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Gary Oak

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Everything posted by Gary Oak

  1. well it did when i loaded it....
  2. why the cards...???? but yeah looks like a good deck...
  3. whats all tis.........
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CanadianVegita [/i] [B]Mr.Satan did not cause Gohan to go SSJ2, it was android 16, MR. Satan assisted in it. Dumbass. Oh and Sorry I forgot VEGITA'S BETTER THAN GOKU. Happy?:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] what!!!! Goku is better than Vegita.... and actually satan did, he made him pretty much reach that level...
  5. um.... its showed a pik of a girl in bed....
  6. yeah pokemon came from the creator, who use to play with crickets but they made them battle.... thats how pokemon came to be
  7. ok,.... well vegita runks rules too
  8. pokemon most definitly.... digimon isnt that great, its a bunch of wanna bes running around....
  9. im gonna go with of course.... i think one on one he could of, but in someway i think he copuldnt i dont know its on how u look at it.....
  10. i would have to say GT , im just more into the most powerful and best look on the appearance of the dragonball,......
  11. radditz most definitely, and prolly becuz hes the brother of him too....
  12. OOoOoOoooo.......we glad we know hiow ur girl is in bed now....
  13. yeah , it really is a good story so far.... throw some more action and detail.....
  14. ok so pretty much hes not on here... is he???
  15. i really dont think altron does this mod.. anynore like he use to..
  16. i used a charizard, starmie,houndoom,tauros,dragonite,victreebel all level 76 except for like three which were to level 81-83
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lucky77760 [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I have just about every single pokemon & talk 2 duomaxwell1202 & me about it.my top 3 fav pokemon are Chansey, Eevee, & Mew/Celebi.pm me.[/COLOR] :ball: :devil: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] i know eally just beuz u have then all doesnt mean anything, i got them all too....
  18. yeah that was a good story ben... i hope u keep continuing...
  19. ok... listen, u can battle them but u can only use the pokemon with certain moves that u use in thr r/b/y instead of the g/s/c.... or maybe something is really wrong with ur GB but who knows and the times i've battle with r/b/y and g/s/c i could battle..... i think im confused too
  20. yeah the three arent really that powerful, but its a new addition
  21. no i wanna join ur elite buddy list
  22. ok so far not good..... come on guys doesnt anyone know how to battle...?????????
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]To beat the battle tower, go in with thses poke's and these moves: Mewtwo: Psychic Amnesia Recover Submission Snorlax: Rest Curse Body Slam Earthquake Arcanine: Flamethrower Rest Crunch Extremespeed For Elite 4, just depends on the levels and poke's. For Ash, hey wait, why are you asking about the Elite 4 and Ash? You must have beaten the Elite 4 if your asking about Ash. [/B][/QUOTE] ur kidding, the battle tower??? u dont even need a mewtwo, just use ur regular pokes, its just a place so u can win stuff, and the elite four anything over 40.....
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