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Everything posted by InuyashaDeamon

  1. The random thoughts are of meeting a female vamp and becoming a deamon. Also begin a pilot of a zodic gundum(form of a dragon that in full plate armor. All of them have me fighting and losing controll maybe it my subcon trying to say i should be a fighte.r
  2. I wish to be known but i hate the the famous spot light. For me i want to be known aas a great driver and atlast be come the best drifter at least in america. Also be the leader of the best street/track team out there. But other then that I really rather have a well known garage. Both will take time and I need to find othere good drivers.
  3. I wouldn't go and fight in the war on terrorisum or Iraq. Even if we go to war with Korea I might not stand for the war. This doesn't mean im anit-military it just mean im anit bush and hi wars. yes the attack on the world trade center was bad but yet the wars have reach there objectives now it's time to pull out. But if it was a actual country attacking us then the ask for there butts to be kicked. But hell i risk my life every day working with acids, chlorine, molten metals. and drifting. But i would take a bullet for my friends and what i believe in. if i had to protect bush i would push him out of the way but not risk my life for that war mongal. Also the money we spent on the war should really should be used on helping are homeless citizens and veterns. god Bless our troop. and also some family history my great grand uncle was the first american to die in WW2 and he joined because germany invaded his home country Belguim. And my Grand Father served in the Korean War. My dad served in the air force.
  4. My Favorite male Character is a toss up between Vincent(Cowboy Beboop the movie) still haven't figured out how he serived thoughs explotions, Koga(Inuyasha) , and Kouichirou Iketani(Initial D) I'm like him a drifter that still have alot to learn. Favorite Female Character is Mika (gungrave) she a strong women that can't hit the side of a barn :laugh: . Favorite bad guy HarryMcDowell (gungrave) he was a bad guy hiding as good guy the took over the Millennion orgination.
  5. This summer will be full of work. I wiil probably have two jobs to get a apartment and also fix my MX-5. but in june/july have a 50th and a wedding to attend. also the last week of july the dreaded frontier days. The city pop with probably triple again :mad: . Too many darn cars and crashy drivers. no room to run at all O well
  6. If I would do any live to anime iw ould do a classic that has be in the dark for a long time like the old clash of the titans( realy good effects for the time but still can tell it was fake). But far as anime to live I can't remeber the website but there making a live action initail d movie the trailer had fc, fd, and 86 doing a run real sweet looking more action then flash unlike f&f/2f2f.
  7. first thing i would do if i had the money go to a Nissan dealer and get R34. ans go shoping the things that are considered to de about out dated are top of the line in the us.
  8. I almost bought a shirt that said ******* tourist i live in cheyenne wyoming where last week of july our pop triples and it take you 30-45 minutes on a drive that take 10-15 min which is triple the time. but my favorite plass is Game On Extreme Internet Gaming. if you ever go there I'm Nogard Marith. the guy with metal spikes on his Game On hat and a 3-4 foot chain on his wallet.
  9. I'm into street rading and drifting so i would feel at home raciing against the charicters in Initial D. Or be in Gundum 08th ms team or Zoids. I think it would be cool to pilot a zoid or a gundum. I figure the risk are about the same and death is death and in real the i died once already and lived pass there excpected life span for me. only one of eight :moron: . but back on track I choose either Initial D, Gundum 08th ms team, or Zoids.
  10. I prefer to rock/alertnative. favorite band ar LP, Rise against, My chemical Romance, Creed, disturbed, System of a down , and Incubus. But also alot of punk, heavy, and anything that has a good beat to race/ drift to.
  11. One anime that I dicovered is called Initial D it been out for about 2 years I believe. It's about street racing in Japan which contains Drifting :animestun . It fun to drift. Back to the point I wonder what is your opion about Initial D. Also the shot out side the gas station where Tak, Iggy, and Cole work has a MX-5 driving by :animesmil . [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your thread with the original Initial D one. Please be sure to check for threads before starting a new one, either by searching the forum or by checking the Official Threads Directory at the top of the forum display. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  12. I like Mazda the best but don't get me wrong every car company has their flagships and pos (cough mostly us domestics cough pinto cough neon cough ). Nissan has it GT-R, Honda/Acura NSX, Mazda has the RX series, Ford GT, :animesigh Chevy nothin now sense the discontuined the F chase, Dodge Viper, and Mistubishi has it EVO's. But my insurance will be $330 a month :animestun. Also I need to fix my car with after Market :animesmil
  13. Could some one make me a Initial D and Inuyasha banner plz
  14. What type of car(s) do you drive? For the people old enough to drive. I drive a pearlecent blue 1995 Mazda MX-5 Miata. that last friday I bearly reared a truck :animeangr and ruined my bumber even more, smashed the turn singal, leftside pop up headlights don't pop up and crushed the left fender. :animecry:
  15. I voted other. I would spend my money on my 1995 Mazda MX-5 . well atleast 15GS(us$). body kit( the works, hood, lights), turbo kit(with intercooler), proformace rebuild, rims, racing seats, Nos(direct port) and also paint job midnight blue that fade into pearlecent forest green at the buttom. if i really hade the money R32 with the same things only just jet black.
  16. i would be more like scar where i really don't have any alchemy skill only a tattoo of tranmutasion circle. As a true alchemist i would be a flame alchemist
  17. "No child left behind" is a bunch of crap. one thing is I was in resource english from 5th to 7th grade learning stuff I already know from the 3rd grade. I 8th I went into a half way class where it for students that are not ready for the regular english and yet too smart for resource english. passed with a C. I went into regular english with the hardest teacher luckly he had to have a sub for the year because my teach had a brain aneruism. But I was always behind in English and my senior year i had to take a juinor english and two senor englishes in th spring semester and I passed. But we you have a speech inpendment and teacher in 1 through 3 grade would put you in the bad of the class and ignore you for the whole year, and pass you out of pitty. Now my friends little brother is in 7th grade and is at an 3rd grade reading lvl. Truely the american school system is failing because, one lack of funding, two lack of teachers whole care about the students, not enough discipline to make where studnets will pay attention in class.
  18. My favorite type of car is a1967 mustang gt 500, or honda CRX
  19. My towns anime club started to show the japanese version with subtitles. where on episode 5 and it fun. some of the subtitles didn't make that much sense like [spoiler]"my goal is to kill some man" when it was suppose to be one man[/spoiler] overall i liked it's a good anime and i want to get it hopefully a english speaking one.
  20. mine was the best one had as in fun rating. I went to a party with one of my friends and at midnight i took a big group picture then My friend started to play Shoot Chess (a drinking game of chess, Pm if you want to know more about it.) well his friend was drunk and started to puke in the kitchen sink. so my friend told me to down the shoots that were left about 8 of them and i did in less the two minute and he gave me couple more shoots(already before the shoots i had 8 beers, 2 glasses of wine, and 4 shoots). so i got messed up really good and then we wnet to sharies restuant and i drank about a pot of coffee, and drunk as hell. the we left when i was mostly sober and we went home and slept for 3 hours woke upp with a hang over and went to work all day. Never drink then go to work its bad.
  21. I have blackouts normally caused by me rising to quickly for m sitting. But if I exercise to long and too much (I have a heart condition). In addition, when I fall as a defense measure I will black out concisely. Nevertheless, it makes it where my reflexes are faster and usual helps to lessen the damage or to catch my self. I have another type of blackout where I will just lose 5-15 minutes and just cannot remember what I was doing and sometime where I am. However, this usually linked to the empelpsy (shaking sickness).
  22. [color=red]Mogris looks at the crystal confused and saying "It looks like it's some sort of energy producing device. Maybe it what power zoids. I will look it up but you will have to keep fixing lupus." Looking up at Mika, turning the ball as he walks over to the table as he sets down and starts too scan the book. "Well, the book has nothing on this crystal maybe not even the ancient Zoidians know about this, it wasn't written in this book, or lastly it was create later. Anyhow, it does produce electric charge. The same amount to the zoids need. So ether this is the power house of a zoid or it's a thing to revive zoids." "Well, here is some good news, lupus should be fixed by the tomorrow after noon. So lets explore though ruins." Mika replied. As she works on repairing the cracked wing. "But that thing creates the same amount of power needed to power a zoid." "Down to the amps, and volts. In addition, it seems to that it never really runs out. There is something in the middle of it." "Do you think that it something that the Zoidians knew about? Why haven't we found that before?" "Well most zoids are either abandoned or repaired. They never real took a zoid totally apart so we have no clue about it. However, tomorrow we will need to bring a smaller zoid in case we do hit some sleepers. I will take the scout fox with the 40mm laser gun." Mogris replied and headed over to lupus to help fix him. [/color]
  23. I'm a freshman in colloge. I went to a junior college where my parents lives. Saves me money for not having to pay for room and board. Im majoring in Mechainical Engineering, minoring in computer science. Also working on ceritfication in Drafting and Programming. When im done at the junior college i plan on going to South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
  24. Cowboy Bebop is an Anime that will never get old and appeals to you even if you seen the whole sieres and movie. [spoiler]Spike at the end learns to listen to other people dvice instead of his own. But the ending is sad because Eddie, err.. can't think of the dogs name, and fey all leaves. Fey discovers her past that she has been searching for. But Spike dies at the end.[/spoiler] The last four episoids where sad and made you think about what it real was begin said through the anime.
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