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Everything posted by Decadence
[quote name='DeathBug']Condeleeza Rice for President![/quote] I would just like to point out the person denying Global warming, if the signature is not some sort of joke, is a conservative, therefor pro-big business. So logicaly he would deny global warming, because it costs the corporation more. (generalization based on the U.S. president''s actions.)
[quote]Apples make cider and oranges make sherbert. Your grandfather made the request to die himself; in Terri's case, the decision is being made for her by a man with curios motives. That is the important factor in this case: Terri is not making the decision.[/quote] Actuly our family made the discision, as he had no living will. [quote]And also to the people that say they would rather die, look at it this way: Do you really think your family, who loves you would consider you a burden and want you dead? They would love you no matter what and would not be willing to "put you out of your misery" either. To Terri's family, what do you think it looks like? This man who supposedly loves her as much as you do wants to take her away from you forever by killing her.[/quote] If she's never going to recover, if she doesn't kniow shes alive, then she would not know she was dead. (And being an Aetheist) Once your dead, you do not know your dead. The best way I can describe what i think happens once you die is think of it as if you were never born that same state of existence (not impact on the world). So dieing really isn't that bad. Edit: You make him sound like a monster. If he truly thinks she would not want to be kept alive on machines how is that bad?
In any other case I wouldn't say this. But if he truly think's it is wrong to keep her alive, against her wishes, then he should divorce her and let her parents take care of it. That or keep her alive until her parents die then take the feeding tubes out. This isn't the first time this has happened. My grandfather did not want to be kept alive on machines when he was dieing, cancer, should the state have stepped in and told us he had to be? The reason this is playing out in the media is purly political, with our fearless leader (President Bush) [/sarcasm] stepping in to pander to the christian conservative right. truly conservitaves think the government should stay out of personal affairs.
Ok, that takes care of when he was alive, but after he was dead, how do we know the Quran was not changed after that? Edit: Though I do think we are getting into pointless minute details as it all comes down a basis of faith, weather or not its been changed you still beleave it, and weather or not its been changed others don't, I think thats about as close as a resolution as we'll come to this.
To pose one simple question. How do you know the Arabic version is the original, whose to say that there wasn't a mistake when it was copied by hand?
Also your speaking as if there is a definitive answer to this. Which, as it is based upon faith, there can not be. If there was to be you'd have to go on the assumption that you are completely correct, in which case, no amount of arguing is going to change your mind, because you'll refuse to listen. And that attitude also turns people off to the idea's, I would know, because I have had people try to force a relegion on me, and then others talk to me allow me to ask questions and do the best they can to answer honestly, which I find makes the relegion much more attractive.
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] And who ever said I was going to judge you by your looks? I don't even know you![/COLOR][/QUOTE] That comment was not specificly directed at you. Just stating the fact that to dress in all black and be judged for it seems quite shallow. No offens ment buy it towards you. But I think this is digressing greatly from the original topic at hand,
On the assumption, true enough. But what if we find the black clothes to be attractive, not to get "Negative" attention. Because I personaly, if your going to judge me based on the way I dress, why would I want to get to know you? Seems pretty shallow to base friendships ont he way people dress.
Whats the point of dressing the way you dress or the way a "Prep" dresses, or a punk, emo, or any other stereotype's that are associated with dressing a certain way. Or whats the point of dressing the way you dress? And who said I didn't act like that?
[quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']I thought it would be interesting to start a topic based on the Islamic religion. However, the point of my thread is only to try to convince you that the Quran is the word of God, but not neccesarily that Islam is the "right religion".[/COLOR][/quote] Ok, I really can't contradict anything that has been said, because, it is all based on faith. The argument, i beleave X and I don't beleave X work just as well as proof. But i would like to point out that you contradicted your self. How can something be the word of God yet not be the correct relegion? And it is ammusing how preacy the three middle , Ceastern relegions can get (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) , unlike Buddism, Daoism, Hinduism among others from the east. Just my two and a half cents.
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Funny how the "Gothic" stereotype goes completely against what the Gothic period was about: Light! Gothic Cathedrals were designed to let in as much light as possible with their beautiful stained-glass windows. Just because they have gargoyles "protecting" them, the term [I]gothic[/I] suddenly has to do with the darkness? Therefore, I don't call people who dress in black, paint their faces white, and wear black lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail-polish "Goths". More like "anti-goths". Not all "anti-goths" act depressed and stuff, and some are pretty happy and jumpy and all those other giddy things, which makes me wonder, "Okay, why dress like that? What point are you trying to get across to me? You dress in a strange, intimidating, and (in my point of view) a frightening manner, yet at the same type, you don't want people labeling you? What is your purpose?" My sister used to work downtown and she had to take the bus home late at night. While my sister was waiting at the bus stop, this creepy girl dressed in a long black robe with a hood (which she had up), walks (more like, "glides") past her, all the while, smiling in a creepy manner, without blinking. And then a few minutes later she would "glide" past her again, that creepy smile still pasted on her face. Did I mention she had her face painted ghost-white, creepy makeup included? Honestly, what point are these freaks, yes, FREAKS, trying to get across? Stop wasting your life and do something productive for once.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You know, I'd really like to thank you for labbling every one who wears black as freaks. Yes i wear black, and i'd wear the eyeliner, ect. If I could get away with it, but for now I'd rather not have to deal with the conflict it would cause. And I'd also like you to know, while I may be a freak, hell I'll even agree with you there, we are freaks, were different from the majority of people, I am in no way shape or form wasting my life. Yes taking all honors classes and latin right now is a such a waste, and two AP classes next year. Thanks for the steriotype. I thought people like you wern't supposed to judge others. Edit: You know I would really love to hear your insightful comments on how i am waisting my life, hmm. How does dressing in black mean I'm waisting my life. And if i am waisting my life, why am I doing better off in school right now then a majority of the "Normal" people. please enlighten me. I would truly love to hear it.
Ok, what i said really didn't come out how i ment it. I really didn't mean to degrade there music, and just to let you know I have listened to it. I said the lyrics sound the same, not the music. I know theres many different kinds. And being told I'm going to hell, I had 4 or 5 people tell em that in about a week. Most were worried about my soul. But one was laughing, He said "Fine when your down in hell, I'll be up in heaven laughing at your suffering, because your wrong." I don't know why but that just seemed to bother me a tad. Edit: and I never said to have great insight to christian music, I just ment all the lyrics sound the same to me. And sorry if i offended any one with my first post.
Ok, if KoRn splits thats ganna suck, and I'm not here to bash christian rock bands, But almost every christian rock band sounds the same, the same cookie cutter lyrics. even if they are different the message is the same, "God is good, God is great" though maybe thats just my general bias to christianinty, because I really don't like being told I'm going to go to hell for not beleaving in your God. I know not all cristians are like that, but you tend to remember the bad experiances and not the good ones.
Inherently good or evil? Ok, sorry if this has been done before, I didn?t see it. I just wanted to know what the rest of you thought, are humans inherently good or evil? My thoughts: (I?m speaking in terms of nature, where there are no moral codes, objective view, I do not live like this.) Humans must either be inherently evil, or based on the rule of survival of the fittest. Yes I know those don?t seem to have any connection but they do, I?ll explain. Stealing: This is viewed as evil, but why? It is viewed as evil because you are taking something some one else worked for, but if one thinks about it, this is more akin to survival of the fittest, why waste your time hunting down food or working when you can take it from some one? If they can?t defend them selves, doesn?t this say they should be? purged, to put it bluntly. If one cannot defend them selves they are weakening the species as a whole. Murder: Ok this is definitely evil, murder is the useless killing of something, not for survival, this is truly evil, the taking of ones life, To cut one?s life short Bullying: Inherently evil. Where does a child learn this behavior, and how do they not understand what it does to the person. The argument, of they bring it on them selves is moot, why would some one who is inherently good purposely hurt others? Ok, I?m going to stop now this should be enough to get a discussion going, I?ll post more of my thoughts on the subject if this actually gets a response.
[color=silver] Ok, this is going to be a short post, because I'm tired. But first of all its in human nature to change their perception of reality, that is why people smoke, drink, and do any other kind of drug. And I also would like to get this link out again, i've already posted it, but it's scary when you think about it. [url]http://alternet.org/drugreporter/21136/[/url] And how can you say X is safer then marijuana? X can kill you weed can't kill you, it can be a factor in your death but it cannot kill you, and how is it any worse then drinking and smoking cigerets, and how is a 15 year old going to an 18 year old for cig's any worse then for marijuana? thats just my oppinion, and being a liberal hippy who's going to hell, according to the people at my school, i guess it won't count for much. [/color] Edit:The actual story behind the legislature passed against marijuana is quite surprising. According to Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, the acts bringing about the demise of hemp were part of a large conspiracy involving DuPont, Harry J. Anslinger, commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), and many other influential industrial leaders such as William Randolph Hearst and Andrew Mellon. Herer notes that the Marijuana Tax Act, which passed in 1937, coincidentally occurred just as the decoricator machine was invented. With this invention, hemp would have been able to take over competing industries almost instantaneously. According to Popular Mechanics, "10,000 acres devoted to hemp will produce as much paper as 40,000 acres of average [forest] pulp land." William Hearst owned enormous timber acreage so his interest in preventing the growth of hemp can be easily explained. Competition from hemp would have easily driven the Hearst paper-manufacturing company out of business and significantly lowered the value of his land. Herer even suggests popularizing the term "marijuana" was a strategy Hearst used in order to create fear in the American public. Herer says "The first step in creating hysteria was to introduce the element of fear of the unknown by using a word that no one had ever heard of before... 'marijuana'". may have already been said, but my friend just sent it to me,
[color=silver]The cold floor A cold blade slides across Pull back each layer one by one Feel the blood pulse, flow and ebb Warmth enrapture The blood flows free Each pulse a tide Let the knife go Pass out Faint The flame goes out Fell before the fall Dead before dawn Color the water Blood to paint The fears Blood to mix With the tears Never mind the slight screaming The hard cold floor You?ll never wake up sore You?ll never wake up Stain the floor Write the note in red Let them wonder why Give them no answers Begin before the begot Natural remedy for the pain. [/color]
[color=silver] I think she was refering to the christian tactic of "Convert or your going to hell" which is always ammusing for me, because the responce is "for judging me yso are you if one existm, which sorry to tell you, doesn't." But she ment christians who try to converty you and tell you are wrong. oh thanks mr holier then thou... [/color]
[color=silver] A ) it was sarcasm directed at the pro-life people, this includes the pro-life guy who bombed abortion clinics and killed doctors. and B) if they were fertalized they could be. so why arn't they going after the chickens for not jhaving the eggsfertalized?[/color]
[color=silver]Name: Matt Grinnell "Milkyway" Age: 17 Group: None Group Title/Place: N/A Description: Matt has this half starved look to him, which infact he is. He always has black on. Plain and simple, Dark button up shirt, black jeens, and a pair of converse. Black hair. Dark brown eyes. Pale skin. Usaly smoking a cigarette. Personality: People who knew him as a child remember him as happy and popular, but then something happened, his grandfather died, and it just went down hill from there. He became darker and more introverted. He bcame the target of bullying. After he left school, he bacame even darker. He just stopped going home, he lost all contact with his family and most of his friends. He's the steriotypical tourtured artist. no one ever gets close to him, he doesn't let them. There is rarely ever a smile on his face. Biography: Matt's life was looking good until 3rd grade when his grandfather died. After that he bacem the target of bullies. In 6th grade his grandmother died. And in eithe his sister. And then in tenth his father. Matt doesn't seem to have much luck with family relationships. To many people died and hurt him that were close to him. Matt was the smark kid with a slightly messed up past. But his future was looking bright until he just stopped showing up to school. A month later it was vaction and the students came back to a brand new paint job on the school. On the front there was a huge mural of the apoclypse, blood raining fromt he sky, the earth split open, and people dieing, withering in fire. He has signed his nickname to it "Milkyway" so the school prosecuted him and sent him to prision. There his skills improved and he became darker and quieter. His writing became darker, more tormented. He became erratic and began to "cut". He became depressed, when he got out hje fell in with the friends he had made in prision leaving all traces off his former life behind. [/color]
[color=silver] Just to let you know morpheus, a vegan diet is much healthier then a "normal" diet. And when I say healthier I mean less fats less calories, Yes you probly are missing a few essintals but thats what suplimentys are for. And while I'm not vegan I still havn't been able to awnser this question. "How can you eat another animal, or something that comes from an animal." If you think about it your eating flesh and such. And why arn't the pro-life people after the egg farmers, they're killing baby chickens![/color]
[color=silver] Ok, I have one thing to say to marijuana being illegal, read this article and tell me our government isn't screwing up the case with marijuana. Also, marajuana is not a hallucinogen [url]http://alternet.org/drugreporter/21136/[/url] [quote name='Alternet.org']And teens rated occasional use of marijuana as being more dangerous than trying crack cocaine, drinking nearly every day or taking LSD regularly.[/quote] [/color] edit: sorry if that seems somewhat spammish, I just needed to get the article in there, the article makes more points clear then I could.
[color=silver] Off topic, Well as to the whole "had to be a pot head to know what it smlls like" have you ever been to a rock cencert, by the end of it the entire place smeels like pot, maybe thats just punk concerts. But yeah i've been falsely accused for things, and also yelled at to by cops when i wasn't doing any thing wrong, but my friends, who are girls, were. (guy cops, so we all have the theory the cop didin't wanna yell at them.)[/color]
[color=silver] Morpheus The answer is always, the score is always 0-0 before it starts. (no riddle)[/color]
[color=silver] All the time, you just won't be right. Again I have no riddle. sorry.[/color]
[color=silver] The crime is suicide. But I have no other riddle to put up.[/color]