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Neo NnM

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Everything posted by Neo NnM

  1. "Ace,where should we land?"Cyberbulldramon hovers over the tower. "Right next to the doors Cyberbulldramon."ace looks down "Whats wrong?"Cyberbulldramon slowly flies down. "It just looks like the area wasn't revived when we brought the earth back to life.."Ace looks down still looking for a resion that its still dead. "Well my visor indacates a power sorce doing this."Cyberbulldramon lands staring at the top of the tower. "But I thought they didn't have that type of power or even found something to do that"Ace starts to walk to the doors looking at the dead area around him. Cyberbulldramon grabs Ace's arm and jumps up to the top of the tower. "Hey,why did you do that!"Ace turns around to yell at cyberbulldramon. "I sence Fleondramon up here...and we only have twenty minites left to find her"Cyberbulldramon starts to scan the area. Fleondramon drops down off the tip of the tower trying to startle Ace. "I was woundering what was taking you..."Fleondramon approches them "So what was this "Unlimited power" you were talking about?"Ace walks foward hands in his pocket. "The creast and digivice of "Dark Chaos"."Fleondramon motions for a roachmon to come out with a crest and digivice on a pillow. "Evil power....but why would we beable to use them."Ace looks at the crest and digivice closely. "Your digimons Evil mega form is the reson why.."Fleondramon has another roachmon come out with a screen."We have been watching you and your digimon sence the skullbulldramon attack in the Grand Canyon." "By any chance do you know why he headed there?" "No,but the digivice will alow you to control the form.."the roachmon hands Ace the digivice."And after you destroy the pest you where working with befor you can have the crest so Skullbulldramon will be in his true form." "True form?!"Ace looks back at cyberbulldramon then back at fleondramon"but woulden't that mean he'd be stronger?!" "Yes that would mean he'd be stronger."Fleondramon starts to walk away. "Not so fast Fleondramon,you not thinking I'm just going to rush them head first do you?!"Ace starts to glare a bit. "Yes thats exactly what your going to do."Fleondramon smirks still going away. "Well if you want me to do this then your going to have to listen to one of my plans....." Ace tells the plan to fleondramon quetly so nothing can be heard . "Just do that and invit the others to the grand conyon sence its perfict for Skullbulldramon to fight in."Ace turn smirking at cyberbulldramon."And I'm sure you'll want to come watch to make sure I do the job." "What!And get killed in the crossfire!"Fleondramon face turns grim. "What was that?..a sound of a chicken clucking?"Ace snickers silently to him self. "Fine I'll come to watch."Fleondramon looks behind herself."But I'm not going to help you if you need it." Fleondramon jumps down a hole in the tower to go into the building.Ace climbs onto Cyberbulldramons back and starts to fly off. "So Ace,you have a plan to get the power and save the world at the same time?"Cyberbulldramon starts to go a bit faster. "Of couse I do."Ace smirks "And it might even the odds for us..."
  2. "Well they seem all happy about being back together...."Ace walks away. "Ace...don't be so cold hearted."Horndramon flies after him"We do have friends now." "We have been betraid befor horndramonace turns around looking at horndramon floating there"And we must become more powerful so they respect us." Suddenly Aces Com watch beeps,then Fleondramon pops up on the screen. "Just great..the bad guys can tap into the com watches!"Ace leers down at the watch. "Be quiet you little kid!"Fleondramon barks at ace."We have a deal to make you" "Like what...?"Ace raises a eyebrow. "Unlimited power so you can gain what you want." Ace pauses with a questioning look. "Unlimited?"Ace pulls horndramon down out of the air"Whats the catch?" "All you have to do is fight your little friends over there for us."Ace glances over to horndramon"Just meet us at Tokyo Tower in one hour."With that Fleondramon's face dissappers off the watch. "Well,Lets do this..."Ace looks at horndramon"We have been wanting a chalenge." "True,but it might be a trick."Horndramons ears droop down. "But you can't go through life with out taking a chance."Ace gets up pulling out his digivice. "Ok The to Tokyo tower it is,but how are we goign to get there in one hour?"Horndramon tilts his head. "Easy,going mega....you are one of the fastest flyers." "Right...as long as I don't become Skullbulldramon and go insane." Horndramon glows and becomes Cyberbulldramon.They walk up to the others interupting them. "I'm going to go do some unfinished bussness.."Ace closes his eyes"And im sure your all going to be alright with one less person around." "Why are you leaving now?"Ki looks up at him "I wish I could tell you all,but its privit."Ace turns at Cyberbulldramon climbing onto its back and a bubble forms over him. "Just don't go gettign your self killed"Takashi smirks at Ace. "Like that will ever happen."Cyberbulldramon jets fire up. With that they fly off to meet Fleondramon at the tokyo tower
  3. My new banners,I made them all about zoids and i saved them as JPG instead of PNG witch is why my others looked bad i think. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/zoid7.jpg[/IMG]
  4. Ok I'm going to start this thing,and please PM me if you have any questions.I';ll still let people sign up for this. EDIT:Sorry people but i'm going to have to start this tomaro sence right when i was about to finush my coms hard drive crashed,so ill have to start the rpg tomaro.
  5. Both of you are excepted. Ruby your type is FOcaseal and your ID is Pinkal. Arika your type is FOmarearl and your ID is Purplenum.
  6. Ok your excepted. Your section ID is Yellowboze. Your question about the weopon,yes you can make your own weopon.And the link to your description picture is blocked.
  7. A dying planet forces its inhabitants to search for a new livable planet. They start a project named Pioneer Project to send unmanned probes into deep space to search for a new planet. A probe sends back information of a possible planet and they named it Ragol. They launch a large scaled interstellar transport ship called Pioneer 1 to set up a colony on Ragol. Pioneer 1 confirms that Ragol is livable and sets up Central Dome. Seven years later Pioneer 2 reaches orbit of Ragol and open communications with Central Dome. At that moment a large explosion occurs and all contact with the men and women of Pioneer one is lost. What exactly happened on Ragol? Your left on the dying planet,when one day you receive a package from the Pioneer Presadent with a ID,a monster card,a MAG,a weopon,and a ticket to board the next ship going to Pioneer 2.On the back of the ticket it has details on were the ship is and when it will be leaving. --- -Mags- apsaras:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/apsaras.gif[/IMG] bana:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/bana.gif[/IMG] marica:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/marica.gif[/IMG] namuci:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/namuci.gif[/IMG] naraka:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/naraka.gif[/IMG] opaopa:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/opaopa.gif[/IMG] pitri:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/pitri.gif[/IMG] preta:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/preta.gif[/IMG] soniti:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/soniti.gif[/IMG] sumba:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/sumba.gif[/IMG] --- -Monsters- booma:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/booma.gif[/IMG] savage-wolf:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/savage-wolf.gif[/IMG] grass-assassin:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/grass-assassin.gif[/IMG] pofuilly-slime:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/pofuilly-slime.gif[/IMG] pan-arms:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/pan-arms.gif[/IMG] sinow-beat:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/sinow-beat.gif[/IMG] claw:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/claw.gif[/IMG] dimenian:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/dimenian.gif[/IMG] delsaber:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/delsaber.gif[/IMG] --- If you pick the class hunter pick a sword or blade like weopon,if you pick ranger then pick a gun type weopon,and if you pick force then pick a staff type weopon. -Form- Name: Age: Male/female: Class:(hunter,ranger,or force) Race:(Newmen,Human,or Andriod) Type:(I'll give you this depending on your class,race and gender) ID:(I'll give you this) Mag:(the name and/or picture) Monster:(the name and/or picture) Weopon:(just pic one from the game or make up ur own) Description:(picture aloud) --- Here my stats Name:Ace Age:16 Male/Female:Male Class:hunter Race:Human Type:HUmar ID:Pinkal Mag:pitri:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/pitri.gif[/IMG] Monster:claw:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/pso_rpg/claw.gif[/IMG] Weopon: Dagger +13 Description:Silver hair,spiked,6'1''All black clothes,Strong in battle and kind to his mag and monster.
  8. ~Inside the museum~ "Its dark in here,mind doing something about it Horndramon?"Ace says trying to make out whats in the building. "Sure Ace."Horndramon saysholding onto Ace's head. Horndramons Horns start to glows then burst into flames,and illumnate the area. "Thanks horndramon..."Ace says looking at how many passages there are. "Well this isn't good!"Hondramon yells. Horndramon yelling echos waking up a tankmon that was in the left hall way. "So the brats are finaly here!"Tankmon yalls rolling into the room "Another digimon?!"Ace says turning to look at tankmon. "Ace we better run."Horndramon says starting to fly to the right passage. Tankmon fires a shot clapsing the passage right befor horndramon flew in. "D***,Horndramon the middle passage!"Ace says running over to the middle opening. "Hope Treads there will like trying to get pass this!"Horndramon yells. Horndramon flies into the passage slaming its tails to smash up the ground. "A little hole big deal!"Tankmon yells driving into the passage. Ace and Horndramon run into a huge room that looks like a tomb. "Well I gess this is where the cyrtal is."Ace says running to a case in the center of the room. A laugh starts to echo in the room,And infermon jumps down from the balcany. "I've been waiting for you."Infermon says slowly coming closer. "So you planed this!?"Ace starts to back up towards the passage only to bump into Tankmon. "You gessed right kid"Tankmon says pushing Ace foward. "Network gernade"Infermon calls out unleasing a baall of energy at ace. Horndramon flies infront of it keeping it from hitting Ace.The dust setails and reveils Cometbulldramon. "Well you as smart as you are powerful."Cometbulldramon says sarcasticly."But thats not saying much." "You can talk big,but I bet you can fight big."Infernomon says starting to go red from anger. Cometbulldramon pulls out his staff and spins it starting it on fire. "But first youe little frind here goes."Cometbulldramon says turning around. "What you think you can defete me!"Tankmon says approching Cometbulldramon. "Just one thing watch the fire ball on the tip of my finger."Cometbulldramon says forming a fireball. "Fine,I'll do your last request."Tankmon says looking into the fireball. Cometbulldramon inhales then snorts into the fireball shooting flames at Tankmon's data to float away. "So how you like the demastration of whats going to happen to you Infermon!"Ace yells with some what of a laugh. "I under estamated you..."Infermon says looking over at tankmon"But you won't beable to take out my mega form!" "He's that desprite...but I'm not going to call the others we're alot stronger then what we put up agenst scropiomon."Ace says pulling out his digivice. "ok,Ace."Cometbulldramon says turning to Infermon"NOW BRING IT ON!" Cometbulldramon and Infermon both start to glow and change. "DIABOROMON!"Infermon calls out just befor finushing changing. "Cyberbulldramon..."Cometbulldramon says just as a visor finushes forming infont of his eyes. Cyberbulldramon's flight jets light up the area behind him,wial Diaboromon glows with a red aura. "Make your move Cyberbulldramon."Diaboromon says snickering some. "Fine...Anti-Virus!"Cyber bulldramon says rasing his arm up. The blast flies out hitting Diaboromon's aura and feeding him power. "You fell for it,all your attack did was get asorbed by my aura!"Diaboromon says laughing evily. "Fell for what your auras gone and your open for my next attack."Cyberbulldramon says putting his arm down for his next move. "You mean you did that onm purpose!"Diaboromon yells starting to get a bit scared. "Cyberbulldramon finush him..."Ace says turning to the case the crystil is in. "Ok,it be my pleaser.Digital Deletetion!"Cyberbulldramon says starting to glow. Cyberbulldramon glows compleatly white then fires a burst of energy at Diaboromon. "No,master won't me pleased!"Diaboromon says just befor getting hit. The dust setals and Diaboromon's data floats off. "Now just get the top of the case off Cyberbulldramon,then you can go back to rookie."Ace says walking over to the case. "Ok Ace.."Cyberbulldramon says tyred from battle. Cyberbulldramon lifts the case up long enuff for Ace to grab the electic crystal. "Well we better get out of here....."Cyberbulldramon says devolving to his in-traning form from losing to much energy in the battle. Ace looks down then picks Spikydramon up. "Well I gess I pushed you a little to hard in that battle Spikydramon"Ace says sighing. "Its ok I'll be back to my self in a few hours."Spikydramon says smiling a bit. "Well we better get out of here."Ace says sliping the crystal into his pack. With that they walk out of the museum back to the others.
  9. Ace stands by the museum with horndramon glancing over at the others. "Horndramon try melting the stone."Ace says turning back to horndramon. "Got ya!"horndramon say just befor being ingulped in flames. Soon stood Cometbulldramon where horndramon was standing befor. "Cometbulldramon,you try to melt a hole in this wall."Ace says turning around noticing elyse hitting damian. "Ok ace,Staff of Fire!" Cometbulldramon start to spin his staff as it burst into flames and slams it into the stone wall.Ace walks over to the others to see what their doing. "Whats up with you elyse?"Ace says as she walks pass him with no answer. "Where were you dering the fight agenst Fleodramon,Ace?"Ki says looking over at him. "Oh....I-I-I was trying to get into the museum."ace stuttering some "There,I made a hole for you to get into the museum with Ace." Cometbulldramon says flying up his hands chared from making a hole in the museum wall. "Well Its going to be hot in that museum so me and horndramon will go in alone."Ace says walking back to the museum. "We will keep are link open to call you if we need help."Cometbulldramon says just befor becoming horndramon again. "You don't have to go in alone you know."Matt says stepping infront of Ace. "You guys should find out whats wrong with elyse in the first place."Ace says walking over to the stone museum again. Ace and horndramon climb into the hole going into the museum. ------------- OOC: Ill do the inside the museum thing later sence its realy late here.
  10. Well I was making a list of chars. that arent in super smash bros just yet.so im going to put in the list now,and if you want to switch your char. please pm me.and so far all of you are in.
  11. OOC:Yes u have a point Taki Ebina,but This is basicly going by a diffrent story line then the cartoon.note the end of seson 2 were they say every human got a digimon partner.if we went by those cartoons we would of already had digimon.and the manga has fresh digimon saying much more then their names. ------------------------ Ace stands at his locker feeding Cattledramon an apple when 2 kids are standing behind him talking. Kid1:Did you hear about those weird power surges that have been happening all around the city? Kid2:Ya,from what I heared its been nocking out the power at alot of the big bussness areas. The lgihts in the hallway get realy bright with out warning. Kid2:This must be one of them! Kid1:We better run. The lights shatter leaving the hallway dark but still light enuff to see.Ace turns around to look at the shattered lights. Ace:Well thats new,what do u think Cattlemon?Cattlemon? Ace turns around to see what used to be Cattlemon. Ace:What happen to you?! Spikydramon:I digivolved. Digivice:Spikydramon,Bull dragon digimon,Attacks Spike Bubble. Ace:Just tell me one thing..Will power surges happen every time you "digivolve"? Spikydramon:Only if I can tap into the power of a digivice like yours,but you'd have to talk to a Digigod first to find out how to use it. Ace:And where are these "digigods". Ace's digivice begins to beep then projects something. Digiprojection:I am Gentrodramon,The digigod of sky.I am sending this message to all of those that have goten a digivice and a digimon.Please come to the Moon shrine,I will explane every thing there. Ace:Well we better go there after school is over. Ace picks up Spikydramon and walk to his next class.
  12. Neo NnM


    Ace warps infront of the girls and turns around bumping into Ki. Ace:Im sorry,my falt. Ki:Thats ok. Ace:Oh ya im Ace,I can send out a wave of energy and warp as you can saw. Ki:I'm Ki,I can control water and morph into stuff. Kitty:Im Kitty,I can manupulate the wind and fly. Airin:My names Airin,and I have the power to morph into any creature that I can imagine. Minako:And I'm Minako,I can manipulate earth. Ace:I see your heading to shuttle 13.You don't mind if I come with you? The girls just look at him strangly. Ace:I have enuff BC to pay for my self,so what do you say?
  13. Neo NnM


    Spiketro and Xouzin step foward leering the bugs. Spiktro:Figure that those Psy5 are so weak they have to use bugs to fight us. Xouzin:If this is all they got,then they have no chance agenst me! Spiketro:Well everone should know by now bugs hate fire! Spiketro Jumps up and into a ball of flams and fires it as a solo flame wheel nocking out most of the ground bugs. Xouzin:If you don'y like the heat then don't piss off a Charizard! Xouzin fires a flame thrower out at the bug types,nocking all the fliers out. Sandslash:See what I mean,if their attacks are that powerful I don't want to be around! Sandslash backs up a little worrired that Spiketro and Xouzin might turn on him. Xouzin:If any of you other bugs want to live then you better start running! Spiketro:If you don't leave it will be your funral! The bugs start to run off only leaving only a few Metapods that didnt want to fight.
  14. Ace looks over at Damian with some what of a leer. "At lest he can get back what he lost."Ace mumbles to Horndramon. "What do you meen Ace?"Horndramon questions sitting on the ground. "Remeamber that car crash i told you about?"Ace said looking at hordramon blankly. "Ya.I gess so,why?" "I lost my parents and my sister in that,"Ace says closing his eyes with rage"And these people are afread of losing their emotions." "Don't get so angry Ace we don't want me digvolving into SkullBulldramon like that one time." "Sorry Horndramon,just that it makes me mad when people go around so scared about losing so meaningless of stuff,"Ace sits down,his eyes still closed."And i lost every thing and was force to wander." "It seems to make you rush to rash desisions,"Horndramon says as he stands up."but it also showed you how much friends and family are worth." Ace gets up and picks Horndramon up. "Well lets head back to the others,"Ace turns around"then hopefully they wont think im hiding any thing." "With the way you hide things they would never know."Horndramon closes up his wings. "Good point horndramon."Ace says walking to the others. --------------------------------------------- OOC:Sorry i havent been posting alot I've been upgrading some things on my com,And by the way Skullbulldramon is a evil Mega form of horndramon digievalution.
  15. Ya be any verson it doesnt matter and u were already mark up as being bowzer dbzanimegrl17,so u didnt have to fill out that form. And if someone would like to give me a hand with the new plot please pm me.
  16. In a place where two worlds coexist Digimon and humans have lived for years,but recently some wild Digimon have start to attack the humna in the Digital world and the humans world.In efferts to protect the humans and keep both worlds safe the Digigods sealed the gates in between the worlds and made 7 new Crest,Digieggs,and Digivices. were made to open the door and awaken the Gaurdens of the Digial world once again.befor the gates were sealed the Digigods sent out new digi eggs with great power to select humans.Now the humans with their Digimon must defete the new evil and save the digal world and their own. The 7 new crest and digieggs are Life,Speed,Power,Death,Heart,Mind,and Skill. Here is the list of people that have joined and there creast/digiegg type. [COLOR=green]Life-Nature-Stomou Kinkani(Tommy)(magnaangemon01)[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Speed-Ice-Serena Megumi(Kesaki_Inedia)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Power-Fire-Ace((_)ltryneo)[/COLOR] [COLOR=brown]Death-Earth-kakeo(MagicFoxy)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Heart-Water-Kimana Toki(Ki)(Ohkami)[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Mind-Sky-Matthew Hawke (or Hawk)(§corpio)[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]Skill-Lightning-Michio Ashida(Taki Ebina)[/COLOR] We are all in the 16 range so we are all in high school,if u dont want your char. to be in high school but something else pm me. ---------------------------------------------- One night befor the Gates to the digal world were sealed Greymon:The evils coming! Lilymon:Then lets hurry and get the Digivices! The temple clapse just as Lilymon and Greymon run out of it. Greymon:Bring the digivices to the elders,and hopefully they will know what to do. Lilymon:What about you!? Greymon:I'll hold off the Wizardmon. Lilymon flies off towards a big castle with three symbols on the door. Lilymon:Elders,the evil forces are attacking! The doors open and Lilymon flies inside.Three lights apper infront of her then form into the Digigods,Gentrodramon,Hytrixmon,and Vaztymon. Gentrodramon: Yes we know child. Hytixmon:And did you bring the digivices? Lilymon: Yes,I did elders. Lilymon hands the digivices to Vaztymon. Vayztymon:Now we hope that these can make it to the humans. Hytrixmon:What about the crest and digieggs. Lilymon:I belive that Starmon is coming with the crest,and Leomon will be here soon with the digieggs. Gentrodramon picks up the eggs that lie behind him and throws them into a portal. Leomon:Wait for the digieggs and crest! Leomon runs up with Starmon on his back to hand the digieggs and crest to Hytixmon.Vayztymon and Hytrixmon throw the digieggs,the crest,and the digivices into the portal. Gentrodramon:The evil is coming closer,now hurry close the doors! Lilymon:Yes elder! Lilymon,Starmon,and Leomon run over to the doors slaming them shut just befor the Wizardmon got in. Leomon:Now what elders?! Gentrodramon: We wait,and hope that the chosen ones will get here befor the evil one takes over this world. Vayztymon:As long as they can't reach the portal the the humans world. Hytrixmon:Are world will be safe. ~~ The realy world the next morning *alarm rings* Ace:Morning already... Ace gets out of the bed and turns his alarm off.He heads to the door and passes a big egg laying on his dresser. Ace:Theres no way i just saw a giant egg... He walks back it his room to look. Ace:A giant chicken layed an egg on my dresser! Ace walks over to the egg and picks it up. Ace:Might as well take it with me and see if any one else got one at school. Ace slips it into his back pack and goes down stairs to eat.After breakfast he runs up to his room and grabs the back pack and his jacket. Ace:Whats this!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small game boy looking device. Ace:Well might as well bring this with me too. Ace slips it back into his pocket and walks out the door. ---------------------------------------- OOC:Well thats a good start.And pm me if u have any questions or want you char. in something other then highschool.
  17. Ok, im going to start this thing.so ether look for it in the adventure arena or click the link here [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=29529]Here[/URL]
  18. Well the chars. that arent listed I forgot to put in sence I was in another rush and and now theres a form to fill out so its easyer for me to know whos signing up. Name: Home world: Description: (Picture Allowed)
  19. Neo NnM


    Spiketro: Ok, thats the spot below. Spiketro lands ware he was earlier fighting the skarmory. Skarmory:So your back...! Steelix:He's going to be buried for life,muhahaha! Fortress:And filled full of holes! Spiketro:So you brought your freinds...well thats just find more to beat up. Spiketro curls up into a ball and rolls at the fortress slowly turning into a ball of black fire.He stop still in flames then rams into fortress trowing it into the pit. Steelix:Wise guy huh!Well your pathetic Flame whell won't hurt me. The Steelix dives at Spiketro only to get a Fissure to its head. Skarmory: Oh no.... Spiketro:So you going to run or do I have to waste my time with you? Skarmory:Just try! Spiketro fires a Shadow Ball from his tail smacking Skarmory right in the head.Spiketro starts digging in the pit throwing the fortress he knocked out over next to the steelix. Spiketro: Good i found the mirror,now I'll be set incase I find any psycic types. Spiketro flies back to the forest ware he last saw the others.
  20. None other then Master Hand and Crazy Hand have started making disasters happen all around the worlds,now only the biggest heros of the worlds can stop them. Ya,I know theres not much of a plot,but there isnt much to work with from the ssb games. Heres a list of the chars. -------- D.K. Kirby-(_)ltryneo Mario Yoshi Samus-GotenksSSJ343 Link Fox Falco Pikachu Zelda-Chichiri's Girl Peach C.Falcon-SilpheedPilot Jigglepuff Luigi Ness Marth-Exodus Roy-Raven Bowser-Kitty Grandorf-The (Sic) Shape Pichu Mewtwo Mr. Game and Watch Doc. Mario Ice Climbers Young Link -------- New list Baby bowser-Lrb Metaknight(pm me for his stats) King Dedede(pm me for his stats) Sonic-Naota Knuckles(pm me for his stats) Shadow(pm me for his stats) Miles "Tails" Prowler-Ohkami -------- You can be any char from ether the new or old list. And Now theres a form to fill out to chose chars.we dont need all of them filled out to start this . Name: Gender: Home world: Description: (Picture Allowed) -------- Name:Kirby Gender:Male Home world: Pop Star Description: pink puffy,blue eyes brown shoes.
  21. Neo NnM


    Spiketro:Well if you don't mind I'm going to search for a flock of skarmory that I ran into earler. Tical:So your not coming with? Sandslash:Let him go it be alot safer with out a charizard his size here! Spiketro:And I dotn eat rodents... Spiketro slams his tail into a tree,throwing it into the wind. Sandslash:See what i mean it will be safer! Spiketro:Well im off to find those skarmory and if i run into any other pokemon that arent under the rays control I'll send them your way. Spiketro flies off back towards the montain he flew off of earlier.
  22. Here are 2 of my older banners, i made them based on my first N&M comics witch i have retired sence every site i got crashed or something. these are gifs the other ones ive have already put up are pngs [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Neo_Max.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Neobanner.gif[/IMG] note i made these on windows 95 before i joined and forums
  23. Very nice and I see what aYokano means,the one right by the right side eyes are a bit far apart. but other then that they are realy good.
  24. Neo NnM


    OOC:HaUnTeD ur a newbie so ill go easy on u,please dont post on ppl rpgs that u havent joined. ------------------------------------ Spiketro still sitting on Tyranitar looks around for that pokemon he just helped. Spiketro: Well that figures the little thing was scared off well better go search for others that the rays didnt effect. Just then Spiketro heard some others yelling. Spiketro: Hmm,that must be some of them now. He gets up and walks to where the voice is coming from.Spiketro comes at them from the back. Spiketro:Hey your that Scyther thats I helped earlier..so you wouldent mind me coming along with you and these other pokemon would ya?
  25. "If you dont mind I'll extermanate this bug."Horndramon say as he flies forward. "You sure you know what your getting your self into horndramon?"Veemon says relizing the timid little bull fly at Scorpiomon's head. "Time to Digivolve Horndramon!"Ace yells as he pulls out his digivice. Horndramon glows white and shifts into what looks more like bull with wings. "Airal Stamped"Bulldramon yells as a ball of spikes flys from his mouth. "Hey watch where your aiming that thing!"Scorpiomon says as he jumps out of the way. "Bulldramon finush him off."Ace says stepping foward some. Bulldramon runs towards Scorpiomon raming him. "Take that ya over sized bug!"Bulldramon says as he charges up another airal stamped and fires it. Bulldramon slowly walks over to what seems to be the fallen Scorpiomon. "Devolution"Ace calls out slipping the digivice back into his pocket. Bulldramon shrinks back to horndramon. "That guy had a hard head."Horndramon mutters as he walks back rubbing his horns. Scorpiomon jumps back up after horndramon lowers his gaurd. "Do you think you could defete me."Scorpiomon says as aproching horndramon. "You know if u keep yapping like that somethings going to end up flying into ur mouth."Horndramon says annoyed. "What do you..."Scorpiomon falls over from the flaming horn Horndramon fired into his mouth. "It reminds me of a kid with a magnafine glass."Ace says picking Horndramon up."So what next?"
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