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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I really havent had any bad hair days, only because, I really dont care what my hair looks like. As some of you may have seen in my picture I just posted recently when I got my braces off, I have longer hair than normal. I just let it grow out, and I personally like it better like this. Its more "me" if you will. I think now is the best I have ever had my hair. But when my hair was short, I used to highlight it blonde, and one time we didnt leave the dye in long enough and it turned out orange. So then we tried to make it brighter, and it turned out like yellowish whitish color. That was my only [i][b]REALLY[/i][/b] bad hairstyle.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Heh, your problem is simple. You are trying to use a internet address from your "C" drive. You cant do that, only for avatars. You have to upload it onto the internet first. If you go to [url]www.imageshack.us[/url], you can upload the picture there, get the URL, then add it to your signature by putting this without the "*'s": [*img]URL of the image[*/img].[/size][/color]
  3. [quote name='DeathBug']Tell me, then, what great purpose is served by singing about it?[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Because thats what he wants his image to be portrayed as. He wouldnt do it, but he wants to look like the badass that no one should mess with. He knows that that look will sell.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][b][u]My Last Stand[/u][/b] [color=SeaGreen][i]I ran into the room, and found the payphones sitting on the right wall. I was tired that day, and this was my way back out. Except that was the only day I would never make it out.[/i] [b]Earlier That Day[/b] "Ticket please..." The attendant asked me. "Oh Im sorry, here you are." He took the ticket, examined it, and gave it back to me. I boarded the train only to find myself sitting next to the rest of us. And by the rest of us I mean the rest of my crew... The only one who was missing was Priest. He decided to go off on his own to make sure we werent getting followed. "REEEEEEE." The train stopped. We all got off and looked at the surroundings. The dollar store we were supposed to get out at was way to busy. If we walked in, then we would be swarmed with agents. So we all decided to break up into 3 groups. I was the only one by myself. [b]An Hour Later[/b] "OPERATOR!! WHERES THE NEAREST EXIT!!" I found myself yelling into my phone. "Go to the Hotel Baraqui... Get to the payphones by the bathrooms... And Rate, hurry, there right on your ***." That last comment he made to me was the last Id ever hear and it didnt make me feel too good. I ran as fast as I could trying to make it back to those payphones. *Gun shots fired* "AHHHHHH." I had been shot. In the foot. But I still ran. I ran into the room, and found the payphones sitting on the right wall. I was tired that day, and this was my way back out. Except that was the only day I would never make it out. None of the phones were ringing. The Agents were right behind me. And maybe they wouldnt kill me I thought. But they walked up with their guns raised and ready to fire. I pulled out my guns and fired 2 whole clips at all 3 of them. None of the bullets had even knicked them. Then, they shot...[/size][/color]
  5. [quote name='DeathBug']Yes, it was so funny when the woman was begging for her life, and he shot her anyway. Frickin' hilarious.[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I did, and Im not ashamed to say it. Its a joke. You take his music that supposed to be funny way too seriously. Also, about him raqping his mother and killing homosexuals, you may think its wrong and it is, but the truth is, he would kill homosexuals and he wouldnt rape his mother. So, maybe you shouldnt take this so seriously when listening to his music.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I wasnt too sure whether I should put this here or in the request forum, but move it accordingly if needed. Well, after waking up from a nap, I looked at the TV realizing it was still on, and the movie I was watching, Matrix Reloaded, just had finished. They were tallking to the Wachowski(sp?) brothers (I think thats their last name...) and they were going over the "comic" plot of the movies. My idea was to take those "comic" type things and make them into an animated banner. So what do you guys think, think it would look good?[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]"Is that chocolate?"[/size][/color]
  8. [QUOTE=DeathBug]I'm not surprised at all that the singles he releases are more tame than the other songs he sings; pleanty of rock bands do the same thing. Nothing wrong there. But, you know, if you only listened to what Blink or Offspring released on the radio, you'd think they hardly swore. What songs does he write that don't get into the public eye? Well, there we are.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I do agree with you to a certain extent. But thats his way of expressing what he feels. And like on the song "Criminal," thats supposed to be funny, not serious. The refrain is quote: [quote= Criminal]I?m a criminal Cuz every time I write a rhyme, these people think it?s a crime To tell em what?s on my mind - I guess I?m a criminal But I don?t gotta say a word, I just flip em the bird And keep goin, I don?t take **** from no one[/quote] To me, that doesnt sound like he was being serious... But on the other hand take a song like this. [quote=8 Mile Road]Trying to chase rap, gotta move A.S.A.P, Gotta get a new plan, momma?s gotta new man, Poor little baby sister, she don?t understand, Sits in front of the tv, buries her nose in the pad, And just colours until the crayon get dull in her hand, While she just colours her big brother and mother and dad There?s no telling what really goes on in her little head, Wish that I could be the daddy that neither one of us had, But I keep running from something I never wanted so bad...[/quote] That is deep in my opinon... I dont know about you.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I heard some of Eminems new songs that will be coming out on his new album this month, and I must say, this is probably his best from what I heard. All of the songs have excellent beats and all of them have excellent lyrics to go with it. If you really listen to what he is listening to, his music is very deep. Most people only here "**** your mom" or "god damn your a retard," but if you really listen to it, it effects you, it effected me at least. But there are some songs that are just plain funny. And thats always fun from Eminem. But what do you all think about the situation. Do you think he is an artist or a disgusting and perverted rapper?[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]One thing lately that I saw was a very bad fight. A junior took this other juniors MP3 player, and the fists just started flying. There was blood all over the floor after the fight was over. I was disgusted... And it was over an MP3 player...[/size][/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Conversely, I've found there to be some pretty good threads going on in the OL right now, and the activity has picked up a lot. Of course there will always be a thread that you've seen before hanging around. It's because a lot of the big issues have been covered. And covered. And covered. But arguing over them is still enjoyable. The thing is, those kind of topics will always keep cropping up. And I agree with Solo over the initial 'witch-hunt' feel of this thread. I think that CHW is actually a pretty good poster, and contributes a lot to the OL. If you'll check my post background, you'll see that I do my best to start decent threads, that are new and will generate discussion. If you would like to see better threads in the OL, I'd suggest something remarkable; make them yourself. And if you can't think of a single, quality, uncovered topic, then maybe you've reached the impasse most people have.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I have to agree with Baron. Even though you may not like the way or what CHW posts, other might. So all you really have to do is just ignore it. If you really want a topic that sounds good to you and dont think its low quality, bad topic, etc., make up one. I know I have posted some really bad topics at points and I have increased my level of posting I think. So if I can become a more mature, better poster, Im sure others will too. Just let time do its work.[/size][/color]
  12. [quote name='MaineOtakuNo2']O.k. don't diss McyD's cause I'm getting a job there soon. In about a week. McyD's may be gross but you can get a pretty good paycheck and a lot of hours. I'll be working my top 20 *can only work 20 hours a week except on holidays mind you* anyways that job is BS, its obvious. If you got the system rolling theyd boot you out and just keep the money most likely.[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]He does have a point. My brother worked at McDonalds for quite some time and he ended up with alot of cash when he decided he wanted to quit. And plus, McDonalds has the Big Mac... mmmmm... But Im really pumped about gettting to know Im going to be doing. For $300 a week, I would basically do anything... ok maybe not anything, but I would do alot.[/size][/color]
  13. [quote name='wrist cutter']God has blessed you indeed. Would you mind killing me as a sacrafice to Him, by the way?[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Not at all, just call that place, and meet me at my new job site... ^_~. And God will eventually bless all of you... He just decided I should be first... lol. But back to the topic, this really seems like a great oppurtunity for me. My mom is always telling me how I should get off the computer and read a book or do something... So at least Ill be doing something that will make me money.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=SeaGreen][quote name='Baron Samedi']Geez, what do they want you to do, scrub the floor with your tongue? Those are excellent wages...just keep in mind that it could be a full-time position ~_^[/quote] [quote name='wrist cutter']WTF. What are they having you doing? That's insane. Even if I work 40 hours a week at my job I don't make that kind of pay.[/quote] I said the same thing. At first I thought it was some joke by some kid trying to be funny, but I called the place and its true. Heres the flyer that was passed out... [URL=http://img119.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img119&image=flyerforjob.jpg][IMG]http://img119.exs.cx/img119/6673/flyerforjob.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Check that out... its for an energy company too so. And its only part-time as well, but still, Im happy...^_^[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Well, I am a HUGE Stephen King fan, and in one of my classes, we just read the short story by him called "The Road Virus Heads North." Now, this story gave me more chills than when I saw "What Lies Beneath" I think it was called (With Harrison Ford and I cant remember the actress's name). Its basically about a man who is a "derranged" writer, much like King himself, who stops at a garage sale on his way home. He sees a painting that has a demonic look that was painted by a man who killed himself over the painting he had created. So the writer buys the painting, heads home, and not much good comes after that. I dont want to explain anymore of the story because I dont want to spoil it for others. But have any of my fellow OBers read this story and what did you think? I read it the Friday before Halloween and I still get the chills over it when I think about it... *shakes from the chills*[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Well, as many of you know, I am only 15 and I have been looking for a job for quite some time. And today, God blessed me. After school today, me and my brother were walking to his car to drive home, then underneath the windshield wiper, I found a ad saying that a job was opened for students at a store of some sort. But the huge thing that struck me, was I was going to be making $300 a week, if I got the job. I called the place, they told me they wanted to come in to the store so they could show me what I would be doing, and if I really wanted the job. I have yet to go in but I am looking very forward to it. But do any of you all have jobs, meaning the younger OBers, like around my age? And if so, do you like the job?[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I was planning on trying to start an OB Pumpkin Carving Contest this year, but since I hadnt thought of the idea until after Halloween, I thought I should wait until next year... Which brings me to the heart of my post. I was wondering, if we could make this sort of thing a community event that could occur every year, similar to the Otaku Awards except its based on the best carved, 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, etc. Any member who wishes to participate in it can and also any member who wishes to vote on the best pumpkin can vote. I think this is a great idea, and I just wanted to maybe get some feedback on what others thought.[/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]"Uhhh... what do I do with this?"[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]All I really wanted to comment on was the change in the Riku banner. With that text it looks alot better. But with the other 2 new Kakashi ones you just posted, its really hard to see the text. So just make it lighter and it will probably look very nice. P.S. May I ask what program you use to make your backgrounds?[/size][/color]
  20. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=SeaGreen][size=1]Ive realized that you love those words... lol. But to stay on topic, there are alot of bands I enjoy very much. But I have one that if you dont like this person, you are crazy. And that person is John Mellencamp. He is a classic rock God. He is really one of my heroes in real life. His music is so amazing, there really are no words to describe it. I also like The Who, GNR, Zepplin, etc. But Mellencamp has got to be my favorite classic rocker.[/size][/color]
  21. Epitome

    Mad TV & SNL

    [QUOTE=Blinky]At their current state, who cares, they are both horribly un-funny as far as I'm concerned. MadTV was never too funny at all, to me, anyway. It just seemed like a bunch of poop jokes. However, SNL can beat MADTV with the "Cowbell" skit alone. So, I vote SNL.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]"I have a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell" -Christopher Walken. Oh man, that was a GREAT episode. But I agree with you, both have seem to have lost their touch but I still think SNL is much funnier. Actually my mom informed me that she taped an episode for me that was on tonight. It was the "Presidential Bash." Ive only watch a portion of it but so far its quite hilarious. But my vote is still SNL as well.[/size][/color]
  22. Epitome

    The Who

    [QUOTE=iggypopD]Heh, I made a Who thread a long time ago... If you really like the Who, Epitome, you should watch the "rock"umentary "The Kids Are Alright". Pleny of great live performances and funny interviews, skits, etc. My favorite song is "A Quick One While He's Away". It's a mini-rock-opera about a wife cheating on her husband while he's away with a dirty old man named Ivor the Engine Driver. It, along with "I'm a Boy", are Pete Townsend's pre-Tommy rock operas. They're definetly one of the greats in rock 'n roll. From creativly writing entire stories in 2-minute songs to destroying EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT ON STAGE makes them one of my favorites.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I have actually heard the song "The Kids Are Alright," but Ill have to check out the "rockumentary" as you put it. But do you know where I could find it... But I thought there would be alot more fans here on the boards... Alot more people are now into the classic rock scene so I thought there would be alot more replies. But hey, who knows.[/size][/color]
  23. Epitome

    Mad TV & SNL

    [quote name='yogi bear']I just saw the begining season of SNL (including the Simpson incident), and I saw the new season of Mad tv and I compared the 2 and I thought way has SNL been on for so long its so horrible. Compared to madtv SNL is the crapiest thing on late night that forces you to go to bed early :flaming:. A few exceptions are the weekend update with Tina Fey and Jimmiy Fallon who just left :( and Horatio Sanz (the big guy who could never replace Chris Farley) what does anyone else think?[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I totally disagree with you. Even though alot of the really funny people left SNL, I still think it is way better than MadTV. The thing with MadTV is, they way that the show is presented is just to poor. I have only seen a couple episodes that I have liked where they had funny jokes and actually had a good presentation of them. On the other hand, SNL always has good presentation and most of the time the jokes are hilarious. Like the one this weekend, they were doing a skit where a young girl wanted to get her ear pierced and it was probably one of the funniest things Ive seen on the show. I could not stop laughing. Also the "Weekend Update" I believe it is called is also hilarious. But ever since Jimmy Fallon left it really hasnt been the same, Ill give you that much.[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][b][u]The Awakening[/b][/u] [color=SeaGreen]"Dont let go..." [i]When I woke up those were the only words I can remember... Someone telling me to hold on. After that I dont remember much, except the feeling of the sharp pain from needle releasing itself from the back of my head. I looked around for a while, and I reallt didnt know what was going on. But I still couldnt remember who told me "Dont let go..." I told myself I would find out, if it was the last thing I did. I would find out. It seemed as if it were only me and "the operatior" on the ship. It felt... chilling, not knowing if someone else was going to pop out right behind you. The operator took me into the next room and said "You'll sleep here tonight." I acknowledged him and continued to walk in. I laid down, hit the lights, and stayed there for about 30 minutes before I started to drift off. But in those 30 minutes I was thinking to myself... "What is this place that I have been brought too and when am I going to find out what I am doing here?" During my sleep I had a dream about that voice. "Dont let go..." it said to me... Over and over again. I had a feeling I would find out who it was soon. And I needed to. It was starting to drive me nuts, not knowing what or who said this to me. The next morning I woke up to a man calling me by the name of "Peter." I was quite clueless as to why he would call me that, my name has always been John Malcom Scott. He continued calling me by the name when I began to realize the similarities of this scenario to another. Although I still hadnt known the mans name, this all seemed too familiar. I couldnt think of what though. Then when he told me his name, it hit me. He said to me "I am the commander of this ship. My name is Jonus, but my crew calls me..." He said it, and I knew. He was my savior. He set me "free." I couldnt believe it...[/i] "I am Jonus, but my crew calls me Jesus... And I am here to welcome you to the real world." [i]Jonus aka Jesus was my savior, my living Jesus whom I was hoping was going to make many good things come. He was going to destroy the place called "The Matrix" and find the person whom they call "The One..."[/i][/size][/color]
  25. Epitome


    [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]My school is rather unique. We have all the stereotypes, but there are no rivalries. The jocks are friends with the goths. The ghetto people are cool with the preps. The nerds are some of the more popular ones. And then there's people like me that really don't fit into any specific catagory, we're friends with everyone. I go to an arts school. I'm not really a fan of stereotyping. I think it's a waste of time and in most cases does result in problems. People should just learn to get along, even though it will never happen.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Yea thats kind of like my school, but they arent all friends. There are mainly like 5 "labels" at my school: Rednecks, skaters(thats me), Preps/Jocks, the "Ghetto" people, and I guess you could call them nerds. There really isnt anything that any one of the groups has against another unless its personal, but otherwise, the groups mainly stick to themselves. Ill hang out with some preps/jocks people sometimes but I mainly hang out with my "kind" lol. But the people at my school really back each other up when someone is in a tight spot. Our varsity football team just had their first night game too long ago. I was there. We were playing our rivals Wild Lake-- they are more like the "ghetto" type people -- and the students from the school tried to jump a whole bunch of our students... I have never seen more cooperation between students in a school ever. I also was caught in a "battle" and a kid was about to punch me in the head when one of my senior friends came up and blasted the kid that was going to hit me. I am small for my age so Im guessing I would have been pretty hurt judging by the size of the guy if I had been hit. But thats basically our school: We dont have rivalries in the school, only between schools.[/color][/size]
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