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Everything posted by Decadence

  1. Decadence

    Dream Safely

    yep light does seem to be out numbered well maybe more people will join the light...
  2. Decadence

    Dream Safely

    Name: sheal Type of Angel: angle of chaos Light or Dark: dark Weapon: cryptic blade (sword) lights bane (dagger) Age: 15 Sex: male AppearanceHuman) dark red hair, red eyes, baggy black pants, black shirt, pale skin black shoes AppearanceAngel) dark red hair, red eyes, baggy black pants, black shirt, pale skin black shoes, black demonic wings Bio: once a light angel but now curruppted (acording to the light angels) once in battle he kills until there is no one left or he is injured, he is the incarnation of chaos.
  3. name: Sheal ac name: demons rose AC Advantages: speed, power, and mobility AC Weaknesses: armour points, limited ammo, defense points Main Weapons: cwgg-gr-12(high powered grenade launcher) Back-up Weapons: clb-ls-2551(laser blade), mwm-s24-6(small missle;6 lock max)ammo enhancer(20%) Background: Little is know about the background of Sheal, he values speed and power. Those who face him in the arean never get a moments peace during the fight, a high tempo is kept up the whole battle. Rumore has it that he once was number one in the arena. AC's color and Symbol: ac color: main red and details black. symbol: a rose and a dagger crossing the dagger has a black blade.
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