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Everything posted by Decadence
[color=silver]Heres a link to a place that helped me understand what true anarchy is about. [url]http://flag.blackened.net/liberty/anarchist-manifesto.html[/url] And Communisism in its truest form is nothing but a working anarchy, there are no governemtns people just work for the good of man kind.[/color]
[color=silver] Ok since I have no idea what the answer to morpheus' is, or how its a riddle I think i'll just put one up. ( I personaly hate it) I am a 7 letter word I came before god. I am more powerful then god. I amMore evil then the devi.l The rich need me. The poor have me. Every thing came from me. And to me everything shall go. What am I? [/color]
[color=silver] title: glory. Find your way to glory, The gory, gory way, forget every thing you havn't learn'd today. Fall from grace and listen to the sounds of the twisted words you hear from the high crown. to glory, to hell, to heaven and the cell. Title: requiem for a dream I dream of flames, of hell fire and pain of the dark decay that enshrouds my soul. Of ice and razors blood splattered ground of fire and flames and a waking nightmare. Just two poems I found I had written for away messeges on aim.[/color]
[color=silver] KoRn Disturbed Dimmu Borgir NOFX Anti-Flag AFI Bad Religion Ozzy HIM just to name a few. [/color]
[quote name='Drix D'Zanth']Sure, Bush has made some people angry. But to protest his innaguration? He was voted by the people, and we need to respect the people's decision. Those protesters at DC aren't just protesting Bush, they are basically protesting my vote for him. Hey, free speech, doesn't really bother me... but if they want someone to blame for getting Bush into office, they probably shouldn't lay it on him.[/quote] [color=silver]The protestors don't agree with him, and they're using the big televised event to get the word out. To show bush that there are people who don't agree with him, or the values he sets forth and tries the enforce upon the masses. And yes if your wondering had I been able to get up to D.C. i would have been protesting too. [/color]
[color=silver] I was just wondering what every one olse thought about the inauguration today, I missed it since I was in class, but i've been reading abotu it and getting information on it, well more the protests held at it really. But like I said i was just wondering what other people thought about it, the fact so much was spent on it, while we are still at war, the way the protests were organized, and other stuff (makes it pretty broad doesn't it?) And seeing as no one else has made a thread abotu this I just thought I'd ask.[/color]
[color=silver] I'm making all my poetry rhyme right now, which is realy weird as it normaly doesnt't so if it seems a little strained at some points, thats why. The pills, The pain, Nothing feels the same. -And maybe he's insane- The worlds a knife, And maybe he'll end his life. show them what they've done, -acomplished- Look what you've done, Look what he did, Don't you feel the least bit guilty no one to apologize to now. the guilt will eat you from the inside kill destroy maybe thats your nature habitual life taker forever forsaken [/color]
[color=silver] Despise this, this heart of ice Such a cold intertwined feeling Of pain and pleasure Of a heart broken twice It used to be nice In this twisted paradise Of dark delights This pain takes me to the heights Of contemplating suicide And the depths of humanitys flaws Despite the hate I feel for my self Despite the love I still can?t help but feel Despite all that I can take This pathetic sight Of a hopeless Modern Romeo. (The punctuation is missing because thats just the style of my poetry, but pauses are at the end of the lines.) Edit: Altron, I just found this saved in my art file on my computer, i think it was originaly written for one of my friends, I'm not real sure the point of it any more. [/color]
[color=silver] Well, first off I'd like to congradulate you on getting published. I'm trying to finish up this some what cynical look at human nature, but its more a look at human nature from some one whos seen the more viscious, "shark-like" side of it. (And if any one knows a place i could get it reviewed at, by some one who isnt a peer, because every one i've shown it to says its quite good, i'd truely like to know) But as i said before, congrats and good luck with any thing else you try and get published.[/color]
[color=silver]Wow, no seriously wow. no I need a bettwr word then wow. Um, well the plot seems good, just the whole sci-fi feel to it, like it could almost be a book. But the whole harshity's (is that even a word) of the alternate universe, well knowing what those are would make the whole story make more sense, but yeah when can we sign up? [/color]
[color=silver] Yeah I've heard of them. I got to see them at NBT4, I thought they were raly good live, but they were on when i first got there and was lookin for friends so i didn't get into the pits during there performance. but his accsent is realy hearable.[/color]
[color=silver]here's mine, my friend made it. Edit: Sorry, can't figure out how to resize it. [color=teal]You don't need to resize it, but when you have an image that increases the size of the page, it's better if you attach it. I did it for you this time. ~_^ -Syk3[/color] responce: I originaly tried to attach it, said it was to large of a file.[/color]
Favorite quotes, sayings and lines
Decadence replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=silver] "Don't analyze my beleifs. And I won't pick out the flaws in yours". - T-shirt. This pretty much sums up almost any discussion i've had in school with any of my peers about relegion politics homosexuality ect. "When you sow the wind, you reap the whirl wind." - I can't remember ( so if any one knows pm me who said it or where its from.) But its true, and to me represents karma, which i'm beggining to beleave more and more in. and the entire book [I]The Art of War[/I] by Sun Tzu- I find it to be a great book, and every thing in it is actuly usable in dalily life, just not in the sense one would think. If you ever get a chance, read it. [/color] -
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Decadence replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[color=silver] Ok, right now I can't find the exact quote from the bible but when I do i shall edit my post and post it. But there are parts of the bible that say marrage should not stop a man from taking multiple wives and/or concubines. Also did yall just ignore my last post, if your going to use the bible to protect marrige then you might just want to explain why you don't fallow all its teachings, because that seems quite hypocritical of you. thank you and again i shall edit this when i find the exact quote from the bible again.[/color] -
[color=silver]Box sets I have: Trigun: C'mon it's trigun. evangelion: Probably one of the best anime's I've ever seen. I liked it more for the childrens storys then the giant robot fight scenes, though i gotta admit those were some good fight scenes. Chapelle's show season 1: iWhen your favorite comedy of all time is half-baked, I think it goes with out saying that you'll like chappele show. Edit: Old Transformers season 1 Box sets I want to get: Family guy Aqua teen hunger force Sealab 2021 Box sets I need to barrow from friends/ freinds are going to make me watch: Queer as folk .//hack Buffy Invader Zim [/color]
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Decadence replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[color=silver] You do know that kind oif arguement is what turns homosexuals away from christianity, so they're "weak" and can't control it so you persecute them. Oh that is the most logical way to help people I have ever heard. :rolleyes: And doesn't god say love thy neightboor, and forgive they neighboor? And before you condem homosexuals, take a long hard look in the mirror and tell me you break none of gods laws? do you eat shell fish? if so you are breaking one of gods rules. [url]http://godhatesshrimp.com/[/url] and how about: "A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be stoned to death." (Deut 22:13-21) Or: "If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law." (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut 25:5-10). Just thought i'd point out some thing that maybe you were breaking one of gods rules. [/color] -
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Decadence replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[color=silver]And just how is pornography harmful? The people in (legal) ones want to be, people who watch it want to. I truely don't see how its harmful. And about homosexuality being wrong, don't force your beleifes on otheres, and don't try to "Help" those who don't want your "Help". I just woke up so that may be a little incomplete if theres any questions to what i mean I'll edit the post. or pm you. sorry.[/color] -
[color=silver]Civilian: What the hell is that!? Soldier: I don't know, but it seems the president just called in a tactical air strike on it. Civilian: You mean that idiot is going to bomb us again? We don't have any oil! [/color]
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Decadence replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[color=silver]Ok this is going to be short. So basicly weather its moral or not comes down to weather you beleave its a choice or not? Because your saying it is a sin, which means its a choice.[/color] -
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Decadence replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[color=silver]Ok, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not real relegous. With what you just said about sin and such it means that it is a choice is relevant. Because if its a sin, it must a be a choice, because one has free will. I just want to get this cleared up to be sure i understand this completely, not trying to derail this thread, into a theological disscusion. But I am quite confused on how weather it is a choice or not is irrelevant. Edit: So from your last sentence, your saying homosexuals want to be "cured"? [/color] -
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Decadence replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[url]http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2004/03/05/notes030504.DTL[/url] [color=silver]A very liberal look at the whole gay marriage thing, and yes I do agree with it. But as to beuing homosexual, its not a choice your born that way, and yes you do insult them when you tell them its wrong, its not a choice, its not liike my friend woke up one day and thought "oh i'll be gay". Because if you think abotu it being gay has been around for ever, just more accepted now, so more people are coming out, because they're not thought to be sinners and persicuted, well if they come out i doubt they'd be persicuted because fear goes along way to keeping some one in the closet. (ok i know that was a little confusing) What i was trying to say is, it is obviously not a choice because people were gay when they were executed for it, and if your going to be executed for something why would you do it if it was a choice? (Well I'll edit this if i re-read it later and dont have any idea what I was trying to say, I have a feeling it was very convuluted.)[/color] -
[color=silver] Why don't you try for something elegant, such as a shred of paper with a line of poetry scrawled on it, draped over a dying rose? just an idea, probly not much help, but I tried. If i can get a picture of what I mean i shall post it. [/color]
[color=silver]Sir, we think she fell asleep in the tanning booth.[/color]
[color=silver] Name: Matthew Grinnell (Milkyway) Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Black combat boots, Black jeans, slightly baggy. Black short sleeve shirt, there?s a notable scar on his right arm that extends from above the elbow and disperse under the right sleeve of his shirt. Both of his ears are pierced, his hair is black with neon pink highlights. his eyes are dark brown, though few people know that, because hes always wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. There are 4 or 5 bright pink loose rubber bands on his left wrist. His face is gaunt, his eyes sunken his cheeks shallow, his skin is pale. He looks like he's recovering from an addiction to some drug or another, which in fact he is. Relationships: He seems to associate with the anti-social element of the school, the bad kids the druggies the freaks, the goths, the punks. What ever you'd like to call them. He has some "normal" friends but they were introduced to him by his other friends. He his currently single. Bio: His father has just died, causing an abrupt change in him, the drugs, the cutting. He?s gotten away from the drugs, and has stopped cutting. He is involved heavily with the drama department at the school. [/color]
Writing Poem: Pawn (Warning, somewhat disturbing/mature content)
Decadence replied to Pawn114's topic in Creative Works
[color=silver] Quite good. I like it, I'd have to agree with Ruby nothing disturbing about it, but then if you've read any of mine you'd see my stuff is probly just as dark if not more so. I realy can't critique it because it seems so similer to my writting, but the slight rhyming scheme was a nice touch and over all it was quite nice.[/color]