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Everything posted by Guess?

  1. Guess?


    [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by ChibiChaos [/I] I used to be afraid of spiders, now I just enjoy killing them because I hate them... [/QUOTE] Same here... spiders hiss when they are lit on fire. I'm also afraid of deep water. I can swim beter then anyone I now but I'm afraid of the ocean. It's the giant squid...
  2. Name: Cid Highwind Age:36 Appearence: Wears black pants a dark blue jacket that has an open front, a yellow shirt under the jacket. Wears leather boots and leather gloves that go to his elbows. Has clond hair and wears goggles. Occupation: Turk(pilot) Bio: After the adventure with Cloud and company, Cid tried to get fundig to build a rocket to go to space(still hasn't though) Weapon: spear called Venus Gospel(Cid's final weapon) Attack: thrust Mag.Attack: Thunder ---------------------- If this takes place four years after FFVII Vincent would be 31.
  3. I laugh when people fight. Its funny and I hope they get really pissed and come after me. Then I'd beat the crap out of them and laugh some more. Everyone I know thinks I'm insane because I laugh so much.
  4. My favorite enemy from a vidio game are the little demon children from Silent Hill. I like how they are never ending and you can beat them with a pole. I had the guide and it said to avoid all enemies to save ammo but I like to kill so I beat everything with the pole. It was fun.
  5. Name: Jason Smith Age:48 Weapons: Combat shotgun Vehicle: tank Description: Wears a white shirt thats tucked into desert camo pants. Black combat boots. Wears an ammo belt across his chest, around his waist and on his boots(He doesn't like to run out of ammo) Bio: He may be old but he can still beat the crap out of any one in the sevice! He's also the highest decorated man in his squad which was the reason he was selected to assist the guardians, but as an added bonus he can pilot a tank by himself.
  6. Guess?

    Heavy Metal

    Has anyone seen the movie Heavy Metal or Heavy Metal 2000?What did you think of them? I saw Heavy Metal when I was young and thought it was creepy because at the time all the cartoons I was watching were loony toons and stuff like that. I saw Heavy Metal 2000 a few years ago and liked it more then the first.
  7. this game looks great. I saw the trailer and thought wow, you get to run around in the jungle killing terrorists and eating wildlife. I just wish I still had a ps2...
  8. My favorite final fantasy... its a tie between 5 and tactics. I really liked the job system. tactics advance is gonna be better then both because there will be more jobs( i've played it in japanese but since i cant read japanese it was kinda hard) My favorite character... Delta(fftactics). I like Delta because he [spoiler]Ramzas best friend, betrays him then kills some of Ramzas family members, marrys Ramza's sister then kills her. Ultimate bad guy.[/spoiler]
  9. whats your favorite mobile suit or gundam? Mines the Zaku II or death scyth
  10. I saw the preview to that and i thought it was a joke... It looks like Cubix with baby gundams, Zaku II being the coolest.
  11. I liked ct alot. The whole time travel thing was really different and unique. My favorite character was Frog because he was a swordfighting frog. Never played cc though, heard it was really good.
  12. theres no question up right now so heres one... In final fantasy V, how many jobs can you get?
  13. Tell your mom that you don't like the guy, as for the comp. make a password for it. And if your mom gets on your case about the password tell her its yours and yours alone.
  14. Guess?


    The dad in flcl also mentions gundams in the first episode during the magna(sp?) scene. Just thought everyone needed to know that.
  15. Guess?

    Suikoden III

    Number two is for psx. I'm not sure about the other. Number two was fun, I got all 108 stars in it(it was hard...very hard)
  16. you should just get over it. and if you can't... prove to him your not mean.
  17. Guess?

    Shinobi Wars

    Name: Ryu Age: 17 Rank: Genin Country: Plant Weapon: Claws, shurikans Description: Dark blue pants and shirt, Steel face mask that covers his mouth and nose, short blond hair Bio: N/A Attitude: loves battle and is unbelievably loyal Attacks: Diverson-throws a shurikan at an enemy to distract them and then rushes in for a quick attack. Poison Cloud-pulls out a cloth sack of poison and hurls it at the enemy. Constrict-Roots and vines come out of the ground holding the victim in place.
  18. I'd wanna be in a daffy duck cartoon because i couldn't die. I would jump off buildings and then bounce when i hit the ground. It would be fun...
  19. I got way stupider in school as i got older, but much smarter in things im actually going to use in my life, like never eat paste...
  20. I wanna be a gung-ho gun. Name: Ryu Gato (Ryu the Cat) Power: Can turn into a Cat. Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'11, wearing a classic ninja suit thats a dark blue. Has a steel face mask that covers his mouth and nose. Has empty blue eyes and short blond hair. Weapons: Two titanium tonfas(a stick thats about as long as the forearm that has another stick coming out about a quarter of the way down thats short and used to hold on to) and a huge amount of ninja stars. Bio: Not to much is known about this ninja assassin except that his entire family was butchered in front of him when he was 4. Shortly after the man that did it was found dead. Personality: Very loyal and hates liars.
  21. Guess?


    Does anyone know when fable is coming out? nope didnt notice everyone were newbies...
  22. I dont have the game but ive played it at my friends house. Im very addicted! I like it more than any other xbox game because of the freedom to do any thing you like. I'm trying to keep my character neutral on the force scale.
  23. well one time my little brother and i were fighting ind i punched him in the cheek and riped his cheek open, he needed a couple of stitches for that. this other time i hit him in the back of the head with some reebar(sp?). He really makes me mad.
  24. I'm not racist, I just wanted to know what everyones opinion was about priests wearing black. I think they should change there robes to blue.
  25. Guess?


    I chose Gargoyle God because someone commented that i cauld stay still for extended periods of time like a gargoyle. I've used that as my name for online games and what not. I chose god because I'm a god in any game I play:D . I beat everyone in everything.
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