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Everything posted by Decadence

  1. well just my first banner ive made that i think is any good ill post more when i make them. any ways im using pain to make these. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=453425[/img]
  2. [color=silver]tainted paradise tastes sweet on my lips a paradise is this bliss my mind is chaos. a graveyard for my innocents lost forever from the day I saw death death, my release from this life painful existence uncaring world what's one more death another drop of spilt blood? misery pain deceit life death never released from the pain ending it all would be so simple but why would I end it to quit living is to admit defeat what was I defeated by my feeling these useless emotions they have ravaged my soul I have no soul left if I did maybe a god would take pity on me for I know not what I did to deserve this a curse and a blessing the fuel behind my survival the pain that drives me to the straits of death.[/color]
  3. [color=silver]sugar sweet lemon drops spill out over top. the sour and sweet my past the pain and the heat so its over or begining angles come down and devils flow up fallin angle survided the impact only to be dropped again the pain the burns though me the sugar sweet pain from not being with you the lemon sour and bitterness of my past the hate and pain you people think you know me but you dont its that simple no one does those who do leave me so i keep this placid face up to trick though i care about to keep them near me to keep from scaring them only to be dropped again from the clouds.[/color]
  4. [color=silver]my tainted paradise. poisioned lips touch mine sweet bliss ending this touch i want you here longing for you the poisioned lips created lust burning for ever insatible hunger blood flows from me trying to call you back the red warmth pours freely death screams at my face it is not time to leave but i have lost blood seven seconds to live and then death[/color]
  5. heh i edited one... hope you dont mind i am ganna use it as my avatar if you dont mind. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=447407[/img]
  6. [color=silver]acidic waters spill over, burning the flesh from my bones, pain flashes though my mind warmth passes though my soul ignighting the pain that I have hidden dark waters flood my being nightmarish creatures emerge from me. the pain that is my self the past and future return at once burning at my soul the flames that were fanned by the pain try to eat away at me fantasies play by my eyes tormenting me the pain over flows and drowns me.[/color]
  7. [color=silver]thats the anti-christ... that seems to close to the left behind series. i mean if thats the story line then its going to have to be blatant. well i dont particularly like things like that.. only saw the movie cuz some one forced me. so as you can tell im not going to be a whole lot of help. but if you do it suttle (sp) like neon genises evangelion it can be quite good and interesting. just my ideas.[/color]
  8. [color=silver] The new matron... She was becoming obsessive. He held no illusions that she actually cared for him. She was just using him and would dispose of him when she grew board. He was going to die sooner or later, later being the preference. He was growing board with his life. No houses had fallen out of favor with Lolth lately meaning there were no house wars. He wanted to spill the blood of other drow badly, but he did not want to anger Lolth, he still wasn't sure if he was in her favor after killing his former matron. his thoughts were interrupted by a slave one of the houses messengers. "drashil" he said slightly out of breath "matron phixia wants to see you." [i]"Again?"[/i] he said under his breath "fine, fine" he said waving the slave off. he walked back slowly. It wasn't that it was a bad place to be, he was still the house weapons master, but it was becoming rather tiresome to have to heed her every call. But she didn't strike him like the former matron so he would put up with her. his thoughts wandered as he wandered back to the compound.[/color]
  9. that the 17 angle? any ways you should put that picture of inu-yasha up. that one was realy good... wish i could draw half as well as most of you people... *trails off in slight rambaling and complaing mode*
  10. um thanks i guess. i did the poem/picture thing in paint... i was bored. but is it just me or does it seem all the poems i write have a reocuring theme?
  11. [color=silver]the blood spills down my chin dripping into the pool the drops keep time the waves ripple out sooth and calming the blood shows a reflection the sun peaks in the red depth i see though blood stained eyes the hidden truth you told me and i ignored the murky depths of the pool hide the terror the pain that binds my soul connections made for spirts the soul that has hidden it self away to be revealed by the hate hidden in the pool it stays[/color]
  12. just an idea. you might be better for it to be suttle (sp). you know no storng refrences to jesus or any thing. just a thought. but then again most religious things dont realy appeal to me.
  13. jebus, wish i could make banners half as good as you. but i think that might be the fact that all i have is paint. bah! well i think both get a 10/10 but thats just me.
  14. [color=silver]death ends it all but my bones crack as i raise the grave necromancy ending it all but undeath and life a dark dance that kills your soul and your former self this pain brings back memorys but care not for you are dead and have no one so its the dark void that was once my soul that calls you to the surface you despise me but care not my dead one for i forgive you dance my servant obey my commands and you shall be given the gift of undeath the longing for life your soul still posses so the tomb stones crack and the coffins rise the urns split and ashes fill the air in a deathly powder the graveyard fills with the screams of the damned those who have been condemed to this tormented existence so embrace undeath and let your soul become dark like the night sky[/color]
  15. [color=silver] OCC: sorry friend I haven?t seen in a long times been over that?s why I haven't posted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drashil was heading to the door of the compound when he heard matron ventra calling to him. This snapped him out of the daze he had been in since he had killed the former matron, also he didn't want to displease the new matron as she was praying to Lolth on his be-half. "Drashil" she said in a low sweet whisper "come here, please" This startled him, he wondered why she was more like asking then commanding. It scared him, but he didn't want to displease her so he walked to her. "Yes" he said, not in the questioning tone he normally had, she was being nice, beyond that truly, she was treating him as almost an equal. He wondered if this had any thing to do with his killing of the last matron. "What is it matron?" "Come in" she said with a very slight commanding tone but not edged. Drashil walked in wondering what she wanted , but he found out very quickly as he heard the door close and was tripped from behind. His hands went for his weapons instinctively but she pushed them away, pulling his weapon's belt away. She was on top of him as he started to turn around. She was tarring his clothes off with such obvious lust it frightened him. "Matron!?" he finally managed to spit out. "Hush" she said in a whisper that had the commanding edge of a shout, she then made sure he stayed quiet as she silenced him with a kiss. He went to push her off but as soon as he had he realized that she had undone her robes and they fell off as soon as she wasn't pressed up against his body. The slight light from the candles made her skin seem luminous. She was beautiful, he had never noticed it before but the sight before him took his breath away. She leaned back down removing the last bit of his clothes, before the candle finally blew out. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ He walked out of her room his body still feeling the effects of what had just happened. silently he ran back to his room trying to get away from his thoughts right now, forgetting all about what he was doing before she had called him to her chambers.[/color]
  16. Decadence

    Two Worlds

    [color=silver] OOC: sorry for not posting friend that i havnt seen for a while was over for a few days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bell wrung signaling he was late for class but he didn't care. He was droping out well more like skipping a few grades. He knew he wanted to help people, well he did originaly, but the people in his school kept tormenting him to no end. He seemed to have a knack for helping people and animals get better. He liked helping people but something was wrong. There seemed to be a darker side to him a side that lusted for power. But since what he did best was heal, not fight, it seemed he'd have to have allies. He didn't truely crave power as much as that darker side wanted him too, but his survival instincts were honed to where power mattered not, but survival did. He truely beleaved the phrase [i] the end justifys the means[/i]. He walked away from his life leaving his parents a note saying that he'd come back in a year and if he didn't that there was an electronic safe in his rom programed to open in a year to say where he had gone, or planed to. The note also said that he was sorry that he couldn't come back. He walked off into the night away from his former life. To finaly be able to get away from it all was exilerating. It felt wonderful, moreso then healing, which he also enjoyed. He liked the feeling but his need to survive told him that he wouldn't be able to live like this for long with out allies. So he set off to the nearest town hoping to find some others like him.[/color]
  17. Decadence

    Two Worlds

    [color=silver]Matt sat in class waiting for the bell. School bored him, they wern't teaching him any thing he didn't know. This class was two hours long and it had just started so he set his watch for an hour and closed his eyes getting some much needed sleep. His watch went off and he sat up yawning trying to shut it off. That dream... well more of a nightmare had shaken him up a bit. "Nightmare" he thought "not real just a night mare" but it did seem real to him. time to wait for the bell to end another boring day.[/color]
  18. [color=silver]He stormed out of the compound tired of being hit that day. He was annoyed... more then that he was furious. Thoughts of ramming his swords though the next female he saw played in his head. The glorious blood shed. "But alas" he though "I am but a mere male the spider queen would have my head on a platter if I did any thing like that." He walked down to the edge of Menzoberranzan. He dared not go in there though, not with out the permission of his matron. He may be seething with anger right now , praying to Vhaeraun that he could keep his temper. Vhaeraun the masked lord, the god who had shown him his birth right, to throw of the tyranny of Lolth. His mind wandered on how to serve the masked lord, and how not to get caught by the clerics of Lolth. It was the dark hour, he must return back to his [i]home[/i], if it could be called that. He was going to be punished he knew. uttering a silent prayer to Vhaeraun, he entered the compound. Immediately he was seen by some of the lower clerics and received a summons to the matrons chambers. "damn it all" he thought, while being walked to her chambers. "leave him" he heard and knew what was going to happen. He kept his eyes open as she slapped him repeaditly. She drew blood with her nails. He kept his mouth shut blocking the pain. This did not hurt and would not hurt until she used her snake whip. He had closed his eyes when he heard the familiar swish sound of the whip being brought down on him. It stung, the damned snaked tearing his flesh. She whipped him the same place every time opening up the scars repeaditly. "Damn you" he thought "Damn you and your spider queen" he thought hoping that lolth was not paying attention to this. She kicked him. "Damn you! Scream!" she yelled at him kicking him again this was starting to become to much for him his hands went to his swords and cut off one of the whips heads. She whipped at him again tearing new wounds but he cut off another two snake heads. He saw the fear in her eyes as each head fell off. "Yes" he thought "That?s it the fear that you have been trying to instill in me" "Good bye" He said almost sweetly "Bitçh!" he screamed that last part at her. he felt her blood run over his hands and heard the matrons daughters come in. "You" screamed the eldest one "How...." He silenced her "You are now the matron of the house." he said calmly like this happened every day "Is this not what you wanted?" He could see the battle raging behind her eyes. A male had killed a cleric but had made her put her at the point of power she wanted faster then any of her scheming could do. "Yes, this is what I wanted. I thank you" she said just above a whisper "I shall take credit for it, and see if lolth will forgive your actions here today. You are dismissed" He left with a slight grin on his face. Hopefully she would learn her mothers lesson well. He liked her but would not hesitate to kill her if she annoyed him as the former matron had.[/color]
  19. hey just to be sure i'm clear on this. You can sign up for only one thing right? If you can i'd like to sign up for the poetry part.
  20. [color=silver]He walked back out of his room. He hadn't put a shirt or his armor on yet, The wonds from the whip made it to painful right now. "Just once" he mumbled walking down the hall "just once I'd like to be able to cut up that thrice bedamned whip and ram a sword though her" But right as he said it he put a hand over his mouth. He any one had heard that he was going to get whipped again. He looked around quickly lowering his hand from his mouth. He hurried back to his room putting on both a shirt and his armor on ignoring the pain. He walked around the building a little more relaxed knowing right now he was valuable and had very little to worry about in this house. But he couldn't let his gaurd down completely or some one would try to kill him. "The way of the drow" he tought. He saw a female walking down the hall. He got out of her way quickly, she didn't seem to be in a good mood. "Drashil" she said "yes?" he said. He was thinking "please don't be a summons I don't need another meeting with the royal bitçh today. "Drashil!" she said slapping him "get out of my way" It took all his will not to hit her back. She was a female he kept reminding him self. He stept out of the way and she walked by slapping him again. He hurried away from her. That was twice today that he had been hit, one of these days he was going to snap and try to run his sword though some one he just hoped it would be a slave.[/color]
  21. Rhyming... i'm no good at it. like i said it was and still is horrible. im goingm to edit with my next poem most likely.
  22. The light The death The blood The pain The ice The hate The plain The blame lies thatare truth and truth that are lies benighn hate and burning love nothing is as it seems never end this semmless scream pain burns though my soul coming out as pain and bliss spiteful bliss painful hate never ending lies in space anti matter darkness reighns bother me no more and i shant scream. ok that was horrible but oh well...
  23. [color=silver]His back had blood running freely from it where the snake whip and just ripped though his flesh. He didn't scream out though. He would not submit to the pain. She whipped him again. His matron mother/Val'Shagress (I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing)was starting to become annoyed. She turned him around whipping his chest opening up the old scars on both his back and chest. Still no tears leaked from his eyes. "you are dismissed" she said, bored with him since he would not scream. He stood up slowly his back and chest on fire. The pain circulating though his whole body. He barely made it out of his matrons room be for collapsing on the ground coughing up blood. He laid on the hard stone floor harboring fantasies of running a blade though his matrons chest. He rolled over onto his back and got up hearing the matrons daughters coming. He got right as they turned the corner. "ladies" He said slightly grimacing. "Drashil" Both of them said, their voices full of contempt. He walked away and heard them whispering excitedly about the blood on the floor and the whip marks on his chest and back. He heard the door open and the three ladies start to laugh. "damn it all" he said kicking a slave out of his way. He stormed off to his room trying to get away from them all.[/color]
  24. [color=silver]Name: drashil trin`del Species: Drow Age: 490 Rank: House weapons master Appearance: see attachment. Weapon: Two long swords (I think that?s the right weapon) Bio: He killed the former house weapons master after returning from the academy. He is now weary of daggers at his back and very rarely his front. He uses the Orb Alur fighting style.[/color] [url]http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=books/fr/fightstyle[/url] link showing the different fighting styles of the drow.
  25. [color=silver]this life seems pointless you hate me i hate my self so why live? im stuborn i think im running out of ideas happy sunshine gets in my way i spit it out in to your face i spit blood and curses al the while i see you laughing at me so i kill you ending your trivial life happyness has no place in me i have gone past the point where it matters any more i think i have a stronger will then any of you i keep my emotional pain buried but it seeps out sometimes when it does you see the real me the one who would probly kill you but i keep it hidden from you and my self so you are safe worry not my false friends my life shall end soon enough so worry not my false friends you wont have to see me again.[/color]
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