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Everything posted by InuyashaDeamon

  1. If you follow what bear says and follow the real world scenes you should notice that Bear did follow Tsukasa in the world and it is that girl. So yes Bear did find Tsukasa in the real world.
  2. I say Im like Vash with a lower level of skill, and Tsukasa for how I tend to be a loner most of the time.
  3. Brolli he is crazy and wants to kill Kakarot(goku) for crying none stop when he was born. They are only a day or two apart in age. In my oppion he one of the best enemy there yet he rank 5th in the best characters in DB(Z,GT).
  4. I say that there is a heaven & hell yet there is reincatation(sp?). But the biggest thing is that there is also ghost where they have either too evil for heaven, and Too good for Hell, Leaving them stuck in this plain. Also when some they doesn't wish to leave for some reason they stay in this plain. This what i beleave in at least.
  5. Name: Janichi the Dragons Knight Weapon: Dragon bone sword(katana style), .44mg Six-shot revlover, Duel dragon fang daggers, and Razor Edge Shield. Bio:One day i was of doing training in the forest a ways from when a hord of dragons flew over head, heading in the direction of my village. I ran to my village to find that it was ravadge by the dragons. Yet their was one draagon too injured to fly and leave with the others. I picke up my revolver and shoot the dragon in the head until i fell to the ground and cried. I layed their crying for hours. I finaly got up and made a sword out of its bones. and took the fangs and made a dagger. I grabed my gun and my father shield, vowing to take revange for my peoples death i set of to hunt down these foul creatures. Description: Tall with black hair with blood highlites. Wears a black jacket made from a dragon carcass, red gloves and blue jeans. Around his fore head is a white cloth with his family crest stained with his mother blood.
  6. yes it was and when bear mentioned abotu finding Tsukasa out in the real world he metioned that it was a girl with that name. Also in reponse to mimimure question Tsukasa(game) that he was a guy. and it is true in most RPG you can Choose there own Sex, just like choosing class, name, or race.
  7. My is the hardly noticable relationship between Wolfwood and milly from Trigun. Also the Inuyasha and Kagome is tied.
  8. Im water, yet earth too fro my smart but i tend to be tough with my own emotions and able to be flexable.
  9. I walk into my home town at least what used to be I look around and see buildings calapsing. My friends the one that are the closest running and screaming "You brought this on to us, you...you Monsterous deamon." I was ferious then out of the ground came water and a staff. My mother told me of a staff that was able creat rain and help to control the Jazer moon's power. It was the Staff of rain. Then with my thoughts clouded with disappear and anger the whole valley was flooded with raging waters. Then seeing my friends drowning i clamed my self an the water reside. I turned and walked away. The local dojo master gave me the clothes that I wear saying "you have tha power to stop the destruction as in the fairy tales that i and your mom told you when i was young. For you are the choosen one not just by Jazer but also by the Staff of Rain, go now and stop the destruction." "Thank you" I replied, then left my home town behind.
  10. thanx Dark Death I have alot of creativity and no real way to show it to the world and to get better at it. That why i hate live in the hell of the world(wyoming,Usa). But I will start working on perfecting my skill.
  11. Babygirl does have a point, that if something bad happen to you, you wouldn't want people say that life or you asked for it. I know that they went with thoughs boy that are older (they should know better. But the main thing is even if they screwed up, don't shove it down throat. One thing is thy would be the worlds biggest fool if the didn't learn from their experiance. And learnig part of life and that how we get wiser. But in some respect thou that we should be more kind and learn from this ordeal. For one thing G.D. Ryoko and ger friends did.
  12. Will someone plz take the last position plz. thank you that is all
  13. Nomad your good at making banners. I like about 85% of the ones you make. But my oppion doesn't really count if you like them. by the way how do you guys make the banners and Ava i would like to learn.
  14. A glaive when i was first invented was a metal staff with a blade on the top. The blade was curved and was about 2' in length. the curve is very noticable from a far. and has two back curves. and 60 years after it was invented due to the weight prob. it was changed to wooden staff instead of metal.
  15. As i pointed out earlier in the form the person(the girl in the hospital) who controls tsukasa could have choose for tsukasa to be a girl or a guy. She propalby ment tsukasa to be a guy. Just like RPG you can choose between the sex.
  16. 1) speed of mach4, with the ability to fly, regeneration, and to sense thing around me 2)use it to teach lesons to poeple and to keep the peace 3)I will be good nor evil. I will uhold the balance.
  17. If you havn't [color=red][b]told, tell them.[/b][/color]I been called a snitch before for what i told my friends parents.I say that it takes gut and if they are still not your friends afterwards they are not good friends. [color=red][size=5][u][b]Meaning Tell thier parents and if your friends don't like they are not true friends[/b][/u][/size][/color]
  18. But also Dark DeatH that poeple may make seem uninteresting and nobody will reply. With the Banner request i would love to learn how and stuff, but i have no one to teach me. With that it show that certain thing not many people know about. But your right that people should give feed back but sometime that feedback do nnot make sence or really stupid response.
  19. I like the last fight scene from Comboy Bebop. They where equally matched and both ended up dead at the end.It was so sad to see it end that way :bawl:.
  20. It tend to depressing and yet mimiru does make not as deperesing.But overall i do feel sorry for tsukasa. But i feel more sorry for Subaru for that she seems just as lost as tsukasa maybe even little bit more.(eve that is lain from Experiment lain)
  21. The basic concept is that the main characters have do kill the one that they use to look up to. Vash having to kill knives and Spike having to kill Vicious. in addition they where made by mostly the same people. but when when jem is killed it at the begining of the sieres and skipe girl was killed at the end. Also at the end Vash learns to listen to his own advice while spike learns to listen to others advice. But overall in my oppion they have the same bacis concepts
  22. I give it a 9.4/10 i like the eyes they are erie and the blue misty back ground too. and it freaky to look steight into the eyes.
  23. That a cool sun pic. I like the face and the colors
  24. it is a glaive but not a true one. it doesn't have the traditional characteristic of a glaive.
  25. You need something truely orginal don't use robots, db(Z,GT) type of things or repeat of basic concepts(sp?)(Cowboy Bebop, Trigun) I like >hack\\sign because there no really with that type of style. But alway include humor, action, romance, and tradgity.(all anime include at least a little bit of it)
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