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Everything posted by Blackroseoni

  1. I'd have to say my favorite chacrter would have to be Gawl, from Generator Gawl. Hes cute, endearing, kind of a loudmouth, very energetic and childish. I think hes just cool over all.
  2. Heights and spiders. Those are my two biggest fears, heights being first. You should have seen me at the grand canyon, I wouldn't go near the edge...that is until my dad made me walks along it with a sheer wall right next to us...I think thats where I got my fear of heights.
  3. Look, I acknowledge pretty much every emtion is necessary, but I'm just doing this for fun. And as for killing peopel, our government does that all the time.
  4. I think I'd erase...guilt. Not that I have much anyways, but I'd like to get rid of those last vestiges so I can clear the rest of my tiny conscience.
  5. This is actually a tough one for me, because I'd want to have something unusal that hasn't been taken yet. I think I;d want the power of proababilaty, the abilty to change luck around me. It would negate alot of powers I've seen, except for maybe Crimson spiders...maybe. ^_~
  6. I tend to use Shiek myself. I'm pretty good with her and usually show all my freinds up with her. I can't play zelda worth crap though. I also use samus alot, as well as marth when I'm feeling lucky.
  7. I think Chi/ki is possible. I'm really open minded to alot of disciplines and magickal paths. I belive many things are possible that science cannot explain, such as ki. I can feel the erngy flwoing through me, and I can somewhat concnetrate it, put ym expertise in that field is ym senses...I am able to sense alot of diffrent type sof thigns, even going so far as to pick up emotions and thoughts at times.
  8. Hmm...favorite food...probabaly sushi and sashimi...especially the eel. I also like pizza, espeically barbecue chicken flavor, or a pzone. Least faveorite would have to be spinach, macaroni and cheese, and steamed brocolli, blech, I hate the textures on all of them...and I dunno, jsut get revolted by the smell even.
  9. Ughh...Anne rice,,,can't stand her...theres jsut something about the way she writes that I can't take. Dunno why really, somethign subconcious. Its nothing to do with the guys...its...I dunno *laughs8 but anyways, back on topic.I think goths are stereotyped way to much, for good and bad...I mean...to be a goth isn't to dress all in black and try to look feminine...any type of person could do that...its more of a mindset, jsut liek ebing a skater or a prep is. I jsut think everything has gotten to generalized as of late.
  10. The wiccan phenomen has gotten a bit out of control, I agree. To many teenagers are just going around saying, I"m a wiccan, look how dark and tragic I am. Piss me off and I'll curse you. Like Manic I belive in magick, but I'm a spiritualist, I don't have any real religon tied into it for me. I just take things from here and there and some of my own ideas and miz them alltogther...I'll start a cult one of these days *chuckles*
  11. Myself I tend to enjoy acting more efemminet then a 'normal' guy acts. I like to be out there, trying new things, and tend to try and make myself look more 'girly' I'm not wholly gay, but I like boi's as much as I do girls, so I guess the way I act is 'gay'. But honestl;y, alot of perfectly straight men act 'gay'. especially in the music and television industries. Theres a big diffrence between acting gay and being gay, from my viewpoint.
  12. I guess I do...I jsut tend to act sporadic in real life and online...but I defintly have differing personalitys
  13. This seems to be a pretty heated discussion. For myself...all I really have to say is I cannt belive in either eternal damination nor eternal reward...a measly 100 years is not enough to gauge a persons worth to me. I belive in reincarnation, eventually ending in a type of 'ascension' once the reincarnated soul has gained enough time on the earth to be judged for the afterlife.
  14. My view on why they keep magento in is how it was in the orgional comic. Its the dychotomy between erik and Xavier thats providing an intersting storyline, and teh reason that new villans haven't really shown up because the script writers want to keep it as a single storyline, rather then the randomness that many sequels degenerate into. If they jsut kept adding new villans and jsut threw away teh storyline, it wouldn't be as good in my opinion
  15. I think the captalistic market and attitude is a major factor in the evil commited in the world. Its a promotion of the rich and powerful and keeps the poor...well...poor so to speak. I'm a self proclaimed socialist, because I belive it is a way to promote both understanding and tolerance in a society. Take canada, they rock. Whilst the united States...well....*laughs8 I don't think I need to go into in depth. Basically we have a rich cowboy as the president, enough said.
  16. I think msot guys that age liked van dam, so don't feel TO bad about it:laugh:
  17. I'd have to say for powers, the Hex powers of teh scarlet witch, I enjoy messing with teh fabric of space/time. How I would use them...well...proabably for a destructive spree. And neutral, I jsut don't care for the sqaubbles of good and evil.
  18. I'd have to say...Miroku and Sango from Inu Yasha. Its such a ...messed up semi quasi realtionship *laughs*
  19. There worse then satan! I mean...the orgional recall was pure evil! And there earthquakes! And I bet they'll hae a recall on the PS3 as well! RAR!
  20. I'd want to be a mutant, I'd want Hex powers like teh scarlet witch, shes my fave! And followed by quicksilver
  21. My faveorite anime music is defeintly from Hellsing and Utena. I drool over the sounds tracks!
  22. But they NEED Ian! No one else can play magento with as much...goodness as him! *laughs*
  23. Well bruce Lee defntly has that bad arsedness going for him, but jackie chan has a greta snse of humour, so I'd have to vote for jackie!
  24. My mother and I never agree on how I should live my life. We always fight, and she constantly threatens to kick me out of the house. Both my parents want to 'help' me be happy but all they ever do is make me miserable, although they don't seem to understand that even when i tell it to there faces.
  25. Well I jsut need a few basic things Name Race (Human, Demon, Sprite, or Returned) Back story Alright, a few things to know. Humans are the main technologists in infinitum, so they have the most aptitude for creation and use of technological devices. Sprites are creatures of magic and nature, and therfore tend to use more magick then melee or tech. Each sprite also has a unique set of wings that sprites use to identify each other. Demons are also of magick, but prefer tech to nature, and are usually seen as untrustworthy and bullies, although this is not always the case. They each have distinctive features, such as an animal tail, horns, or other oddness to them that seperates them from the rest of the races of Infinitum. Returned are undead shapeshifters that have returned to the main of infinitum from Void, and have manged to hide there presence from most of the other races of Infinitum. They can take the form of any they come into physical contact with, able to mimic voice, mannerisms and of course shape.
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