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Everything posted by Monkey_Orange

  1. [quote name='Dagger]If the preview was any indication, episode 17 is going to be another [spoiler]Daddy Yagami-driven[/spoiler'] thrill ride.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ooo..I can't wait to watch it. I thought that the entire sequence was well executed in the manga. Man, it sure had my heart racing when I read it :animeswea [/COLOR] [quote name='Dagger]Oh, and going by the names of future episodes, [spoiler']the first arc may well end sooner than one might think.[/spoiler][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]That is definitely fast. I'm curious to find out how the rest of the story is played out :D [/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Delta][COLOR=#656446']Never have I laughed so hard at any anime for reasons other than cheesy plot and bad voice acting! .[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Plot? What plot? [B]Gintama[/B] is simply a random parody series :D It's pretty easy on the brain with it's hilarious nonsense - LOL!! Sadly, being the geek that I am, I actually understand most of the parodies and jokes in this series :animeswea The voice acting isn't that bad. This show actually has a pretty good cast of well-known and talented seiyuu which makes my ears happy :animesmil [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm a little disappointed at the offerings for this Winter/Spring 2007 anime. A huge chunk of the list I glanced through included many cutesy-wiltsey shoujo series that may cause me to OD :animestun Thus, I've only selected a few that I know I'll definitely check out :D [B]Nodame Cantabile:[/B] I loved the manga. I loved the live action series. And I can't wait to watch the anime! [B]Naruto:[/B] Finally, finally we get to move onward with the story! And how long did that take?? [B] Devil May Cry[/B]: Dante, hehe... [B]Claymore: [/B]I've always been curious about this story but could never bring myself to flip open the manga because...well...the character designs freak me out. :animedepr They look like aliens... BUT, the designs from the anime aren't as disturbing so I shall give it a try. Yes, I can be a bit shallow :animestun [B]Lovely Complex:[/B] Hehe, I've been looking forward to this cute romantic comedy for quite a while. I can't wait! Hmm...I'm wondering when Viz will starting releasing the manga. [B]Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya II[/B]: I swear, this show is odd but in a cool way. I liked the first season so I'll go ahead and continue with the next :D [/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='r2vq][color=#007520'] I don't think Vegeta would fit the title 'pretty boy'. He has that large forehead caused by what appears to be hair loss (though I know Saiya-jin never lose their hair) and he almost has a unibrow.[/color][/quote] Hahahaha :rotflmao: That is too funny. To each his/her own, right? But I do agree that the main characteristic about Vegata that draws many girls to him is his whole "badass" attitude. I think. :animeswea
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]In regards to the schedule above....does that mean that CN is getting rid of [B]Inuyasha[/B]? I'm wondering if CN will resume the new episodes of [B]Inuyasha[/B]. I mean...they are SO close to finishing the entire series. Why not just finish showing it? :animeswea [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I just bought and read volume 7 last night. And although I [I]knew[/I] what major event was going to happen...I'm still in a phase of utter shock. :animedepr Previously I wasn't able to relate to those of you who said you were scarred by [I]this[/I] event, by now I know how you feel. :animedepr I think I'm gonna need some time to reflect upon these development before I can move onward with this series. The next release date is schedule for November...so a few months sounds good for recovery time :animeswea Other than that...I have no words available to express my feelings concerning volume 7, chapter 58.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I just finished watching episode 189. My question concerning the fansubbed releases thus far is: when will the fillers come to end? When will we get back on track to main story? Seriously, I am getting quite annoyed . :animeangr [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I am just finished watching episode 169. I must say that I was originally bored with the [B]Skypeia Arc[/B], but now it's finally getting interesting. I'm not totally current with the new episodes which are...180-something, or 260-something, so I'm not sure exactly about the developments thus far. The new OP theme is wonderful -- [I]Bon Voyage![/I] I enjoyed watching clips of all the crews past and then seeing them all together in present time *^_^* Yes, I love [B]1P[/B]. I want to finish up the [B]Skypeia Arc[/B] and move on. And this summer, I want to re-watch the[B] Arlong Arc[/B] and the [B]Drum Island Arc[/B], which are the best...and saddest. Good stuff.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I've seen the first two DVD volumes of [B]MDLR[/B], but that was a while ago. Honestly I think that the series is mediocre, so far. I have volumes 3 and 4 that are waiting to be watched, but not until the summer when I have more free time. In the anime...I can NOT stand [I]Mayura[/I]. She is SO annoying. [I]Loki [/I]is a very intriging character, and as such he is my favorite. Animation and music are average. The story is dragging a bit. I need more...advancement and less repeatition. HOWEVER, despite my views on the anime, I HIGHLY recommend reading the manga series. The story, artwork, development are far superior in the manga than the anime. And I honestly love reading the manga of [B]MDLR[/B]! Unfortunately [B]ADV[/B] is in charge of the release so there are only two volumes currently available. Still, I highly recommend reading them. Yes, I despise [B]ADV[/B]. [B] MDLR[/B] [I]Anime[/I] = 1 out of 5 [I]Manga[/I] = 3.5 out of 5[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=takauki]Ya , The Samurai Deeper manga is WAY better than the anime. Just a simple lession people, im sure youve herd it before but, the manga is ALMOST always better than the anime.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I would have to agree with the above statement. I started reading [B]SDK[/B] a few months ago and loved it. I then watched a few episodes and was absolutely horrified. :animeangr Based on watching the first three episodes and from skimming the episode summaries, I have concluded that the manga is a much better version. Anime of [B]SDK[/B]: Music is good. Artwork, is not as good as the manga. The story has been chopped up, mixed up, and horribly semi-compressed. Yes, and thus was my venting. Overall, I recommend reading the manga. I'm currently up to volume 12, and loving it. [B]SDK[/B] has definitely made it onto my list as one of the best action series [samurai-type]. And NO, it is NOT like [B]Rurouni Kenshin [/B]at all! Whoever said that was a basket-case who obviously didn't notice that the stories are completely different. In fact, [B]SDK[/B] has far better action and fight scenes than [B]RK[/B]. Story-wise...SDK is cooler :D [/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=Kura][size=1]At the moment, I would go out on a date with either Hijikata from Peacemaker Kurogane, or Zoro from One Piece. It wouldn't be much of a date either... they're both strong, silent types. XD [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]LOL!!! Yeah...Hijitaka [[B]Peacemaker Kurogane[/B]]. I like to call him Mr. Manly-Man. Hahaha!!! Zoro [[B]One Piece[/B]], hmm. I just wanna feel-up his biceps :animenose As for my date... *thinks* Lately I've been in the mood for Sakuya from [B]Kaiken Phrase[/B]. If you don't him, they look him up and you'll know why. That man is simple oozing with gorgeousness :animenose You can also see more of him in the manga, [B]Sensual Phrase[/B]. The manga series can be a bit...one dimensional smutty at times, SO I highly recommend supplementing it with the anime series. Believe me, the anime series makes you appreciate the story more, and Sakuya too. In the manga, Sakuya can be perceived as being quite arrogant and selfish. BUT, when you watch the anime, you find out why he is the way he is...and that he's definitely changed for the better. The anime isn't a representation of the manga story, it's actually a prequel to it. Okay. I've digressed again :animeswea I shall stop.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]The last series that I marathoned through was [B]Peacemaker Kurogane[/B] -- which was delicious. The series that I REALLY want to marathon through right now [but I do NOT have the time to do so] is [B]Fushigi Yugi [/B]seasons 1 & 2. I don't know...I've just been in a FY soap opera-ish mood. I also have two boxsets that I need to marathon through because I've been wanting to watch them for quite a long time -- [B]DNAngel[/B] and [B]Chobits[/B]. I've had them both for a while, but just haven't the time. But yes, I am in the current mood of marathoning [B]Fushigi Yugi[/B]. I need to laugh, I need cry. It's good stuff :D Oh yeah, I also feel a craving to marathon seasons 5 [Arlong Arc] & 12 [Drum Island Arc] of [B]One Piece[/B] - both of which are very good and sad seasons. As silly as this show may seem, it's actually brilliant stuff. I highly recommend seasons 5 & 9 of One Piece -- in the original Japanese, of course. Okay. I must end my digression now :animeswea [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm a full time student, so watching anime during the school week is a rare luxury :animeangr Thus, the only times I have available to watch anime are Friday and Saturday nights. And let me say that when I watch it, I pretty much marathon my watching for an average of two hours straight. I have a large backlog of fansubs and purchased stuff that have been calling my name. It's also nice to sit back, relax, watch anime, and not think much :D Very satisfying. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Honey & Clover[/B] is a pretty good show. Have you checked out the 'Special' episodes that have been released on fansub. There are currently two episodes available, and I've only seen the first one. The 'Special' episodes are bonuses from the DVD and mini-continuations of the story. I also know that season 2 will be relelased soon :D Hmm...what are the things that [I]I[/I] like about [B]Honey & Clover[/B]? The story. It's sweet, it's simple, it's life. The music is good. And I love the artwork -- the whole water-color effects make it visually distinctive. And of course, Morita never ceases to NOT make me burst out in laughter. Man, that guy is just something, ain't he? Also, keep your eyes open for the [B]Honey & Clover live action movie[/B]! Good stuff.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.designchronicle.com/memento/images/hachikuro/liveaction01.jpg[/IMG]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Although I am unusure of how official it is, but I've been reading around that the [B]Nippon Television Network[/B] will be adapting [B]Death Note[/B] into anime for this coming Fall 2006 [October, maybe]. If so, then yay! Yes, I have totally become a [B]Death Note[/B] fan. I finished reading volume 5 and am ready for the next. You know, I am SO impatient now that I am even considering starting to download the chapters. But...I [I]should [/I]resist. Moderation makes it more fun, right?[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]It ain't licensed yet (the manga at least)... but I guess this reply's a bit overdue, isn't it? [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Actually, the manga HAS been licensed by Viz. Keep your eyes open for it in September. [URL=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=8535]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=8535[/URL] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I will be attending [B]SakuraCon[/B] in Seattle, WA this coming spring break. And then I will be attending [B]Kumoricon[/B] in Portland, OR this summer. My goal is to someday make it to either [B]OtakaCon[/B], [B]AnimeExpo[/B], or [B]Big Apple Anime Fest[/B]. Someday...someday :D [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I must say that I am now very curious about reading [B]Light Note[/B]. Would any of you know how I can find this story? If you don't want to post it here, then please PM me :animesmil Pretty please... :animeshy: [/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=Dagger] Once one gets the hang of the story, I think Death Note is better off being marathoned, anyway. You're doing just the right thing. Come back to it whenever you feel interested; it'll really die for you if you force yourself to continue reading. There was a period after [spoiler]L's death[/spoiler] when I left the series alone for a while and came back every so often to read five or ten chapters in a row. Although with what's been happening lately, I'm starting to become much more anxious about finding out the next twist. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm a glutton for punishment. :animeswea I naturally read spoilers. And now...I think about to cry... :animecry: Shame on me. I just started reading [B]Death Note[/B] -- 3 volumes into the series, and totally absolutely loving it. But, but.... Yeah. My bad. :animeangr [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Why you're entering:[/B] Honestly, I'm curious to see how much I know [or don't know]. I also want to check this out. Hmm...I'm still a bit fuzzy on the format, but I'm sure that you'll explain it more clearly. Also, when will the testing commence? [B]You're fave animes:[/B] Oh geez. Vision of Escaflowne, Prince of Tennis, Yakitate Japan, Kyou Kara Maou, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, Cowboy Bebop [B]Two or more animes you'd like to see being questioned.[/B] Prince of Tennis Vision of Escaflowne Hunter x Hunter One Piece Kyou Kara Maou![/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]It's been a while since I've replied to this post. Since my last posting in this paricular thread, I have started to read several new manga series. Out of those several series, I shall disuss some of my favorite ones. [B] 4. Chobits[/B] My friend [theMouse] on MyO was the person who introduced this series to me. This is a manga series by CLAMP [[B]X[/B], [B]Tokyo Babylon[/B], [B]Tsubasa Chronicle[/B], [B]CCS[/B]]. This series is pretty much about artificial intelligence via Persocom. The main thing I enjoy about this series is that it makes you think a bit beyond the superficial story. Can you consider AI as a life? Can Persocoms love? Can a person love a Persocom back? Very interesting, and humorous as well. Hideaki totally cracks me up. But...why must they constantly show Chi's boobs? I still wonder. [B]3.Ouran High School Host Club[/B] I actually came across this series at a bookstore that was going out of business. The store was selling everything 50% off, including manga. So, I decided to puchase this series because the summary sounded cute and funny. This series is about a girl who attends a private school for the wealthiest of all wealthy kids. This girl is only able to attend the school because of scholarship. One day, she meandered to a room only to discover that it housed the school's Host Club. The host club consists of 6 male, wealthy, and attractive students. With the worst of luck, this girl [who does NOT look like a girl] knocks over an $80,000 dollar vase. The Host Club is quite upset. Thus, this girl must now work off her debt as a new member of the Host Club -- as a huy. LOL! I like this series. It has [B]HanaKimi[/B] features, but I think it's even funnier. [B]2. Wild Adapter[/B] This series was created by the same Mangaka who created Saiyuki. This series...umm...I actually like the story more than[B] Saiyuk[/B]i. It's pretty much about the adventures of two mysteriuos guys who are determined to learn more about their past. However, as they continue to work with eachother, they keep on running into something related to a street drug called WA. Well, I realize that this isn't a very good description. ^^;; Sorries. I've only read the 1st two volumes on scanlations. Hopefuilly, Wild Adapter will get licensed so I can read more and collect it too! [B]1. Death Note[/B] This series is by far my most favorite out of all my new series. I decided to pick up this series because I wanted a change from the usual fluffly, sweet stuff that I usually read. I wanted some dark, twisted, and creepy. Well, with one look at the cover of Death Note volume 1, I knew that this series was not going to be sugary sweet. And it isn't. BUT, it isn't THAT creepy either. In fact, I think that this series is actually a thinker. Lots of moral questions about death, killing, murder...what's right/what's wrong. All is very interesting. I would have to say that this series is my number one recommendation for all of you who want to read something different and thought-provoking. Phew. That was long. [/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=r2vq]DAMN I was about to post that same link. LOL. What do the people who have seen this think? Myself, I don't like the acting for either Mizuki or Iruka... Don't hear much from Naruto though. -ArV[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I watched the clip, and so far it doesn't sound that bad :animesigh The dubbing is done by Funimation, correct? If that's the case, then I still have hope for this series -- well, AS long as the original music has NOT been kiddy-fied, OR anything else for that matter.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I've read the first 2 volumes. And for some reason, I keep getting this feeling that it's going to have a really sad ending. You know what, though? Even as I was reading the first 2 volumes, I found myself tear-ing up at several parts. Man, I think that this is a pretty emotional story.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=r2vq]In my opinion, you can't call yourself a true fan of the series if you're just going to obtain the episodes illegally. A true fan would try to support the franchise and the series they love so much. -ArV[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I agree with you, but it depends. I use the method of obtaining fansubs as a way to sample products, especially products that may never reach the US. My opinion of the shows AFTER the sampling determines whether or not I'll purchase it in the future. For example, I am currently enjoying [B]Honey & Cove[/B]r very much. I have pretty much decided to puchase the series once it hits the US. With [B]Tactics[/B], on the other, that was a complete waste of my life. The anime as plain horrible, but the manga is still wonderful. Therefore, I do not consider myself a complete leech, you know *^_^* *ahem* I am currently watching [B]Naruto[/B] on fansub -- but am still not caught up to the current releases yet. I DO plan to check out the version on [B]Cartoon Network[/B], AND if it's decent then I will watch it as well. Hopefully, it will NOT turn out like [B]One Piece[/B] -- that...that was just too painful for me. [B]Groove Adventure Rave[/B] was another good show from fansub....but it was also horribly kiddi-fied when it came to the US -- it angers me. :animeangr [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes, I do feel PITY for Ryoki but I still think that he's a jerk -- even when he's being nice! Quite honestly, I don't like his personality -- AND...I don't see how Hatsumi can stand being with him :animeswea Personally, I think that the guy who DESERVES Hatsumi the most is [spoiler]Shinogu.[/spoiler]. And if you don't understand why, then shame on you for highlighting :animeswea Ooo...I can't wait for volume 10![/COLOR]
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