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Everything posted by DevilzAdvocate

  1. My faveriote would have to be monopoly.. im not sure why i think it is the money..i like money :) but i dont get to play it very often because 1 i dont own the game 2 if i did no 1 would play it with me cos of the time involved...o well ill have to stick to the computer
  2. I havnt really had my first kiss....ive been kissed but i wouldnt say i have really kissed anyone....im not sure what it will be like......i just hope i do ok!!
  3. im not 100% sure what i want.... i probally would choose more clothes.....i figure u can neva have to many clothes.... and a discman....i still havnt got 1!!
  4. i had a problem like that not long ago.....my wisdom teeth havnt grown through yet but i think they tried to push through but my gums went up with them, soon the gum at the back was alot higher than usual and i couldnt chew, thankfully it only lasted a week then it went down....so im not really sure what happened
  5. No. I do not believe in Angels because I have never seen one, and I do not know anyone who has seen one and I am not religious.
  6. I find fruit works for me, water gives me energy, but fruit seems to give me a longer burst. During a sport game an orange and a drink of water i find really helps.
  7. My Faveriote mythological creature would have to be the Griffon, or gryphon, however you choose to spell it. I like this griffon because of its power, and its ability to fly. The phoenix i also like for its appearence, healing powers and immortality. But if i were to choose between them i would say the Griffon.
  8. Thats a hard question. I have never seen one or no anyone who has. If i see one then yes i will believe it, until then im going to sit on the fence.
  9. Ive stolen things, at school i stole a mouse from the computers, the next day i took it back with a guilty consience, at school we have a competition me and my friends to see who can steal the most pens without getting caught in 1 day. Its wrong i no but its just something to do.
  10. Well like Dogfish i get plenty of homework, but i like sports and reading action type books, o and going on my beloved computer
  11. My good friend Baron Samedi told me about it so i had a look then i left cos i didnt really like it, but i came back on not long ago and i really got hooked now
  12. No its fine to keep thier belongings. I know when we lost our dog i took the day off of school and cried most of the day, we kept his collar as well, i have it hanging up now.
  13. Idont believe in God himself, but i do believe in a god, someone or something who created this world, it cant of just appeared out of thin air now could it???
  14. Oh i hate forwards, i read them when im really bored just to get a laugh, one sed it had been going for 80 yrs? correct me if im wrong but i dont think the internet has been around for 80yrs. The other day i opened one saying that bill gates was doing a survey and if i sent it to 15 people i would get up to $50 000, depending on who sent it that i sent it to. lol. I really hate pop ups i might be typing away not looking then i look up and see nothing worked because of this pop up ad!! Yes that email you got is a little strange? i wonder why someone would do something like that?
  15. What football are you refering to? there are heaps that come under that catergory, Soccer, Rugby, Gridion, AFL??
  16. Good luck, keep us posted!!! airforce is deffinatly my choice out of army nave airforce.
  17. no i really dont understand this either but it does look quite interesting, could you try a little more detail, thanx :D
  18. i found that appauling(sp?), also was where a teenage boy beat up a 80yr grandmother, i find this disgraceful how people go around beating up defenceless people because there to much of a chicken to atleast fight someone who can fight back, and then they go steal what ever money was in the old lady's purse. I find this very wrong and think they only do it because they know they are to helpless and gutless to pick a fight with some one who might fight back.
  19. im 14 and about the right weight for my age but i think im a little over, what weight measurments are you using?? here we use kilo's im about 55 of them
  20. I only have one opion on this, that is wait untill you are ready. If she really loves you she will wait, just explain that you are 2 yrs younger and not ready for that step just yet. If you do say that your not ready and she walks out on you she must not feel the same way about you as you feel about her, but i think she will understand ;)
  21. good question :p, i use tissues normally but if i have a cold ill tend to use a hankey, otherwise i go through boxes of tissues where as i might only use a couple of hankeys, but i must admit it isnt very hygenic!!
  22. I really disagree with racism, i think that you cant judge an induvidual, it is hard to judge someone by looks or origin. But as a group yes you could judge the majority of them, but you shouldnt go around calling them names or dilibratly making them a target because they are different to you. In australia because we are such a multicultural country we have many different nationalities and race's so i have been brought up to accept them, but there are others who are racist and want them out of our country, because they arnt the same which i think is wrong.
  23. well i dont no about phsycics...i never seen a ghost yet, some people have or claimed to have, i think if there are ghosts who say's you cant talk to them, but about future telling i find that very hard to believe, but there may be the odd person or 2
  24. I say act really nice around him and ignore any more bad comments from him, try finding out why he thinks your mean and do the oppisite.
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