games ever because of the characters and the storyline as well, but games do match it my opinion. For example, FF X, and mainly I like that just as well because of the graphics and gamplay. But lets not get too far off topic.
  15. I think its great except for the background colors. I think it would look better in like a mrune-reddish type color, but then again, its your banner.
  16. I LOVE SCOOBY DOO. It is one of my all time favorite shows. I wish that they would make more new ones like the old ones, if you get what Im saying.
  17. She has to be a new character. I have never seen her before even in the "Flight of Osiris" or at least, I dont think I did. lol. But I like the wallpaper. Good job.
  18. I havent seen the movie yet but do the twins help Neo, Morpheus, etc. or do they hate them and help the agents. Oh and by the way, that ones pretty cool too.
  19. My favorite is Kenshin. I just love the way he uses his sword. He has so much style and technique. And since you said we could mention Trunks, I WILL!! I love his sword as well, especially when he kills Freeza when he comes back in time to help with Cell I think it was.
  20. I like that one the best DEFINATLEY!!! I love the way his glasses are shiny. LOL. I also like the way he has no facial expression whatsoever. But one question, what he holding in the other hand?(not the one with the gun lol.)
  21. To tell the truth, I didnt like it all that much... I mean it was a good episode but didnt hit me all that much.
  22. Thats sounds so stupid, but somehow hilarious. I cant stop laughing. *falls out of chair laughing*
  23. Thats pretty tight too. I love it. I like the way they are both smiling and have different facial expressions. Its nice.
  24. Ummm, without some of those cards, you cant make a good deck practically.
  25. I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much Nomad. I now owe you 1....2....3....4....uhhh put it this way. Its alot. And it cut off the top of Neo's head on the left hand side. But otherwise, I like it.
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