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Everything posted by InuyashaDeamon

  1. LP is my farvorite band, My favorite songs are "In The End", "Faint", "Numb", "Breaking The Habit".
  2. It's not confusing if you don't miss any episodes. But when you start to watch it with not knowing what has happen or what going on it can be confusing. I give it [b]9/10[/b]
  3. I started College on 8-25-03 and im wondering there are other that are in college too. Also what is thier major/minor is in. Im is in Mechanical Engineer.
  4. Im going to college to become a mechanical engineer. I wolud like to work either on spaceships/Airplane technology or on Robotics. I'm fanciated that in a few years we could make andriods that look and feel like humans. But with airplanes and Spaceships i would like to work mainly on the porpalision systems.
  5. Nogard stopped and Asked "Did any of you noticed that Clyde had tooken a different direction then we have?" Everyone looked around and noticed that he wasn't there. Nogard mounted on his horse. "this Path that we took cut across and gives us about ten minute ahead of them. But they probably stopped or started to go faster or heading in a different direction." "Well we must pick up are pace." Sariyah Order the rest of them.
  6. How things are weigh out is if we have to destroy one city to save 100 cities then it logical to sacrifice that one city. When the us planned to drop the A Bombs it was wiegh against a invasion that would of be great then the D-Day invasion. They weigh the casulaties of both the Us and Japan to decieced. logicaly it was the best decision.
  7. Nogard keeped looking at the tree banches over the path. "It seems that they are on horse back one of them. Most likly Renie as here tracks are not on the path," he remaked as he walked with his sword drawn. "But there is something in the woods following us." Sariyah looked around as with the rest of the group. "I don't see nothin out there. Are you sure?" He replied still looking around drawing out his sword. "It some type of beast, Probably depating wether to attack us or search for other prey. It slightly behind us to the right in the trees about twenty yards from the path." Nogard explaied to the others. Then he stopped and look at the ground. "We are gaining ground and they know it they are stepping up the pace." He grapped a map out of a saddle bag. "This path lead to the Shinfi Swamp also known as.." Clyde finishing "Swamp of rotting. It romured that there is a witch that hate when stranger enter her swamp." "Then they must know the witch of that swamp," Tain replied "No, they would of killed the witch or started the romur. He thinks like a thief of high skill. Not one of though common pick pocketer or robber he was probably train like I was," Nogard Informed them but in his mind he most likly knew who he was. "Why did you betray a me and attack the messenger he had nothin except a note that I wrote to my sister." He thought.
  8. Nogard Knewing that they would try to escape by graping some of his horse, he planned to stop them out side of the gate. On his horse he looked at them and said, "It will be 200 gold pieces for the horse and the equipment. But I'm not worried about the horses as thou should be." The bandits looked at him and laugh. Nogard gave a low long wistle. The horse started to buck and trying to through the bandits off. Three of the bandits immeditly fell off the horses, the other maneged to stay on. "what the hell was that?" as he looked at Nogards horse, "Where is he? Where did you go you coward?" Scopio Yelled. "Im above you, I suggest that you disarm and surrender as you being arrested for killing a Messenger of the royal court of Stialious, Attacking Renie, Clyde,and killig gaurds of Black Haven." He said from a tree branch over the leader, with an arrow pointed at him. "How did you get up there so quickly coward. Do you think your safe up there." The leader smeircked, while reaching for a throwing knife. Nogard released the arrow and hit the strap that hold the saddle up right. "I warned you?" Nogard smiled as he drew his sword and leaped down giving another wistle. This time the horses went wild throwing everyone off. "You have no clue who you deal with don't you? I was a Thief and spy of the royal Army of Stialious. The brother of the Queen, and Nephew of the Messenger. I wonder this world after being banished and learning to hate scum like you. For three winters I made a living as a thief out side of the royal army."
  9. It a great show it funny though how she drags him into a that Lungeria store to excape though guys. It a good anime i saw it when it first air on tech tv.
  10. Alien Name: Noriakku Descrption: Tall with long arms and legs, Kind of skinny though. Skin that resembles a crockroach, yet is a blood red color with spikes on the back and at the elbows. He able to see regualy as well as inferred. Has no hearing at all yet good sence of smell. Also do to have no hearing his speices has evoled telepathic powers. also has a tail. Speacial Attack: High frequensy sound impulse, and a strong posion that effects the nervious system. The posion is emitted throw any of the spikes on his back or elbows.
  11. Nogard got his mail back form Heron. "About time those bandits are here." Heron asked with a suprised face, "What Bandits? what do they want?" "I don't know but I know what I want from them." With that Nogard throw more then enough for his armour cleaning and repair. Sariyah was walking back to his Manison."Sariyah I need to talk to you!" Nogard said firmly, catching upto Sariyah. "These Bandits that in our town killed a royal messenger of Stialious. Also My Sister the Prince of Stialious asked me to capture thek and return them to the boarder of Stialious." Sariyah looked at nogard, "Why do you tell me this there at Claudio Tavern right now probably causing more trouble. Why to the boarder and why are you not in Stialious?" Nogard hestiantly(sp?) replied as he looked around, "Im been banished by the king, instead of being killed. So I can't take one step in to my home land." "Why where you banishied? I always thought that you where a traveler that had a troubled past." He looked at Nogard with courious look. "I was a Thief and spy for the royal court. Not even the king knew. Then one of my friends betrayed me and instead of being killed i was branded and banishied. That why i where this cloak that make it hard to see my face." "Well let me tell Clyde that they need to be arrested and sent off to Stialious. Go down there and keep an eye on them." Sariyah turned away and started to walk. Then he turned around saying, "wait until Clyde get there with some gaurds." But noticed that Nogard wasn't there any more.
  12. Nogard with his cloak over his face turned and looked to see if Heron is in his shop. Where is that darn armor smith he said he would clean and repair my mail. "Heron, are you here? I need my mail to be cleaned and repaired," He yelled but no one answered. "Damn where is he?" he mumbled. He left the armour shop and walk down to the inn that was owned by Claudio. He walked in to the inn, "Nogard you usally don't comin untill about three why this early?" Claudio asked as he cleaned the glasses and the bar. "Heron not at his shop," Nogard putting his mail on the bar, "so I can't get my armour cleaned and repair. That stupid dwarf I tolded him yesterday I was coming to get my armour cleaned and repaired." "Well maybe this will Make you feel better it a letter from your sister" "When did it arrive." "Shortly after you left last night. It was a new messanger this time wanting to know where you lived." "Aye... That last messenger was killed returning to my sister. Do you know it been four year that i have be banish from my home." "Yep, Well read it and here some ale." "Thanks." He sat down and read the letter then folded it up and sent couple of gold coins on the bar to cover his drink and left.
  13. If it not too late i would like to Join Name: Nogard Age: 30 Race: Elf Gender: Male Occupation: Mercenary/horse breeder/ex-thief/story teller House Type: stone Looks:He always where a black cloak with green broadering all over it. The cloak covers most of his face. When people see his face it has a branding on the left check TS. He where elven chain mail under his cloak. That has a symblo of noble family. And has long sword at his side with a bow and qiver full of arrows on his back. Small Bio: He was born of noblity. He became a thief to learn how to spy for the royal court of a distance kingdom. On a mission his friend betrayed him and he was caught. His sister was the bride of the crowned prince. Instead of killing him for spying. he was branded and thrown in the stackade for a month. Then was released and banished from the kingdom for ever. He took his money and what he had and left to black heven where he became an horse farmer.
  14. Mine i like Inuyasha mainly when he is pissed or acting like a little kid.
  15. I'm going to college to become a mechanical engineer. But I want to devellop a good computer background and also be a pilot.
  16. Player Killers are people that make a living by killig other players. Diablo I Had a player that was a PPK or bounty hunter which they go an kill the PKS and take there stuff and give the client what is theirs or the money that they lost for something else. But it is in every MMOLRPG.
  17. I would go with Vash because his ideal is on a level aabove this plane that we live on. Also every thing has the right to live even though it may only last alittle while.{sign} there is always death.
  18. I have seen every episode aired on Anime unleashed so far. There are strage thing in that anime like how human turn into Invaders and the human protion are then turn into cyrstals are the invader is destroy.
  19. All friends have this kind of problems it happen to me and i got into fist fights with good close friends of mine. After couple of weeks after the fight would look at are selves and try to change what we do that bugs one another. so are friendship last longer then other peoples friendships.
  20. I belive in Psychic ablity but most avertiest psychics are either fakes cons. But I belive that i have a limited ablity to sense thing and see future events in my dreams. on several occations i was half awake half asleep I heared voices that would tell of something happening. Once they told what my dad was going to say before he was even home. Or Sensing a friend that you don't even know is at the mall and follow the sense strieght to him. Thoughs types of ablities i belive in because they happen to me.
  21. On Anime Unleashed, Techtv has GateKeeper 21 on. It just started last night. But I don't get the Cellur phones at all. So far it a good anime that leave alot of unanswered Questions.
  22. For skill it Vash second place to Knives. For style it would be spike. But overall you do need style and skill to be the best that would leave Vash because he does have style and he the most skilled.
  23. In mmy oppoin the best gunman would be Vash because if you didn't know that vash was vash in the beging you proabably wouldn't notice it in the first place. he makes it semi that he incompitant and just have luck and no skill.
  24. I thought it was a great movie. The special effects where great and Johnny Depp was great in that movie. I like the monkey, mainly when he falls into the cannon. The reason why they where fighting was because Basbose didn't know that he took a coin and curse him self. and after the coin was reviel when Jack Sparrow turn into a skeleton. It mad Basbose made and it tend to cloud logic.
  25. Thier are computer progams out thier that will teach jsut about any spoken language. Spanish, german, french, italian, russia, and japanese.
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