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Everything posted by Blackroseoni

  1. History is written by the victors, or so it is said. I think that terrorist is a word to try and dissociate the person from the ideals. I undertsand some 'terrorists' are complete psychos, but most terrorists do what they do because they eblive they are right. They kill, os that makes them evil. The united states kills a hell of alot of peopel each year, especially Texas, through diffrent types of execution methods, and only because it is legal does it make it right?
  2. I think it really counts on the peopel involved, alot of teenagers have to gow up fast for a variety of reasons, and tend to be more 'mature' while some adults still seem like they live back in their youth. SO really it jsut counts on how there personalitys mesh, and btw, its only illigal to have sex with them, not 'go out' with them.
  3. Name: Rory Skyler Age: 19 DOB: July 28 1983 Location: Austin One Word: Lonely No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Confused Occupation: Professional Scrounger Color: Azure Food: Sushi Beverage: Roy Rogers Alter Ego: Sabriel Evans Dream Job: Hero Self-Proclaimed: Genius Ethnicity: Wish I knew Extracurricular: Creativity Hobby: Writing, Photography, Game Design Dessert: I don't like sweets Musician: David Bowie Group: Yes Mac or PC? Either Nics: Teridos, Zenni, Rochi, Darkas Blog: unknown Home Page: None Religion: Synchristonic Book: Soul Music, Terry Prachett Collections: Comic books, CDs, memoribilia Sport: Street Hockey Won't Eat: Home cooked food TV Show: Trigun Words to live by: Stay true to yourself, stay true to your heart Addicted to: Demon Hentai Comic: Foxtrot, Venom, Dilbert, Ghost Rider, X-men, Bizzaro Movie: The Matrix
  4. I wish I had more money to satisfy my Castlevania addiction, but alas I have not had enough money to buy either of the last two games to come out. *weeps*
  5. I'd probably be a Twin Blade or a wave master, not necisarily the strongest calsses, but I prefer speed and intelligence over strength and endurance
  6. Hi, I'm new to the board but figured this was right up my alley. My name is Rory, sometimes known as the Blackroseoni. I'm into RPGs, writing, Photography, video games, anime, and really just anything creative. I tend to enjoy pen and paper or MMORPGs versus the more liner RPGs such as Final Fantasy or Hacksign Infection. I tend to rely on my emotions more then my head when it comes to decisions, so I get into trouble for that sometimes, but its how I am! I also love to act out my RPG characters to the fullest, rather then just say what my character does. My freinds really don;t have a way to describe me except for 'not quite normal'. Heh! *sweatdrop* I guess thats about it for now.
  7. Infinitum, a dimension consisting of three intersecting worlds: The world of Humans known as Tradel, a lond of technology and steamworks. Ethera, the land of the sprites and demons, a world of magick and chaos. And void, the land of the dead, where the Returned, the undying souls of those with unfineshed buisness, formless and yet of all form. In this dimension, all things are possible to those with the will and spirit to make them happen. Our story begins in Ethera, at the Dark Tome, a cheap an rundown hotel in the slums of Nuterra, capital of Nilias the sprite kingdom. Sherz sat at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey. His reptilian tail coiled itself around the stool, showing his impatience at the situation. His pointed ears quivered each time the door opened, hoping to finally get out of this filthy dive. He took another sip of his whiskey, revealing an unusual sharpness to his teeth. He sighed as he motioned to the barkeep for a refill. "I hate waiting."
  8. All I have to say is most women seem to enjoy the 'danger' inherent to the 'not so nice' guy
  9. Yeah, I love playing and making them. I do White wolf, D&D, and Shadowrun for the moment, but am always looking out for new types of games to play.
  10. I am looking for those who love MMORPGs, pen and paper RPGs, or jsut those who love anime, to please contact me here or my email, we are looking for talented artists, programers, and writers. Zank you.
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