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Everything posted by GreatDeitylink

  1. Tonight, i was feeling rather nostalgic. I just graduated high school and was thinking back to earlier days when I remembered the fact that for about 3 years of my life I loved anime. I remembered theotaku.com so popped on there, and then saw the link for otakuboards. I still remembered my log in and lo and behold it worked! I joined in '03 back when I was 12 years old and in the 6th grade. I remember I was really worried about what people would think of me so I didn't post too much. I did make a few friends here, and do have fond memories of this board. It's strange to be back here though. Could anyone tell me what happened to these boards? The way I remember it, there used to be anywhere from 20-100 people on at any given point, but now it seems like that is not the case.
  2. Name: John Attlewood Ring name: Stranger in the Woods (or Stranger for short) Gender: Male Height: 6'3 Weight: 210 pounds Finisher: Lung Cancer( I throw my opponent into the ropes likes I'm about to do a 619, but then I grab the top rope and jump on their chest.) Slider (I put my oppenent on the turnbuckle then I go to the top rob and run, jump, and kick them) Strategy: Powerful hits, keeps opponent in submissions whenever he can Tag partner: None Face or Heel: Heel Appearence: Jeans, Sleevless shirt, Black shoulder length hair, Brown Construction boots, Light skin. Statistics: Strength: 7 Endurance:8 Charisma: 1 Speed: 5 Submission:4 Recovery: 5
  3. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Samus Picture:[IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~l_evans/samus.jpg[/IMG] Games: Metroid Prime Metroid Fusion Super Smash Bros Melee Super Smash Bros Metroid Metroid Zero Mission Super Metroid Sorry I don't know any others. I couldn't find a site with all of them on it. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. Well, seeing that there aren't too many people that have signed, everybody pick a seond wrestler. This is everybody we need. Once you post your second wrestler, this will start.Once everybody chooses their second wrestler, we will have a total of 10 wrestlers on the roster.
  5. [CENTER][SIZE=4]Jet Force Gemini[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18935&stc=1[/IMG] [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkGreen]A group of tribals gather around a campfire. You see the cheiftan sitting on a wooden chair and the young ones sitting on hardwood logs. "Ah now what story is it going to be tonight? The story of the return of Mizar? Alright, I hope you are all comfortable, becuase we are about to begin...." "When Mizar was defeated those 13 years ago, the galaxy seemed to be at peace for once. No more threats or anything to interupt their peaceful lives. The tribals held banquets once a year to honor the Jet Force team. This year the banquet time came rolling around. The Jet Force team got ready and suited up in their traditional suits once again. As the festivities started up, things seemed fine. Everything went as planned. The Jet Force team enjoyed themselves and ate with the tribals, but as most stories go, evil was lurking in the shadows." "They heard a rattle, then a flood of droids spilled out. The Jet Force team took them out. Now knowing that a threat was at hand, they called in the most powerful members of the team. They mighty trio of Juna, Vela, and Lupus. The tribals went into their huts, with a Jet Force member standing guard so the tribals inside wouldn't be harmed. The trio went and had a meeting with the most important of the tribals, the cheifs of the tribe, and the most important of the Jet Force team, the generals." "As all of you know, there is a great threat at hand. We suspect the work of Mizar, but he was defeated. They might have started a new colony since Mizar has been defeated. I'm sending you three out to investigate. Sweep a five mile perimeter of the camp. If you see any droids, don't be afraid to take out your guns. We will only give you the standard Jet Force Pistol and the machine gun at the moment. Now go, and take 2 other reinforcments." "The Jet Force team went out and started looking for reinforcements, only skilled ones would be taken on this perilous journey." "As we come to a close of this part of story, my young tribals go out and explore the world! Make your life special!." Now for the sign ups! What I'll need: Name: If you want to be Vela or Lupus (I'm going to be Juno) you will have to PM me a writing sample. It can be about anything, the only requirements is that it's one or more paragraph. Age: Write your age. If you are going to be Lupus of Vela, you don't have to fill anything out. Sex: Don't write "lots" here! Weight: Height: Desciption: It is going to be hard to find a picture of someone with JFG armor so just describe. Full armor is what Juno wears and half armor is what Vela wears, only for men, they wear long shorts. Bio: Main Weapon: Either a JFG pistol or a machine gun Secondary Weapon: This will come later. Item Sack: Over time you will find items like crowbars and torches. You are allowed to carry 5 items at a time. You can trade with someone else if you wish. Head sack: You will have to identify the amount of drones before you start the battle(during the rpg). Then when the have been killed the droids head's wil be divided up evenly unless you go into battle alone(which would only be if there are a few droids). That's all for now. If you have any questions PM me or IM me on MachetteConfetti. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. No, you can pick any wrestler you want.*Feels weird becuase this post is so short*
  7. Alright, things are looking good... Great sign-ups. I knew The Undertaker would go fast. G/S/B Master, if you want, you can be your own tag team partner and therefor control two characters, but that would mean you would have to do twice as much writing if your other character is in a match. [I]Also, I forgot one thing. If you're in a tag team match, pick either you or your partner to write it.[/I]
  8. [I]"In a stunning upset, Eddie Guerro has lost the WWE championship! A match against Bradshaw, the Latino heat couldn't pull it off after Bradshaw pulled Edie Guerro out of the ring and continually hit his head against the floor. Eddie suffered a concusion and is not expected to come back for another 5 months. In that time, 50 matches that lead up to that lead up to a special event will take place. This could be the time for a new star to rise. Bradshaw's WWE championship will be on the line many times."[/I] Alright, this is how the RPG will work. You are set up in a match agaisnt a person. We will have about one match per 3 days. You and you're opponent will have to write about the match in your post, and then everybody will vote on who's post is best. Sign ups: Name: Choose a real wrestler. You can't be Eddie Guerro or JBL(John "Bradshaw" Layfield), Height: Weight: Finishing move/signature move: Write their finishing move Tag Team partner: You don't have to have one, but you can choose with one of the other people who sing up. Existing tag teams are not going to be counted. Description: Use a pic or write one. Most people will know what your wrestler looks like. My sign up- Name: John Cena Height:6'1 Weight:240 pounds Finishing move/signature move: FU Tag Team Partner: Tthe Phenominal' AJ Styles Description: See the pic [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18918&stc=1[/IMG] Go [URL=http://www.wwe.com]here[/URL] for everything you need.
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]1) Mick foley vs Randy Orton Well, seeing that this isn't real and Mick Foley needs time off, I'm going to have to go with Mick Foley. He has more experiance and he doesn't have to worry about Evolution coming out. 2) Edge vs Kane Kane is going to win. He is going to beat the crap outta edge with his brute strength. 3) Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus I hope Chris wins, but Chritian will probaly 4) Triple H vs Shawn Micheals vs Chris Benoit Chris Benoit. He has worked his way to this point and he isn't going to lose it all. 5)Lita vs. Victoria for the Womans Championship Victoria is going to win no doubt. She has a much better body 6) Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair Shelton beat triple H so I don't know why he can't beat Ric Flair 7) Tajiri vs Coach Coach can't fight for beans. Tajiri is going to kick the crap outta him.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. Do you want an animated avatar or an animated banner? I can get either one of them up today. -GDL
  11. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman] Sorry it's taking me a long time to post. Careath's village had just been attacked. Arrows flew every way. Blood splattered. A few brave men stood up to the attackers, but lost their lives. The members of village that were still alive headed for the dark woods. There they could get shelter and it was only an hour walk to the next town. The town went up in flames. The smoke was so thick that you could see it through the trees. The town continued running through the forest, some tripping on lose roots and some tripping over each other. Careath had his sword out incase he had to chop down any trees with a smooth slash. The attackers continued chasing the village, but had a hard time shooting arrows through the trees. They retreated back towards the village.Going to another town to destroy. As the town reached the village walls, they saw a group of the attackers camped up on a hill. An archer spotted the town and went through a secret entrance of the wall. The town followed them in. He said to walk around and try to find someone who will take them in. Careath walked and knocked on a door. A man came out "Yes?" he asked "Excuse, but could you please provide me some lodging and food for the night?" Careath asked looking directly in the mans eyes. "I see you have some cut marks. Has your village been attacked too?" "Yes, if you look around you will see the people of my village." "Our village has been atacked once. It is going to be attacked again if you haven't seen the army on the foot of the hill." "Yes, I have seen them" "I see you have a sword" "What's it to you?" "You could help fight. In that case I will let you stay here." "Thank you. My name is Careath Rasgnok" "And my name is Nodotam Suornoci. Over there is another man who's village was attacked." " My name is Baalthaczaar son of Gil-Pathar." " That is a long name. Can I just call you Baal?" Careath asked. I leave it there becuase I'm not sure if Baalthaczaar would want me calling him that or not. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Name: Careath Rasgnok Age: 20 Race: Human Weapons: Bastard sword Magic: poking himself in the eye, jk -.o Appearance: Blue and gold gold chestplate, black tunic, boots with shiny gold buckles^_^, blue hair, sword sheath across his back. Biography: As a boy, he grew up with his family. He was homeschooled and worked for his faher for most of the time making swords as a blacksmith. He enjoyed playing with his friends. They were all peaceful until their village was burnt down. He knew he had to seek revenge. With his blacksmith skills he made himself a sword. He inscribed "Life, Death, I will always love you". [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Name: Gigimon Side:Royal knights Digivolutions: Jarimon - Gigimon - Guilmon - Growlmon - WarGrowlmon - Gallantmon Attacks: Hot Bite Personality:Gigimon is very friendly, with the need to becme Mega Level. He will obey anybody, just as long they make him stronger. He has way too much energy and is always running around in the woods. Appearance:[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17995&stc=1[/IMG] roar! Biography:Ever since he was little, he has been traveling around. He finally found a village and settled in. He went to a little school, then found it too boring so he decieded to start fighting to gain his levels. As he was fighting, he came across a little village by a stream. It was full of peaceful people. He started meditating and learning about peace. He finally understood the meaning of being a Mega Level digimon. The responsibility and the work you have to do to acheive it.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [FONT=Times New Roman]Name: Henry Williker (a.k.a. "Scruffy") Gender: Male Age: 31 Occupation:Miner. He basically digs in the dirt looking for iron for cannonballs. (Don't ask me where I got this) (Yes, I once was a carpenter!) [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  15. You might also want to try Something Corporate, Red Animal War, Lewis Cross My Heart for emo. I'm surprised no one said Minor Threat. They are kinda of old, but their music is pretty good. I'm not sure, but The Used might be considered emo? Also for punk try The Casualties. I don't think you should try Blink-182's new cd becuase their older stuff (like Dude Ranch) is a bit more punk. The best advice for getting the music you want is just to listen to the radio.
  16. GreatDeitylink


    [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Times New Roman]Name: Mark Age:15 Gender: Male Writing Sample: Yeah, my sexy writing.... The rain came down in sheets of silver light in front of him, as he knelt on the rough ground. Cold as any human can feel. He looked down at his worn-down tennis shoes and shrugged. They were getting more wet as time passed by. He was in a staring into oblivion and wondering why he existed. A hand came down and touched his shoulder. He could feel the smooth, sleek skin through his soaked shirt. He looked up and saw a girl. They both stared into each other's eyes. He felt warm again. He looked behind her and saw a broken street lamp flickering like the love in his heart. He had never shown affection for someone in his life, and didn't now why this time it was different. He felt warm again. He stood up and wrapped his arm around her. He could smell the seductive cherry blossom perfume she was wearing. As they walked down the street he finally felt loved. Personality: Brave, sticks up for Gaia, knows that he if he fails what he has to do the consquences might be bad, strives for perfection Weapon: Requiem Spellcasting: Earth Earth- Summons an earthquake Appearance: blank [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Times New Roman]I've also read up to number four in the manga. I haven't seen the fifth one yet, but I'll get that somehow. I've never seen the anime so I don't have any thoughts about that. I thinkk that the plot is a little hard to get into, just becuase of Kyo and Demon Eyes and the switching between them. I've read all four and I'm pretty impressed. Their is a lot of sexual activity in it, but that makes it sorta funny. The combination of elements blends nicely. Overall, this is one of my favortie animes[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. In the year 2670, a rebel nation known as the "SFE" tried to ruin every mech used by the government. Thousands died just becuase of thier non-war beliefs. As SFE gained more followers, the government knew they had to do something. They started sending S.W.A.T. units out to kill every SFE member. As SFE kept their anti-violence tactics, too many rebels were dieing. Finally they knew they had to fight back. As an underground network started illegally importing mechs, SFE knew that they would have to gain more members. SFE started sending recruitment ships out to other planets. 200 from Mars, 500 from Jupiter, 2,000 from Uranus. Soon they started growing and knew they had a chance. As the nation of rebels started, their anti-war beliefs were thrown away from their hearts. Now for the sign-ups. Name: Age: Height: Weight: Description: (Can write one or use a picture) Mech: (Choose one from Robotech) Gun: (Up to two) Bio: (Just a few details, birthplace, how they got interested, etc...) That should be it. I'll post mine up a little later. PM me with any questions.
  19. Alright, Desbreko gave me permission to ask a new question. So.... Question: In Link's Awakening DX, how many kids come up to you to tell you that the Madame MeowMeow's bowwow was stolen? (Hint: It's more the one)
  20. Recently I have been listening to a lot of Anti-Flag. They are somewhat controversial(sp?) You are either with them or against them. So far they have 6 or 7 albums out. Back to the controversial(sp?) part. With many songs against Bush, (take turncoat for example) they have come to be known as "Bush-haters". The new cd (The Terror State) has had it's cover removed becuase of it's controversy(sp?). Their songs maybe be only a bunch of words of hate, but to me they are another band I have fallen in love with. Any thoughts of your own please post. -GDL
  21. I read it a few days ago and loved it. The whole plot is really interesting. It's not like the other manga I usually read. I found it to be very unique. I can't wait until they get more. It started me on playing Go. Now I really enjoy playing Go everyday.
  22. Where do you think The Otaku/Otaku boards will be in ten years? I think Adam's humble little site will have grown to a lot of members and so wont Otaku Boards. You thoughts? -GDL P.S. Maybe by then Semjaza Azazel will have shown his face.
  23. Digging random holes. It started when I was eleven. It's still going on. One time I spent the whole day singing in the mud and rain while digging a hole in the middle of my front yard. I also build things with rotten wood. I find some wood and the I'll build a bird house or something. I also love smashing things. It's a great for getting rid of stress. One time I went to a pumpkin patch and bought about 10 pumpkins. Then, out of my things I made with rotten wood I built this thing to smash them. Some day I'm going to build a catapult to launch my pumkins.
  24. Well they really changed their style. It's nothing like their other albums. (except for "Feeling this" which is about sex XD) It's more of music instead of lyrics. If you have heard their other albums you wouldn't know it's them. Give it a try. That's how I've found all of my favorite bands. When you mean vocals are you talking about lyrics or their singing style? Also I when I said "I don't like the ending of "Violence" and the beginning of "Stockholm Syndrome" ( basically the same thing.)" I meant as in the ending of "Violence and only the beginning of "Stockholm Syndrome".
  25. Just wondering if anybody still liked them anymore and if they have the new album and their thoughts on it. I, personally being a fan since they first began, was really suprised to that new sound they have. I don't like the ending of "Violence" and the beginning of "Stockholm Syndrome" ( basically the same thing. I like the beginning of "Violence", but I think that they shouldn't of had that ending becuase it sorta messes up the song. (Ok my rant on that song is done.) If you have some time time and the album, look in the packet thing that always come with cds. It shows some of their comments on the songs. Just what I though -GDL
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