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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. No, I dont think any of them are going out anytime soon. They all are prospering and are having good prophet.
  2. Im sorry I dint mean to offend you ::starts to cry:: Im sorry. *sniff sniff*
  3. I have to diagree Eve, I think the games story lines are alot more complicating. The shows I think you can understand more easily because of the better descriptions in the show.
  4. Whoever told you that is out of their mind. Nintendo is nowhere near going out of business. They just came out with the GBA SP about 2 months ago and its a huge hit. Plus, with all the new games coming out they will be fine.
  5. I love it. I like the different shades and the eagle or whatever type of bird that is. Its nice, I would give it a 8.9/10.
  6. NO WAY!! If they were real, I would like to become friends with them so I could see their special powers and stuff. I would also like it because I might be able to get powers from the other mutanats. Just maybe...
  7. I HATE THEM... but I do well on them so there not that bad. But I still cannot stand them. I think they should rid them of the schools and just let us pass if we have above a D average or whatever.
  8. I play FF7 because I love the battles grpahics and the Materias or... wait is that what the magic is called?? but any ways I just love the game. I, myslef, have played alot as well, but I just play it because I like to play.
  9. Epitome


    LOL!! Thats kind of like our dances but take out the loud rap music and you'll have a dance of mine.
  10. Yes I think that mgdman is right and you know when I think about it, I dont know who the father and mother are.
  11. Epitome


    I like it. It has good use of color and has alot of "emotion" in it. If I had to rate it 8.7/10. The only flaw I think it has is there not a whole lot of shading.
  12. I like both because the .hack//infection game is so awesome. I like the grpahics and the gameplay. I also like the show because the story lines are great and the show all around is great.
  13. I happen to like rap and I like D12, Eminem, 50 Cent, you know those kinds of bands. I also like some rock like Linkin Park and Good Charlotte. Some classic rock bands I like are AC DC, The Ramones, Pink Floyd, and Beastie Boys.
  14. I have to say, I like it but not too abstract. I like the little dude near your name. I do like it and I'll give it a 10/10.
  15. Thank you Logan, I appreciate it.
  16. Oh another great movie is Boondock Saints. Its like a comedy/drama but still, its a pretty funny movie.
  17. In alot of peoples signatures, I see different colored writing, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to put that type of stuff in.
  18. Okay, maybe one slap across the face, maybe two, BUT JUST PLAIN SLAPPING. You should get your friend there some boxing lessons or something. "But slapping" *walks away dicsussing it to himself*
  19. Yea Airplane and Aiplane 2: The Sequel are prett hilarious but I still think Tommy Boy and Black Sheep are the best.
  20. Epitome


    I think, as Transtic Nerve said, that they are such a waste of time. Im going into the 9th grade next year and so far all the dances Ive been to, sucked. They wouldnt even let us slow dance. Gay A$S principles.
  21. Thats pretty awesome, I think the same about drugs and I think that looks great.
  22. I dont think that it looks all that great. It looks like the screenshots there are FMV's as Semjaza Azazel has said. I also think that the game is going to be too much like the movies.
  23. Definatley Tommy Boy and Black Sheep both with Chris Farley and David Spade. Those 2 combined had to be the funniest. But its too bad that Farley died.
  24. Thats cool, but I thought Pilaf wishes that Goku was a kid and then Goku kicks his *** anyway. I read some of the episodes offline but is that true.
  25. This year, my friends and I plan on egging the principle, throwing all our papers all over the halls, and pretty much destroying the school. lol.
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