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Everything posted by Monkey_Orange
[COLOR=DarkOrange]You know, I really enjoyed watching the Anime. Torhu isn't always the brightest kid on the block, but she means well. ^^;; I haven't started collecting the manga yet, but that may change. I was initially planning on collecting the manga at around volume 8 or 9, simply because I was told that that's where the story left off -- I could be wrong ^^;; BUT, I am currently quite tempted to start collecting the entire series ^^;; We'll see... Good stuff though. It's been ages since I watched the series and...I miss Shigure *^_^*[/COLOR]
[quote name='Dagger IX1']Unfortunately the manga isn't very far ahead, so it might be a long time before the next OVA (or, heaven willing, another television series!) is released. I just feel rather lucky that Bleach has come along to help keep me from suffering severe Hunter x Hunter withdrawal pangs. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]That's sad. I finished watching the series a few days ago, and found myself in total withdraw the following day. It's just not same ^^;; Well, I guess that it'll be more waiting for the both of us. Another TV series? THAT would be awesome! *crosses her fingers* I started watching Bleach a while ago, but I had to stop at episode 2 because my downloading source became non-exisitent. For now, I'm finding comfort in watching One Piece [not the 4Kids version!].[/COLOR] [quote name='Dagger IX1]Yeah--is Hisoka an awesome character or what? I was really surprised by his behavior during the [spoiler]volleyball[/spoiler'] match. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I admit, Hisoka totally freaked me out in the beginning, and through the majority of the show. I was like 'this guy is SO creepy'...but...there was just 'something' about him that I liked -- in sick way, that is ^^;; But I totally loved him in OVA3. I liked his expression when Gon told him how [spoiler]it was UNLIKE himself when he talked about sharing the victoryl[/spoiler]. He raised a brow and it was great![/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-6/738220/hisoka11.jpg[/IMG] [quote name='Dagger IX1] The villains (and ambiguous semi-villains) in this show are so well developed. I haven't ever been so attached to characters in a shounen fighting anime before: I actually teared up at the very end of G.I. Final, when [spoiler]Kurapica and Leorio[/spoiler'] each made a brief appearance. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Me too! I wanted to see more of those two involved! I remember being a bit surprised as I started watching the second half of the serie. I was a bit surprised to see how [spoiler]the show became darker than it normally was, especially with the emphasis placed on Kurapica's personal mission. At time's I just wanted to give Kurapica a be hug. He shouldn't be going through such things by himself (>_
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I just finished watching HxH OVA3 and totally loved it. *^_^* I'm now wondering when OVA4 will be released ^^;; There are still so many strings left untied. Compared to YYH, I definitely enjoyed this series more because of the story. Character wise, I'd have to say that my favorite is Gon. Although...Hisoka definitely became more interesting as the story progressed. *^_^* Much better as a red head![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Groove Adventure Rave[/B], or [B]Rave Master[/B], is a story about 15-year-old Haru Glory who lived with his sister, Cattleya, on Garage Island. One day, Haru literally fished out a snow-man-like dog named Plue from a river. Later he meets an old man named Shiba who, under certain circumtances, entrusted him with a sword called the Ten Commandments. Embedded within this sword is an object called a Rave. Shiba told Haru the story about an evil orgainization called Demon Card, whose members used weapons that involved stones called the Dark Bring. After Shiba appointed Haru as the next Rave Master, he told Haru that it was his duty to stop Demon Card from taking over the world, and most importantly to destroy the Mother of the Dark Brings -- Sinclaire. And doing so would require the collection of all 5 Raves. From there on, Haru leaves Garage Island and into a life of adventure where he meets up with interesting people who either turn out to be his good friends [like Ellie and Musica] or enemies, OR...something else! [B]Groove Adventure Rave[/B], or [B]Rave Master[/B], is your typical action/adventure series. Take ONE teenage boy that's pretty easy going, add in ONE sword [with 10 forms], a few adventures, plenty of bad guys, very ODD creatures, and fights...AND that's what you've got. A typical Shounen anime. Now, as for the anime itself...sadly, I missed out on watching the series when it first came out on fansub. I've seen the anime on [B]Cartoon Network[/B], and...it just does NOT do justice for the manga. I think that the 'kiddy-fication' is the thing the killed this show, THAT and the horrible dubbing and dialogue. [U]Okay. Here is a more concise review from me:[/U] [I]Art[/I]: Simple. Nothing special or unique. Although, I DO like the colors. I reccommend checking out the manga if you want to see a different art style. [I]Music[/I]: Americanized version = BAD [I swear, I want to run until a wall every time I hear the English opening!] Additionally, the background music is just as worse. Japanese version = Good [I LOVE the OP theme! Butterfly Kiss!] [I]Voice[/I]: Dubbing = lame, cheesy, mismatch, and recycled?. Japanese = haven't heard, BUT I know the casting very well and...they are GOOD VAs. [I]Story[/I]: Like any manga-based anime, this series leaves out several details from the manga. And yes, this series also has it's share of fillers. Be aware though, the story won't be completed even AFTER you finished watching the series. But overall, the story is okay. It's NOT deep, BUT it's fun. And if you happen to be watching the US version...I'm sorry, BUT it SHOULD get better as you continue to watch it. You just gotta live through the cheesy dubbed dialogue. For myself, I have seen several episodes on [B]Cartoon Network[/B]. The review above is based off of my knowledge from reading the manga [which is GOOD], and the several episodes I've seen. Still, it's a fun story![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I once considered buying the DVD series until I read about the comments that compared the anime to the manga. Apparently most of the anime is full of filler, with the exception of a few episodes near the end. Therefore, I have decided to stick with my manga. AND, it's wonderful *^_^*[/COLOR]
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Monkey_Orange replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='EVA Unit 100']Still the fact you loved WR (a slow series) and found GitS (a less slow movie of much higher quality) boring seems a bit puzzling. I guess you'd rather see 1D bishounen rather than intellectual mind puzzles and kickass cyborg action.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ouch. Every one is entitled to his or her opinion. The reason as to why I enjoyed Wolf's Rain was mainly because of it's unique story. Yes, there was the bishie factor BUT it was of minor relavence to the entire story. Please do not make generalized assumptions about me. The most annoying type of anime watcher I dislike the most are the ones that think of themselves as 'high & mighty' and better than everyone else simply because the type of anime that they watch. Give it up. It's just a show that's purely for entertainment. Period. [/COLOR] -
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Monkey_Orange replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hehe. Yes, I'm looking foward to watching FMA this month. I recently started watching the fansub and am interested in seeing how the English/edited version will turn out. As for GITSAC...dunno. I watched the movie once and...fell dead asleep. Still, I'm willing to give it a chance. Wolf's Rain was good while it lasted. *sniffle* I still get sad when I think back about that show. ALSO, what is up with Milk-chan? Is it me, or does that show just appear plainly...odd?[/COLOR] -
Anime Can you tell whether or not a Japanese seiyuu is a good actor?
Monkey_Orange replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE]It's my opinion that one will almost always unconsciously be harder on those acting in one's native language than those acting in a foreign language--particularly when that language is structurally different.[/QUOTE] Yes, I agree. I also tend to keep an open mind on English dubbings before I watch the show. So, what is about the English voices that makes me cringe? Sadly, I'd have to say that for me, it's about vocal typecasting. Vocal typecasting. This issue isn't always an issue. The problem that I have mainly occurs when I recognize the voices from 'kiddyfied' shows while I'm watching something else. My mind automatically relates the 2 characters to eachother. Of course, this issue also depends on the licensing studio. For this very reason, I have troubles watching anything dubbed by ADV and Central Park Media in English. Ugh. Ironically, I have no problems with this issue when I'm watching the show in Japanese. In fact, I like it when I can recognize certain voices. Strange. I guess it's because since I can NOT understand the language, that I enjoy listening to the actual sound of the voice. So how do I judge a good seiyuu? Very simple, with no deep analysis. The sound. Period. Does the seiyuu's sound match up with the character's face and personality? Is their voice convincing? Do they sound nice? If yes, then that's a good seiyuu. It doesn't really go much deeper than that ^^;; [QUOTE]A perfect example of a seiyuu's voice acting skill that will be lost on those who don't speak Japanese would be accents. [/QUOTE] Hah! Although I don't really understand Japanese, I DO know what you mean. My example would be K from [B]Gravitation[/B]. Seriously, if the stuff that's coming from his mouth is NOT American-accented Japanese...then I wouldn't know what else is. Hehe But yes. All in all, I enjoy listening to Seiyuu...unless I'm too lazy to read the subtitles--which DOES happen, occasionally [/COLOR] -
Strangest song you've ever gotten stuck in your head
Monkey_Orange replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkOrange]The strangest song for me would be the [B]Oompa Loompa[/B] song from [I]Charlie & the Chocolate Factory[/I]. And you know what? There's also a hip hop remix of that song too! Crazy, crazy. I wonder if they'll be singing once the remake is released next year. Hmm...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I haven't bought Anime in quite a LONG time. My diet of purchasing manga OVER anime has worked and allowed me to save up some money. Yippee *^_^* I plan to purchase maybe 2 Anime titles. They are: [B]Chrono Crusade[/B] I sadly missed the oppotunity to watch this show when it first came out via fansub -- sadness, really. Though I am currenlty collecting the manga, I still want to watch the Anime. Not only am I interested in the story, BUT I also heard that the show has a great seiyuu cast -- always a good thing *^_^* [B]Here is Greenwood OVA[/B] A must! I totally ADORED this OVA so much! So cuute!!! I heard that the manga is also licensed BUT I'm more devoted to purchasing the DVDs *grin* It's not a brand new show BUT it's still good, old school good. Who knows, maybe I [I]will [/I] pick up the manga too! ^^;; I encourage you all to watch it! [I]From ANN "Hasukawa Kazuya is in a terrible bind. His brother's new wife is also the woman that Kazuya secretly loves. Determined to avoid them both, Kazuya leaves home to live in the student dorm called Greenwood. There, he hopes to find peace of mind. Unfortunately for Kazuya, stability and peace are the last things one might find at Greenwood - home of the weirdest characters on campus."[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I've been addicted to [B]PoT[/B] for the past...month or so. No, it's not entirely thought provoking BUT it IS entertaining. I agree that it's getting a bit long, but I don't think that it should be cancelled until the story is done--getting to Nationals. Right now, the Manga story needs to catch up with the Anime so it may be a while. I don't mind. Filler episode or not, I still LOVE this show *^_^* Chibi episodes are hilarious! My favorite characters? Heh. I love the entire Seigaku Team! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]And while we're at it, there are still people who download mp3s. Additionally, it doesn't matter whether or not the Anime has been licensed, fansubs are not totally legal [being, that they are licensed in their country of origin]. Seriously, for those who are currently watching fansubs like Naruto, Kyou Kara Maou, and Monster--are you seriously gonna stop once licensing has been annouced? Most likely not. I'm not. KKM and Monster has already been licensed, AND their fansubs haven't even been out that long. Back to the topic. Yes. It's annoying how some people just sit there and read through the manga. But that's just life. I've done it before too, BUT that doesn't mean that I am a total freeloader. I like to sample my purchases, that way I know what I'm getting for my monies worth. Cover art and summary are just not enough. If you don't want to purchase and beat-up manga volume, then rummage through the back. If the only one that is left is crappy, then wait for the next shipment or make a special order. I, personally, don't care if my volume has been flipped through. Shrink-wrapped? No.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Chibi Tifa'] I saw the opening and they made their own theme song for it that isn't so bad (it sounds like the shaman king opening).[/quote] 0_o The opening song is the same as the original opening. The only differences are that it's sung in English and contain some edited scenes ^^;; Over all, not bad. I've had THAT song stuck in my head for the past 2 days now ^^;; [I]We Are![/I] [QUOTE]Theirs alot of drinking in the series too so, just like they did in Digimon, their probably going to magically change beer to soda. Funimation would definitly do a better job on it. Lets just hope they release uncut DVDs.[/QUOTE] Beer = soda. THAT's what happened to [B]Rave Master[/B] [among other things] =_= With the release of Yugioh and Shaman King Uncut, I am comfident that [B]One Piece[/B] will be released uncut too...eventually ^^;; Though, I AM curious to see the TV version--and yes, I'll most likely be horrified like I was with [B]Rave Master[/B]. *sniffle* It's just too sad =_=[/COLOR]
Anime Anime that need a sequel/continuation
Monkey_Orange replied to 5th Hokage's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I'd really like for there to be a second season to [B]Fruits Basket[/B]. The reason as to why there wasn't a second season was because the manga is still printing in Japan. BUT I think that once the manga is completed, a second season should be made *^^* Similarily, I think the same thing should be done for [B]Yami no Matsuei [/B] [Descendants of Darkness]. [/COLOR] -
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]As a belated birthday present to myself, I bought [B]Hot Gimmick 5[/B]-- good stuff! I can't wait for the others to arrive. *^^*[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=DragonessFei]I was just wondering do you have dreams when you go to sleep about anime? If you do, what are they about? I think if you really like a show or a certain anime character you are bound to dream about them once in a while. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I won't deny it, so YES. I do dream about Anime. Well, actually it's more about certain Anime characters as opposed to actually being in the Anime itself. Make sense? I usually have those dreams if I've been watching a great amount of Anime per day. I once watched like 7 episodes of [B]Prince of Tennis [/B] one night, and that night I saw the characters in my dream *^^* The characters that I see are usually doing non-Anime related things. For example, I once saw Allen Schazer [[B]Vison of Escaflowne[/B]] skiing! Quite odd, indeed. Such dreams don't really bother me. Instead I find them fun and higly entertaining. Of course, my favorite dreams are the ones that include my favorite bishies...Mmm... *^^*[/COLOR]
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Monkey_Orange replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Last night I saw a commercial for Groove Adventure Rave (or Rave Master, whatever you'd like to call it). Does anybody know whether or not the series has started airing? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I think it's been on for about 5 weeks now. Check it out on [B]Cartoon Network, Saturday @ 8:30pm[/B]. BUT be warned, though. This show has been ABSOLUTELY 'Kiddy'-fied! Although I am watching it for the sake of watching, I'm still gonna stick by the Manga series! *^^*[/COLOR] -
Anime Which manga/manwha do you want to be animated?
Monkey_Orange replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]There are actually 3 Manga titles that I am currently reading and would like to see as Anime. They are the following: [Descriptions are quoted from [I]ANN[/I] & [I]Tokyopop[/I]--I'm too lazy to summarize right now ^^;]. [B]Hana-Kimi[/B] -- I think this would make for a great Shoujo comedy series *^^* [I]Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese American, just transferred to a boarding school in Japan for one reason: To see her idol, Izumi Sano, jump in the high jump. There?s just a couple problems. 1) It?s an all boy?s school, 2) she?s pretending to be a boy, and 3) several people know her secret.[/I] [B]Hot Gimmick[/B] -- This would make for another great romantic comedy. [I]Hatsumi is just a regular girl, living in your regular company apartment complex, with your regular neighbors, but when her sister asks her to go buy a pregnancy test, everything gets out of hand. Afraid for her family?s reputation, Hatsumi gets black mailed into becoming the neighborhood bully?s slave. Then Hatsumi?s childhood crush moves back into the neighborhood, and it seems that all the guys in the neighborhood are out to get with her. It?s neighbors in love, and it?s scandalous.[/I] [B]Demon Diary[/B] -- THIS as Anime would be wonderful *^^* [I]Raenef is the black sheep of the demon court, with minimal knowledge of magic and courtly etiquette. In order to help him claim his birthright as a demon lord, the demon masters send him the wise and noble teacher Eclipse to be his tutor. As Raenef and Eclipse begin their journey of discovery, they find that the bonds of friendship are stronger than the teacher/student relationship. [/I] AND THEN of course there are other Manga that have been already made in OVAs yet their story remains untold...unfinished. *sighs* Such sadness.[/COLOR] -
[quote name='digitalshadow']But here's some news you might find interesting. 4Kids is gonna release uncut versions of Shaman King this fall. The show's going to be re-dubbed following the original script, though they're gonna keep the dubbed names.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yay. I'm glad to hear that! Anything is better than the 'kiddy'-fication of any show *^^* I admit that I wasn't really interested in [B]Shaman King[/B], at first. I then decided to give it a try and got immediately sucked in. Needless to say, I enjoy this show very much. I'm quite excited for the new episodes that are coming this Fall *^^*[/COLOR]
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I have currently NOT bought any Manga *^^* Yay! My Manga-diet is working. However, I am currently re-reading [B]Fake[/B]. Good stuff. I've got all 7 volumes and recently started out with volume 1. It's nice reading this series again: always good to see Dee and Ryo again *^^* [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1] I believe that ADV plans to split the series into ten discs, with two separate artboxes. This means the individual DVDs should have excellent episode counts, considering that Get Backers is almost fifty episodes long. :) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Sounds good. [B]Saiyuki[/B] is about 50 episodes long and split into 2 boxes. I don't know...I'd like to finish watching it but my funds...are draining away. *sighs* We''ll see what happens later on ^^; That box looks SO cool![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]You know, seeing as how I now have access to faster Internet connection, I was truly looking forward to finish watching this series over the summer. *^^* But alas, the licensing of the show has taken it off from my downloading sources. Will I ever finish this show? THAT is the question. I ended off with episode 15. How will things end with Makube X? *sighs* [/COLOR]
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Monkey_Orange replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Just a reminder that [B].Hack//Dusk: Legend of the Twilight Bracelet[/B] will pemiere on Cartoon Network this Saturday 1:00am [or Friday night ^^]. I was NOT a fan of [B].Hack//Sign[/B] [with the exception of the music] simply because the story it was SO slow & boring. HOWEVER, I've heard good thing about this particular series so I'm gonna try it out. Should be interesting. *^^* [/COLOR] -
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Axls Fangirl']Since I have been in college for over the last year and more...I have been unable to keep up on my Manga due to money needing to go to food and school supplies. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ugh. I, too, will be feeling that pinch soon ^^; Until then, I must hurry and complete my June stash. Then, I'm pretty much gonna fast this summer. It's gonna be tough, I tell ya! Tough! I finally got a hold of [B]Juvenile Orion 3[/B]. The story progresses and I get to see Tomonori without his glasses on. Mmm...Very nice. There are only 2 volumes left in this series. How will it all end? Only 1 more manga left to get for June and I am done. Kinda nervous. But I'm pretty sure I'll survive. Geesh. I sound like a drug addict ^^; [/COLOR] -
Summertime and the living get's lazy
Monkey_Orange replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I shall be doing the following during the summer: -Summer school, school, & school. I have to take 2 summer-long courses before this Fall term. -Watch anime & read manga. -Perhaps a few trips here and there. That's all ^^; . Nothing too exciting, right? If only I had more time, then... :D [/COLOR]