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Neo NnM

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Everything posted by Neo NnM

  1. Well im working on a new batch of banners now and im working on my sprite comics now so making the banners is a bit slow,bo most of the new batch of banners are sprite comic ones, and Tical i made the vash banner with out the name and attached it to this post.
  2. Well if someone else want to be Speed-Ice thn please reply
  3. Neo NnM


    In a small hidden spot on the mountain a hole was being made by a rather big Charizard diging for something to eat. Spiketro: Theres got to be something here... He hits something hard. Siketro: What could this be? A Skarmory jumps out slashing Spiketro with its wings.He flies up after it hiting it with his tail,but the Skarmory lands and attacks Spiketro with a swift. Skarmory: Wise guy huh!? Well lets see how you deal with more then one target! Skarmory lets out a screach and more Skarmorys apper.The Skarmorys start flying around wing attacking him. Spiketro: Ok ur pushing it! The flame on Spiketro's tail expanes and fires at the Skarmory hitting their leader. Skarmory: Oh no,fly away! Spiketro: About time they ran away. The Skarmory fly off squaking that they'll be back.Spiketro Starts the head off the mountain into the forest below.
  4. We can start this thing right after Kesaki_Inedia gets a digimon.
  5. im not sure how i did the fade in fade out thing,and i would buy a new com if i had the money.Here are soem of the ones i just made today. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Armor1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Armor2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Armor3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Armor4.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Armor5.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Armor6.png[/IMG]
  6. Kesaki_Inedia I'll reserve it for u.And we only need one more person befor this thing can start
  7. In a place where two worlds coexist Digimon and humans have lived for years,but recently some wild Digimon have start to attack the humna in the Digital world and the humans world.In efferts to protect the humans and keep both worlds safe the Digigods sealed the gates in between the worlds and made 7 new Crest,Digieggs,and Digivices. were made to open the door and awaken the Gaurdens of the Digial world once again.befor the gates were sealed the Digigods sent out new digi eggs with great power to select humans.Now the humans with their Digimon must defete the new evil and save the digal world and their own. The 7 new crest and digieggs are Life,Speed,Power,Death,Heart,Mind,and Skill. Here is the elament each crest repasents,so keep that inmind when selecting. [COLOR=green]Life-Nature-Stomou Kinkani(Tommy)(magnaangemon01)[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Speed-Ice-Serena Megumi(Kesaki_Inedia)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Power-Fire-Ace((_)ltryneo)[/COLOR] [COLOR=brown]Death-Earth-kakeo(MagicFoxy)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Heart-Water-Kimana Toki(Ki)(Ohkami)[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Mind-Sky-Matthew Hawke (or Hawk)(§corpio)[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]Skill-Lightning-Michio Ashida(Taki Ebina)[/COLOR] For this rpg there is going to be a few new and old digivolutions. -Tamer- Tamer name: Age: Female/Male: Creast&Digiegg given: Digivice color: Description: -Digimon- Fresh: In-training: Rookie: Digiegg champion: Champion: Ultimate: Mega: Moon: (Digivolve form using the power of Gentrodramon the Digigod of sea) Star: (Digivolve form using the power of Hytrixmon the Digigod of sky) Matrix: (Digivolve form using the power of Vaztymon the Digigod of earth) Yes,I know that some of the levels are obserbed but hey makes them more powerful right. -Tamer- Tamer name: Ace Age: 16 Female/Male: Male Creast&Digiegg given: Power Digivice color: Silver Description: 6'1'',thin,wares all black,silver hair and blue eyes. -Digimon- Fresh: Cattledramon>Boom bubble In-training: Spikydramon>Spike bubble Rookie: Horndramon>Flaming horn Digiegg champion: Jetbulldramon>Horn missles Champion: Bulldramon>Airal Stamped Ultimate: Cometbulldramon>Burning Staff Mega: Cyberbulldramon>Digital Deletion Moon: Warbulldramon>Dragon's Blaze Star: Burningbulldramon>Piro Bazuka Matrix: Skullbulldramon>Shadow Piro
  8. Ok please work with me here i made theses banners with a computer that has very low color settings very few fonts and no programs to do sp. effects. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/yoshineo.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/Ubanner.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/___banner.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/___dragon.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/___vash.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/neoandmax/dragon___.png[/IMG] For most of these I just used pics i found on the net.
  9. Neo NnM


    Name: Spiketro Specie: Charizard Age: 16 Description:has a black flame on its tail,a scar across its left eye,and a black line going down the middle of his face. Bio:The larger of the charizards and the only one with a black flame,he is hated by most other charizards for the fact he runs off to become more powerful instead of help the other pokemon in Irkon. Moves: Flame Wheel,Shadow Ball,Fissure,Fly,Dig.
  10. Ace just finushed reading the note,a winged bull(horndramon) floats infront of him chewing on a loaf of bread. "So what does it say?" Horndramon ask still nibbling on the bread. "It says that we have to meet someone in japan." Ace says wial sliping the note into his pocket. "How do you imply we do that?"Horndramon says a bit questintive of Ace. "Well,we can always sneak on one of the boats heading over there."Ace says turning around to look at the harbor. They sneak up to the crates that are being loaded onto the boat and go into one.About 12 hours later the boat arives in japan. "Ok,we're here Horndramon"Ace says slowly walking out of the crate,"now all we need to do is get to the were every the note said." "And where would that be?"Horndramon says as he slowly floats behind Ace. Ace pulls a map out of his pack and unscrolls it. "It's about two mabey three miles away."Ace says looking at the map still. "What plan do u have for gettign there?"Horndramon says as he peers down at the map. "Easy,we walk there."Ace scrolls up the map and slips it into his pack again,and starts walking towards where the note had said to go.About four hours later they arive at the coordinates. "See anything Horndramon?"Ace says looking around for who might of sent the note. "Only some kids and digimon."Horndramon says grinning. "Well,one of them must of sent it."Ace says grabing horndramon and walkinging over by them. "Hello,I'm Ace and this is Horndramon." --------------------------- OOC:I hope this is good
  11. Ace sits in a restaurant reading a news paper. Ace-Suspicios Multiple Merder case!Were they Committed by Man or Animal?!!25th Victim Found!.....Sounds like something's up in that town.Well,better phone the guys at the lab to meet me up there. Ace gets up and walks out of the restaurant pulling out his cell phone as he walks out the door. ???-If ur calling about that murdder case in Deshwitat then your a bit slow. Ace-So do you have anyone up there yet? ???-Yes,we'll tell them your coming. Ace-Ok. Ace slips the cell phone into his pocket and gets onto his motercycle.About 2 hours later he drives into the town of Dishwitat. Ace-hmmm,silent.....A bit to silent. A gun is fired in followed by screams of pain. Ace-Spoke to soon! Ace jumps off his bike and runs to were the scream came from. Ace-Professor Redfield?!What happen to you. Redfield-It doesnt matter jsut save the others*screams in pain* Professor Redfield blows up and black and red goo flies every where. Ace-Well,better grant him his wish. The goo start to form into s creature behind Ace just befor he turns around. Ace-What the..!Oh no this is bad.. More creatures pop out of the ground under Ace.He jumps up trying to invade and kill as many as he can but all they do is reform.Then they stop and all face the same direction roaring at something. ------------------------------------- OOC:Yes it's bad,but I have little to work with for the beging of this.
  12. Well im going to start the rpg so look for it on the adventure arena.I will still accept anyone that wants to join.
  13. Well that was brought up alot that coment about there being a 2nd clone was a prank that got out of hand,but mewthrees real name is celebi like i said befor.At first it was talked about but most people got the word that celebi was the third mew.Oh one last thing the word about Mew evolving into celebi is another prank out of control.
  14. Name:Ace Age: 16 Bio: He was hated by many when younger,rarely paying attention to any thing anyone said,but he still said there was a world with creatures of great power.He left behind his family and friedns to find it stubling upon a portal to the digital world were he found horndramon. Home Country: America Digivice and Com Watch color: Silver Digimon: Rookie: Horndramon>Flaming Horns Champion: Bulldramon>Airial Stamped Ultimate: Cometbulldramon>Staff of Fire Mega: Cyberbulldramon>Digital Deletetion
  15. Name: Ace Age: 16 Gender: male Element given: Psychic Power given: Can send out a wave of energy,warp. Description: Tall,Black shirt, pants, and shoes,silver hair spiked like how vash in trigun has it,Blue eyes,and black sunglasses.
  16. I think NashvilleDream means Mia the blue haired girl. Name: Ace Age: 16 Element: Wind Description: Looks like vash from trigun but the coat is black and the hair is silver,and he has a pink strip of clothe tied to his left arm. Weapon: Kakari needles Background: Srouded in mystery,he was trained in many forms of combat and fighting.Because of it he is very stubern.
  17. Name:A.C.E. Artimis Age: 21 Gender: male Species/Race: Human Height: 6' 3'' Weight: 113lbs. Appearance: Wares a black ninja costum,a cape,and a metal left arm. Weapons(Up to 3): Katari neddles,a Katari sword,and a Katari stars Powers:Moving at high speeds and using air/lightning based attack. Bio: started to train at a young age in many arts of combat,but left his life behind in order to become better. Personality: Silent and stubern with most people. Side: Freelance
  18. Well.mewthree's real name is Celebi from the gold,silvar,and cystal verson of pokemon.
  19. I,a novice programer have done that and it is a glitch in the game.Once you do it it will leave one big glitch in ur game, making ur pokemon stats not increase as they should.But sence it is such a glitch that effects ur pokemons stats when it gains a level you wont beable to tell untill ur game desides to give one of ur pokemon the pokeflu the rarest thing to happen in the games, witch if u havent fought any glitches,altered the game with a cheating device, or used a glitch to get something thats not spose to beable to get, it will make ur pokemon more powerful but if u have did any of the glitch or cheat device stuff to ur game the pokeflu will do one of many things the worse is delete your saved file(even know its the rarest thing for it to do it has happened). This has been talked about on the pokemon web site sence the Red and Green versons in japan released.The link to the site is [URL]http://www.pokemon.com[/URL], I havent viewed it some time so it might not be on there any more.Theres nothing to fear just if you want mew your going to have to go to those nintendo tour things that they have every year.
  20. Revenge... Three hundred years ago the sorcerer Kalutika Maybus seal a vampire of great power in limbo after killing his fiancee.For centuriers,the vampire's mind calculated revenge while his body slumbers...until now.A band of spiritual investigators has inadvertently broken the seal that binds him,and the vampire has been released. Redemption... A lot has changed since the 17th century.Carriages have been replaced by cars, the internet connects the world, and vampires have become the stuff of legands.But beeneath the veneer of tecnology, amgic and religion still reign surpreme.Kalutika is the most powerful person in the world, although few actually know he exist.Prophecy fortold that Kalutika would destroy the Earth. Group name: Angels Types of Angels: Fallen, Light, Dead, Fire, Water, Earth, Air. Spell types: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Holy. Gate and Aura types: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Blade, Holy. Weapon types: blades of any type. Group name: Human Types of Humans: Monk, Fighter, Psychic, Witch, Hunter. Spell types: Light, Dark, Holy, Evil, Water, Fire, Earth, Air. Gate and Aura types: Light, Dark, Holy, Evil, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Blade, Gun, Moon, Star. Weapon types: Blades, Guns, and Bombs of any type Group name: Undead Types of Undead: Demon, Vampire, Ware Wolf. Spell types: Light, Dark, Evil, Fire, Water, Earth, Air. Gate and Aura types: Light, Dark, Evil, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Blade, Moon, Star. Weapon types: Swords and laser blades of any type. Those are the groups and what types of things they can have Char. name: Male/Female: Age: Group name: (Undead, Human, or Angel.) Type: (One of the types that are listed for the group u picked.) Spell LvL 1: (Weakest attack.) Spell LvL 2: Spell LvL 3: Spell LvL 4: Spell LvL 5: (Most powerful attack.) Gate type: (This is like a summon of greater power.) Aura type: (A aura is basicly a shield.) Weapon: (Please stick to ur groups weapon types.) Description: (What they ware how they look.) Please stick to the types under the group u selected for the Spells, Gate, and Aura. Char. name: Ace Male/Female: Male Age: 17 Group name: Human Type: Fighter Spell LvL 1: Flame Katari Spell LvL 2: Artic Wind Spell LvL 3: Comet Smash Spell LvL 4: Darkness Rain Spell LvL 5: Wind Souls Gate type: Moon Aura type: Air Weapon: Electro sword Description: Wares a red and black armor,helmet,and gloves and a old woren out cape,has silver hair.
  21. 1year after destroying Sigma for good and Zeros death,the world is at peace.That night at the anerversary of Sigmas destruction,five of the most powerful reploids go mavrick and start a new age in reploid history.... "The Jugment Age".Afer the end of the small battle at the party,the genral of the "Reploid movement" gathered the last 5 of the fighting reploids that still existed.The genral put them in charge of tracking down the mavricks and destroying them so the mavricks don't restart "The Sigma Age" by bring back Sigma. -Reploids- 1-[COLOR=red]Neo((_)ltryneo)[/COLOR] 2-Geno(GunDrk) 3-[COLOR=green]Rose(MagicFoxy)[/COLOR] 4- 5- -Mavricks- 1-[COLOR=blue]Clo Riverwin(Sky Moonflow)[/COLOR] 2- 3- 4- 5- Heres what I need from u to be in the rpg Name: Mavrick/Reploid: (theres only five of each) Male/Female: Main attack: Secondary attack: Counter attack: Apperince: Short Bio: -------------------------------------------- Name: Neo Mavrick/Reploid: Reploid Male/Female: male Main attack: Sheild Boomerang Secondary attack: Cannon Sword Counter attack: N-Satlite Apperince: Looks like Zero,but has no hair sticking out and the white of the armor is red and the red of the armor is black,and he has a light gem on the top of his helmet and two on his chest. Short Bio: He is brave and a true friend but can get a bit rash on fellow reploids if they do something incorrect.
  22. I'll take Onua Nuva if he's not taken. [IMG]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336onuanuva.jpg[/IMG] Bio:Mata Nui will need the wisdom and strength of Onua Nuva more than ever in the months to come. Now no place on the island is too far or too dangerous for him to reach, for his quake breakers can be used as high-speed, all-terrain tracks. They can also be used to carve new passages in the earth. Onua Nuva wears the Pakari Nuva, which increases his raw strength to amazing levels
  23. [SIZE=1]Its 23XX,after a long fight agenst Sigma,X and Zero finaly take a break unknowingly that a new mavrik leader(Gaeza) is about to rear an attack on them.After a long fight agenst tha mavrik army and Gaeza,Zero has to face the assasin Necro.After a hard blow to the head that makes Zero remeamber his love Iris again,his true side shows "The Red Demon".After fighting Necro(Zero thinking Necro is dead)he plans on killing X but has no more energy to do so.Zero hides his real self from them untill the time is right,unknowingly that Necro is planing his revenge on Zero for defeting him in his assasin style.[/SIZE] You can be Necro,Gaeza,Mega man X(a.k.a. X),or a made up reploid of any kind.And of course im taking Zero You only have to use this if your making up a reploid. -Reploid- Name: Gender: Mavrik,Mavrik hunter,or Assasin: Main weapon type: (your weakest weapon) 2nd weapon type: (2nd most powerful weapon) 3rd weapon type: (the most powerful weapon) Apperance: Bio: Zero/(_)ltryneo Gaeza/---- Necro/---- Mega man X/----
  24. Name:Ace Age: 15 Grade: 9 Appearance: Black clothes and hair Short Bio: He's the top net battler of the center,and ignores their orders at every turn. Netnavi's name: Neo Appearance: Attached Special Attack: Sheild Boomerang Lucky for you Im one of the best mega man X players out there the mmnt game take place before the mm game that were on nes wich were set in the year 20XX the net navi games are in the year 200X so basicly net navis were befor the reploids.If u have any qeastions about the mm games just ask.
  25. Neo NnM

    Dragon fighters

    OOC: Sorry i havent been able to get on lately IC:Not far away from Lance and Akire,Kyte was sitting behind a pile a rocks watching the area very closely. Kyte:Are you two looking for the dragon to? Lance and Akire look over at him not relising he was there earlier. Kyte:Sorry,I should introduce my self first.I'm Kyte. Lance:Yes,we are looking for the dragon. Kyte stood up and picked up his sword and off towards a higher hill.
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