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Everything posted by Guess?
[color=SeaGreen]I only have two blankets. A... can't think of the name. Its made of yarn and my mom made it when I was ten or so. Its red and black stripes and I use it to keep the sun out of my room. My other blanky is my quilt. It is the softest and most comfortable blanket I have ever used. Its green and blue boxes. I would write more but I'm going to lunch. Later.[/color]
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
Guess? replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
[color=Green]I saw a Mexican get p***ed on by some guy. TOP THAT!! I was coming home from school and this Mexican worker was ahead of me. Out of this alley a man runs out without any pants on and starts to p*** on the poor guy. I was maybe 20-30 feet away. The Mexican at first was confused, then he freaked out and and started to run. The guy chased his 30 or 40 feet then ran into another little alley. I was crying. I havent laughed sooo hard ever before. After seeing that, few things are really funny. Heres something to do to your friends that will get you a cheap laugh. Sit down next to them, and start to tell a story about them being on a long, empty road. Then a trucker picks him/her up because they are hitchiking. The trucker seems nice and is telling stories. Then say this in a trucker voice(kindy deap and sound like a hillbilly) "I have a daughter named SUSAN!!!" As you say Susan grab their thigh. Most people jump sooo high. Its great when you do it to a few friends and they are around when you do it to someone else. Everyone laughs. And it works on parents. [color=Teal][b][size=1] I've had to censor some of your swearing, Guess? If you cast your eyes over the [u][url="http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"]Rules[/url][/u], you'll see that here on OB the use of obscenities is considered spam, and is not acceptable posting quality. [i]-Blackjack[/i] [/size][/b][/color] [/color] -
[font=Georgia][color=Green]I was at school when I lost them. I was getting a book from my friend in a crowded quad. I had to have fallen out then. I'm still sad and its almost a week. On a side note, 1984 is one of the best books I've ever read. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels sad at the loss of music. [/color][/font]
[color=SeaGreen][font=Georgia]I lost all my music earlier today. When I don't have my music, the world seems soo much more quiet. Not a good quiet though. My life is in my music and now a big chunk of my life is gone. I lost a total of around 30 or so Cds. Has this ever happened to any one else and does any one love music enough to feel empty at the loss of a few Cds?[/font][/color]
[color=Green][font=Georgia]Jason was early for the flight so he sat around in a coffee shop for about an hour. [i]I thought there would be way more traffic [/i]he thought as his plane landed. Jason stood up, made sure he had all of his bags, checked again then walked towards his plane. He pulled out his CD player(nothing beats oldschool CDs) and started to listen to Korn. As he was waiting for the last people to leave the plane, he saw a teenager pickpocket some woman. [i]Crap!! That little punk just stole her wallet! [/i]The plane wasn't leaving for another 45 minutes, so he put down his bags next to the tunnel and walked over to the woman. "You know you were just robbed, right?" Jason asked the woman. "What are you talking abo... HEY!!! Wheres my wallet!?" She started to look around franticly as Jason jogged over to the teenager who had robbed her. Jason stuck his hand in the kids pocket and grabbed both his wallet and the womans. The teenager didn't even know he was just robbed. Jason walked over to the woman who was now looking for a cop and gave her back her wallet. "Thanks!" "Pay more attention to your stuff or you'll lose it again," Jason said as he went to his bags. [i]I do have a soft spot for a lady in trouble. [/i]Jason boarded the plane and took a window seat in coach. A.D.I.D.A.S was starting to play on his CD player. OC: I really can pick pockets. Its fun but I don't do it anymore becuase it sucks for the guy I do it to. Plus I believe in Karma... [/font][/color]
[font=Georgia][color=Green]Mario And Luigi. I hate them soooo much. Mario is abusive. Luigi is just... Alright, I only hate Mario. He beat Yoshi in Super Mario Bros. II when he'd ride Yoshi[/color][/font]
[color=Green][font=book antiqua][b]Name:[/b] Jason [b]Age:[/b] 21(guess what I'll be buying...) [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Appearance: [/b]I look like Curt Cobain, but I have longer hair and I don't have a beard. I'll get a picture soon, maybe... [b]Character Snippit: [/b]Jason was sitting on his bed in his apartment when he got the message. "Been some time since I was even on OB. I have nothing else planed. Could be fun..." Jason finished up some work for school before checking out plane prices and the such. "My boss is gonna kill me for missing another week... Could tell him I'm still in the National Guard.Heh... I need a new job..." OC: I'm back and plan on staying. [/font][/color]
[size=2][color=seagreen]Chasity woke with a start as she heard excited voices from the street below. She got off the bed and walked to the boarded up window. Looking between the planks, she saw that a very large group of people were gathering around a quicky constructed stage. This is where Chasity's target was to be. As Chasity was surveying the crowd, several heavly armed Domo guards walked onto the stage. Behind them was the dictator that controlled the Domo Faction, Commander Talon Vicecount.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][i]He thinks hes safe. not even a sheild genorater or a glass booth. Boy, will he be shocked. [/i]Chasity thought as she loaded her sniper rifle with her custom armor piercing bullets. [i]Not that it would help him.[/i] She waited untill Vicecount was halfway into his speech about how it was Ok to destroy a city for his corrupt company's saftey. As he talked, she surveyed the crowd and found a couple Rightous Lightning members in it. Probaly there to finish the job in case something goes wrong. But nothing would go wrong. Chasity looked into the crowd one last time before aiming right in between the Commander's eyes. She put her finger to the trigger and pulled slowly. Chasity closed her eyes and then pulled all the way. The crowd went silent for a second, then burst into terrified screams. Chasity opened her eyes to see Vicecount's lifeless body fall onto his podium, then to the floor. Three of the heavly armed guards rushed to their dead Commander's side, and lifted him and took him back behind stage. Chasity pulled her rifle into the room then started to run to the basement. As she neared the first floor, Chasity hid her rifle in her cloak and pulled out her energy pistol. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]On the first floor, Chasity could hear loud footsteps coming from the entrance of the building. She ran to the fake wall as fast as she could and looked over her shoulder as she passed through the wall. She ran down the last staircase not caring if she was loud. She ran to the ladder and climbed into the bright midday sunslight. Chasity's glider was still cloaked and she had no problem finding it. As she flew away, she remembered the first soldier she saw: a woman with green hair.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=seagreen]As soon as Chasity arrived in Prentice, she could tell the head of the Domo Faction would be arriving soon. Guards were every where. Most were Domo, but a few looked to be mercenaries hired for the added protection. Chasity stayed away from large groups of patrols until her contact pulled her into a dark alley.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"Chasity Garten?" a cold, emotionless voice.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"A robot is my contact?" [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"You seem suprised. Follow me." The robot quickly walked further into the darkness. Chasity had to run not to lose the robot. Chasity follwed her contact into the run down building [b]Ashi [/b]described. They walked up several floors untill the couldn't go up further because the staircase collapsed.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"In here," the robot instructed as they walked down a dark hallway. The robot was pointing at a wall. Chasity walked through the holographic wall and into a small room with one boarded up window. She walked to the window and could see where the Domo had set up a stage for the press conference.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"Where is the sewer I'm supposed to escape through?" Chasity said while staring out the window.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"This way," and once again the robot quickly started to walk off without Chasity. They walked down the staircase until they reached the first floor, then they walked through another holographic wall that hid a staircase. At the bottom of the staircase was a long, dank tunnel that led right into the sewers. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"Keep walking this way and you will reach a ladder. Climb it to get to the desert. Hide your vehicle near the opening for an easy get-away." With that, the robot departed. Chasity walked to her Glider and flew to the end of her escape rout. She turned on the cloak, then walked through the sewers, up all the stairs then through the holographic wall. There was a smal bed in the corner that she had over looked before.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]"All the comforts of home..."[/color][/size]
[color=seagreen]"You know the Domo faction has spies everywhere," Chasity said calmly. "You should probaly be quiet about the whole Righteous Lightning. The Domos will shoot anyone even talking about it."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"So, will you take the job?" Ishi asked again.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Yes. As long as I get paid. Since I'm a friend of the Righteous Lighting, I'll even do it for a discount." They both laughed then got down to the real buisness plans.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]Ishi began "Vicecount will hold a press conferance 2 days from now in the city of Prentice. He will explain to everyone what he is doing by sending his army after us. Thats when you will strike. You will be positioned a few hundred yards away in a run down, abandoned building. Try to kill in one shot."[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"No problem. I've hit harder targets," Chasity said proudly.[/color] [color=#2e8b57][/color] [color=#2e8b57]"Shooting him won't be the hard part. Getting out alive will be the hard part. We have an escape rout through the sewers that will work fine. You just have to get from your sniper position to them in under a minute and a half. Thats about how long it will take the guards to find your hiding place." After this, Ishi stood up and wlked to the door. " In two days a man in a cloak will show you to your sniping spot. Be there." Ishi turned transparent and walked out the door.[/color]
uhh i don't know if any one noticed this but..
Guess? replied to JuliasPeach's topic in Help & Feedback
[size=2][color=seagreen]well I'll be damned.. thats funny. Ya, it probaly is some glitch. Nothing to really worry about (hopefully)...[/color][/size] -
You know you're easily amused when. . .
Guess? replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
[size=2][color=seagreen]I've done almost everything mentioned... And I laughed uncontrolably for some time afterwards... Heres things I do when I'm bored...[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]1) Make up stories about anything... including magic pants.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]2) Make my cats dance with each other. Very amusing for me, but I know they hate it.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]3) Sing songs that I heard and mix up the lyrics of multiple songs.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]4) Laughing at random people in public place( This will entertain anyone for hours:laugh: )[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]5) Playing the game at battleon.com. For some reason this game is great.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]6) Super glueing coins to the ground and watching people try to get them while trying to look casual. This keeps me entertained in school[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]7) Sitting in bushes waiting to scare people... sometimes waiting for hours...[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]Thats all for now...[/color][/size] -
[size=2]Name: [color=seagreen]Chasity Garten [/color]Sex: [color=seagreen]female[/color] Race: [color=seagreen]Human[/color][/size] [size=2]Hair: [color=seagreen]Shoulder length, blue[/color] Eyes: [color=seagreen]Green[/color] Skin: [color=seagreen]Pale [/color]Build: [color=seagreen]light[/color] Clothing: [color=seagreen]Violet cloak that drags on the ground, an old baseball cap she got from her Grandfather that is a faded blue. Under the cloak she wheres a light blue blouse, tan pants and black combat boots. The inside of the cloak is in a dessert camo pattern.[/color] Weapon of Choice: [color=seagreen]Chasity uses a good ol' fashion high powered, high precision rifle. The rifle is magazine fed, 8 shots, and uses all types of ammo. Chasity prefers armor peircing, though. Also has an energy pistol and a energy knife.[/color] Vehicle: [color=seagreen]Chasity owns a glider that has been modified for speed and m[color=#000000][color=seagreen]aneuverability. Speed-Excellent --[/color][/color][color=seagreen] Maneuverability- good -- Armor- below average[/color][color=#000000] [/color] [/color]Vehicular Weaponry: [color=seagreen]Has no weapons but [/color][color=seagreen]can cloak when stationary. Chasity uses her blaster pistol if a weapon is needed on the glider[/color] Bio: [color=seagreen]Chasity wasn't born on Autumn, but was forced there when she was a child. She was a slave for some time as a child. Working in the mines extracting Xanathite. Until she and several other slaves where moved to another mine. On the way there, bandits attacked the transport thinking it was full of Xanathite. They were suprised to find it was full of children. The bandits, who disliked slavery, took all the valuables and set the slaves free. They may have hated slavery, but they were still bandits, and stole evan the clothes off the kids backs.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=seagreen]Several of the kids made it to the nearby town. And from there, they just split up and went on their own ways. Chasity stayed in the town because she had nothing and no one.[/color][color=seagreen] A kindly old women took Chasity in. Turned out this old women was in the [/color][color=seagreen]The Righteous Lightning. Chasity was accepted into the resistance faction and learned to be a sniper. After several years of not making much money, Chasity decided to become a [/color][color=seagreen]Vigilante. The pay was higher but so were the risks. She quickly became feared as one of the best bounty hunters ever. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=seagreen][/color][/size] [size=2][color=seagreen]She still has several conections in The Righteous Lightning and is still loved by the group and would never collect a bounty on one of its members.[/color][/size] [size=2]Political Alignment: [color=seagreen]The Righteous Lightning/Vigilante[/color][/size] [size=2][color=black]Reputation: [/color][/size] [size=2][color=seagreen]Robotica: Despised[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]The AML: Nuetral[/color][/size] [size=2][color=seagreen]Domo Faction: Hated[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]The Righteous Lightning: Loved[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]Vigilante: Trusted[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]MFBL: Terrified[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]Prospecter/Merchant: Trusted[/color][/size]
[size=1][size=2]Name: [color=seagreen]James Tills[/color] Age: [color=seagreen]23[/color] Gender: [color=seagreen]Male [/color]Weapon: [color=seagreen]Winchester Lever-Action Rifle, 2 6-shot revolvers[/color] Appearance: [color=seagreen]Dirty brown cowboy hat, light brown hair, clean shaven. Blue shirt, blue denim pants. Cowboy boots with spurs. Large duster. Bullet belt around waist.[/color] Personality: [color=seagreen]Kind, polite, friendly. Likes to help people. [/color] Bio:[/size] [/size][size=2][color=seagreen]When James was 8, his mom died when she was taken captive by bandits. After that his father became a drunk, then later killed himself. James was 11 when this happened, and was forced to work to live. He found work on a ranch doing easy things like dishes and cleaning. But as he got older, James wanted to do more. So he convinced the owner of the ranch to let him go out one day with one of the teams to do more labor.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]After a few months of this, James found out he had a living uncle in some city. So he got all of his belongins and headed for his uncles. His uncle was a gunsmith and showed James how to shoot and make his own ammo. James cought on pretty quick and was soon able to hit bottles from 40 yards away with his rifle.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]When James was 19, his uncle started to drink. And would get in a drunken rage and beat on James for hours. James never once laid a finger on his uncle, but got fed up and left in the middle of the night while his uncle was beating a whore. James took his rifle and set out to make a name for himself by killing outlaws and bandits.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#2e8b57]James did this for several years making a living off of the bountys he brought in. One day while in some big city saloon, James heard about a town up north that was having some type of problem. After hearing the story, James left the big city and headed north to the small town of Jessie's Prarie...[/color][/size]
[left][size=2][font=Arial Narrow][b]Name: [/b][color=seagreen]Matt[/color][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=2][font=Arial Narrow][b]Weapon:[/b] [color=seagreen]Basher(tonfa)[/color][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=2][font=Arial Narrow][b]G.F.:[/b] [color=seagreen]Quezacotyl[/color][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=2][font=Arial Narrow][b]Element:[/b] [color=seagreen]Li[/color][color=seagreen]ghtning[/color][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=2][font=Arial Narrow][b]Special Ability:[/b] [color=#2e8b57]Presure Guide: Hits sensitive presure points all over the enemy's body, causing large damage and stun.[/color][/font][/size][/left] [left][size=2][font=Arial Narrow][b]Bio:[/b] [color=seagreen]Matt was part of the whole digidestined thing, but was getting bored with the whole thing. Until one day, he and his friends fought a digimon that they've never seen before. They quickly learned it wasn't a digimon, and were sucked into a strange portal. He woke with 6 people standing around him and his friends laying beside him.[/color][/font][/size][/left] [font=Arial Narrow][size=2] [/size][/font] [left][font=Arial Narrow][size=2][color=#2e8b57](Note: I have never seen digimon in my life.)[/color][/size][/font][/left]
I can't answer the first question because nothing that happens really changes the outlook on life to me. As for the second, I believe people listen to music that fits there mood. If you're sad, you'll listen to a sad song so you can connect with whats being said. If you're mad, you'll listen to heavy stuff. If you don't believe me, next time you experience a drastic change in emotion, pay atention to what music you listen to. You'll be suprised. As for the second part of the question, I can't answer it. Remember[QUOTE][color=#dc143c]this is not to be a debate, just your opinion.[/color][/QUOTE]
Well I have 7 animals. 6 cats and 1 dog. [b]CATS[/b] Muggy: My lovable fat cat. The only problem with that last sentence is that he is only lovable if you're on the toilet. He hates to be touched on the face and doesn't take to kindly to his other parts being petted. Unless you're on the toilet... Very odd... T.C.: My little brothers cat. Jet black and very friendly. He is the coolest cat ever. Plus he eats dog food. Coby: My Mom's cat. This cat will throw up on you then lay down and want to be petted. If you've seen the Robin Willaims Stand Up skit about cats, you'll understand. Other than that, hes a cool cat. Moma: Yes we named a cat Moma. Shes the mother of T.C. and we got her as a pregnant kitten. She used to be a huge ***** and cut your hand to ribbons if you got close, but she got friendly. Probaly the most friendly cat we have. Oreo: A black and white cat that belongs to my littlest brother. I've dubbed her Whoreo because she will let anything do anything to her. She tried to get it from my dog once. Really funny. Shes friendly even when not in heat. which isn't very often... Huntfield: My other cat. Hes orange and meows like a freak of nature. Whoreo is his sister and they like to... procreate. I think that made my post a little tactful, at least. They had ONE kitten but we're giving it away. Its an orange and black mix. Huntfield is an ok cat. [b]DOGS[/b] Bart: Are only dog. Hes 14, fat and going blind and deaf. Very playful though. Loved him so much in his prime. Still do, just can't play with him anymore...
I can't wait for Halo 2 either. I've beaten the first one and became a master at multiplayer. And being an Elite in 2 will make it so much better. I always wanted to be some of the aliens in Halo (like the Jackel) and be able to destroy the enviroment. Ijust hope everthing isn't shiny like in halo one. Master Cheif was too shiny...
I think we deserved it. I'm not saying that the man deserved to die, but they were using him as an example. They want us out of their country and will continue to kill civilians until we're out. We invaded their country, took out the head honchos, and killed so many of its citizens. We did our job, so why the hell are we still there?!? We lose troops everyday because Bush is an idiot and doesn't seem to want an end to the war. He says he does but if he really did want the fighting to end, he would set up a government and leave. Thats the only reason we should be there. If we remove a form of crap government, we have to set up a new one thats better. I thought we already set up a government and that means we should be out. I'm starting to belive this war was started so Bush could feel importent. We should pull out and level the whole country with bombs.
[size=2]The three worst movies of all time:[/size] [size=2][/size] [b][size=2] Lord of the Rings: the first new one.[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [size=2]This movie was a letdown. It was probaly good but I saw it late at night and was promised lots of action. Plus there was to much talking to keep my attention so late at night. Lots of people said it was awsome and kickass, but I wanted to burn it.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][b]Drum Line, Bring It On and any other crap teen movie[/b][/size] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [size=2]These movies just piss me off. They have no plot, acting is better in a 3rd Grade production of Snow White, and so many other reasons that I don't have time to share. I also agree with almost everything Transtic Nerve says, I saw some stoned and still thought they sucked big.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I can't think of any movies that I dislike at the time being. But there are alot.[/size]
I have some, but I'm only sharing 2. I laugh uncontrolably( i can't spell because its late) at things that aren't funny; like walls and people. I also hate walking on paved ways, like side walks, or walking on set paths. I like to make my own path so others will follow. stupid followers...
Fish, I think Question: In Final Fantasy: [color=black]Crystal Chronicles, How do you get the final weapon for the spear people? Sorry I can't remember their names...[/color]
[size=2]"The song? I don't know. I usually don't listen to this stuff." Jase said as they danced in their socks (happy now:rolleyes: ). "The songs called Moon Light Stroll..." Skye and Jase heard from behind them. Jason was standing there in his socks. ?Can I cut in?? Jason asked Jase. ?Sure. Skye, I?ll be skating with everyone else. Later!? And with that he half stumbled, half ran to get his skates. When he got out of the rink and to the bench with his skates, Jase noticed Rem was sitting alone. ?Hey Rem, why you sitting? You should get up and skating." [/size]
Its been 67 years since the Nevevarine united the Ashland tribes and the Great Houses. 67 years since the Nevevarine killed Dagoth Ur and disbanded the Sixth House, House Dagoth. For 64 years Vvardenfell was prosperous and blight free. No warring amongst the Great Houses. Little, if no crime. Everything was going great until the Nevevarine disappeared. The blight suddenly came back. People started to have visions of an approaching doom. The Great House Hlaalu and Redoran blamed the wizards of the Great House Telvanni, but they all said they were as perplexed at the blight as everyone else. Many adventures flocked to Vvardenfell to gain money and prestige. Some joined the different guilds of the island, some just became freelance mercenaries. Its been three long years since this all happened. The blight storms are affecting not only the Ashlands, but most of the Grazelands and the Bitter Coast. The Telvanni wizards are trying to bring the Ghostfence back, but need a few more weeks. All people who sign-up are either newcomers to the island, or have been there for some time. All newcomers start in Vivec. Everyone else can start anywhere. (Newcomers are people who just arrived in Vvardenfell). Sign-up:: -Name: (first and last) -Age: (19-45 for fighters, 35-60 for magic users) -Gender: Male or female. -Class: To save time, I will write only the basic classes: Knight (basic fighter), Crusader (like a knight but can cast some healing magic), Archer (likes ranged weapons) , Mage (uses a variety of magic), Sorcerers (like a summoner) , Healer (uses healing magic), Assassin (kills from the shadows). NOTE: You can be any class that I didn?t mention. Just give a description so everyone knows what it is. -Race: Anything is good. -Magic: Anyone can use magic, but try and keep big spells to the magic classes. 10 max and nothing unbelievably powerful. -Weapon: No godly Daedric weapons or armor, it also has to be something your class would use. (i.e. mage=staff, archer=bow, ect?) -Appearance: Don?t make a High Elf mage look like an Argonian archer, Make it fit with your class and race. Pictures are good too -Biography: Long or short, doesn?t matter. -Starting Location: Vivec, Sadrith Mora, Balmora, Caldera, any ruin, and any Imperial Fort. I?ll post my sign-up after some others people sign-up
[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC:: Jase is cool, just don't call me JJ... IC: Jase was surprised that Skye danced so well on skates. So he decided to dance faster. She kept up and he complimented her. After a few minutes of dancing, the music changed to slow dance music. Jase got close to Skye and started to slow dance. [/size][/font]?So Skye, how?s it feel to be a teenager?? ?It feels the same as being 12, I?m just taller.? Jase and Skye both laughed and continued to dance?