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Everything posted by GreatDeitylink

  1. Yeah you were right so now to think about that question hmm... I am pretty sure that it is A link to the past but I'm not sure
  2. Hey i wanted to say that i accendentaly unsubscribed to the other thread so i have no control over that (i think)
  3. Why thank you Mei for giving me the spotlight. In OoT what color is the gem on the Kokiri sword? hint: if you have ever seen a picture of Link(as a child) and Zelda sitting together you can usually see it.
  4. Hey everyone! I just posted this to see what you all thought of Good Charlotte! I know there are going to be lots of you people who call them Posers or "not punk". There is no real definition of punk...i hate to tell you all. Real Punks would no that. :devil: *~With an X and an O im out lyke woah~*:devil: *~Jo~*
  5. :mrt:A:She tries to hit Ganondorf with light arrows. I pretty sure thats right but can you tell me if that's right?:mrt:
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