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Gary Oak

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Everything posted by Gary Oak

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]1. celebi lv80 psychic solar beam sunny day recover 2. typhlosion level 80 flame wheel fire blast thunder punch surf 3. mew2 level 80 psychic thunderbolt recover shadow ball equipment: black glasses 4. machamp cross chop sword dance rockslide earthquake equipment: softsand 5. raichu raindance thunder surf lovely kiss 6. feraligator surf hydropump raindance earthquake note:celibi,typhlosion,machamp has recover,surf,and earthquake because of gameshark [/B][/QUOTE] ok first off..u dont need the 00bers around to beat anyone.. so cancel out celebi..and mew..sorry.. replace them with t-tar for celebi or umbreon... t-tar@leftovers-AP-EQ-Ice beam/fire blast-crunch..hes a sweeper or Umbreon@leftovers/quik claw-sand attack/DT-confuse ray-curse/mean look-screech/moonlight/baton pass...pik one of those moves as a set..his special attack and fisacal attacks suk... Typh@magnet/leftovers-EQ-T-punch-flamethrower-swagger/sunny day/curse(but only throw in 1 other fisacal move) Machamp@leftovers-Cross Chop-Rock Slide/HP(bug)/Fire Blast-EQ??-rest/counter Raichu@mysticwater/leftovers-surf-thunder(only if have rain dance)/t-bolt(my preference)-rain dance/D-Punch-t-wave/lovely kiss
  2. well nothing actually ........ golbat eveolved into crobat and crobat used wing attack or steel wing..but he popped the balloon whebn they tried to get away and then pikachu t-bolted them and brock tried getting w/ girl again...but the mask was suppose to give them control over pokemon..kinda sux..but never happened i don think i only watched like 15 mins of it..pretty stupid..and worthless episode...
  3. wow... but 1st of all its king not queen..lol..but same diff..so it dont matter.. well glad ur back... and welcome back...cant believe u were gone for 3 weeks..and ur posts isnt very high..why not.. well anyways...i think i will take out blizzard and use curse but i dont know if it will work..but i will try it..and ice beam on tyranitar has been helping me alot..after i take out the champs thats when i use t-tar..so im not gonna replace ice beam.....plus hes my sweeper...no offnese i love ur advice... and i will have a new team coming soon..cuz this one is more like a strategy team rather then full metal jacket like the other one...
  4. WOW... thats wierd..does anyone know what happened.... well anyone can rate my team...but whaoh..."thats wierd"
  5. 1.) well... yes..of course its getting to dull..i dont even watch it anymore... 2.) i would bring in the new pokes like Snail said...they should come out with new peeps..and enemys and a whole new plot..not jhoto champions..leave brock and misty they r good as the stand..well i ilike them..also need to improve on how everyone talks... like act mature..i think everyone knows what im saying...!:wigout: :D
  6. tell me what ya think..? Nidoking@leftovers Lovely kiss EQ Blizzard Shadow-ball T-Tar@leftovers Ap ice beam EQ Crunch Blissey@miracleberry Heal_bell softboiled ice beam thunderbolt Zapdos@leftovers HP-ice drill peck roar t-bolt gengar@scope lens fire punch giga drain DB haze Machamp@quik claw/leftovers CC EQ rock slide encore pretty normal..but ive beaten people with it... rate me plzz... [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]if any flamming happens im closing this w/o warning so keep it polite people.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Paul [/i] [B]Whats with the unown thing on crystal? Imean whats the point of it, i went and caught all 26 versions after i did the whole words on the wall thing, and what for? Nothing! [/B][/QUOTE] actually its there for u too print out and say u caught all of them..pretty ridiculous huh? well i tink theres an advantage to it... u get some radio from a girl..i forgot what it does..?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zora's King [/i] [B]Where I Can Find That Rainbow Wing And Where The Lugia And HO-Oh Located....... [/B][/QUOTE] u have to be more specific....G?S?C? version...? g/s is the same but crystal is diff. gold a guy gives u a rainbow wing in viridian city and h-oh is located at the burning tower..duh.! and lugia is at the caves next to cinnawood,,,,, hoped i helped u>.:excited:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cruizr [/i] [B]Believe it or not, i traded my MissingNo to my frends Yelow version, and it turned into Mew...it was...odd to say the least...just in case it screwed up ou games...we made back-up files on our favorite pokemon/gameboy item...The 'Brainboy/Monsterbrain' also, i find it cool that i you give it a rare candy, it turns into a Kangaskhan(blue, red) ...i also heard that it as suposed to be a wargeot...(wartortle, pidgeot)(Attacks:sky attack, water gun) Something is just screwed up about them games... But ys, you may only aquire a Mew through Gameshark, or th Official Contest...(you can always try my way :) ) [/B][/QUOTE] ive gotten mine from gameshark and the yellow trade thingy..both of them work ..but the yellow trade has a better chance of screwing up ur game more than the Gameshark does..the gameshark hasent messed up mine...and i use it for G/s/c..nothings seem wrong...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]After i beat the game i caught 6 scythers, evolved them all and raised them they are all around 70-80 now and i am trying to get them all to level 100. So i have 6 scissors. [/B][/QUOTE] wow thats a lot of scizors..this is what i do... i get at least 5 of every poke that i like..if not the one i like..i just dont worry aboput raising it..such as laziness..lol... but with the diff poke i get every moveset i like and i raise them up to 50's-55's then i try them out on pokemon stadium 2 or 1 .right now im working on beating R2 of pokemon stadium 1 and working on beating R2 on pokemon stadium 2...
  11. im a mutt....i abig fat mutt...ewell not fat...but im mexican and white...so its all good...im really confused
  12. thier cheap cuz they have the hihest stats and 3/5 chances that ur gonna beat a mew/mewtwo with 3 pokes...im speaking in pbs general... not the game..the game can be won by a furret....
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pokeman [/i] [B]You need a Wobbuffet. I dont know what else, though. Your team needs attacks that can help defend against Pokemon its weak against. [/B][/QUOTE]..plus awobbuffet sux..only 4 moves it knows... and mews r cheap....just make a team that u can say u did on ur own,....much funner believe me...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] What's the Kids WB special? Am I missing something? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah u r..cuz i dont even know about the specials..lol...what up squashed snail..long time no see... but yeah what r the special episodes about..
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pikachu1 [/i] [B]thats a pretty good team i cant make any changes i give it 9/10but 1 little change train a little bit more and it would be perfect!:angel: :) :D [/B][/QUOTE] ok first of aLL... its all level 100 and its for the bot..and sorry Vapor... but i like the umbreon cuz i use to use that old set.. and sand attack works way much better....and with Blissey..u see aolot of Physical attacks now..and his Spe.def is outrageous... they use the machamp and snorlax alot so the counter on blissey catches them off guard... thanx for all of yall's ratings....No offense to any of yalls movesets... but the training well it doesnt count....
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]Actually, the Mew may not be a glitch if Lil isn't lying(and I'm not saying you are). I read that there is a Shining version of every Pokémon in Gold, Silver, and Crystal, that includes Mew, Mewtwo, and all the other extremely rare Pokémon there are in the game, only that's what they are-rare. Shining Pokémon are ultra rare, (but I found two:D) and can appear in any random battle, but they're there, so it may be possible that Lil caught a Shining Mew. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah bro sorry ur team would get creamed by my first two pokes..believe me..and mews r cheap..meaning there for newbies...im no moveset master..but from what i see on urs..believe me..it would not in any battle..... and ur charizard doesnt need 2 of one attacks...like fly-and-hyper beam...also ur FB and flamethrower...he needs earthquake,.and the rest of ur pokes..too much modifying to do...get help somewhere for ur team....
  17. My starter.... Miltank(crush)@leftovers body slam earthquake attract curse/sometimes i use milk drink Exeggutor(ChronIC)@leftovers AP psychic stun spore giga_drain Machamp(HerCulE)@leftovers cross_chop counter/Hidden Power(bug) earthquake rock slide/curse(sometimes) Gengar(DeVoura)@leftovers giga drain thunderbolt destiny bond/psychic haze Starmie(TriStar)@scope_lens--or-- Umbreon(WhatAbItch)@leftover thunderbolt ---- sand attack recover----------- confuse ray psychic------------body slam surf/ice beam-------------- psychic Blissey(HappyDayz)@miracleberry counter thunderbolt/sometimes psychic ice beam softboiled
  18. i really like the legendary dogs...their much more better ..yeah i guess u could put it that way..
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]That's what I need: The ULTIMATE movesets for all 5 Eevee evolutions... I PM'd Vaporjolt, the authority on these matters, but I didn't get a response yet. So anyone wanna help me out? Thanks [/B][/QUOTE] well the movesets r controversy..... u can have many movesets...but all of them depends on the kind of offense and defense u want???
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I just remembered something unique about me. I am the most gorgeous man in existence and women find my good looks and charm irresistable....I am also a pathalogical liar...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah ur a pathological liar..but when u said that ur a god to woman...i kinda already stop reading it..and figured what u r,,,,, but now that i read at the end of ur sentence ur right...
  21. whats up snail..... well the pokemon thing huh?? the merging thing..i think its all a piece of crap but if it happens it happens,.....\ the 350 pokemon...i dont know...but hopefully it will...and the time it comes out sux so why bother to even read about it..cuz most of the time its a ll a rumor...
  22. ist thinng u could do with ur team is quit giving them 2 or more of the same type of moves..give them variety or u wont defeat many opponents like it should... like typhlosion..give him this or just add on..... typh- @soft sand/magnet e-quake t-punch flamethrower/flame wheel d-punch/sunny day
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]well i can't type fast. . [/B][/QUOTE] ohh..well u should learn it really fun ..being able to type and not having to see is pretty tight
  24. well if u can type fast like us.... its not prob..
  25. vaporjolt u know too much..but thats good.... rate my team plzz.... Jolteon-@leftovers/scope lens)sometimes) thunderbolt thunder_wave hidden_power- ice/grass substitute umbreon-@leftovers confuse ray moonlight/double team(IPL league) screech body slam/(baton pass)-IPL league ninetales-@leftovers confuse ray fire spin/flamethrower toxic body_slam/iron tail machamp-@leftovers cross champ curse counter earthquake exeggutor-@leftovers psychic giga_drain sleep powder AP miltank_@leftovers/scope lens curse milk drink body slam earthquake sometime i use this team i have another team i want u to rate....
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