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Everything posted by InuyashaDeamon

  1. [color=red] OCC: sorry i have been bussy with work and family/friends. IC: Mogris looked up at mika and said "This book is older then this ruin, it was brought here. There also a old map that i can over lay with a new map and find its orgin. It's a acient zoidian book. It talks about the zoid eve, death saure, and the death stinger, and the orginoids. Any way go Lupus fixed yet? We should check out thoughs old ruins. " "What do i look like, your slave?" Mika replied. "Yeh" Mogris said with a smiling not looking at her, instead over laying the old map with a his map. "Smack" Mika hits him over the hand. "That what you get" Mika yelled at him, while looking over his shoulder. "I know that place it just about a day ride east. Also it said to have a ton of sleepers. I guess we should fix lupus.' "Well are you done with your repairs and outfitting your new zoid." "Yeah, I always wanted to explore those ruins when i was younger." Mika finished as she started on the repairs. Morgis fixing the wings, and reloading the guns. "Well if Kia canfuse with lupus and mayb he could lupus. Also that book had something about creating a orginiod system for a regular zoid." Mogris said looking at Kia. "Come on fuse." sarcastily saying to Kia. [/color]
  2. [color=red] Mogris and Mika reached there new base in some runes about 6800km from the GF base. "We need to prepare are selfs, I notices a nice shadow scout near by that fired upon us. 2:5 odds in favor of them." Mogris said looking at his battered zoid. "damn it going to take a week to fix lupus." "At least it wasn't destory. Besides you did do ton of damage to that gunsniper." Mika Replied, "Well you can use the Gunsniper that we have stolen. It accurate enough where we can hit them with out them even knowing it is us." "They can track us back to here if there isn't strong winds or we use a route that doesn't leave that mainy tracks." "Well lets start fixing our zoids, and then lets get some rest." "Im going to explore these ruins, This use to be a military base about two and half centuries ago. May be we can find some lost knowledge about zoids." Mogris finished while getting off a blue create of anmunitions' and walked down a dark corridor. Then seeing a door thats cracked open. "What is this?" he thought as he entered seeing a pod with something in it. He walked upto a wooden desk and a book sat there coverd with dust and no title. "What type of book is this?" He started to walk back reading the book, not noticing where his is going. Then he looks up and notices that he doesn't know where he is. Looking around he see something move up ahead. "Guysacks, crap and i don't know where im at." He truns around and start to run being chased by the guysacks. Going throgh a narrow door. The guysacks get stuck in the small door way. "Well that should hold them for a while." He found his way back to the hanger that they setup a base in. "Well I found this book but it doesn't make sence and some guysacks about five of them gaurding a place in these ruins." [/color]
  3. Mogris swoops down at the gunsniper, firing the 40mm cannons. Missing the gunsniper with it blades to through up sand. He turns around using his cross-spectrum scoop shoots a volly of MP=01 ASM at the gunsniper hitting it. "I hit the gunsniper in the leg an back so it can run that fast and is unable to keep sturdy come in and finish it. I will get the Slash liger." Mogris said to Mika. "I'm on it keep the slash liger back it fused with a organiod." Mika replyed. She run at the gunsniper with and the beam cannons come out of the boosters. She fires a berage, mostly missing but get a direct hit on it leg knocking it over. Mean while Mogris flys at the slash liger with his blades out. Flying close to the ground at the liger. The liger jumps cutting the wing and breaking off the rght and middle blade of the storm sworder. "Damn he hit me good i can bearly keep it steady and there buddies are almost here. We need to retreat." He flys over to the blade liger and grapes it and takes off.
  4. Yesterday I saw the last samurai. [b]9.5/10[/b] It was a pretty good movie. It about a war hero goes to japan to train the army in modern war fare[color=black] who learns the way of the samurai and the sword[/color]
  5. My real name is Anthony, my brothers name is bobby(You need to know this for one of my nicknames. Tony: short for anthony it was okay when i was younger but I rather be call Anthony LT(little tit): I got it because i hang out with my brother and his friends i don't know why from the most part(the abuse :bash: of being the youngest).But my brother was called Booby(Don't ask my why I don't know). My favorite Nickname is the one i created for my self Nogard(dragon spelled backwards no copycats please :flaming:. Most poeple know me as Nogard that don'tknow my real name.
  6. [color=red]Mogris scanning for the GF with Lupus notice that they where near Mika. He open a com link, "Mika the GF is near your postion, Im coming in with lupus to attack. Act like a civilain, i doubt they know what your zoid look like. On my singal draw there attention then I will dive bomb them from behind." "I seen them on my Infra-red scanner. Moving in postion," Mika replied. Mogris takes lupus to a lower alitude. "I moving in too. I will becoming from the east," with that said i moved lower and started to turn around when he noticed the base and some other zoids off in the distance. "Mika we have a base over here about a hour away so i will pick you up after the attack. Also there is some more GF zoids about 45 minutes away. So lets be careful and don't waste any anmo." "It seems that there stopping to rest and get some water what a perfect time to attack." [/color]
  7. "It wierd how this manison attracts people," as he looked around. "You know everyone here is one of the seven race. It I wonder if they will ever accept us. I heard romurs that there where wereWolf half animal half human but until i realized that i was a deamon i didn't belive in them" He truned and noticed that no one was around. "Gee that very polite oh well what do you expect you are a deamon after all who will want to hang around a deamon?" he tought to him self. He walked in to the hall way and walked down the hall. He heard a conversation in a room. He peered in and saw a guy in a cloak that smelled like a dog, and a women with a smell of death. "Were or Ani-man kanine type for the guy in the cloak and probable a vampire for the lady," he thought to him self. He opened the door and started to enter.
  8. Character Sign-Up Name: Mogris Notious Sex: Male Age: 19 Role: Bandit Appearance: He stands 6'6", weight 140, black hair, glasses. He wears a black long sleeve cotton shirt, with dark blue jeans, and a black cloak made of silk. Also wears military isssued boats, a hat with his family crest on it, and a white gold necklas with a platium locket with that contains a picture of him and his father. Personality: He a silent type that rarely talks unless he has some advice or is asked a question. Certian subjects those he will talks in ridals to make the others think and learn from what he is saying. Overall he is kind and rarely works for anyone who he feels is evil in some form if it ambition, reason, or just seems to good to be true. Bio: He grew up in the Helic Republic, where his dad served as a zoid pilot. He mainly group up alone in a military school. At school he was teased for being the weakest physically. But when they hopped into the traing pods he show them how strong of a pilot he was. He graduated with top honors and went to be in the republic army. Where he was kicked out for killing another pilot. The other pilot won't leave him alone and shoot at him. He retaliated and killed the pilot with a singal shot to the cock pit. After that he used his inhearants to buy a his Zoid and became a mercinary/bandit. Then he meet Mika and desided to partner with her. ---------- Zoid Sign-Up Zoid:Storm Sworder Type:Pterodon Nick name: lupus Appearance: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkzoids/images/zoidsc759.jpg[/img] exepct mainly black with red trim. Weapons: 3 Retractable Blades, Dual 40 mm pulse laser Cannons, and hardened alloy claws Support Systems:Boosters Upgrade(s): Cross-spectrum scope, stealth, and 2 MP-01 ASM missle packs(one under each wing)
  9. "I heard your arugement in the ally. I was wondering what going on all i can remember is that i woke up in a pool of blood. Not my blood." Nogard said. "But I never remember the bad things that i do. People in my small town always called me Deamon, and try to run me out of town. One night I woke up everyone in my village was slain and an camera showed me that I turned into a deamon like creature. Then i left knowing that i slain all thoughs poeple." I sat there with tears rolling down my cheecks looking out the window at nothing.
  10. Nogard walking trying to think what had happed in the pst 4 hours couldn't remember only thing he can think of is finding some place safe where he wouldn't hurt anyone. Heared commotion couple of blocks away he ran over there say two men standing there argueing about pool. "Come on some people are just better then you" he though as trying to send it telepathicly to the guy. Then dango faster then most normal eyes could see ran over to him and punched him. he couldn't believe that his eyes where able to follow that movement. He wait and started to follow dango to see if he could help him and explain what was going on. He followed him to the manison waiting in the shadows making sure it was clear. He waited a few minutes after dango enter. Then he approached looking over his shoulder and into the windows. Then he rang the door bell. "Ding Dong"
  11. Valkalous sat at his laptop in a remote part of china. He start to hack into the Us computer system that monitors all of it's secret weapon and nukes, like he usally does once a week. going through a file code named "Hydra" he notice that there are blue prints for a new more destructive hydrogen bomb. "What a bunch of loser, can't come up with good names for files. It was praticly to easy to find it." He calls one of his contacts, "It's Nogard, Im sending you a file." Waiting a few minutes, "Transfer complete, set up a task force to get it, send blue prints of site in a latter date, out." he hangs up his phone. looking up at the sky time to go. He got up and headed to the base where RP3-12A sat while it was begin refueled and weapons got reload.
  12. I hate PETA there set up a billboard in our town saying to drink beer rather then milk. truely i think it a bunch of bull what they say. Im was in FFA and we watch a video about butchering plants and there are usally human as can be.
  13. Name: Morust Race: Deamon Age:19 Side: good Ability: Regenerate limbs, create fireballs. Description: [b][u]human form[/u][/b] he has long black hair, red eyes(contacts to make them blue), and small horns on the back of his head, wears a black leather treanch coat, and neckles with a cross. [b][u]True Deamon[/u][/b] horns grow longer, he grows talons and wings, his skin is dark red with burn marks from the cross. he tall with long legs and arms, with back hunched. Hair shortens and whitens. Brief Biography: He only remember waking up in an ally covered in some one else blood and a scar of a cross on his chest where his cross on the neckles sits. After that he fear himself and became an wonder and could never go into a church. Personality: quite and never letting anyon get close to him. still he very protective and would deffend what he thinks is right. Weapons: a bastard sword and two pistols
  14. My top ten list 10. jurassic park (all three movies) 9. Under world (hot chick in leather, who cares about a some what undeveloped plot and not following all the mythology of both vampires and werewolfs) 8. StarWars (orginal trilogy) 7. Ninja Scroll 7. Vampire Hunter D 6. Tomb Raider (movie based on a game is always better then a game based on a movie) 5. indepedence day (alien attacking our world, and white house blowing up is cool) 4. MIB (both are good but only the first one makes the cut) 3. Princess Moninoke(sp) 2. Cowboy Bepob (a great sieres that has a good movie based on it.) 1. Armitage(both movies are good, exallent plots, animation, and it keeps you interested.)
  15. You both have good deck. The most annoying deck was a bird deck that I created. by the fourth turn i would have 30 bird tokens out by the six or seventh turn. But the whole deck was centered around the artitfact the bubble matrix prevent all combat damage. have four of them in thier and several types of destroy artifacts. Then once i have enough creatures and tokens out i would destory the bubble matrix and attack killing them in that turn.
  16. Name: Nogard Age: 526 years Race: half Dragon Sex: male Description: he stand about 8'6", unnatural baby blue eyes. Dark green scales cover his body while a blend of red and dark green scales cover his wings. he has a scar that runs across his chest. His horns are brown at the base and becomes white at the tip, yet left horn is broken of about 1/3 of the way up. Weapon: sword of the dragons, a razor whip, and morning star Cloak/Armour: Armour of Draco(full plate made for half dragons) Languages: Common, draconic
  17. I use to take marshal arts, I was quit good at it i study TKD for about a year until some disagreements between some kids. But I have a seirous heart condition which when I spare a had to wear a chest pad the prohibit y arm movement and I did sign a waver so I didn't have to wear it. Which made me win more of my sparing matchs. Also i was really limber which made i easier to dodge attacks too. But i would like to start studing them again.
  18. InuyashaDeamon


    Name: Valkalous "Nogard" Souminal Age: 28 Military Background: His father was a decorated general for the U.S.A. He was in military school for his entire schooling until college. He entered into the U.S. army then shortly transfered into an unknown U.S. military agency that "doesn't exsist". He recieved counter intellegence training, as well as explosive, and advanc weapon training. When the terrorist attacked the U.S. He found the evidence to show that it was a terrorist attack but it was classifed and never shown to the president or any top officals. He left shortly after and went and now is a free lancer that use a stolen classifed advance figther(if okay with trumen). He uses his connection to get weaponery, supplies, and infromation. Description: --Height: 6'6" --Weight: 156lbs --Eyes: Blue --hair: blond/ with green highlites He wears black jeans, a blue shirt and a black kelvar trench coat with blue trim, and orange tinted sunglasses. Weapons: A modified winchester .30-06 long range rifle, duel 9mm pistols and C-4 explosives with remote detinator. Biography: He group up around guns and the military life style. when the wars broke out he support his country until WW3, when the agency that he worked for refused to stop the war before it started. He was trained to kill with no remorse in both hand to hand combat also in sniping and sabotage. Country: (Nuetral) Status: Free lancer with classified speical training
  19. I rented the first two chapters of GunSmith Cats. I was wondering if anyone else has seen it. I like May how she a explosive expert that uses too much expolsives. Also I like the Russian girl armored coat. I give it a [b] 9.5/10[\b]
  20. I've my family just that it not the true love. They are there for support mainly people to fall back to when it gets to be too rough or have no idea of what to do next. The give you really only emotional support and advice nothing more.
  21. I everything is made of energy. Somepeople like me can sence the energy in the living things a round me. But Also i can't stand being by high voltage because I alsoo sence that and all being electricuted so many time that it not funny i have develope a sence where i feel the magnetic field that electicy gives off. Everything around us gives of diffent type of fields at different frecunces(sp?). Sceince can prove there are feilds given off. It when someone how can sence these fields without using an insturtment other then there own bodies.
  22. What wierd is that i found out that my friend he has pre conjative dreams that he sees bad things happening and it turn out that it is usally would happen in 2days to a month after he had it. But what i expeirence can but can't be explained by sceince because where still learning much about nature on our world.
  23. I've expecince a extra sense. I call my self a senser because I can sense my friends around. One time i was at the mall and I found a friend that i didn't even know he was there, just by sensing his precence. Most recently was halloween I went to my close friends house. While I was thier i sensed not only my friend but his gF and the bond between them. also I started to see energy aruas around them. But i was looking at his little brother EQ character when I sensed that they weren't right behind me, but in his room getting their thing on which I sensed which does sux. but all night i could sense them both. later then I got the sense of a great trial between me and my friend and it dealing with his gf. This yet come fully into play as they are having them self a great trail right no that slowly shifting, were I might come into soon.
  24. About 9 months ago i had this dream that made think of why im here. I belive in a god, satan, angels, deamon, ghost, and aliens. But this dream had it where one of my coworkers took me to this gaurded place then took me in side. It was dark i could here voices and when i closed my eyes i seen deamonic creatures. The voices where talking about how i had a deamon in side and that my heart proceduce that was done when i three months old was also to remove the deamon that was conected to me. Yet they failed to remove it completly. then all of a sudden i could see as if it was day in the middle of the room was a circle with fire and heavenly glow every one that was around me was wearing the traditional monk cloaks, yet there eyes where deamon like. Then i woke up. But the Voices are the same ones that i heard several time before in have awake half asleep states. But they tell me what going to happen and what is going to be said to every word. This is the reason i find it most startling to me. And why it may explain certain things that been happening to me. like how i can find a friend just by sensing him, or sense that something good, usaly bad going to happen. Also the precoganitive(sp) dreams that i would some times have.
  25. Name: Nogard wodahs Age: 125 Race: unknown A dragon type creature Gender: Male Occupation: Explore \ fighter. Affiliation: neutral good Appearance: Stands about 8'6" where traditional 1500's type full plate except that it's covers part of the tail. His scales are a blackish green with a yellowish color belly scales. I will draw him. Weapons: A unique style sword that has a curved double edged blade, a razor whip and dual pistals. Also he has a sheild to block and bash his oppents. Spacecraft: Ocard, I will draw it too Biography: He is confident, yet silent from feels alienated dew to that he far from his home galiaxy. He has a picture of him and his family. His ship has more advance engines computers due it a exploration ship. When he was in slipstream he hit a astoriod and sent a surge through the ship knocking out the navigation computer. Leading to the lost of the star map and his ablity to navigate while using slipstream. Trying to fix his computer system and figure out where he is in the universe has yet to be done.
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