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Gary Oak

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Everything posted by Gary Oak

  1. wait a min why would u wanna quit sports..dont quit....keep going for the goal..think about the luxury u would have..i made a mistake to get out of it..and just bullsh*t around...i regret it so much...believe me just hard work gets u there....dont quit..
  2. yeah dude sorry to hear that..im really sorry but dont worry she'll be ok ....she is in a better place now...
  3. this is a new league but the only problem u gotta have a mirc..to battle..thats sux for some of yall... but if u wanna join hurry up and join cuz they only have 18 more spots... heres the rulz and the whatever u need to know... [url]http://www.pokemasters.net/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=003514[/url]
  4. sorry.... but the league was shut down long time ago..sorry i didnt inform none of yall..but i was away for awhile.... sorry..altron can close this topic.....but there is a new league u can go to .....ill post it...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]hey... lady Katana, charming as always. moving on... My team is: Feraligator Level 80 Raticate Level 89 Pidgeot level 84 Gengar Level 79 Milktank level 84 [/B][/QUOTE] well thats great but we need ur moves and they need to be up to 100 not all aorund but hey what evers clever....
  6. oh i know it happens all the time and i also get cursed at...its dumb anyone can talk **** on the comp..... how hard is it tojust get into a fight on the comp....... forget all those u get mad for losing i use to lose all the time and i didnt wine about it..i just knew i had to get better and i did now im the one who is always winning(not to be conceeded) i mean altron use to whoop my butt everyday until he quit playing pokes...... but now im up where i can hang with the elite of gsbot...and pbs...but too bad theres no more pbs...
  7. yeah but the pt and why it was funny is cuz he ran away from the battle cuz he was getting whooped....
  8. Chek this battle out??? its funny... this guy wants to battle i refuse.... Why not? cuz i dont feel like making a new team now alright make a challenge Do you need to make a new ... OK ... you confuse me. no we start to battle...:::: Begin battle: Sam11111 vs. jaran33! Sam11111 sent out Slice'nDice (SCIZOR M L100)! jaran33 sent out Blitz (JOLTEON M L100)! jaran33's JOLTEON used SUBSTITUTE! jaran33's JOLTEON made a SUBSTITUTE! Sam11111's SCIZOR used SWORDS DANCE! Sam11111's SCIZOR's ATTACK went way up! jaran33's JOLTEON recovered with LEFTOVERS. Sam11111's SCIZOR is at 100% health. jaran33's JOLTEON is at 81% health. jaran33's JOLTEON used AGILITY! jaran33's JOLTEON's SPEED went way up! Sam11111's SCIZOR used AGILITY! Sam11111's SCIZOR's SPEED went way up! jaran33's JOLTEON recovered with LEFTOVERS. Sam11111's SCIZOR is at 100% health. jaran33's JOLTEON is at 87% health. jaran33's JOLTEON used AGILITY! jaran33's JOLTEON's SPEED went way up! Sam11111's SCIZOR used REVERSAL! The SUBSTITUTE took damage for jaran33's JOLTEON! jaran33's JOLTEON recovered with LEFTOVERS. Sam11111's SCIZOR is at 100% health. jaran33's JOLTEON is at 93% health. jaran33's JOLTEON used THUNDERBOLT! jaran33's JOLTEON used THUNDERBOLT! Sam11111's SCIZOR used SWORDS DANCE! Sam11111's SCIZOR's ATTACK went way up! jaran33's JOLTEON recovered with LEFTOVERS. Sam11111's SCIZOR is at 60% health. jaran33's JOLTEON is at 99% health. jaran33's JOLTEON used THUNDERBOLT! A critical hit! Sam11111's SCIZOR fainted! Sam11111 withdrew SCIZOR! Sam11111 sent out Smiles (QUAGSIRE M L100)! jaran33's JOLTEON recovered with LEFTOVERS. Sam11111's QUAGSIRE is at 100% health. jaran33's JOLTEON is at 100% health. jaran33's JOLTEON used BATON PASS! jaran33 withdrew JOLTEON! jaran33 sent out Dexx (EXEGGUTOR M L100)! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE used AMNESIA! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE's SPCL. DEF went way up! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR used SLEEP POWDER! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE went to sleep! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE recovered using a MINT BERRY! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE used EARTHQUAKE It's not very effective... The SUBSTITUTE took damage for jaran33's EXEGGUTOR! jaran33's EXEGGUTOR's SUBSTITUTE faded! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR used SLEEP POWDER! But it failed! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE used EARTHQUAKE! It's not very effective... jaran33's EXEGGUTOR recovered with LEFTOVERS. Sam11111's QUAGSIRE is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR is at 91% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR used GIGA DRAIN! It's super effective! Sucked health from Sam11111's QUAGSIRE! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE used CURSE! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE's SPEED fell! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE's ATTACK went up! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE's DEFENSE went up! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE is at 48% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR used GIGA DRAIN! It's super effective! Sucked health from Sam11111's QUAGSIRE! Sam11111's QUAGSIRE fainted! Sam11111 withdrew QUAGSIRE! Sam11111 sent out Slice'nDice's_son (SCYTHER M L100)! Sam11111's SCYTHER is at 100% health. jaran33's EXEGGUTOR is at 100% health. *** Sam11111 has quit IRC (Quit: Sam11111) rest of the chatting with the battling going on.... OK. *sigh* This doesn't always happen ... lol sure not with me either Really, I'm not kidding, Tocxic missis half the time and I almost always lose out on equal speed. We playing 'Only 1 sleeping poke'? wo else is asleep I'm just asking to prepare. ok prepared for that bye ... :-(((((( The game between Sam11111 and jaran33 timed out due to lack of activity. jaran33 won the game.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B] Dude, Gary Oaks right. Gengar may have been god in R,B,Y, and that is a big MAY, but since R,B,Y Gengars S. Defense have dropped by 110. Thats right, 110, their attack and defense were also lowered. Gengars, regardless of their moves, are pathetic. [/B][/QUOTE] thanx ..... so how come im not on ur friend list...i could of sworn i was on there...earlier...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]Hey who in the name of GOD, said that card captors was popular. It's all about ive year olds running around getting cards, the ratings for card captors are horrible. Pokeomn and digimon still remain the hghest rated childrens Tv show. As for Jackie chan Adventures, iT KICKS ***!! DBZ took a long time to be popular, Pokemon reached US and became a phenomenon. Take that boy, its all about the stats. don't post something you don't know anything about. [/B][/QUOTE] DBZ rules but pokemon is dying out......DBZ should hurry up and come out with a new game that be kinda kool.....
  11. ok im confused...who r you???
  12. everybody nees to to just post.... i mean nobody goes here.... cuz everyone just fights and either that or pokemon is dying out....
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fish [/i] [B]ah most codes are mere rumors... and calm down gary it will be closed if needed to be by a mod... ps gary: why on aim did you call me gay and warn me to hell? [/B][/QUOTE] what r you talking about...??? when was this.....
  14. ok heres mine again: Name:Canybis Age:18 Side:trainer Pokemon:Lugia
  15. yesah of course im gonna sign up im always up for pokemon stuff.... does it involve battles.....????/ but any heres my info.... Name: Ryan Side:gym leader Age: 18 Pokemon: Lugia
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGuy [/i] [B]:ball: Email me to receive Pokemon cheats. Just name the game and I'll give you the cheats I know. [/B][/QUOTE] or some one could close this topic cuz for the last time ...... look on gameshark.com or gamerevolution.com isnstead of emailing....
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Keep writing man. These RPG's are cool to read. Keep it up.:drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] hes pretty much right..... keepp writing ...
  18. go to ur local comic shop and sell them they always buy stuff like that no matter what.........
  19. once again we talked about this... before go to gameshark.com to get them and there not just for gameshark... they have regular codes there too... or u can go to gamerevolution.com............
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]he...he...he hahahahahahahahaha! mew lv100 Blizzard,fireblast,thunderbolt,megakick mew lv100 Dynamicpunch,thunder,flamethrower,surf Ampharos lv100 dynamicpunch,thunderpunch,thunder,thunderbolt Magmar lv100 Fireblast,thunderpunch(haha!),flamethower,firepunch Sneasel lv100 Blizzard,Beatup,substute,feintattack Gengar lv100 Hypnosis:sleep: ,dreameater,curse,substitute :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] *cough*cheap*cough* mews r for newbies.....especially 2 mews ..... and ur ampharos has 3 electric attacks.. not good along with ur magmar.. they suk get new moves.....ur gengar well it speaks for itself...*cough*"Gengar sux!!!"*cough*
  21. well thats true but they r gonna come out with a new game for pokemon .... but i dont know if it will be different.... but there will be new pokes and moves...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B]Hey Gary sry for callin u a newb the other time i was in a bad mood by g/f broke up wit me. I am not trying to suck up either. I will be a trainer or gym leader or elite whatever u want me to be i don't care [/B][/QUOTE] dont worry about it...... well all the spots r taken unfortunately...... but ill se what i can do... oh yeah does anyone know anyone that knows how to make websites for these kinda of things... my friend needs one for the league...
  23. yeah dude i could whoop u with a electric type and water and only be on level 100 with one
  24. Gary Oak


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gachi [/i] [B] [COLOR=blue]Well, I suppose you just breed a Charizard with a Ditto...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] i meant w/out using charizard......
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackUnicorn [/i] [B]i know one thing, hercule is NOT gonna win. otherwise, between 18 and " gotenks", i really dont know. [/B][/QUOTE] heh, heh ur gonna get a surprise.....
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