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Everything posted by InuyashaDeamon

  1. The reason that i come up with is that although they are the same the are still different. He was a creater made be the girls mind. On the internet you can't tell whos a girl and whos a guy. On OMPRPG(online Multi player role playing game) I tend to choose some time a girl for the sex but not often. And Tsukasa is a charatic not the real gril just like bear and bt.
  2. .[B]6/10[/B] The Show tells you that Tsukasa is the girl in acoma and shows how arua and tsukasa are related. but overall it ways kinda blain tonight. :therock:
  3. I think the best death seen is in inuyasha When Songo Family died by the hands of her brother then he is struck down by the guards.
  4. Does anyone watch Anime Unleashed on TechTv? They have Seires like Duel, Crest of the Stars, Silent Mobuis, And Experiment Lain.
  5. I see a trend most people started watching anime with toonami. I started when i was in fifth grade. I saw anime, i can't remeber what it was or called. But my dad didn't like anime because of that one saying that animes can cause seizures.(i suck at spelling sorry). Then i started to see a few here and there and i didn't start watchin Dbz until i started the seires again. But i seen most that my friends haven't heard of and thier big anime fans too. Birdy, the crest of the stars, and Bubblegum Criss.
  6. I will put a entry in i just need to draw and scan it into my PC. Ishould have it in May 19, or 20th.
  7. Name: Scott Age: 18 Weapon: Staff of Rain Appearance: Tall skinny yet very strong, his are extermly lite blue(almost white), has black hair with blond highlights. he wears black bracer over a white\blue baggy shirt, with black pants. Also across his fore head is a scar. Bio: He was a oprhan after his parent died in front of him when a bank was robbed at the age of 10. He love swimming and surfing. In day he was diving from some rocks when he slipped off the edge. His head hit a of quarts sticking out the cliffs edge. He landed in to the shark infested waters. He opened his eyes to see blood in the crystal clear water. Then in the distance seen a shark swimming towards him. he started to swim to the surface. Then blacks out, he opens his eye to see a blue glow in front of him. and he reaches out to it and touches it. he saw the shark behind him with his mouth open. water with a force of a tidle wave push the shart a way and the water parted around him. His friend frightened by the sight ran off afraid of him. Now he wanders around stealing what he needs to surive.
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