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sex with lurch

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  1. I watched this with friends over the weekend. I agree pretty much with everything Charles had to say except I wasn't so keen on 'World Record.' And I liked the skater kid one. The Haunted House story is really beautiful but the Parts I and II of the Renaissance are amazing... lots of helpless humans begging for mercy as the machines tear them apart. It's pretty disturbing... just the idea of it... it gets you thinking... it could happen you know. One day robots will keep us for pets. I am not that into the actual Matrix movies. I can't keep from laughing whenever I see Keanu on screen. I think the stories in Animatrix easily stand on their own. If you aren't into the Matrix, don't let that stop you from checking this disc out.
  2. how cool. thanks, Juna. It sounds more like the 1st two titles than the last two. Doukeshi... keep thinking... I'm curious if you come up with any other ideas! Thanks, all!
  3. Cool, thanks for the replies!! The thing is, I saw this in the 70's so I think Nausicaa and Castle in the Sky are out of the running because they were made in the 80's. I wish I remembered more details like names but it's been like 25 years! All I know is that it was a really bleak story, they really played up how lonely the little boy was and how thrilled he was when he finally met another living person.
  4. wow. I was expecting more Otaku spirit... more something... do people here only post to threads where they know the author? I feel so... alone.
  5. I vaguely remember seeing this movie when I was a little kid back in the mid '70s. When I checked the TV Guide there was no listing. Maybe you can tell me based on this description? OK, so there's this boy and his whole town gets wiped out by monsters or a flood or something. He's the only one left alive and he runs off... I don't remember why. There's also an evil wizard type of guy who wants to capture this kid, so he sends this girl to him to lure him back to the evil guy's castle. The girl lies and tells the boy that her family was killed by monsters, too. He trusts her and they head back to the bad guy.... that's all I remember. Can anyone help? Thanks
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