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Everything posted by klinanime1
[B]Time is Slow:[/B] Very surreal. I personally would prefer the blending to be more subtle in the background, but it offers a nice contrast to the ... wrist? ... the watch is on. It's nicely done with acrylics. [B]Quiet Boy: [/B] There's something kind of off about the face. Like the lower his-left our-right portion? I'm not sure it should dip in like that. The shading is marvelous, though, and I really like his look. It's almost as if he's harboring some inner demon unbeknowst to the world. [B]Control Anger: [/B] The "mute" is the most important part! As it is already located of the normal focal point, it should be bold to draw attention. Write bigger, or thicker, or I dunno ... The idea is sooo great, and the tv remote was done [B]extremely well. And with pastels!!!!! I bow down to you. Do you know me?: [/B] I thought it was a photo at first glance, to be honest. The detail work for the zipper is amazing. The subtle shading of the face is something that contrasts sharply with the metal/plastic highlights of the zipper. Really good. [B]Sleeping Cat:[/B] Neko! erm, heh. It looks so soft, like you could reach out and bury your fingers in silky fur. I'm not sure of the effect you were going for, so I don't know if you were going for the muted vs. vivid colors. For a "silence" theme, I would have chosen softer, grayer shades for the blanket to keep the cat as the main object. However, it looks good as it is, because really it emphasizes the connection between the cat and the blanket. Kinda like it's saying sometimes you just need to curl up on a blanket and sleep. >^..~< [B]Depression:[/B] I like this one. The shading in the background brings out the gloominess, and his expression isn't overly ... blah. It brings out all the subtle nuances of depression. His cap kind of looks like it's resting on his hair instead of pulled down on his head. But that's REALLY not very noticeable. [B]Quatro:[/B] You did that with acrylics. o.0 [B]Look to Above: [/B] Hm. The hair looks roughly done, but perspective is awesome. It looks ... I dunno ... like you rushed it. The wonderful shading seems hurried. It may not have been and may be just me nitpicking, but ... Just my two cents.
Those are rather nice and resemble the Rurouni Kenshin style very, very nicely. It must have taken a lot of patience to shade the 1st one! I usually get irritated if I have to shade such a large area. It's really very good use of the pencil medium.
Hm. I haven't been here in so long that I was sent an e-mail telling me how to delete my account. Anyway, I've noticed my drawing style changed yet again on me, and I'm not sure if I like it. This is not good, considering my fledgling webcomic is suffering under this uncertainty. I'd appreciate it if someone could give me some insight on the lineart. I guess criticism on all aspects are welcome, but I already know the cg could definitely be better. :: sigh :: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y187/klinanime/egl_neko.jpg[/IMG] oh yeah, I can't tell if the whole thing is proportional or not...
Um. BLUE... I'm confused. Are you asking me, or are you asking people in general, because if it's people in general, that's the topic of this thread. What's your incentive to draw manga. INCENTIVE. Your innermost reason, selfish or otherwise, for drawing manga. That's what I was hoping to get at. (And the Psych course doesn't begin until next semester...) Yeah... If you were asking me: [QUOTE]Personally, my incentive to draw is because I like it, but my incentive to draw manga is to get my thoughts out there for critiques and I suppose, sadly enough, for praise.[/QUOTE] In other words, hope for a reputation to get a job I won't tear my eyes out in. In more words, fame towards a blissful future. (ouch, sounded shallow...) Rubs head... I didn't think I had anything insulting in that last post, did I? What was the "okay, then" for? I think that's what really confused me.
A lot of "'cause I like to"s out there, and it reassures me that the next generation of mangaka will show as much dedication as the present. There's also a lot of "manga as last artistic hope"s, which commends the artistic talent out there. (hope that made sense... dead tired here) btw, BLUE--- look at your avi and tell me you aren't obsessed.
I don't know of any primarily Christian anime; just as a kind of "warning" (not really, statement maybe?) just because there's references to Christian symbols, it won't necessarily be promoting Christianity. Now, for compromise issues, there's very little "quality" anime that has little violence. Good luck on that, if you're cutting blood and gore out. The sexually provocative scenes might be easier to avoid. The good news is that with the sudden rise in popularity, I don't doubt anime will get a Contemporary Christian - like genre. Question: What would public opinion think of an anime that subtly (or not so) promoted Christianity, creation, and fate? [Yeah, still toying with a manga idea... ehehe]
Thanks for all the tips. Unfortunate that the guy who was just elected our president only won because he brought people in to vote for him... At least I did become treasurer, though. It would've been kind of sad if I didn't, since I was running unopposed... ^ ^ I wish "Going to Die Alone" (Blade911, that's Evan's new name in the club) became secretary... Anyways. Anyways, I'll look into various art-related competitions, and into other anime (Gods not Inuyasha. Great show, but considering they watched it in tangent with DBZ last year, I think the really testosterone infused guys will throw a fit.) Unfortunately, the anime club is school initiated, so some of the suggestions would be extremely difficult to perform. And I DON'T want some of those people at my house. The cosplay idea was great, and it's surprising how many people were willing to help out with the doujinshi. The person who SHOULD have become president wanted to do music and "learn Japanese" sessions, etc. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
Oh my goodness, the DMV nearest to me has everyone within three cities coming to it, so naturally it takes a really long time. To get my driver's liscense, I went in Saturday and waited two hours. They said I had to wait two more weeks, though I was sixteen, had at least 5 hours over the limit, etc. Ok, that's fine. Go in two weeks later: three hour wait, and they decided the person ahead of me was the last driving test. Next day: four hour wait, same result. Day after that: after 3 hours, the very last person to take the test! I wasn't supposed to, but I think the lady who was doing it felt sorry for me, since I'd spent twelve hours in there. :: shivers:: Never want to go through that again. I hope never to get my driver's liscense revoked or anything.
Well, I'm definitely getting a "who gives a da**" vibe. Better, more specific question, though I may possibly get the same answers (being somewhat antisocial appears to have its disadvantages): What about dancing with your date? Contact or no, or what? :: confused:: I guess it's more of a proper etiquette question...
Wonderful plotline, and it seems you have all the details ironed out. With the prospective artists around, I hope soon to see previews of a finished project. You definitely seem like someone who enjoys making things seem as if they could be reality, so I expect to see something great come out of this. A pity I won't have time to lend my own talent due to time, but it's unlikely it would be of publishing quality anyway. A word of advice for any artists willing to undertake this: In order to really bring out the "dark" quality of this plot, heavily toned backgrounds would be a plus.
For those of you who don't know, my brain spurts out a surplus of ideas that tend to end up in a heap of nothingness. However, I really like this new idea and I love the main char design (^ - ^) I've thought of. It's tentatively titled, "Life/Death: New York." Somehow in the future, a corrupt government is run by a kind of dynasty, (it sounds corny, but it's because the entire family are politicians and most are good presidents, but others have had their opponents eliminated) and the recent one has dual personalities. The "good politician" side is mortily frightened of her psychotic, take-over-the-world side, and she has secretly compacted with a group the media calls the "Untouchables" who have been ordered to kill off her opponents and mask it by randomly killing other people. The mistake they made was 1) attacking the New York Boarding School for Orphans, and 2) leaving the guy who founded the school alive. Jimmy Devoian founded the schools after himself being left w/out his parents by a drive by shooting, and when all of his students were slaughtered, he woke from his coma vowing revenge. Donning a mask to defy the Untouchables, he was given the name ?Hero Protector? by the media. This undercover work didn?t last long but this experience made him a prime candidate to lead the ?New York Rebellion? with the Liberal candidate for presidency, Christoph Jameson. The bar Devoian worked at became their head quarters, and with the information given to him by Ellen Desalle, who works as an electrical engineer at a controversial tech advancement company, they are able to eventually eliminate the Untouchables and began the "Siege of DC." Key Characters: Jimmy Devoian ? A bartender and the mysterious ?Hero Protector? who begins the threads of revolution. Ellen Desalle ? an electrical engineer working for the controversial ?Tech. Advancement Institution? Donni Estefon ? the orphaned 12 year old son of a former Republican candidate for presidancy who is taken in by Devoian. Sean Marix ? Professor at a small performing arts college, and influential propogandist and Devoian's adoptive brother. Perry Cerol ? The owner of ?Orange Jasmine: Cerol?s Café and Bar,? where Devoian works and which is basically the HQ of the rebellion. Christoph Jameson ? young Democratic candidate for presidancy who aids Devoian in the revolution Karen Landsen ? Jameson?s fiance Celliond Liensierre ? current president with multiple personalities: 1. Psychotic control freak, 2. able politician who as afraid of her other half. I haven't really meditated on it yet to see flaws in it, so C&C are very welcome. EDIT:: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that firearms are banned from civilians, putting the rebels at a distinct disadvantage as they have to deal in illegal trades, & Jameson already got busted for it once. Kind of important, but hey... EDIT 2:: Nyargh... I'm having issues with deciding the ending. At the climac there's a massive explosion-like thing, and DC's wiped out. I don't know whether to show: that Jimmy survived, have an explanation, have him approaching the group outside the site, and suddenly end it; or have more closure by going further and showing how he and the rebels are major heroes and how life will be. I slightly prefer the first, but the second is also so tempting... help.
With homecoming approaching rather soon and me being obligated to go because I'm playing w/the orchestral group for coronation (groan), I'd like to figure out how to dance, well, more like what is generally done and accepted. Last year I ended up being the one with the reading light at knee level, drawing, and I would like for that NOT to happen again as my back hurt horribly afterwards. I'd like to know what is generally considered conservative and not relatively humilitating, and don't just tell me to let the beat fill me because that's not going to give my confidence a boost.
I was just wondering about all you artists out there: exactly what is your incentive to draw manga? Fame and recognition? To get your ideas out there? I'd like it if you were as honest as possible and really think about it before blindly answering, "because I like to draw." I dunno, I just want to get a perspective on the talent and commitment the manga market could potentially be flooded with. Personally, my incentive to draw is because I like it, but my incentive to draw manga is to get my thoughts out there for critiques and I suppose, sadly enough, for praise.
Through many series of unfortunate events, those that were most needed in our anime club either graduated or... yeah, well anyway, most of the anime buffs in our school now refuse to come because the people in it only understand DBZ, Yu-gi-oh,etc. as anime, and it's basically ruining the club. :: tear:: (From what I understand, last year everyone watched DBZ half the time which was why I left) To get the "anime buffs" back in, I've decided to improve on the activities so we aren't just watching an hour of anime for every meeting. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just monotonous. Some ideas I've already had were: Start a doujinshi start a fundraiser (As treasurer, I feel obligated to handle money at some point) Try to get a field trip to ACen (probably not happening) Get Manga for the school Any other ideas? What do other anime clubs do to keep people in?
I'm unsure whether this should go in the movies section or whatever... Media Asia Films has recently revealed its HK$100m manga adaptation Initial D at a press conference in Japan. The Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Japanese cast: Edison Chen, Jay Chou, Anne Suzuki, Anthony Wong, Chapman To, Kenny Bee, Jordan Chan and Shawn Yue. Jay Chou as Takumi Fujiwara Anne Suzuki as Natsuki Mogi Anthony Wong as Bunta Fujiwara Edison Chen as Ryousuke Takahashi Initial D is Asia-famous Mandopop singer/composer Jay Chou?s theatrical debut, and this nuanced leading man naturally became the media?s attention. ?There?re lots of racing scenes in the film,? the pop idol said jokingly, ?but fortunately the ubiquitous paparazzi has perfected my driving skill.? ___ Why is there only one Japanese actor in the "main" character roster? Supposedly, Jay's been a really great actor, so maybe no worries there. I'm, frankly, looking forward to it. Supposedly Edison Chen was supposed to be cast as Takumi, but as in all pop competitions, Jay beat him out in the end. It was rumored that Jackie Chan was to direct the film, then it was Tsui Hark... I have no idea who it is now. What do all of you think about Taiwanese and Hong Kong popstars re-enacting Initial D? [On a more Jay-fan-ish note] Hah, of course he mentioned the paparazzi. He's been chased by them since 2002, and recently "took his revege" on them by taking pictures of them with his mobile phone. I will be sorely disappointed with him if he isn't as much of a perfectionist in this as with his music and music videos.
It's rather nice. I believe you over-emphasized the slouch on the guy, as his head and neck seem a bit too wide, and his right shoulder looks awkward. Good job otherwise.
So I have this set of Prismacolor pencils just sitting on my desk, unopened and in pristine shape, and I decided to learn how to use them. I'm accustomed to Crayola colored pencils (more wax than color), so I've made it kind of my "summer project" to do. The blending is a little blotchy, but I think its alright for a first time. The line art's a bit irritating, I know; the guy's head is a bit large and his torso rather narrow, and the girl looks anorexic; but I didn't really pay that much attention to it. [heh.] C&C requested. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20036[/img]
Art Imi's fanart, the originality amazes me....
klinanime1 replied to Ezekiel's topic in Creative Works
Your work is great, except for some proportions and minor details. I'm assuming you're using color pencils? Excuse me if I repeat some criticisms. Too lazy to read everything. The first, Imric. The right arm in itself is alright, but in respect to the rest of the body it's off. If the shoulder is to be shown in that way, the body should be turned towards the arm and the left shoulder should come forward a bit. Stretch marks on the cloths aren't well defined, and his pants look... rather wrinkled. The arms are also rather thin. I love the shading and highlights of the hair and his clothes. It's a great design. Razor: Neh, his head's a little flat... The highlights are well done on both his hair and clothes and I love his eye and smirk. The shadows could be a little darker and more defined to give a clear indication of a light source. Tomonori: His head's a little big for his body, but it's nothing major. His right arm seems to be oddly attached to his body anatomically, as the rib cage should be a bit larger. The wrinkles in the clothing are angular and come to rather sharp points. The coloring is superb. Don't really know how well you emulated the character design, not having seen Juevenile Orion. Well done indeed. -
Manga Tokyopop mangas for the 4th contest?
klinanime1 replied to klinanime1's topic in Otaku Central
SilverCyclone - Ah, a typical prep/nerd ai plot. You might want to add some things to make it really stand out, but it's a good, solid plot for 15-20 pages. Just beware that some other artists might be doing similar plots for lack of other inspirations. KazeNoAoi- I suggest an envelope. ^^ Seriously, though, the plot seems... interesting. As I don't really know exactly what's going on, I hold my tongue before passing judgement on it. Well I just got some bad news for me. Because I only got A's in two of my courses instead of an H grade, my parents aren't letting me draw this summer or the coming school year. :: tear :: This of course means I can't participate in the coming RSOM contest. Maybe they'll cool off by September, and I can then get my drawing privileges back in time for the next? -
Manga Tokyopop mangas for the 4th contest?
klinanime1 replied to klinanime1's topic in Otaku Central
I was wondering if it was just me about those markers. The whole point of tone is to provide a grayscale that would still print under black & white conditions. maladjusted- :: tear ::. Hope you'll enter the next one, or get your art program soon. wiccansamurai- I'm intrigued beyond sanity, and you're not going to tell anything else? Ah well. I'll just hope you place and figure it out in the RSOM manga. -
Manga Tokyopop mangas for the 4th contest?
klinanime1 replied to klinanime1's topic in Otaku Central
KazeNoAoi - The story idea sounds... well, like a love story. (Jay chou rocks!) [Ahem.] It would be kinda awesome if you just illustrated the song, but the whole "plot" thing probably wouldn't exist. Interested in hearing more. BTW, I'm sorry, I have no idea what that one song of Jay's is that you were wondering about... sorry, I can't find the cd. ^^. Heh. maladjusted - I'm glad you were able to catch the length before getting halfway done or something. I'd love to see some of it when you have it done. -
Manga Tokyopop mangas for the 4th contest?
klinanime1 replied to klinanime1's topic in Otaku Central
I have a friend who draws 1 panel pictures, rigs up some sort of manga page on her comp and then fits the pictures into the boxes. Don't know if that'll help... As to the bg information, maybe you can have the cell phone ring and "Dave" grumbling about Andrew's poor health and stuff. I'll hunt around for a reference pic and try to post it later. -
Manga Tokyopop mangas for the 4th contest?
klinanime1 replied to klinanime1's topic in Otaku Central
Maladjusted- I hope the beginning of your story stands alone well. I entered two contests with beginnings of larger plot arcs, but... it didn't go so well. Since you're still working on it, I won't nit-pick, but I really like the sound of it so I probably wouldn't have anyway. Hope you can squeeze all that into 15-20 pages. It sounds really intriguing.^ - Anyway, I've finally decided on which short story plot I wish to do from my head. It's about a boy named Kane Igarashi (I usually don't do Japanese names, but I wanted an excuse for everyone to have black hair ^^) who transferred from a private school to a public school. He used to be the star player of his basketball team, but dropped out half way through the season. The boys at his new school would naturally remember his talent, but are disgusted with his lack of talent after an unofficial game. Aki Hidaka is the captain of the public schools basketball team and defends him a lot, and it's really through his viewpoint that we see all this. (He may be defending Kane because of Kane's pretty cousin Sayuri Matsushira, but that's for the reader to determine.) After a game of basketball in phys. ed, everyone is thoroughly confused, as Kane miraculously plays flawlessly. In the end, we find out Kane is almost completely blind from a car accident and taught himself how to play basketball using the court markings. He transferred schools when he got kicked off his team, and was trying to just fit in. (It's also revealed that Sayuri has a crush on Aki, but that's not important) There tis. Good luck to all those entering the contest, and happy drawing! -
I was thinking that it would be so freakin' awesome if an ob-er would win the Tokyopop contest, and perhaps people can post their plots and manga pages under this thread. In this way, we could all view the competition and provide insight on what will work and what won't, and basically have a huge critique-fest. This will greatly improve the odds of having an ob-er win, and when the contest is over we could all discuss what the panel of judges seems to be looking for. The fourth Tokyopop contest is bound to begin soon (June 1-August 15), and there's no better time than the present to get started on your manga. Check out Tokyopop.com. Mechanical guides, entrie forms, etc. aren't up yet, but you can start developing the plot. Meh... the time periods seem to be getting shorter and shorter...
You might as well check out tokyopop.com: the contest is under News, I think... The third contest has just recently ended, and the fourth is likely to begin soon. The judge's tastes are questionable in this panel, but it is probable that they are looking for originality, if you are considering entering. I believe you can view the recent winners on the site. I personally entered the first and second contests with pathetic plots and questionable artworks, and gave up on deadlines for the third. [Well on my way to becoming a manga-ka (Wait! Wait! I'm not done yet!)]