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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. Whoa!! Hmmmm, cant remember all the cards. Ill have to get back to you on that one.
  2. LOL!1 You have to admit Semjaza, this is pretty funny though. I mean Iraqi Road :chuckles again: This is the greatest but at the same time the sickest thing Ive ever seen.
  3. At the top of a thread it'll have a dott I think that you can select to make it a poll. I thinks thats it.
  4. Correct, nice job Bandit, and what do you mean by what cards, do you mean rare cards or all of the cards he used.
  5. Hey this was your 4000th post, but ok just making sure. And I happen to like the banner and I think you should use that as your banner on your sig.
  6. Ok heres a question Q: Who had a "demonic" Dark Magician while playing against Yugi and betting both the Dark Magicians.
  7. Who are you talking to me... or Kitty??
  8. Look at how many posts I have.... See how many. Ive only been here for 4 DAYS. But I have an excuse, Ive been grounded so... But does anyone else ever just like hang out here for like an hour or two or is it just me.
  9. Hey would you mind putting up some of your .hack//sign's and some of your own characters. I would love to see them.
  10. OMG!! I didnt see that it was located in Baltimore. I live just outside of Baltimore. I gotta check this place out.
  11. Epitome


    YAY!! I have SP but anyway, if FunImation is making it then why wouldt they make catridges with DB or DBZ on them. That seems logical doesnt it.
  12. Whoa!! Thats really wierd but it aint bad. I like it, it has its own unique something about it. You should use that as your banner if you want. I lie this one better than the one you have.
  13. Dude, you drew those freehand, thats pretty awesome. I have to change my rating to an 8.3/10. But hey do you draw any other anime characters because you should post them up.
  14. I know I posted in the place where he put it. And thanx for the update. Finally I can watch without borrowing the DVD's.
  15. Ok, the owner of that ice cream parlor is pretty sick. He is probably going to rott in hell when he dies but that Iraqi Road one is pretty funny. :chuckles:
  16. Semjaza just summed that up for you Booboo, so tell your friends to check the facts to see if what they are being told, is true.
  17. Epitome


    So let me get this straight, Nintedo is releasing GBA cartridges that have episodes of shows on them?? Sounds pretty messed up to me but theres something about it that sounds....cool.
  18. Ok, Ive seen some the .hack//sign DVD's but dont own any qite yet(but they are coming as we speak)but I was wondering when .hack//sign comes on on Cartoon Network because I havent seen any episodes on CN but they have a page on it. Does anyone know if they show it.
  19. I dont think so... I think there are alot of differences between the two.
  20. Its an okay banner, but not the greatest Ive seen. I do like the different shades of blue and the blurriness in the background.
  21. I have to agree with Eccentric on this one. The Nighmare series sucked. I also think that this movie will be just a waste of my time and my money, so I dont plan on seeing it.
  22. I used to be the same way until I made out with my ex like just before we broke up. You;ll know when shes ready because she shows signs like maybe talking about it or even ask her friends to to talk to you about. You can do it!!
  23. Yeah.. Im adding you to my friends list as we speak. So I'll PM you when I have nothing else to do, bu t we better not get too far off topic or mods will close this thread so back to .hack.
  24. I wouldn't mind having the second C.D. but the first wasnt that great so I dont know what to expect of the songs and hey Angelus, you shouldnt double post because some mods will get so pissed at you for that and close the thread.
  25. Yes Desbreko is so right, so, Booboo, whoever told you that, no offense to them, is a pure idiot.
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