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Everything posted by Epitome

  1. [quote name='chobit']Ohhhh,I had mine all ready too.[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Sorry chobit, maybe next year. I was thinking about it and its already after Halloween so next year Ill try to do it about a week before. Sorry though...[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I have decided to start an Otakuboards Pumpkin Carving Contest. You have to submit a picture of your pumpkin and what it is of. You have to sign up by Friday, November 5th where at that time there will be more details as to what we are doing. Thanks. EDIT: Nevermind... I dont think this is going to work. Maybe next year.[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I like the 2nd two, but Im not into the 1st one that much. But here I go with critiques: 1.) I really dont know what it is about the banner, but it just doesnt seem right to me. It may be just me but I just dont like something about it. I dont really know how to put it. Ill get back to you when I think of the words... lol. 2.) The second one is amazing. I love how on one side of the banner its checkered and faded, while on the other its not either. And the placement of the text works perfectly. Also, the way you "blended" the picture of Riku in there is perfect. Its in a very good position as well. Its a very nice banner. 3.) I also love this one. The background graphics are amazing. Once again with the checkered/dot type thing in the backgorund is awesome. I also love how you faded the eye of Kakashi. It brings alot of attention to it. The only thing I can see wrong with it is the text. I dont think it fits the picture. But other than that, excellent work.[/size][/color]
  4. [QUOTE=DeathBug]You really have no idea how much this comment made me smile; I once said almost the same thing in a school debate a bit back. See, I'm skeptical to some of this talk regarding the causes of violence for a simple reason: when I was younger, I fit the exact personality profile of a potentially violent student. Heck, I played Doom behind my parents' backs as young as eight. Yet never once did the thought of hurting anyone enter my mind. There has to be something else there that creates that.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Thats the same with me. My parents actually have made me stop playing Counter-Strike (some of you have already heard about this...) because of the fact that they thought I was obesessed with guns... And thats really what I have been trying to say, but I was putting it the wrong way. I still believe that James is right... The reason we are so violent is because of the amount we see and how it is portrayed. We hear and see things about wars all the time, and it does seem like a strong cause of violence... [quote name='James']If your son shoots up his school, don't blame Doom.[/quote] P.S. That was pretty hilarious... lol.[/size][/color]
  5. [quote name='Syk3']lol, when we find them, I assure you they'll be delt with, like this guy. :p[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Im not saying your not doing a good job finding them Syk, your doing fine... Its just that it seems like that there has been an unusual large amount of them coming up...[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=SeaGreen][quote name='DeathBug']President Bush hardly cares what M&M has to say about him. Why anyone cares what that homophobic misogenist/poser has to say is beyond me.[/quote] Bingo... George Bush really doesnt give two shits about what Eminem has to say about him... [quote name='James']Actually, I think that MJ has made the video far more famous because of his response. Had he not responded at all, I'd probably never have noticed this video. lol[/quote] Exactly. If he hadnt of said anything, the video would have been one of those Eminem videos that was funny for a short while, but then ends up getting dull. And on the Green Day thing... No one is going to sue them because of the fact that they made a song called American Idiot. Im American and I am not at all offended by it. In fact, I enjoy the song alot. So morals of the stories: MJ shouldnt have said anything, no one cares about what Eminem says, and no one is going to sue Green Day...[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Well if the missions have their own significance and arent as hard, I think that I will still be satisfied. Im just really looking forward to trying out the game and then getting to see whats its really like... P.S. James you might want to fix that spoiler... ^_~[/size][/color]
  8. [QUOTE=Zidargh][size=1]Within 2 hours Ive been involved in three gung-ho/Leon/Saving Private Ryan-style gun fights. And not only with this gun fights, me and my comrades had to make sure we had each others backs or... GAME OVER. Yeah, so, Id say its alot more difficult. ^_~ [/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Gung-ho/Lean/Saving Private Ryain-style gun fights huh... lol. But thats good that its alot harder than the other 2 that I have played. And I like the way you have to work as partners in the game, unlike the previous games... at least thats what Im getting from Zidargh. I didnt like in the other games how you had to do EVERYTHING on your OWN. It was way too unrealistic. So I think I am definatley going to have to my hands on this game by the end of this week...[/size][/color]
  9. [quote name='James][color=#707875']So I think we can conclude that media (as in, entertainment media) has very little, or nothing to do with it.[/color][/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Yeah, I guess your right. But the thing I still have yet to understand is then why was Marilyn Manson blamed for the Columbine shootings... Thats like saying that The Beatles should be held accountable for Charles Manson's actions... And a little off topic: They arent related are they?[/size][/color]
  10. [QUOTE=DeathBug] No offense intended, but I don't believe that "Just because" is the right answer to any question.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]But thats the point. There really is no logical explanation, so this seems like its the only logical one... [quote name='James']America's wars are simply more visible, which is reasonable enough, given that America is the sole superpower on Earth and therefore, is often drawn into such matters (out of its own interest, but primarily out of geopolitical interest).[/quote] That in fact does make sense though. But there are others who are presented with similar things. Like I said before, there are definatley films and such things that are shown all over the world that dont necessarily promote violence but definatley show alot of it. But those facts once again came from Michael Moore...[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Thats awesome. Im a huge DDR fan and I know Syk is too so Im sure hes having alot of fun with that ^_~. But yea, my brother said that it had an excellent storyline as well. He also told me that if you hadnt played any of the other games, you could still follow along, because it mainly stands on its own. But the only thing I have a big question about are the missions: Are they still as easy to complete? In Vice City, me and my brother completed the game 100% so quickly all we really could do is go around blasting the hell out of people... And Im not saying thats not fun, but I was hoping this one was going to be made a little more difficult.[/size][/color]
  12. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]Yeah, I bought this two days ago and I've been playing it quite a bit. As someone who liked the last two games, but was somewhat critical of them, I can safely say that San Andreas addresses those concerns. Not only does it fix a [i]lot[/i] of the gameplay issues in previous games (gunplay is now significantly better, stealth missions are a great deal of fun and even the DDR-style gameplay is handled well). In addition to that, you have all the other stuff. It's quite intimidating to try and write about it because there's just [i]so much[/i]; and even that is an understatement. The fact that this is even possible on PS2 really boggles the mind, considering that there's also a reasonable upgrade in visual quality. Where Vice City felt like an expansion pack of GTAIII, San Andreas really feels like "GTAIV". It's a substantial next level for the series, in my opinion. And it's one game that will push GTA ahead of those who are trying to copy the formula; copying San Andreas is going to be very difficult, not least because DMA (Rockstar North) has been doing this type of thing for a long time...and San Andreas is really the pinnacle of this style of game.[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I havent played the game yet, but I definatley plan on picking it up. My brother who already has the game told me that it was alot better than Vice City and III. He also said that San Andreas wasnt more like a continuation of III of Vice City, but more like a "GTA IV" as James said. But I dont understand what you mean by DDR Style of gameplay... Do you mean you can dance in the game?[/size][/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] None of us here seem to be able to figure out what it is, but there is something engrained in the American psyche resulting in far too many senseless gun-related deaths.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]That seems like the only logical answer. I guess we as Americans just have that in our "psyche" as Godel said. It would appear that we are just like that...[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]This idea is actually very cool. I like the way you took a normal forum and put it into some sort of "fantasy" land where every OBer lives, I guess you could say. I definatley think this could work but it would most likely take ALOT of time and hardwork. So youd have to be working on it for quite some time, with alot of patience. I know I really couldnt do it, but since you had a big enough imagination to come up with this, I say, definatley try to make it work.[/size][/color]
  15. [quote name='vampiremage666']....COOL!!!!!! ...WHY ARE MY HERE????? WHAT'S HAPPENING???!!!! ...I'M NEW HERE...SO DON'T MIND ME... ...OOOOO...TOFU... YUMMY!!! ^o^ YEAH!!!! FOOD!!! WA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! INUYASHA!!! WA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! *POKE POKE*[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Is it just me, or lately have there been alot of posts like these... But anyways back to the thread. I think that the picture is excellent. The only thing I think I could give you advice-wise is to maybe try to maybe add a little more detail. But other than that, I think its excellent. Keep up the good work.[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][b]The Man in the Black Suit[/b] [color=SeaGreen]The man stepped up to the cab, fixed his tie and said "West 14th and 11th please..." The cab started to move... The man sat in back with a not so good look on his face. Like something was wrong. The cab driver asked "Something on your mind?" "Yes actually" the man replied. "Wanna talk about it?" "No its very personal..." When the cab arrived, the cab driver asked for the money for the ride and the man paid. He walked into a back alley where a man in a black suit stood. He walked up and shook the mans hand... "... You're late," said the man in the black suit. "Im sorry, but I wanted to make sure I wasnt followed." "Why would it matter if you were followed... You say your life sucks, you came to me to do this. Not I to you." "I know. Lets just get this over with. Im sick of living like a piece of ****. Just do it." The man in the suit looked at his right hand. Paused and looked at the younger gentlemen. He cocked back looking like he was going to punch him but shoved his hand into the man instead. Before the man was totally consumed the man said "We'll take care of your body for you. All of us love new members... Oh and by the way, the names Smith..." The man in the black suit pulled his hands out when the virus entered the younger mans body. Then the Smith that used to be the younger man muttered "2 Smiths are better than one..." They both grinned and walked away.[/size][/color]
  17. [quote name='DeathBug']Hundreds of social scientists and government groups study this problem; why not ask them about it, instead of listening to that fat blowhard exploliting a tradgedy?[/quote] [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I think that might be a little harsh calling him that... lol. But you definatley have strong pioints. And I am really starting to agree with you that Michael Moore really isnt a strong source to be using. Actually, hes not really a source at all. So Ill do some research and get back to you.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Your right. I definatley understand where you are coming from. He really doesnt use or have any context in his movies. But you have to agree with me that there are MANY more deaths and killings in the US that are gun related than in any other country. But do any of us really know why this happends? No, and thats why Michael Moores film is so "shocking" and "eye opening" because he is really the only one who tried to go into the problem.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]I hear what your saying. But even if the facts are misleading and out of proportion, they are still true. And about what O-Ushi said with execution... could that play a factor in the US having such a "bloodthirsty" background? But I dont know... that must be just the way we are...[/size][/color]
  20. Epitome

    The Who

    [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Oh man... My Into to Chem and Physics teacher has me hooked on them now. Hes a big music fan. His 2 favorite bands are The Beatles, which I mean cmon, you have to like them, they're The Beatles, and The Who. I didnt really know much about The Who until last year when I heard the song "Baba O'Reilly," but I had no idea who it was bye. Then I heard it again in my ICP class and I was like "Oh wow, they sing that?" So he showed me some of their songs and I later found that "Behind Blue Eyes" was also originally done by them. So I got to listen to alot more of their music and love them now. So does anyone else like them?[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=sienna]Im going to have to go with Barons. Thanks alot Baron!!![/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=SeaGreen]Well, I just recently saw the movie "Bowling for Columbine," and in that movie it explains how in other countries, they watch the same movies we do, have the same amount of guns we do, etc., but yet, there are so many more killings in the US than in other countries. Why? It makes no sense. We had in 2002 over 11,000 killings in the US, while in Canada, they barely had 60. Yet in the movie, they go on to explain that there are over 4,000,000 guns in Canada. So why arent the people using their guns the same we use our guns? And yet again, in Germany, which has a HUGE militaristic background, they even dont have as many killings as the US does. So what makes us as Americans so much more violent than others? I just would like to see other opinions on this situation. My opinion really is that I really dont know why. It seems as if, me being an American, that we always go for violence to solve problems rather than trying to talk it out, or have mediation to work through a problem. For example, on Thursday of this past week, a school fight broke out over an arguement about who is a better wide reciever for our varsity football team. To me that is an ignorant reason to start fighting. Also one of my opinions is that us as Americans are intrigued when we see a small fight break out. We hate to see killings but what leads to killings? Fights of course. And on another note, Americans have been blaming this type of stuff on movies and music. But why are we the only ones doing it if its because of music and movies that are seen all over the world. For example, Marilyn Manson was blamed for the Columbine shootings, as was said in the movie. Then why werent The Beatles blamed for influencing Charles Manson. Its ridiculous. So what do you guys think on this situation.[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=sienna]I OBJECT!! I only killed my OWN people![/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=sienna]Its actually pretty good. But the only thing is, I dont like how its a green background and I also dont like the text. I would like to see some other replies too... But Ill still keep yours in mind.[/size][/color]
  25. Epitome

    Nintendo DS

    [size=1][color=sienna]Well, it comes out November 17th, at least thats what I thought I saw on the commercial last night. I was kind of groggy. But I really looking forward to the system being released and am hoping to get it for Christmas... If you want to find out more go here: [url]http://www.nintendo.com/ds/index.jsp[/url][/size][/color]
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