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Everything posted by DevilzAdvocate

  1. Sorry Circéus but i looked through and i still cant find it :s could sum1 plz write it once more for me i often think the sound "oa" is strange like in road and toad also the sound "phsy" im not sure if that is how it is spelt like in phsyco
  2. could anybody tell me how to gets pics and the end of ur message and on the left?
  3. Does anibody here actually no the longest word in the english language?
  4. yer i thought it was funny i wonder what they must of been thinkin wen they wrote it
  5. at the bottom of the screen it sayz the otaku ull find the link
  6. ill be sure i watch the show if and when it is shown down here in oz i know im probally annoying everyone with my stupid questions but i going to ask another i was reading all ur answers to this thread and what exactly are wavemasters and twin blades or is that somthing u need to see to understand?
  7. Common guys wots so bad about scrappy i though added a bit more humor to the show
  8. i read that thing and to be quite honest it didnt make ani scence to me but maybe i cant read and comprehend properlly?¿
  9. lol sorry i might go do that before i confuse myself im afraid i have never seen the show as it is not broadcasted where i live in australia ill try to learn and come bak with a better question
  10. Thanx solid i understand now its similar to the movie jamunji??? however the plot is ur warriors roaming to kill other warriers and the only way to leave is to be the last person left in the game?
  11. well im gonna disagree with all of ya's cos i think charmed is just another stupid show with magic in it all they do is wave there hands and perform magic spellz atleast sabrina was a little original and funny
  12. i thought scooby do was a good show and i liked the new movie as for scrappy i didnt think the show was the same without him da da dadadaaaaaaa p puuppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy power! [color=green]Double-posting is not allowed. I combined your two posts into one. --Manic[/color]
  13. thanxs MATE i think i get it u walk around castles with weapons killing everyone right?
  14. could somebody plz explain wot hack is im new to it
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