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Everything posted by Avaris

  1. I loved Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado about nothing. You have to get into "Shakespeare mode" and learn "Shakespeare language" but once you do it's worth it and you get the beauty. Favourite character: Tybalt- just loved him.
  2. Nah, school sucks. You know you have to learn, you know you have to go, your friends are there. But it still sucks. Man, I hate school.
  3. High five for Asphy!! I vote for her as she communicated the piece of writing better than Deedlit, who was almost too informal in her writing. Three thumbs up, Asphy!
  4. These days it more like honour isn't... honoured. How can we value the "principled uprightness and personal integrity of character" when we thrive on the immodest and unprincipled world of the celebrity? Personal honour in family and friendship groups is valued a lot more than principles and honour in wide-spread society.
  5. This movie only just came out in Oz (damn delay thingys *glares at who ever is responsible*) and I have to say I haven't loved a movie that much since I saw the first LotR. I actually went to see it on a Fridday night then went again the next morning I loved it that much. Johnny Depp was the greatest and I loved Orlando beyond anything (except his weird looking hat) but I almost cried when he kissed that chick. If you haven't seen it, do so. it's awesome.
  6. Yay, this movie is the best in the world. Thanx, Lyd for this. ;) All who haven't watched it, do so, it is awesome!!!!
  7. Avaris

    American Wedding

    Ha ha. I thought it was hilarious. I loved the dance off and I won't go into any more detail in case anyone hasnt seen it. I loved it. 8/10.
  8. I LOVE Rain. It's all wet and cold-like. Always loved it. Always will.
  9. Kaida for the main character and SLade for the evil dude. Yeh, I like these names, where'd you find them?
  10. It is currently not on where I am. *sniff* but I will definately see it when it comes out. Can't skip a movie with Orlando in it. *gasp, shock horror* Yes, well, johnny depp is good too. ...mmm, orlando.
  11. good work, Katia. Lovely lovely. But you already knew that didnt you. X (Mwah.)
  12. once i hopped into my uncle's car and began mucking around with the gears and the pedals and the steering wheel and the... ahem... keys. I was "driving" and the car started and I drove through our fence. Needless to say the neighbours weren't happy. But nice work trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk, i probably would have tried the front of a car...
  13. Well you know Asphy, you told me to go there. Yeah I have an acount- Qiana Elfsong (I knew NO ONE else would have that name)
  14. All my snowborading friends HATE skiers. But since I'm a skier i tell them to shut up. I've tried snowboarding and i hated it, so I decided to stick to skiing. I don't hate snowboarders though. This is a weird topic.
  15. Boys: alec- love it cos its scottish (i think) and its the hot guy from dark angel. dacian- cos its fantastical sounding and dace is a cool nick name. Girls: jaime- its just so pretty eden- i know i'd like to be named after a utopian garden.
  16. I vote for zidargh to stay as i thought his poem flowed really nicely and was better written than the other two. I liked deedlit's rhyming order, i thoiught it was very unique. Juu's was rather, as Sage put it, "unoriginal". Special mention to Lady Asphy and Braidless Baka. Who's poems Imliked the best. Also Raven's was very beautifully written.
  17. :0 That's evil!!!! But very well written oh winner of the fourth prize in the entire Cmmonwealth. Try write something that has happiness and light, Twin. (you evil so and so) Love you. ;)
  18. think alot about what you're saying, before you say it. I know I say a lot of stupid things that can sometimes be hurtful but usually my friends just laugh it off. Lying never ends up good, so try as hard as you can to tell the truth. i had this friend once who told everyone she was pregnant, pretty much just to get attention, and everyone hated her for ages but they got over it eventually. The thign is that you have to bond with people and the closer you get to someone the easier it is to talk to them. practice makes perfect.
  19. Who was your first kiss? A guy, Alex How old were you? 15 How was it? pretty nice Circumstances? On a couch, like 2 in the morning, he had a girlfriend ( i know bad me) worst/best? only been the one (i know im boring, *tear*)
  20. Oh my god! Has anyone here seen Zoolander. That has to be the funniest movie of all time! But the ones you guys mentioned are good too.
  21. Avaris


    CHarmed is great! Love to see people with such great taste :D. I'd love to help you put together all that stuff. I can attribute my minimal knowledge.
  22. Weird shagadelic Lydia weird. But good style. Keep up the good work. XO.
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