Neo NnM
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Everything posted by Neo NnM
[COLOR=crimson]This is great SM13 Name:Zeto Age: 16 Gender:Male Species: coyote demon Small Bio:Zeto hid out among the wolf demons very often all his life,but his company was rather disliked by most of them.He knows most of the wolf demon ways and attacks from abserbing them for so many years. Apperence:short spiked silver hair,icyblue eyes,Clothes are much like that of a demon slayers but compleatly black,and a silver fured tail sticking out of the back. Wepon(s): Sange&Yasha Future/Past:Past Bad/Good:good ----- Name: Xena Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: Cat demon Small Bio: Xena is knowen for being somewhat of a food theaf in small villages,and a cluts when spotted taking food.She lives in the forest that Inuyasha was pined to a tree in, and knows much of the history behind what happen between the prestist Kikyo and Inuyasha. Future/Past:past Apperence: shoulder long orange-brown hair and cat ears(they blend in),Yellow-green eyes, A a purple-pink skort,sky blue shirt,purple boots that go over her knees,and a orange-brown tail sticking out. Wepon(s):A 6ft yellow staff that can be seperated into two 3ft staffs. Bad/Good:Good _____ ~(_)ltryneo [/COLOR]
[color=red]This is much different then the other rps I've done in the past since its the first one I didn't base off a cartoon or video game,but its based off a manga I'm planing on making...So I hope it does very well. [color=black] The year is 3075,the world has become peaceful and has become one nation called Angelic.In these time a card game called Angelic Guardians rains popular with every one around,but little known to all those who play the monsters are real.In a sistering dimension on a planet called Demonil the monsters exist and fight as a mirror to that of those moves made in the card game.A evil demon wizard called Cantir gets word of this and tells his king Relid about how the humans of another dimension can control the creatures with the cards. King Relid comes up with a plan to attack the sistering dimension during the Angelic Guardians tournament thats held every weekend.Relid gathers his army telling them that they will attack first sending the top card players into their dimension so that they will killed by the monsters wial they would take on identical looks of the players ,and control the monsters from Angelic's safe dimension.The king would take the top players place in the world as his generals would take the place of the ranking players below the highest ranker. Unknown to the king and his minions the cards of Angelic that got sent with the card players can also summon and control the monsters of Demonil even if they are on the planet.With the cards in and with the Angelic Crest need to summon the "Guardians" of each of the Angel Elements.To get back to their own world and defeat King Relid they must defeat each of the Demon Warlords[linked to those who have taken the form of the players] that have control over the Shadow Monsters(the monsters that rival the angel elements) of each card player sent into the world of Demonil. ---------- -Angel Elements- Dragon Fairy Wolf Cat Plants Air Fire Water Earth Light ---------- -Rules!!!- 1)Follow OB's rules! 2)Don't sign up if you don't plan on posting,to many rps die because of this! 3 )If you plan on leaving for awial ,please pm me so I don't think you abandoned the RP! 4)No Godmodding or controlling other people's characters without permission! 5 ) If you're going to change anything in the major plotline, you must consult with me first! ---------- -Sign Up Form- Name: Age: *Element: Bio: Appearance: Personality: *(this will be the element of the monsters you can summon and control) You can be siblings with others that sign up,but you must ask them if its ok first. [/color] Name:Ace "Nitro" Genisis Age:16 Element:Dragon Bio:Grand champion of Angelic Guardians,and a returning champ for 2 months in the city tournament.He holds his dragons dear to him and always has a "Ace" up his sleeve when ever he needs it.He wasn't the closest to his parents, and usually went down to a river when he wanted to do something like rebuilding his deck of cards.He's not liked by many for his way of acting and not talking to others very much,and it also makes it worse that he became champ making the ones that already hated him make him hate him more. Appearance:Ace has a his Crest of Dragons on a chain and on his head so it sits ontop of his forehead,dusty brown hair(basically a grayish brown),Dark green emerald eyes,Wears a black and red jacket with a black shirt with a red dragon siliot on it,navy pants,and black and gray shoes. Personality: Ace is kind to others ,but also very quiet making very room for getting to know him.he cares about his friends even if they don't speak to each other.He usually smiles when something good happens or is about to.He can get very fearsome when he is challenged leaving him a scary one to fight agents. ---------- I shall judge who is accepted into this RPG. If I can't decide I may ask you for a Sample of another post from another RPG. If you have any questions(or want to know more about each element), please PM me! I'll be happy to help. ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[b]Name:[/b]Tye Caniv [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Race:[/b]Demon [b]Appearance:[/b]Looks exactly like a normal human,Silver hair,Cold silver eyes,black and red Knights Armoring,And Battered old cape hanging from the shoulder armor. Personality:Cruel and cold to all around him,He never lets anyone help him and if they happen to do he always pays them back as fast as he can so that he doesnt have any debt left unpayed to anyone. [b]Biography:[/b]Created for the soul perpose of keeping the shadows protected from the light,so he was kept in training to know what to do and when to do it.Being in combat training for many years he is a basic one Demon army,and leaving him the only one to protect the shadows.He broke out of the shadows to find a stronger creature then those that always try to destroy him. [b]Weapons:[/b]Feather Pairistain(A Long staff with a feather shaped blade at the end)Sange&Yasha(two swords forged out of a the demon of war's Claws) [b]Element:[/b]Dark [b]Special Power:[/b]To get those with dark thoughts to do his biding [b]Good or Evil:[/b]evil [b]Font Color/Style:[/b]Black [color=red]~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[color=red]Ace Climbed up from the side of Trentrix Crater with his Kecleon on his back and his Eevee on his head holding some flowers. "You think these are enuf for the pokemart"Ace pulls him self up the rest of the way so his feet still dangle into the crater. "Waheve."Eevee pounces off Ace's head at a butterfly. "Kec!"Kecleon dissappers and appers in a nearby fruit tree. Ace looks up the unbeaten path leading back to Trentrix Town seeing a figure of a girl in the distance. "Hey!"Ace yells at the girl. "Hey,Ace."The girl quickly runs up and glares at Ace. "Your spose to be at the gym training not getting stuff for the Pokemart!" "Oh right!"Ace pulls out a Pokeball with fading colors.Skarmory come forth!" A red light shoots from the ball and forms into the metal bird Skarmory. "Well,I'll just have skarmory deliver these and return to the Gym..."Ace puts the flowers into a bag and puts the bag strap around Skarmoy's neck. "Good,It would be horible if one of the new trainers came by and you weren't there for them to battle for a gym badge."The girl stands there waiting for Ace to start walking. "...After I get the rest of the chores finushed!"Ace pats Skarmory on the back and it flies away. "What!"The girl takes a firm step towards Ace."Whos going to Be incharge then?!" "That easy...I'm going to leave..." "ME!?"The girl interupts . "Of course not,I'm leaving Eevee in charge wial I go do the rest of the chores."Ace looks down at Eevee smiling. "What!"The girl backs up lookign down at the little Pokemon. "Well,I'd love to keep chatting,but..Cya!" With that Ace dashes off towards the other side of the crater. ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[color=red]Ohkami:Thats perfict and your excepted. Kanoske:Please be more in detail on how he looks,I realy stress not to have basicly carbon copies in this,and that just have some color diffrences in them.So please give him some more of his own personality like a hat or coat.Just edit it to be a little more detailed and your excepted. ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[color=red]Your all excepted.Swordmaster13 can you please be a little more in detail on how your char. looks.like what she wares mabey unless she doesnt ware anything,but every sonic char. wares at lest shoes and gloves. ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]first of all, you cannot use Jirachi as it is a legendary pokemon. And one super massively powerful one. Dragonite, you could use Dragonair and in the RPG level it up to Dragonite. And Rei, hope my pokemon is weak enough lmao, I have to decresed it down a notch. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Its not truely a leganary pokemon if you know how to get it in the wild,but it only happens after you get deoxys and get all the pokemon 1-200.and it doesnt eveolve Its not powerful ether,I had it at level 50 and it got killed by one attack from a level3 zigzagoon. Second of all its just there for the cute contrast and not real battle ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[color=red]Sorry I misspelled it its spose to be Jirachi and its number 201 on pokemon ruby/sapp its types are Steel/Psychc and is knowen as the Wish Pokemon. ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[color=red]Robotnik has taken a desprite move and captured Sonic,Amy,Cream,Tails,Big,and Knuckles and all the Chao emeralds,and has used the chaos emerald to make evil copies of them all with twice the power.Now Tikal has senced the power of the chaos emeralds being used buy evil and has called the remaining Freadom fighters and Chaotix to Angel Island. After a month robotnik has relesed the copies with a chaos emerald in each and the seventh one at robotniks base.At the same time The Freedom Fighters and Chaotix have all arived at The Temple of the Master Emerald.Among the group are Manic,Sonia,Ray,Espio,Vector,Mighty,Charmy,Julie-Sue,and Bark... "Hello all,and welcome."Tikal Walks out of behind the Master Emerald. "So you the one that called us here,because of the capture of Knuckles and that blue rodent Sonic and his friends?"Espio says pushing to the front. "Yes,just as you stated they have been captured.."Tikal turns to the Master emerald and Chaos appers. "Wial they have been captured a few are still left safe and able to help." Chaos says approching everyone. "What do you mean?"Manic questions"I thought only My bro and some of his friends got sent there." "Yes,thats correct,but there were some others they have befriended" Tikal touches the Master emerald and they all see an image of Rouge the Bat in the presadents office and shadow the Hedgehog exploring an island. "These two are the only ones left but they should be very helpful to you all"Tikal starts to vanish as all of them start to get transported to Station Square"We will all meat again very soon." ----- Ok before the sign up form heres a few ground rules. 1-Follow Ob Adventure arenas rules! 2-Noone can go super,hyper,ect. unless he story calls for it. 3-Sonic,Amy,Knuckles,Cream,Tails,and Big can not be chosen. 4-Have fun. ----- In this you can create your own char. or use one of the ones from the cartoon/video games of the past that weren't listed Above. -sign up for costom char.- Name: Animal: Gender: Bio: (how he/she acts and they past) Apperance: if you plan on using one of the cartoon/video game chars. you stil l have to fill out a form,but its smaller then the custome one. -sign up for cartoon/video game chars.- Name: Animal: Cartoon/Video game appered in: ----- I'll post my sign up later. ~(_)ltryneo [/color]
[color=red]Sign Up Name:Ace Age:16 Town:Trentrix Pokemon:Jirachi,Dratini,Eevee,Skarmory,Beldum,Kecleon Apperence:Looks like Brendon but with black hair Personality and/or Bio:He was the champon of the Hoenn Region for 2 years and the brother of Winona,fortree city's gym leader,but got tired of the hoenn region.He moved to Yaton to increase his pokemon and his own power in battle by starting a gym in a hard to reach area near Trentrix Crater that was made from a clapsed mounted people were mining for elament stones .He rarily stays in the gym and can be found searching the crater for many rare stones,plants,and pokemon that are drawen to the over flowing power of the crater. Trainer or Gym Leader:Gym Leader Badge:Wish Badge ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
[color=red]If you need to get your yahoo password then you should look below the sign in box for entering your email it will give you a set of questions to answer and it should give you your email password,but it might not work if you don't know your yahoo ID/Email Address.Hope this can help you in getting your password. ~(_)ltryneo[/color]
Its been awial sence I made banners or icons ,but I've seen the preview of sonic heros...and the part about playing one of the old 16bit sonic games...so the banners all have sonic chars. on them! [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Shadowbanner.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/images/chaotixb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/images/charmyb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/images/espiob.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/images/mightyb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/images/vectorb.jpg[/IMG] I didn't put a lot of work into the last four banners as most people can see...
[i][color=red]NAME: Ace genisis GENDER: Male REAL WORLD OCCUPATION: Researcher APPEARANCE:Short ,spiked silver hair,silver colored eyes,Black shirt with a red dragon on it with L33t printed under the dragon,Black pants,an old waren out cape,Black shoes ,6' 1''. WEAPONS: Agito,Mechine gun BIO: Having seen most living and non-living organisims on the planet and knowing how to destroy each one he was perfict for recording what things might apper.Never backing down from a creature that would aproch him in any condition makes him a bigger risk then help, but he gets the job done no matter what.[/color][/i]
A dying planet forces its inhabitants to search for a new livable planet. They start a project named Pioneer Project to send unmanned probes into deep space to search for a new planet. A probe sends back information of a possible planet and they named it Ragol. They launch a large scaled interstellar transport ship called Pioneer 1 to set up a colony on Ragol. Pioneer 1 confirms that Ragol is livable and sets up Central Dome. Seven years later Pioneer 2 reaches orbit of Ragol and open communications with Central Dome. At that moment a large explosion occurs and all contact with the men and women of Pioneer one is lost. What exactly happened on Ragol? This will be covering up to the end of the Mines boss battle and PSO Revaluton:Episode 2..that is if we ever get that far...will be covering the ruins and episode 2 of the pso games. And I'll still be excepting people so ether pm me or go to the recutment thread. ------ -Princapal's Office- "Hello,and thank you for coming Hunters of Pioneer2."The princapal walks up onto the stage "As many of you already heard about the explosion on ragol that happen right befor we were able to open the link to Pioneer 1." The Hunters starts to raise a ruccuse as ragol and Pioneer 1 are mentioned. "Quite down!All your questions will be answered afterI tell you why you were all called here"The Princapal pulls out remote and hits a button to make a VR screen apper"As you can see the planet is very much like Pioneer1 had stated but the native animals of Ragol have recently gone out of control and became more aggresive after that explosion" "Who cares about that!"A hunter in the front yells out"We just want to know what happened to the people of pioneer 1!" "Thats exactly why we called you all here today,"The Princapal starts to pace around the stage"There isn't even one trace of them other then Central Dome still being there" The princapal stops pacing faces the crowd and starts looking around the bunch noticing a few hunters that stand out from the group. "Those Hunters must be the ones that know Rico.."He wispers to himself."Well any way,the legandy Hunter Red Ring Rico was on Pioneer 1 and we have found a message from her on Ragol,but no sign of Rico herself." "What!The greatest hunter of them all Red Ring Rico!"a Hunter at the back yelled out"But that was the best Hunter We've ever seen!How do you expect us to serviv there if she coulden't!?" The Princapal sighs then continues"As I was abou to say..we are only going to send those willing and strong enuf to Ragol so those that are unwilling please leave." About half of the Hunters that showed start heading towards the doors. "Well,for those who are left we will split you into groups and send you down to Ragol.Don't be serprized if you get a new recruit in you group wial your down there ether." Most of the Hunters start heading towards the door by the stage to get in their groups wial the rest chat in between each other waiting for the princapal or his assistance to pull them into the back to get in their groups. -Out side the Princapal's office- "Even Red Ring Rico coulden't servive that blast people say."Falco leans agenst the wall serounding the transporter"Its pathetic that they make judgements befor they even know whats going to happen." Falco looks up and sees a buntch of Hunters coming out of the princapals office with Pinkal Section IDs. "Their handing out the IDs already!"Falco starts walking to the Princapals office"As long as I'm not stuck with some begining Hunters this Ragol stuff will be easy as can be." --- OOC:Well I looked over this post...sounds like the first episode of pokemon....*slams head on table*and please keep your post to atlest a paragrph long.
I'm going to start this now so I don't end up forgeting about it,but I'll still be excepting entries for this rpg.So if you want to join ether post here or pm me.also pm me if you have any questions about joining this thing.[URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=34006]PSO Revalution:Episode 1[/URL]
Sign Up Six Beads, Six Bells, One Story... [12+ speech and violance]
Neo NnM replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Theater
Name: Ace Age:15 Bell and Bead:Dark bead,Shi bell Ocupation:Hired assasin Bio:Having been born and rased by assasins he is very skilled in knowing when hes out matched and when he still has a chance.He hates talking about his past ever sence that one day when he killed his love by mistake.Right after that day he left the assasins and started to wander around searching for a place of being.He Rarely comes out at day and stays in shadows unless he needs to move to a new location or find something to eat. Aperence:Silver hair and eyes,pale skin,Black shirt with a red silot of a dragon on it,navy blue pants with the greek symbol of alpha on it,And cares a sword on his back with the greek symbol beta and a gun with the greek symbol gamma Personality:Head strong,rash,silent,never realy talks but sakes his head to jesture something most of the time. -
Revenge... Three hundred years ago the sorcerer Kalutika Maybus seal a vampire of great power in limbo after killing his fiancee.For centuriers,the vampire's mind calculated revenge while his body slumbers...until now.A band of spiritual investigators has inadvertently broken the seal that binds him,and the vampire has been released. Redemption... A lot has changed since the 17th century.Carriages have been replaced by cars, the internet connects the world, and vampires have become the stuff of legands.But beeneath the veneer of tecnology, amgic and religion still reign surpreme.Kalutika is the most powerful person in the world, although few actually know he exist.Prophecy fortold that Kalutika would destroy the Earth. Group name: Angels Types of Angels: Fallen, Light, Dead, Fire, Water, Earth, Air. Spell types: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Holy. Gate and Aura types: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Blade, Holy. Weapon types: blades of any type. Group name: Human Types of Humans: Monk, Fighter, Psychic, Witch, Hunter. Spell types: Light, Dark, Holy, Evil, Water, Fire, Earth, Air. Gate and Aura types: Light, Dark, Holy, Evil, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Blade, Gun, Moon, Star. Weapon types: Blades, Guns, and Bombs of any type Group name: Undead Types of Undead: Demon, Vampire, Ware Wolf. Spell types: Light, Dark, Evil, Fire, Water, Earth, Air. Gate and Aura types: Light, Dark, Evil, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Blade, Moon, Star. Weapon types: Swords and laser blades of any type. Those are the groups and what types of things they can have Char. name: Male/Female: Age: Group name: (Undead, Human, or Angel.) Type: (One of the types that are listed for the group u picked.) Spell LvL 1: (Weakest attack.) Spell LvL 2: Spell LvL 3: Spell LvL 4: Spell LvL 5: (Most powerful attack.) Gate type: (This is like a summon of greater power.) Aura type: (A aura is basicly a shield.) Weapon: (Please stick to ur groups weapon types.) Description: (What they ware how they look.) Please stick to the types under the group u selected for the Spells, Gate, and Aura. Char. name: Ace Male/Female: Male Age: 17 Group name: Human Type: Fighter Spell LvL 1: Flame Katari Spell LvL 2: Artic Wind Spell LvL 3: Comet Smash Spell LvL 4: Darkness Rain Spell LvL 5: Wind Souls Gate type: Moon Aura type: Air Weapon: Electro sword Description: Wares a red and black armor,helmet,and gloves and a old woren out cape,has silver hair.
A dying planet forces its inhabitants to search for a new livable planet. They start a project named Pioneer Project to send unmanned probes into deep space to search for a new planet. A probe sends back information of a possible planet and they named it Ragol. They launch a large scaled interstellar transport ship called Pioneer 1 to set up a colony on Ragol. Pioneer 1 confirms that Ragol is livable and sets up Central Dome. Seven years later Pioneer 2 reaches orbit of Ragol and open communications with Central Dome. At that moment a large explosion occurs and all contact with the men and women of Pioneer one is lost. What exactly happened on Ragol? --- I don't always have the time to check and post or pm alot so I'll just list the way to get your types.(and only the ones from the episode 1 and 2 games) -Types- HUcast - Hunter + Android + Male HUcaseal - Hunter + Android + Female HUmar - Hunter + Human + Male HUnewearl - Hunter + Newman + Female RAmar - Ranger + Human + Male RAmarl - Ranger + Human + Female RAcast - Ranger + Android + Male RAcaseal - Ranger + Android + Female FOmarl - Force + Human + Female FOnewm - Force + Human + Male FOnewearl - Force + Newman + Female FOmar - Force + Human + Female --- If you pick a HU then pick a sword or blade like weopon,if you pick a RA then pick a gun type weopon,and if you pick a FO then pick a staff type weopon.{and note if you don't know any pso weopons please pm me for a list of some names of weaopons.} -Form- Name: Age: Type: Weopon:(pso weopons only) Apperance:(picture allowed) Description: (mood) Bio:(past of your char.) --- Heres mine Name:Falco Age:16 Type:Humar Weopon:Brand +30 Appernce:Brown hair, blue eyes and brown and black clothing.6'1'' Description:Silent and calm,Hard headed. Bio:A very dark and unknowen past that not even the Princable of Pioneer 2 knows.He lived on the dieing planet for 9 years and left for the seven year trip to ragol with out any knowlege to whats to come.
"Ace,we can't attack him till elyse and damian are out." "I know that,but we need to do something.."Ace looks over at Imperialdramon,Zombilonmon, and Blackwargraymon. "We have those three ready to attack and their not pushovers."Chaosbulldramon raises his hand up into the air letting a blackhole form above it. "Well if they won't attack..." A black sword falls out of the black hole into chaosbulldramon's hand. "..Then we will!"Chaosbulldramon swings his sword down onto Galfmon's back. "I told you..it's useless to attack me"Galfmon grabs the sword and breaks it. "Damn...we can't even harm this guy with out knowing his weakness.."Chaosbulldramon jumps back and looks at galfmon. "I'm gessing that elyse would know this guys weak spot then.." Ace thinking:Elyse what ever your doing snap out of it,and get out here to help us.If your won't do it for us then do it for Imperialdramon...he could always need your help right about now. "You sure that that will work Ace?" "Hopefully,but we will have to wait and see."
Chaosbulldramon floats above the area looking down at the newly appered Galfmon. "This is the one behind this ****.."Ace kneels on chaosbulldramon's head. "It seems so ,but what are we to do now?" "Do like your name says,and cause a little chaos..." "Ok,Then chaos it is!"Chaosbulldramon lands behind Galfmon. "Sorry we're late for introductions,but I'm sure you already know us after possesing elyse from what it looks like." ----- OOC:I have compleat writes block right now so small post.
Cyberbulldramon goes shotting into the sky. "Looks as if damian was lieing about going back home."Ace looks down at the ground. "It doesn't matter at the speed we're going at they won't beable to see us."Cyberbulldramon starts to glow and becomes Chaosbulldramon. "Just remeamber don't lower the mental barrier."Ace climbs onto chaosbulldramon's head."And don't stray to far from the direction elyse went." "What about the others?!" "They can take care of them selves and hopefully Damian figures out he needs their help." "And as for us?" "We keep elyse from making problems." "And how do we do that exactly?" "Your the one that can control chaos in the major area...!"ace looks around the area they are flying pass."So all you have to do is try to keep it balenced untill the others come so you can rest..." "Ok...it should be easy for me to handle that,but..." "But what?"Ace looks back at chaosbulldramon "Oh nothing...nothing I can't handle..."
"Damian...giving up...Never thought I'd see the day."Ace looks at damian as he walks off."Well any way,your more evil then I had thought..I mean when I put the others to sleep and all." "What does it matter to you?!"Elsye glares at ace. "You haven't goten the point yet have you..."Ace jumps down and walks towards her"Yes this world is doomed to death by stupidedy,but that doesn't mean you have to kill everyone." "You still don't get it."Elsye looks at fleonessmon "I get it more clearly then you think...and because of fleonessmon almost blerting out that all you want is to be.."Ace stops right infront of elsye "Don't you dare say it" "I won't..but the thing is..your just coming up with this start the world over plan..when there have been hundreds of peopel that have tryed and failed,and what makes you think that your plan will work any better.."Ace turns around"Don't bother answering that..I already know that it won't ever get finushed..you have to many road blocks." "Not like that kyle adrianne and xander are powerful enuf to stop me any way." "Just wait and see...and as for me I'm goign to stick around for a wial to see what happens...I have been wanting some thing to watch"Ace smirks at elsye"But don't expect me to help unless your life is truely in danger!"
Ace and Cyberbulldramon land inbetween Elyse and Damian. "Well,seems like theres a sibling rivally going on now..."Ace leans forward looking down at them from the top of cyberbulldramons head. "Stay out of this Ace!"Damian shouts at him. "And why should I!"Ace glares down at damian. "Because this is none of your bussness."Damian looks looks at elyse. Cyberbulldramon's visor starts to change from red to blue. "I knew I smelled that sent befor some where..."Cyber bulldramon looks down at elyse and fleonessmon. "What sent you talking about Cyberbulldramon?!"Ace stands up on cyberbulldramon's head. "Fleonessmon's sent!"Cyberbulldramons visor goes black"Its all over elyse..Its been sence we began this quest thing." "So that means she hasn't been telling us something...So what is it elyse,what are you hidding?!"
"Ok Fleonessmon...Give me the crest of chaos...!"Ace turns at fleonessmon. Fleonessmon looks at Ace with a glare befor throwing it at him. "Here you can have it...we don't have a use for it any way."Fleonessmon flies up ahead out of reach of skullbulldramon claws. Skullbulldramon start to shift into a form that looks alot like Cyberbulldramon,but looks more like a demon then a cyborg and twice the size. "Chaosbulldramon..."Ace looks down holding onto chaosbulldramons horns. "Yes that is who I am right now."Chaosbulldramon vanishes then reappers next to Fleonessmon. "So what was that about a race that I heard?"Ace looks at fleonessmon questionly. "The destany stones..." "What are you planing to do with those?!" "That kid is none of your bussness!" Chaosbulldramon stops in flight,and starts to float there letting fleonessmon fly away. "You think hes going to destroy them Ace?"Chaosbulldramon desends to land "Well if its true that the worlds are connected it just destroy both world and we would all die includiong him..."Ace jumps off chaosbulldramons back landing on the ground. "The same goal we stoped befor..."Chaosbulldramon devolves back to horndramon. Ace and Horndramon start to walk back in the others direction. "But you once told me that if the destany stones were found and exposed to the power of a digivice that the gaudain of the stone would apper."Ace closes his eyes. "Yes but that was the digital world ones...I'm not sure what will happen for these ones,that is if they even exist."Horndramon lands on Ace's head"But even if they do noone knows where they are." "Hmm...well we have a change of plans horndramon..."ACe stops and pullsout both of the digivices. "And what would that be?" "To locate the destany stones with out reviling the locations to fleonessmon..."Ace picks horndramon off his head"Well you better digivolve to cyberbulldramon and catch up to fleonessmon he might be woundering where we went." Horndramon glows then changes into cyberbulldramon. "Just one question ace befor we go." "Ok,ask away..."Ace nods "How are we going to find them if we don't know where they are and what about elyse and the others...?" "As for finding them im betting the digivice might come in handy,and for the others I cant answer that right now..."ace climbs onto cyberbulldramons back. "Ok,just don't forget about the others.They are going to be a big help when we need assistance."Cyberbulldramon starts to fly off to get catch up to fleonessmon.
"Floendramon....what a wimp..."Ace looks downat her."To bad I can't destroy that little worm befor I get the crest so I can take out the big guys." Suddenly the area turns black and black holes start to form. "The Death Zone...!"Ace calls out so every one can here him."Just try to avoid the holes...I'd rather take you all out my self." Ace thinking:It is going exactly as I had planed...now only if I can get the others to listen to my plan so I can get what I want. "Darkness Thought!"Skullbulldramon calls out firing a red beam at the digimon hitting Imperialdramon first. Imperialdramon startsw to get droze as the beam passes through him. Ace thinking:Now that the most powerful one is asleep to all we have to do is put the unwilling ones that don't trust my plan to sleep. Skullbulldramon thinking:Ok,then I'll open a hole in the shadow barrer so elyse. Skullbulldramons horns glow to open the barrer as the others are still distracted by the slumbering Imperialdramon. Ace thinking:Elyse,I know that it looks like I'm not the most trust worthy right now but at lest tell the others my plan....All you guys have to do is get hit by the beam and sleep long enuf for me to get the crest fleondramon has and to gain fleonessmons trust.Once we fly off the beem will ware off and you all will wake up...just don't tell them its my plan...we have to get into their base. "Now Skullbulldramon...FULL POWER!"Ace yells Skullbulldramon starts to glow as so do the black holes.The black holes fire beams in a circle around the others still alowing opening to walk through Skullbulldramon thinking:Just make it look convincing so attack as you get hit by the beam..I can just pull my slef together so I won't get hurt very much... Ace thinking:Theres more,but that will all come in due time...