Gary Oak
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Everything posted by Gary Oak
sorry but none of those movesets would be a good startegy... there good but i would use this one.... psychic,ice beam or blizzard,e-quake,thunderbolt or thunder or shadowball
yeah man none of these will work, ur just spamming so get oput of the fourum or something..... all those r fake.....
lly dont like using the gameshark but i figure yall would want some codes so go here and yall have no proble, of asking for codes from other people.... [url]http://www.gameshark.com/gameboy/objects/157488_106.html[/url]
u know uir spamming right????
r u sure.... this better not be some bull **** code that ur just saying...... also where u get this code, and who is the pokemaster???
tight, ill see you then, tell me when u wann abattle but ill be home at like 2 central time
u have certain days of battling, just battle , how hard is that... i think ur wussing out and wanting to get better....but thats ok u'll need practice...
u have certain days of battling, just battle , how hard is that... i think ur wussing out and wanting to get better....
lol, dude u gotta be kidding chek out the site it will show u that mewtwo has all the stats up, chek it out if u dont believe me..
i hate to bust ur bubble sai but lugia isnt the best stats.... dude but who ever said mewtwo , is right he does have the best stats...u dont believe me chek here... [url]http://pokemon.vgf.com/pokedex/150.html[/url]
Gaming Well, well, well... If it isn't little Nicky (RMT)
Gary Oak replied to Satoshi_Tajiri's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Satoshi_Tajiri [/i] [B] NEWBIE!?! :flaming: HOW DARE YOU!!! :mad: Ahem. I'll have you know that I've been playing Pokémon since Blue and Red were released in America, and I live in the UK. I ALWAYS buy pokémon games as soon as they are released in the USA. For the record, I own...[list] [*]Red [*]Yellow (did know about Raichu, just meant I couldn't beat R2 mode :( ) [*]Stadium 1 [*]Stadium 2 (Australian Version) [*]Pinball [*]Silver [*]Crystal [/list] So don't call me a n00b. I might replace Raichu, with Jolteon maybe. Or should I use my Zapdos? Help!!! :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] well good for u...... u can own all the games u want it dont make u the best, it makes spoiled and its up to u if u wanna use zapdos but i use jolteon cuz hes quiler and more moves for him to pull off -
also..... the moves that u cant use r rules becuz there bugged on the pbs, dont be so **** lazy...!!!!
hmmm.... obviously ur a jackass, cuz have u ever heard of rest, and its not too many rules its pokemon stadium rules
how bout when ur actually getting good u can battle me, believe im a worthy opponent
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phanhuynh [/i] [B]typhlosion: flamethrower , iron tail, thunder punch ,rollout. mew:psychic , surf, thunder, fire punch . ho-oh:fire blast , sacred fire , fly , hyper beam. lugia:blizzard , aeroblast , hydro pump , ancient power. snorlax:hyper beam , dyamic punch , body slam, earthquake. dragonite:outrages , hydro pump, thunder, fire blast. ok that's it rate them for me !:ball: :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] typh: switch iron for e-quake, and rollout for double team or curse 4/5 mew: ur a cheat but i ll help u ne way, take out fire and surf, switch to ice punch and shadow ball 1/5(mew is a cheat code pretty much) ho-oh: cant u win w/ normal pokemon... take fly out and fire blast.. y u need 2 of the same type attacks, give him thunder and a stat change: 2/5(this is for giving him 2 of the same type attack, hes fire type, y u need a fly type there...??) lugia: stop doing this.. w/ the attacks. here do this, aeroblast,psychic,recover,, ancientpower... 3/5 snorlax: hmmm.. too many normal type attacks, give him this e-quake,rest,bodyslam,sleep talk...3/5 dragonite: switch to this... t-wave,outrage,thunder,ice beam or blizzard.....3/5 total:14/30
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]Feraligator:Ice Punch, Surf, Bite, Dig Pidgeot: Fly, Steel Wing, Whirlwind, Wing Attack Furret: T-Punch, Slam, Q-Attack, Cut Suicune: Whirlpool, waterfall, A-Beam, gust Sudowoodo: rock throw, strength, low kick, rock smash [/B][/QUOTE] ferali- i guess good 4/5 pidgeot- why u need 2 of the same type attacks, actually u have all flying attacks, give him sand attack or mirror move and something that will change his stat changes or affect the opponent:1/5 furret-take away cut and ice punch and give him surf and curse and take away q-attack and replace it w/ other types of moves not just all normal attacks: 2/5 suicune- quit using all of the same type attack, give blizzard,headbutt,swagger or curse, and someother stat changer:2/5 sudo- takle away strength and give him one of the element punches fire,ice,thunder, and take away rock smash, its to weak:2/5 total rate: 11/25 also get a 6th pokemon, i prefer a dark type
ok lets see what yall put.... once again sia and lady katuna-- sai- y would i need to psychic attacks when i could have a variety lady- blackglasses wont do anything shadow ball is powerful by itself w/ out blackglasses return would do more damage anyway, cuz believe my espeon is maxed happiness, so the return would be very powerful by itself...... im no nOOb so dont treat like me one..
g/s team Houndoom: flamethrower,sunny day,solar beam, crunch- @ miracle seed Tyranitar: crunch,earthquake,surf,fire blast- @ leftovers espeon: psychic,morning sun,shadowball, return- @ twistedspoon Quagsire: e-quake,surf,iron tail,rest- @ mint berry Dragonite: t-wave,t-bolt,outrage,blizzard lanturn: thunder,raindance,surf,confuse ray
oh shoot my bad..... i thought she was saying like which in the game do u run into all the time, my bad(slapping my forehead)
i got one for yall which one is the fastest, and who knows dont answer till u see 5 guess'es
yup i agree.... w/ both of yall
i never see u , i wanna battle u
ill have to go w/ bug, i always run into one