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Neo NnM

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Everything posted by Neo NnM

  1. Anime Char:Zero What anime char is from: Mega Man X Picture of char: Attached Senario: Zero has been going out late alot and Iris is starting to suspect Zero of cheating on her with her friend Ceil. I hope its ok.
  2. cesar906,are we every goignt o do this rpg?
  3. I hope i can still join this. [B]Character name:[/B][COLOR=crimson]Zero[/COLOR] (mega man X games) [B]Reason for choosing character:[/B]Why wouldent I choose him,he has all the power a hero needs and he saved mega man plenty of times.hes been blowen up,burned to ashes,and more,and he still comes back to fight. [B]My Knowledge of this character:[/B] I know his powers,his sword attacks,and all the past mega man games that have him in them,and i know most of his powers from mega man zero.Also I know that Dr.Willy created him to rival the creation of X,but a glitch made him good. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/mn3/ryuujin/images/zerox2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.smbhq.com/~snss/ZeroX.gif[/IMG] So tell me if im in or not.
  4. OOC:sorry to busy with my own forum. Kyte:good theres one less angel that will get in the way of my attack,now to scare the other angeels away. He shifts into his dragon from then attacks the other angels that are around so only the ones who are still fighting are killed. Kyte:RAUW,if this works then it might be all over.... He paused to look down there and see how many he would have to kill. Kyte:But if this doesn't work it might mean that a much more powerful evil will come forth.
  5. Kyte:Well come on lets look in it mabey it has some good wind spells that I can use or some thing better a map to treaser. Everyone looks over at kyte giving him a glare. Kyte:What,whats the big deal if im in this mostly for money and stuff.I bet some of u are out to get some money or something to... Everyone looks at kyte just alittle longer then go back to looking at the book. Kyte: Ok,i gess im the only one... well thats ok more money for me then,right guys..... He looks over to see that they are walking away from him. Kyte:Not the silent treatment... that realy bugs me.... wait aren't u guys going to listen,guys hey guys wait up for me. Kyte quickly walks up to them again waiting for some one else to say some thing so what he said won't sit to long.
  6. OOC: ok i gess i killed this rpg :( unless people can't get on to post mabey thats why oh sorry im spaming but someone plwase post.
  7. ooc:what about the well that kagome fell though.Can't people still use it if they are have alot of power or one of the shards or some thing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the forest out skirts kyte and kivol run into unexpected zombies. "So these are the mindless zombies,"He said realy pissed that hes getting attacked"well might as well kill them off." "What do you mean kyte."Kivol said showing some fear. "Easy im going to kill all of these zombies,Star illusion."Kyte says as he leave a after image to distract the zombies wial he kills them. "Very good sir,very good indeed."Kivol said real saprized that his master has some much power. "Well,lets start heading towards the castle now."Kyte said comfadent that he can kill this Dredus guy all alone. They start off to the castle hoping that they aren't going to be all alone on this fight.
  8. Deep in a forest a young man training with his sword in the darkness.All alone he stands there swinging his sword at the same demon over and over again,but sundinly stops. "Did u hear that kivol?"Kyte said rather confused "Hear what?"The little demon kivol replied to him. "Well it must mean im going on an adventure,hope I won't need to baby sit a little brat...."Kyte said irratatedly. "So should i come with?"Kivol replided still not having a bit of feeling yet. "No,that won't be needed realy but tag along if u must."Kyte said not realy careing if kivol came or not. Kyte and Kivol start walking towards the out skirts of the forest,Kyte stops with a realy confused look on his face now. "Kivol."kyte said couresly. "Yes kyte."Kivol said willing to help. "One thing, whos Dredus?"He said hoping that kivol will know. "I have no idea,no idea at all."kivol said hoping that he did know. "Then we have troble on are hands,realy big troble."kyte said hoping he was wrong about it not knowing he was correct about it. They wander out to search for this so called Dredus hoping to defete him(and mabey earn some thing on the way).
  9. As again Kytes left alone to wander to another town. Kyte:now lets see*he looks at his map*well this small town might have something like a bar or inn. As he starts to walk though the area ahead none other then the bounty hunter appers again. Hunter:I knew id find u again! Kyte:crap,not him again. Kyte starts to run towards the forest near by to lose the hunter only to trip over a rock. Kyte:hey whats that doing there*hes says as he falls down a clif*. Hunter:lost him again.*he walks away to think of a new plan* Kyte:well at lest that hunters gone now,hmmm this compase says im heading in the right direction but the map says other rise im gessing...... the map its still up there and the cliffs to steep to climb now i have to go the rest of the way with out knowing if im right. He goes the all the way to the town but not first getting attacked by wolfs,snakes,birds and other desert and grass land animals. Kyte:Finaly another town looks like its in bad shape but theres bound to be a bar here. He sooner or later finds the bar,he walks up to the bar and gets a root beer*hey what u expect hes the hero/comady cartoon type*.He glances over to see Sakura's nature glaive and the book of moons. Kyte thinks to him self so thats the legandary book of moonsonly way she would have it if shes on of the chosen ones like me. Kyte:Hello,so y do u have that book miss?
  10. I havn't seen all the episodes so i don't real know what happend to Kagome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name:Kyte Age:16 Race:Human Appearece:a desendent of Kagome,silvar hair,green eyes,Black trench under it he has a black shirt and dark blue jeans. Impressions:He has the attitude that leaves u wounding what hes up to,hes wrather easy to get along with but when you push him to far he will get serace about what it. History/Bio:He didn't stay around his family alot,insted he went and wanderd the world when he came back he was older his dad dead and his sister killed by a murder.right befor his mom died she gave him Kagome's Bow and arrows.After his mom funral he set off learning all diffent types of fighting moves. Weapons:A Enchanted sword,Bow and arrows,ninja death stars,his speed(does being able to move realy fast count as a weopon?). Attacks: Projection(Moves realy fast to create after images),Sword Enchantment(throw sword and mental control over it),Airal attack(Jumps up and throws out ninja death stars),Star Illusion(play super smash bros melee and use foxes fox illusion to see what it looks like GCN).
  11. Kyte:RAUW,Coward! He quickly stops then spins around trying to hit sere with his long tail,only to find out that Sere is flying away from him. Kyte:Well,I always loved a good chase,but i don't want to waste all my power. He shifts back into his angel form as goes after sere with his swords at hand.
  12. Kyte:But if I must kill then so be it,but it may just mean the end if I do.Or it could mean the beging of a new age... He quickly draws out his swords the shifts into his dragon form,as he turns into a dragon his swords form black laser claws on him his wings harden into leather hid,his eyes shifted to a new color. Kyte:For all shall be lost if I don't do something about this war. He spins around smashing angels into the clif,slaming them into jagged rocks,even throwing them into the air. Kyte:Soul Stalker. He jumps at the angel that are still standing with his claws glowing,he passes right by them they disapper with out a trace. Kyte:They will soon be back but they will be gone for some time letting me get over to fighting the ones worthy of seeing my power. He turns and looks up at Sere then Roars at her. Kyte:RAUW,If tho thinks tho shall win you have more coming then you expect for I am the Dragon Angel,the master of sky! He goes into flight going at top speed to ram Sere.
  13. Bulldramon:Halsemon nice attack for one who just went into his champon form for the first time but let a real digimon show u how its done.Time for a attack that even my brother can't do,ATOMIC HORNS! Bulldramons horns start to glow with green fire.and just like horndramons Burning horns they start to fly out at Icemistdramon. Icemistdramon:not a nother pathetic atempt to hurt me. Icemistdramon swings at the attack only to find out his hand got disinagrated by the attack. Bulldramon:You feeling a bit short handed now. Icemistdramon:You fools just because u defete me doesn't mean there aren't others more powerful then me out there*evil laugh* Bulldramon:its time to finush him off guys.Inferno Breath! Lupismon:Howling Inferno! Fangbatmon:Bat Tornado! Halsemon:Tempest Wing! Icemistdramon:The next time we meet you won't be so lucky! As the attack clide with Icemistdramon he slowly disinagrats into the air.
  14. ya u can join just post on the rpg and make sure it doesnt inter fear with the other post.and u only need to have rookie up
  15. As he looks thought the town he finds a place that was not dameged some how,so he decides to look in it. Kyte:hmmmm thats wierd all the places ive been are all clapsed but this place looks like it was just made. He walks in but noones there. Kyte:I should of seen that coming. As he sits down to relax the lights start to flicker on and off. Kyte:Ok thats even wierder then this place looking like its new. As Kyte sits back he looks in a mirror and the reflection reveils that the place is all clapsed. Kyte:That can't be good!This must be a spell of some sort..... As Kyte relises that the place starts to claps on him.He looks up to see the roof falling towards him.He quickly gets up and runs out just in the nick of time. Kyte:Id take a bounty hunter over that any day....
  16. Horndramon:now its my turn,Horndramon digivolve to.....Bulldramon. Bulldramon:now to take flight and help the others. Bulldramon jumps at Icemistdramon and spreads out his wings. Bulldramon:Inferno breath. A ball of fire starts to glow in his mouth the flies out at Icemistdramon. Bulldramon:These fire attacks should melt him down to size. Bulldramon said as cofadent as he could.
  17. As the battle begins with Icemistdramon Horndramons horns start on fire. Horndramon:Burning horns*he called out as Burning spikes fly out of his horns* Only to find out he is out matched onece again by a high level digimon Icemistdramon:there is no running now my little friend. Horndramon:You arent going to win. Batmon:Ya theres still us backing Horndramon. Sirimon:And with us working togeth you will never win. As they lunch there attacks at Icemistdramon,he uses fist of the tundra and hits the attacks at a rock to reveil the digievolution light of champons. Horndramon:Guys we can digivolve to champon now! ---------------- Mighty kai,Ohkami u two can jump in any time to right some of it.
  18. OOC:just to let u know even in legand the death angel was trying to become the life angel but was insted made the death angel.what i read lots of myths. --------------------- As the war goes on the angels start to go after him more and more one by one they fall only to get back up and attack again,as he defends him self and not trying to kill.He gets attacked by a angel from the back,he turns and swings his sword only to find out he has killed the angel. Kyte:*in a terafid voice*I-I-I killed one of them I made one bleed. As Kyte sees the blood hit the ground he can't help but fall to the ground him self.In horrow he crys looking at the blood,all the other angels that were attacking him laughing at his terafid look on his face. Kyte: I killed what I set out to save,I'm no better then the reaper of souls. He quickly pulls out his vortex sword and send half of the angels into a worm hole just to get them scared anof to back down.
  19. Domon if u were watching cartoon network at midnight they had a action hour one of the animes that they showed on there was G gundam so my facts are straight for it was airing on there sence 1998 but it only was showen on wensdays.
  20. As Kyte studies the carvings he notices that a bullet has just been shot at him.As he thinks to him self that theres always a bounty hunter some were he quickly runs down the tunnles in the ruins being chased by the hunter,He comes to a dead end he looks for a way out but not finding any thing.As the hunter draws closer Kyte falls though the floor and lands in a under ground chamber,he thinks for a minute that hes home free only to find out theres no way out of the chamber. Kyte:"Man this isn't good,"he wispers. Hunter: thats a long fall theres no way he servived that. As the hunter walks away from the pit hole Kyte quickly gets up and looks for trap doors or any thing that might be used to get out.After some time he finds a door that leads to a new chamber with a shrine in the center of it,the shrine has a glowing book and a sword on it.He slowly moves up to the stuff and picks up the book,after he looks at the books cover he notices that its about the 7 moons.He shoves the book into his backpack then picks up the sword.As he picks up the sword a door opens to reveil the outside,Kyte walks though the door only to find out that hes in the middle of a wrecked town.He notices that its his home town and people have been there recantly. _____________________ I might up date this.
  21. As he was distrackting the other angels Kyte noticed that Sere was taking flight.Only he was busy with fighting off fallen angels to go after Sere him self,so for now he wouldent beable to revel his dragon form for his fear of killing what he could save.
  22. Draagul thats ok i can understand that.
  23. No,your just trying to show your ego...
  24. sorry Ohkami ive been a bit tired. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Horndramon:But if there is any chance of us defeating him we must find the power of digievilution if we want to win. Sirimon:Isn't that what the human kids used? Horndramon:Yes,that is correct. Batmon:But didn't they use something called a Digivice? Horndramon:that is correct as well and we need to find were the power was put after they left. As horndramon drifted off into his talking he was hit by Fist of the Tundra that was launched by one of Darkcyberbulldramons hench men Icemistdramon.As Horndramon stumbled to his hoofs the others were all ready to fight.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ohkami [/i] [B]OOC:Guys!I'm sorry but there aren't any more good places.The World is in ruins because when Sakura got her powers she made the world destroyed.All the buildings are old and crumbling.Please read my first post and get the idea.I repeat.Nothing is good anymore.It's all in ruins because of Sakura's curiosity. [/B][/QUOTE] The city thing is after sakura restores the world by the way
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