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Everything posted by PrincessAngel04

  1. Some of the episodes are already made into English, I been watching 1-12 on this website I found that i can watch the English version. and pan sounds cute, and Goku gets wished back to a little kid again. and there is this little robot that trunks has is named Guil.
  2. oh thank you, yeah I love to watch .hack//sign and a lot of other anime that I am starting to watch that I am getting into. and my picture under my name on the side took me 69 frames to make, it might have more since my boyfriend make the last few frames longer because it was going a little bit fast. I am the is a girl and my boyfriend is the guy of course, and our digimon are the champion forms. if u want to learn more of my characters just go to my website, I still have a lot to update of it thou. but for now i must go and get some rest. its 2:57 almost 3am, and no dough my boyfriends time is 8 and about to be 9am for him, he lives in the Netherlands. kind of funny, and I am American. any how I well pm u tomorrow hen I get time if I am not role playing on my board.
  3. I be kind of like Mimru *how ever you spell her name* and kind of like Tsuaska, not wanting to really any one to bother me much to be to left alone for a while. I am gonna make my own character soon, So I well get back to this so u well know what she looks like.
  4. I can't really read that font its really small on my computer. any ways from reading the others messages, I really liked it, I guess I just don't really care what epsidoes are about, because anime is the same. but its really cool. but if Tsukasa's a girl then why is he saying its funny that they think he is? why can't he tell them the trueth?
  5. Hey there, I am new here, I was surfing around and found this place, any ways I like to say that. I have pictures of Hack//Sign that I save, I just got ones from today's episode. whom ever has a web site on it I well give you the pictures to put up. I don't have any use of them. but I love the show. well gotta go know. tried.
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