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Everything posted by Zero-Life

  1. I'll play. Name: Vince Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Black short hair, brown eyes, dark blue baggy jeans, black ecko unltd. hoodie, and a silver necklace. Bio: Vince loves technnolgy but isn't a geek. He likes to build suff from whatever he can find and turn them into useful stuff. He used many of them against the police many times when they went after him. He got caught when one of his devices backfired on him. He continues to build stuff in the camp secretly planning to use them to somehow get out. Hometown: Los Angelas
  2. I'll take earth. Ohkami can have his original positon.
  3. Name: Ace Nickname: Ecko Power: Earth Description: Black short hair, brown eyes, white shirt, black leather jacket, black baggy pants, black boots, silver necklace of a dragon. Weapon: Gun Blade Bio: Ecko looked around the floating island. (Where the hell am I?) Ecko wondered. He took a few steps when he noticed a blue glow. He looked down at his hand and saw that his stone was glowing. (And what is this stone supposed to be?). Stone Color: Brown
  4. Strife had finally made it to the Industrial District. It was along walk but he was able to see other parts of the city as he walked to the Industrial District. This world was deeply in trouble, or at least this part of the world. There were many other places in this world and they may be in better condition. All the terrible things he had seen throughout the core had made him hate the humans but also wanting to save them from their misery. Strife stood in front of the train station waiting for Dohatri. [B]Announcer:[/B] Train 7 now leaving for the Theater District. The next train is headed for the Business District. As the train left for the Theater District Strife could sense an Ancient leaving the area. He guessed that that Ancient was on the train headed for the Theater District. He didn't plan to try to catch up with that Ancient. He decided to stay and wait for Dohatri and maybe another Ancient that he could sense coming his way.
  5. Name: Hiei Race: Demon Weapons(moderate): Katana Alignment: House of Frigodus
  6. [B]Strife:[/B] Yeah. We should leave before the police find us. [B]Dohatri:[/B] Yeah. That would only cost more complications. [B]Strife:[/B] We should split up. I'll meet you at the train station in the Industrial District. [B]Dohatri:[/B] All right. I'll meet you there. Strife wall jumped on to the roof of the building near him. When he was at the top he could hear Dohatri's footsteps sounding further away with each one. Strife saw the uniform uniformed soldiers searching for any injured civilians. The others were inspecting the dead bodies of the gangsters. Strife turned away from the scene and jumped from roof to roof headed for the Industrial District's train station. Once he was there he planned to talk to Dohatri about what they were to do about the source of the evil. Strife was now pretty far from the scene of the battle and thought that it would be safe to go back on the streets. He looked for an alleyway that was empty and jumped down making sure that no one saw him. He then walked out. He headed for the Industrial District. As he headed there he tried to sense if any other Ancient's were around. As Strife walked down the streets headed for the Industrial District he wandered if Dohatri had made it out of the battle scene safely.
  7. Strife instantly sensed the power of an Ancient and knew that it was the man that had just fired upon the armed robbers. Seeing that the robbers were distracted with the Ancient Strife took this time as an opportunity to attack. Strife pulled out his katana from his sheath and ran towards the robbers. As he ran towards the robbers he tried to think of a way to get close to the without getting shot at. Strife saw a sign above the robbers and instantly thought of an idea. One of the robbers had caught sight of Strife and fired at him. Strife instantly dodged to the right behind a building. Some robbers fired at where the other Ancient was and some fire towards Strife. Seeing that a direct route to the robbers would not work Strife thought of another way. He wall jumped to the top of the building that he was using as a shelter from the bullets. Strife ran across the rooftop to the other side and then jumped over to the next rooftop. He saw the sign that was hanging over the robbers. He ran at top speed and jumped for the sign. As he flew in mid air headed for the sign the robbers shot at him. When he was close enough to the sign he swung his katana at the strings holding up the sign. The sign fell down and landed on the robbers. The leader being the strongest out of all of them quickly dove out of the way. Strife landed on another rooftop not far away from where the other Ancient was. As he landed he got in to a rolling position and rolled on the rooftop as he landed and injured himself a little bit from the hard landing. As he recovered from the landing he got up and started for the building where the Ancient was.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ohkami [/i] [B]OOC:Is the answer to your riddle sig a shadow Zero-Life? [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Yes it is. IC: Strife looked around the area first before answerng the girl's questions. He noticed that the Dark Riders had been defeated. He then turned back to the girl. [B]Strife:[/B] My name is Strife, I'm looking for the one summoned by Eden, and I want to join in that persons quest. I believe that you are the one that was summoned by Eden, am I correct? And if I may ask what is your name?
  9. Strife had been walking in the streets trying to find a better part of the city when he suddenly saw a white flash and heard the sound of thunder. He ran quickly down the street and turned the corner. As he turned the corner he almost bumped in to one of the beggars but he was able to stop fast enough for the beggar to run past him and down the street. People were running away from the flash of thunder in terror. Some were on the ground not moving at all. Strife: What in the world just happened here? Strife did not know whether it was an evil force or an Ancient. He could also sense one of the Ancients not so far away. He ran down the streets until he reached a place full of bright signs and casinos. He walked slowly while looking around the bright and merry place. Strife: There doesn't seem to be many feelings of sorrow here.... But many feelings of greed. Man: Hey come back here!! Somebody stop that robber!! The robber pushed people out of his way while running through the streets. He shot his gun in the air to try to scare people so they would get out of his way. People screamed in terror and fled the area. It was chaos. Everybody was running around. The robber was then accompanied by 9 more robbers, each armed with guns. Strife struggled trying to get through the crowd but it was no use. Strife: Get out of my way!! A force of energy came from him and pushed the people around him to the ground not causing any serious damage. The people continued fleeing amongst the chaos. The robber looked in his direction and were puzzled by what had happened. They instantly thought Strife would be a threat to their plan a aimed their guns at him getting ready to fire.
  10. Stife trailed behind the white unicorn with his incredible speed. As the unicorn slowed down Strife slowed down and hid behind a tree. He turned to look but they had dissapeared before he could see where they went. He looked around carefuly trying to find any trace of where they had gone. A few moments later he heard more hoof beats. He turned around and saw two Drak raiders riding towards him. He could sense that they were evil. He jumped up on to a tree branch. The Drak Riders stopped around where the unicorn and its rider dissapeared. Strife removed his swrd from his sheath. He jumped down right above the Drak Riders and sliced there heads off. He again began scanning the area for the unicorn.
  11. I began to move my hands and then my legs. I tested my body. I thought to myself " So this is what being a mortal feels like". My surrounding was dark. At the end of the alley dim lights could be seen. I began to walk among the shadows. A group of people walked by discussing about how amazing The Core was. My guess was that I was in The Core. I could sense a few other Ancients forming in to the world. I thought it would be best to go look for them before doing anything else. I walked out of the alley. The place was crowded. There were people everywhere and it was noisy. There were bright signs with names of shops and advertisements. This part of the city was not that rich. There were some poor people living on the streets begging for money or for something to eat. There was so much sorrow eveywhere. I began walking down the streets trying to trace the energy source of the other Ancients while also hoping to find a better part of the city.
  12. Is there still time left for me to join? Name: Strife Age: 25 Gender: Male Class: Mystic Knight Weapon: Katana Description: Black spiky hair with one white streak of hair. Dark red eyes. Back pants. White bandages around wrists. White sleevless shirt. Whering a coat that look like a raincoat but made of cloth. It sags with white cloth around his neck. Carries a sword sheath on his back. Bio: Strife is an adventurer. He travels around the world looking for anybody that is looking for a companion for an adventure or he just goes by himself. This year he is intresed about about Eden's calling.
  13. Ancient Force: Ifrit Power: Fire Attack: Hellfire Incarnation: Strife Gender: Male Supposed age: 26 Trade: Mystic Knight Weapon: Katana Appereance: Think of Squall from FF VIII but with more muscles
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