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Everything posted by Monkey_Orange
[quote name='Swordmaster13']I have a comment. Has anybody other than me noticed the odd similaites between Son Goku from Saiyuki and Son Goku from DB,DBZ,DBGT? I mean other than the name. Like their endless disire for food? Or that fact that bothe are monkeys(Monkey King)(Goku(DB)turning into a gaint ape)? Anybody else notice these or other similaites?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes. Both Son Goku from both shows are based on the Monkey King from Journey to the West. In seeing how this is so, it makes sense that both of them exhibit the same characteristics as the original Monkey King *^^* Hope that helps.[/COLOR]
Tattoos, piercings, body mods
Monkey_Orange replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Fall']I heard your tongue swells up so bad that it's hard to swallow any food too easily, you have to eat soup and drink alot while the swelling is up. Is that what happens really?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Tongue piercings are also bad for your teeth ^^; You risk getting more decay and cavities. For my college graduation, I went out and got a tatoo for myself. My tatoo was of a colorful butterfly right above my butt^^; Hehe. Very spontaneous of me, actually. Shhh, mum doesn't know. I'd also like to a peircing either on my eyebrow or nose. Someday ^^ [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1] Hopefully FUNimation will obtain the rights to produce an uncensored bilingual release, as they plan to do with other 4Kids series like Yu-Gi-Oh and Shaman King. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Eww. I had a feeling it was gonna happen sooner or later *sighs* Yes. I really do hope that there will be an uncensored or in my terms, de-kiddyfied, version released. You know, Sanji is a chainsmoker, right? Are they gonna have him smoke a toothpick? (~~) One wonders. [/COLOR]
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Okies. The following is my June manga spending spree. Actually, I ended up saving money on this month's batch because of all the coupons and certificates I had ^^ It feels good to save money, ne? [B]Angel Sanctuary 2 DNAngel 2 Gravitation 2-6 [/B] All I need next is [B]Prince of Tennis 2[/B] and I'll be all set for the summer ^^; [/COLOR] -
What do you find attractive? [Threads merged]
Monkey_Orange replied to MaxSonic's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ooo...guy talk is always fun ^^ [B]Physical Attractiveness[/B] 1. Smile. The smile is the very first thing that draws me to a man. If the smile is right, then I just melt like an ice cube. Dimples are an even added bonus! I have dimples, so I'd like for my guy to have them too! 2. Height. He has to be taller than me. 3. Shape. He has to be bigger than me. Preferably not too chunky, but like Panda, he must be strong enough to save me from a burning building. ^^ Of course, muscles are good too *^^* 4. Hair. Not too long, but a shaved head is also fun to play with ^^; 5. Eyes. The eyes must glow with life, sincerity and confidence ^^ 6. Tattoos/Piercings. Can be VERY sexy--just don't over do it, please. [B]Non-Physical Attractiveness[/B] Intelligence Humor Sincerity Empathy Respect Open-mindness Loyalty Quick Wit Strong Will Power Strong Back Bone [B]Immediate Turn-Offs[/B] Physically: Long fingernails, Putrid body odor, Messed up teeth, Smoker Non-Physical: Disrespect, Stubborn, Spendthrefty, Coward [QUOTE]I'm curious, how important is it that he seems to have a somewhat stable home environment or come from the same background as you[/QUOTE] I think that, yes, it is important. It should NOT be the primary factor, but still something to inspect. My mom is totally insane about that issue. She say's 'how a person turns out is reflective of their parents AND their manner of upbringing.' I'm usually like 'whatever.' OF COURSE, there are exceptions to this. Good upbringings can result in a bad child; Bad upbringing can result in a good child. It's all up to you to be the judge. BUT the chances are GOOD that if the good comes from a good background, that he'll be a good person as well. Whatever. [/COLOR] -
[quote name='SilverCyclone']I was considering reading it for awhile, and started on the first book. Unfortunately, the whole brother sister thing put me off. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes. I guess you can say that it's not a very common theme. BUT keep in mind that it's only one of the MANY taboo themes in this series. I, myself, am thoroughly enjoying this series very much. It's cleary different than everything else I've been reading. It's something dramatic, dark, and refreshing. I finished reading the second volume--which was good! I enjoyed meeting the two new characters ^^ It's quite sad that those two characters weren't in the OVA. Ah well. I can't wait for more Angel Sanctuary! [/COLOR]
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Panda]I picked up volumes one and two of Alice 19th. I am quite pleased with it so far. I wouldn't say it is my favorite but I like the art and the characters are pretty entertaining. It was a very easy read and I like were the storyline is going. Now I just have to get my hands on more Saiyuki and Gravitation![/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I read the first two volumes of [B]Alice 19th[/B] too *^^* My favorite bishie from that series is Frey *drools* As I can remember, there were some pretty funny scenes between Frey and Kyo, and Frey and Alice. Ooo...I gotta have some of Frey's homemade jam Mmm... Oh yeah. I also gave in and picked up [B]Gravitation 1[/B]. It's a change from what was in the Anime. It's nice to see Shuichi's other life. The manga is always more detailed that the Anime, duh! Good stuff ^^ [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Panda]I agree with Monkey Orange 100%. If the characters were like the original story I don't think I would find much interest in it. In the original story Sanzo was suppose to be a real wimp that had to be rescued constantly and Hakkai was a pig! Not much bishie goodness in those images. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]You know, the funny thing is that I AM currently watching the original [B]Journey to the West[/B], the Chinese one made in like the 80s --I think ^^; Nothing attractive there at all--but heck, I'm just watching it for the sheer awesomeness of the Monkey King. Yep, that's Goku! I should post up a picture from the show. Trust me. You WON'T be seeing any bishies ^^; [U]EDIT:[/U] Here's the picture of the movie from the 80s. It's the one that I am currently watching. ^^; Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, & Hakkai. Can YOU pick them out? [IMG]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-6/738220/saiyuki.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR]
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Finally got the following: [B]Hot Gimmick 4 Rave Master 9 Angel Sanctuary 2[/B] I was hoping to snatch a couple of some other early releases from Tokyopop and Brocoli Books--but they weren't there. I shall return again next week *^^* [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I grew up watching loads and loads of Hong Kong Kung Fu epics. The best one that I can recall is the [B]Legend of the Condor Heroes[/B] [NOT THE ANIME]. There are SO many good Hong Kong shows that can NEVER compare to some of the more popularized shows that have been imported to the US. My apologies, but I can't recall the translated names. Sorries. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Honestly, the main thing that drew my into [B]Saiyuki[/B] is the fact that it's LOOSELY based from [I]Journey to the West[/I]. AND I do mean loosely. I grew up knowing the story of the Monkey King so I thought I'd take a jab at this series. Overall, I wouldn't say that Saiyuki is my most favorite series [although, my younger sister absolutely LOVES it], the series does an interesting job of taking an old story and making it new. Both Sanzos from Saiyuki and Journey are INCREDIBLY different! And to tell ya the truth, I prefer Genjo Sanzo over the original Sanzo any day! HEHE! Yeah. All the characters are COMPLETELY different than in Journey--thank God! If they were anything alike, then I'd SO lose interest! The rest of the manga volumes need to come out now! And NOT because I want to read them--it's because I want to read [B]Saiyuki Reload[/B]--the next saga! Hurry, hurry! [/COLOR]
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Monkey_Orange replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Alrighty ^^ This is just a friendly reminder to those interested, that [B]Rave Master[/B] will be premiering next coming Saturday, June 5th @ 830pm. Hopefully ^^; [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Rave[/B] is a wonderful series [well, at least the manga so far *^^*]. From the manga, I've read up to volume 8 and will be getting volume 9 this June. There is great story development: learning more about Elie's past, Musica's background, and Haru's personality. Of course, we're also introduced to more villains, witness Haru and his new kick-*** moves...and many more secrets that unfold. Yes. I am a total Rave fanatic at this point! I can't wait until June 5th! *^^* Manga Irks: It truly bothers me that the editors changed the name of the Ten Commandments to the Ten Powers. [/COLOR]
[quote name='Xander Harris]But it leaves so much more story to tell. After Angel and company [spoiler]die[/spoiler'], what happens? [/quote] [COLOR=Orange]Although, one can infer that [I]possible[/I] ending--it isn't certain. I'm saying that because I don't want it to be certain. The ending leaves room for many possibilites. Who knows, maybe in like a year or so, they'll create a mini-series to tie up loose ends [which sometimes happens to shows that get 'suddenly' cancelled--like the Prentender and Farscape]. So yes, it's not certain. Indeed the ending of the series was rushed on such short notice. I expected SO much more from this show. There are still many loose ends in the story to tie up. And honestly, I was kinda expecting more involvement from the 'Buffy' gang in helping Angel to defeat the evil Partners. Sadly, conflicting schedules and lack of resources prevented this from happening. It would've been great to be able to somewhat connect Angel to 'Buffy' seeing at how it's the spin-off. And now, both shows are retired. *sad* In my heart [and as a 'Buffy' fan] I've always hoped that in end Angel and Buffy will finally be together. And darnit, it could've happened once he fulfilled the prophecy. But no...the writer had to cram the story! So THAT was pretty much swept to the side. You see, it could've happened because it was [I]perfectly[/I] set up!!! Buffy is no longer the ONLY slayer--so her responsibities are minimized. And Angel would finally become human! And they'd finally be together after all thing horrid things they've been through. *sad* It reminds me of an episode from season 1, when Buffy visisted Angel in LA. He briefly become human, and was finally able to be happy with Buffy. Sadly, it didn't work. Time was reversed and he was forever forced to be the only with with the memories of those few days of perfect happiness. Even Buffy didn't remember--so she left LA being kinda mad at him ~_~ And once again, Angel was heartbroken. Ahh well. Enough of my rambling. I will miss you, Angel! [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Charles]You can always vote for a third party candidate. Go ahead and waste your vote! [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Orange]VERY TRUE!!! As we'll recall--this whole 'Bush thing' could've been avoided. The margin was quite narrow in 2000. Remember, you get what you voted for [or NOT voted for] so don't complain afterwards. Value your vote and get off your lazy a**. Don't be a hypocrite later on.[/COLOR]
[quote name='ceres_16']anyone who knows RAVE should notice that in the episode:"natsumi does her best" three characters from rave became extras.it was the booty shakers who were the extras.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hehe. The reason for this is because BOTH mangakas from Rave and Getbackers are very good friends *^^* I haven't seen that particular episode, but I'm not too surprised either. The 'Jiggle Butt Bandits' are hilarious! Also, the mangaka from Getbackers drew a Rave fanart that appeared in one of my volumes of Rave. ;) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Dagger IX1']Geneon has licensed Cybuster, Burn Up Scramble and Saiyuki Reloaded (this means that the series will have a different voice cast than the original Saiyuki, which belongs to ADV). [/quote] Ooo...[B]Saiyuki Reload[/B] is finally licensed! That was pretty quick ^^ I wonder why it wasn't picked up by [B]ADV[/B]? I hate it when the voicing is changed. Ah well. I guess I'll resume watching it in Japanese *^^* [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Falkon]What the whole world needs to do is deal with its' own conflicts inside its' own borders. [/QUOTE] Be careful what you say. It's not so simple to just say 'Okay, I'm done playing here so now I'm gonna take all my troops and go home.' Yes, it's HORRIBLE that Bush invaded those countries in the Middle East for whatever the reasons. BUT, these are countries we're talking about AND millions of lives. You CANNOT go into Afghanistan and Iraq, ******* them up, and just leave like that! It's irresponsible. For those of us who are US [or Western] born, we are SO used to the confortable life we live right now. We take for granted all the things we have around us. If something bothers us, our ears go deaf and we turn a 'blind eye.' Otherwise we whine and complian about how this country sucks. We should be more grateful for living in this country. And if us Westerners shake our head at that, than it just shows us how much we don't understand what it's like on the outside--the poverty, the suffering. Seriously, you don't know until you live it, or know others who live it. So all I'm trying to say is that this is a problem the US started, and therefore they MUST finish it. They are the ones who did this, so they can't just cop out and leave. It's ********** irresponsible. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. And don't just say that it's not your business 'cause you don't live there. Ignorance & cowardice seriously irks me! Finish what you started, take responsibility, be compassionate, and be humble for what you have. [QUOTE]America, for example, needs to get more people off the street and into homes they can appreciate. America is so filled with hate and remorse that we cant spare hardly any money to the starving people on the street. If Bush wants to help us then why doesnt he provide all the jobs he has promised? or education for the unfortunate? or food for the hungry?[/QUOTE] Simple. He's a Republican. As a Republican, their motto is to limit Government Spending. Well guess what? If you limit government spending, then there will be NO welfare for starving people, NO funding for training for those who are unemployed, NO unemployment, NO additional fund for public school education, NO funding for medicaid/medicare...and the list goes on. What the heck do you expect? In order to get services, you gotta spend. And how does the spending work? TAXES!!! I hate it when poeple are like "Oh, we want all these services for the people of our country, and ourselves. BUT we don't want to pay taxes. Let's vote for Bush. He will cut our taxes." WRONG. Benifits do not rain from the sky. If you cut taxes, you cut those benifits...And once again, the people of America complains. Oh Pleeeease. You get who you voted for, darnit. Next time do MORE research and ask yourself whether or not Government Spending is as 'bad' and 'dirty' as most Americans think it is. Again, ignorance. [QUOTE]Bush must not run this country again [/QUOTE] Therefore, to everyone: If you are 18 and over, then get off you ********** lazy a** and go VOTE!!! I missed out on the 2000 election because I was like "Whatever. I trust this country to make the right decisions." WRONG. And yes, I regret it. Be grateful that you have the right to vote [unlike many other countries]. I can't stand it anymore and I will definitely be filling out my ballot forms this November! So yes, APATHY is not a desirable trait to possess at this time. Again, you get what you voted for. AND you can't always have both ways! I swear, we Americans spoiled, ungrateful, and ignorant little brats! I love living in the US . Life is easy and there are so many opportunities to do great things. If your life sucks, at least in the US you can DO something about it--unless you're one of those lazy/spoiled people I mentioned before who just sits on his/her lazy a** and does nothing but complain. The US is a land of options ^^ And there are good people too! I will acknowledge those people and NOT dismiss the entire American popluation. But still, as much as I love the US [and respect it], the vast majority of Americans are still: arrogant, lazy, ingorant, and ungrateful. AND in DENIAL about their very own lives!!! So be humble for what you have, and understanding for what you don't. The world outside the US is messed up in some way, shape, or form. It's tough to realize that seriously, as we continue to live inside our safety bubble known as the "USA". Safe? Is it really? The only plague in our society, is us--the people. Therefore, we should strive to be better than that *^^* Only then will we be truly content with our lives. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE]I think the series finale will be pretty sloppy. The problem is, the show wasn't ready to come to a conclusion so quickly. There's a bit too much to wrap up at this point. [/QUOTE] I agree, and am quite upset about that as well. I reall wanted to see more development in the story--heck, they didn't even wrap up the prophecy with Connor. Honestly, I thought that this Season would be great--with twists and turns in the story and then, I find out it's getting cancelled. I'm pretty sure that was how it was for Joss. He still had SO many things he wanted to do with this show, and then 'they' decided to suddenly pull the plug. And now, Joss has to quickly wrap it up--which is bound to be messy and 'undeserving' for the show :flaming: . If only they had more time! I was totally expecting more connections with Buffy for the finale. But, I guess THAT won't be happening. :mad: [QUOTE]Angel, apart from last season, has been pretty good (Cordelia was just plain bad, though, so I was glad when she left.)[/QUOTE] I didn't think she was THAT bad. I was kinda sad when they story just ended her character in the fashion that they did. I expected a bit more from her role. Ah well. We shall all see what happens this coming Wednesday ^^ The end *sniffle* [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I love this movie! Although, I'm a bit sad becuase I lost my copy of the tape :( All the characters are wonderful ^^ . Well, maybe not Prince Humperdinck. Inigo Montoya is cool, but I gotta say that my favorite character is Count Vessili, "Inconcievable!" Hehe...and how about them ROUS's [Rodents of Unsual Sizes]? Nasty critters. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hehe. Secret indulgences. I've got a few myself ^^; [B]Anime/Manga[/B] I've got a big stash hidden in the bowels of my room & closet. I hide them from my mom because she'd totally go 'banshee' on me if she found out how much money I actually spent on them. I keep some out for display, so mum insists that she knows about the 'spending'. But, I honestly don't think that she knows of the 'full' extent of my stash. *is counting the days until she finally moves out for school this Fall ^^ * [B]Spongebob Square Pants[/B] YES. I LIKE TO WATCH SPONGEBOB!!! Darn you, my young siblings! It's all their fault. I can't get enough of Spongebob and his merry marine friends. *starts to sing the opening* "Oh, who lives in the water and under the sea? [I]Spongebob Squarepants[/I] Who's yellow, absorbant, and porous as he? [I]Spongebob Squarepants[/I] If nautical nonsense be something you wish? [I]Spongebob Squarepants[/I] Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish [I]Spongebob Squarepants[/I], [I]Spongebob Squarepants[/I] [I]Spongebob Squarepants[/I] [I]Sponge...bob, Square...pants[/I] Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum...dip!". [/COLOR]
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Cahoots34']Tokyo Bablyon, CLAMP's X/1999 sidestory/precursor, is possibly the best manga I've read in months.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]*sighs* I just can't do it! I just can't bring myself up to read this manga ~~ I saw it at the bookstore the other day and took a look. Of course it was nice seeing Subaru and Sieshiro again ^^ But then I was instantly thrown back into my "X" days and suddenly felt very sad. I just can't do it--can't read it knowing what happens in the end. :( [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Edit- I picked up [B]Hana-Kimi 2[/B]. I read it, and loved it! The characters are wonderful ^^ I also added another title to my manga collection: [B]Chrono Crusade[/B]. I seriously forgot about the release date, but am happy that I spotted it on the shelf *^^* [/COLOR] -
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1][b]Eerie Queerie[/b] makes the perfect replacement for Demon Diary. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yeah, I was thinking about checking out [B]Eerie Queerie [/B] but something about the art just turned me off. As for [B]HanaKimi[/B], you should definitely check it out ^^ I'm totally loving every bit of the story. :D [/COLOR] -
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Monkey_Orange replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I picked up [B]Hot Gimmick 1, 2, 3[/B]. ^^ It should be good. [/COLOR] -
[quote name='Dagger IX1']Also, without giving too much away, were you satisfied by the anime's finale? It seems as though most series nowadays either fizzle to an end or just stop without providing any proper closure. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I know that the manga is still being released in Japan. So therefore the ending, isn't really an ending. There's more to the story [like [B]Fruits Basket, Groove Adventure Rave[/B]]. [/COLOR]