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Everything posted by Monkey_Orange

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Interesting thread ^^ Several months after my family moved into a new neighborhood, we had a theft occur on our property. And do you know what they stole? It's ridiculous, really. The thieves stole my mom's FLOWER POT!!! A friggin fower pot! What the heck is the sorld coming to, when your flower pot isn't safe being alone in front of the door? Geez. My mom was really mad because she loved the pot. She could care less about the flowers, but the pot was special. And big too. I gotta wonder how they managed to lift it. It's quite large Hmm.. I, on the other hand, found the inccident to be rather amusing ^^ Still, a flower pot! [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I finished college at [B]Syracuse University[/B] with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Great experience, I tell ya! Stressful as heck, but fun! I then took 2 years off, and became a bum. Now, I'm heading back to school for a Pharm.D degree at [B]Oregon State Univeristy[/B]. Yep. I'm on my way to becoming a licensed drug dealer. [/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade]Is there any particular manga you guys would recommend? I don't want something I'd be embarrassed to buy at Barnes & Noble, mind you. I want something with cool characters who I [i]wouldn't mind[/i'] being involved romantically.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Manga? I'd have to recommend [B]Demon Diary[/B].It's got great artwork, characters, story with action and humor. All in all, it's pretty lite stuff. Still enjoyable ^^ [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Did anyone watch [B]Angel[/B] last night? I don't know about you, but I'm getting a REALLY bad feeling about how this show is going to end. I honestly think that it's gonna be really lame. So far, there really isn't much of a good 'grand finale' to work with. Sadly, I am just disappointed. Not mad. Just disappointed. I readlly do hope that the last remaining episodes won't be a 'cop-out'--but I doubt that. :( [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Whoa. When I read your post, I was instantly reminded of my Philosophy class back in college. *swirly-eyed* The debate between Reality versus Perception has been ongoing for quite awhile. Remember [B]Decartes[/B]? He was the guy who said, "I think, therefore I am." That was him, right? Anyhow, his argument is quite interesting. And then of course, there was the movie [B]The Matrix[/B]--which is opposite of what Decartes claimed. And then of course, you have people who are mentally ill. Are THEY ill? Or is is just us? For me, reality is the life that I am living period. There is NO such thing as a 'real' reality. So yes, I guess you can say it's all about perception. But then again, who are we to say that? What about religion? Who's religion is right? Bah! Let's not get into that. But yes, reality is the life now! Okay, I feel like I'm running around in a circle. Therefore I shall stop before I get even dizzier @ @ [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I used to watch [B]Digimon[/B] a while back. I only watched, and liked, seasons 2 & 3. I think that season 2 focused on stopping the Emperor, who was actually Ken Kinichi [the school's star soccer player]. He finally became good and "joined" the team ^^ Season 3, they were up against another bad guy [like always] but I forget who. But I think that I mainly enjoyed watching season 3 because it included the original cast from season 1 *^^* It was really good. Season 4. I stopped. It was strange, plus I didn't like the new characters and story. [/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='noelmvilla']Okay, so I've researched this whole lounge and I haven't seen an official Get backers thread so.... I decided to make one.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Heh, you're right. I don't see an official thread or anything. Alrighty then, since I enjoyed watching [B]GetBackers[/B], I shall contribute. :D But then again, I've only seen up to episode 15 *sad* However, I do plan to finish watching the series this summer, hopefully. [B]What do I like about Getbackers?[/B] Well, I enjoy watching it because is has action and comedy, at times. It's fun to watch Ban and Ginji working together to solve those cases. At times tose guys are so different yet so alike. I can't really narrow my scope as to who my favorite character is, but I know it's definitely BOTH Ban and Ginji. [B]Ban[/B] is genius. Period. One wonders where he gets all his knowledge. Man, and he plays the violin too. Very bishilicious ^^ [B]Ginji[/B]. Well, he ranks hish at the top of my "favorite cutie bishies." Ginji is soo adorable. It's soo cute when he yells out for Ban, "Ban-chan!" Ock, soo adorable. And then there's Ginji's darker side that you definitely DON'T want to mess with. Hehe...it kinda reminds me of [B]Kenshin[/B] [Rurouni Kenshin] who sometimes switches to his battousai mode. Yes, Ginji is quite the cutie indeed *^^* Has anyone read the manga? [/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade'] The first few episodes of the show are funny and goofy, while the rest is unoriginal lameness if you ask me. If it weren't for the humor, I'd put Trigun on the list of worst animes in a heartbeat.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Although I admit that I am NOT a fan of [B]Trigun[/B]--I'd like to say that the show itself isn't THAT bad. Similarily, it isn't THAT great either. It's okay, in my opinion. I dislike running into people who view Trigun as some 'ultimately, insanely, kick-***' show of all shows. Period. They won't even consider other shows! Stubborn. The artwork isn't terribly great [some of the people look kinda strange and disproportioned]. The setting [Western like] is not so bad. I actually like Westerns ^^; The only thing that annoyed me about the show was that it was another example of a show that used a commonly recycled theme of: Human vs Nature--humans are lowly parasites that need to be wiped off the planet, stupid digusting and insignificant creatures. I don't know about you, but I'm just getting a bid tired of digesting such commonly used theme. Been there, done that. Overall, I wouldn't "Praise" [B]Trigun[/B] as being "totally kick-***" BUT I also wouldn't rate it as being "totally suck-***." That's all ^^ [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ooo...[B]Angel Sanctuary[/B] is a title that I am currently collecting. Yes, the artwork in this series is quite nice. I love Kaori Yuki ^^ But I think that the main reason as to why I enjoy this series is because it's SOO screwed up. I mean, the story is good, but it's not your typical jolly wolly adventure through the park. It's dark and it's serious...and a bit messed up--which serves as a good break to all the things that I've been reading about. Definitely something different...and dark and filled with taboo [incest, religion, homosexuality]. Yep. Good stuff *^^* I can't wait until volume 2 comes out...which should be like now!!! As for the plot, don't worry, it'll continually unfold as we work our way through the 20+ volumes ^^; [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Suke][FONT=Arial SIZE=1 COLOR=DarkRed'] Demon Diary is good, but I'm not allowed to read it -_-. [/FONT][/quote] Really? Why? How strange... Speaking of which, whatever happened to the [B]Demon Diary[/B] thread??? I just finished the series and was kinda feeling like discussing, but the thread is no where to be found *sighs* I'll just keep my comments to myself then :o [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well today has been a very manga day! ^^ I got the following today: [B]Demon Diary 7 Fake 7 Rave Master 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 [/B] [Need 5!] That's all *^^* [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I have decided to resume reading [B]Rave Master[/B]--so today I purchased [B]Rave Master 2[/B] *^^* and placed orders for volumes 3 & 4. I also picked up a copy of [B]Prince of Tennis 1[/B]->very excited to read *^^* Strange. I've been suddenly swept into the world of Shounen :cool: . Tee hee...I guess that's what I get for overdosing on too much Shoujo [it's not like it's a bad thing ^^;]. BUT, change is good, neh? I'm happy :D [/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I recently read on ANN that a three-episode Mirage of Blaze OVA is currently being produced. Since I'm very interested in MoB and have yet to buy the series, I'd love to hear other fans' thoughts on this news. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Simply to put it: I am VERY happy *^^* even though it won't come to the US for a while longer *sad* I enjoyed watching [B]MoB[/B]. Yes, it's definitely Shounen-ai. BUT, don't think that it has comedy or anything--it's a pretty serious story with lots of Japenese history [very interesting--you better be good at keeping track of names]. *sniff* I loved the story. Sadly, the 13 episode series was just NOT enough to cover the entire story of the novels themselves. After I finished watching the series, I kept banging my head against the wall crying out loud "why oh why do I not know Chinese?!?" If so, then I could easily go out and buy the rest of the novels! Well, I'm happy about the OVAs because hopefully it'll tell the viewers more of the story. *sighs* Of course, more Naoe is also a good thing *drools* ^^; [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I was at the mall yesterday and picked up volumes 1 & 2 of [B]Juvenile Orion[/B]. This is the first time i bought manga published by [I]Broccoli Books[/I]--the quality is quite nice [thick cover and heavy in weight]. The story isn't very orginal [in the sense that it's one of those 'most stop the raging apocalypse' stories] BUT it is entertaining ^^ Also, I didn't know it was actually based on a card game called Aquarian Age [i don't really like the 'aqaurian age' name 'cause it sounds soo hippy ^^;]. Nonetheless, I am absolutely LOVING the series the so far. How to describe it? Well, it's fantasy, adventure, romance, and hints of shounen-ai. Great artwork. And, the series just OOZES with yummy bishies. CHECK IT OUT!!! [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I honestly paid NO interest in [B]Metallica[/B] until I was introduced to [B]Apocalyptica[/B]. If you enjoy Metallica or are curious about that music, then I suggest that you try out Apocalyptica ^^ [B]Apocalyptica[/B] They are a Finnish cello-trio [used to be quartet] who pretty much plays Metallica songs with nothing but Cellos. Now THAT is interesting. With just Cellos, they were able to imitate the human voice, drums, guitar, and bass. Honestly, they are AWESOME. When you listen the their version of Metallica--it's just...wow. Very fantasmal *^^* [I love 'Nothing Else Matters'] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I never used to watch THAT much TV until I went to college and met my roomate. My roomate was a TRF [television, radio, & film] major--so yeah, she watches A LOT of TV. I guess that TV watching is contagious because I began watching whatever she watched. But time passes, and now my 'college' days shows have already ended or will end soon. To me, it's depressing because it just demonstrates the fact that I'm getting older :eek: Also, the TV shows that came afterwards are just not as appealing. [U]Shows that I enjoyed that are already dead or will die soon:[/U] [B]Buffy: the Vampire Slayer[/B] I loove this show!!! I started watching Buffy at the beginning of the 2nd season--I think--and stuck with it until the very end. I'm a big supportor of Buffy x Angel *^^* And Oz too! [B]Felicity[/B] I enjoyed this show because it was also about a girl who went to college. But the thing that made me stick to it was that the main character, myself, and my roomate both started our college years at the same time. So I guess you can say that the show was like our college 'marker'--when Felicity was a freshman, we also also freshman, and when she graduated--so did we ^^ As for the ending of the show...darnit, she never should've taken Ben back! Argh... :flaming: [B]Farscape[/B] A little bit of Sci-Fi never hurts. And this show absolutely kicks ***! Sadly, it was cancelled last year...BUT Scifi channel is bringing it back later this year for a 6-part mini series to conclude the story. About damn time! The last 5 seconds of the ending was HORRIBLE! [B]Angel[/B] A wonderful spinoff of Buffy. I'm just sad that Buffy won't be returning for the finale *sad* [U]Shows that I enjoy that are still alive [but for how much longer?]:[/U] [B]Smallville[/B] This is perhaps the only decent show left on the WB ever since Felicity and Dawson's Creek. I'm just not into the other evening dramas like One Tree Hill or Everwood. Whatever! I just don't have the energy to watch such things--especially after the shows I mentioned earlier. [B]Alias[/B] The ONLY good show on ABC *^^* And my absolute 'must watch' show. Funny thing about this show is that I was the ONE who actually introduced it to my roomate back in our senior year of college. *proud of herself* It's getting evn better and better, but I wonder how long it will last ^^ ABC better NOT pull the plug suddenly or else I'll be quite the upset viewer--and my roomate too [hmm...she's not really my roomate anymore so why do I still call her that? Strange]. [B]CSI[/B] Yes, I like this show--it's cool! I enjoy watching CSI: LV, not CSI: Miami [I don't like David Carusoe!]. BUT I heard that there may be a CSI: New York--and THAT, I shall check out [I love the City]. Well, that's about it for me. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, it's my turn ^^ [B]How long have you been using my otaku?[/B] Well, my page says that I've been a member since 2/25/2004. As to HOW I came to use it...actually I was kinda bored so I thought it would be a fun way of keeping track of my thoughts & such. As for the OtakuBoards, I used to meander in every now then until I noticed some changes that had me coming back more often. Good changes. I'm glad that y'all have moderators who are serious about keeping the boards nice & tidy--that way, I don't keep tripping over non-sense stuff. Keep it up ^^ [B]How frequently do you work with my otaku?[/B] I check it out whenever I am home during the day and have nothing else to do--which is quite often. Whenever I get onto the Net, I have a certain routine I keep to--like opening a bunch of windows to various sites that include email, boards, news, and miscellanous sites ^^ As for UPDATING myOtaku--I usually do that on sunny days when I have something to say. [B]What all of you do with my otaku?[/B] I do NOT use myOtaku as a personal blog [which is somewhere else on the Web]. I only use myOtaku as an Anime/Manga blog. I pretty much keep track of the things I watch and read--and every now and then I write down synopsis and reviews. Of course, I also go on the occasional digression and tangents--but they usually concern anime/manga. Yes. I like my myOtaku *^^* [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Card games? ^^ Many moons ago, I used to play [B]Magic[/B]--but I then I got a bit confused and stopped. Yes. I shamefully admit that I also played [B]Yugioh[/B] for a while as well ^^; It WASN"T by choice! I was coerced into playing that game by my brothers. But you know what card game I love the most? It's [B]UNO[/B] !!! :D After UNO, I also enjoy playing [B]13[/B] [i swear, there are so many variations of this game]. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange]As we all may have noticed, CN is coming out with several new anime. I can't say that really excited about ALL of them, BUT there are some that I am more eager to view than others. The main show that I want to watch the most is [B]Rave Masters[/B]--AND I was quite excited too. I prepared myself for the May debut ONLY to discover that it has be delayed until June. *sad* I'll survive. Therefore, Rave Masters will debut on [B]June 6th[/B]--not yet sure about the time. Perhaps they'll keep it at 830pm. [/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]i have mixed emotions about shounen ai, usually they are bad. I really have no problem with it as long as it isn't in your face and loud about it. Its not that i think it is wrong, just not my taste. [/QUOTE] [quote name='Monkey_Orange]It doesn't respulse me--it's just preference [come now, how many guys do you know would sit down and voluntarily watch Shounen-ai stuff? Not many'].[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Though my response may be a bit short [don't set me on fire or anything ^^;]--but the 2 quotes above demonstrates my point, right? It's a 'chick thing'!!! I prefer my Shounen-ai with a dash of humor [like [B]Fake[/B]], or equally, a dash of angst [like [B]Mirage of Blaze[/B]]. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Why do I like Shounen-ai?[/B] I honestly think that it's a girl thing. I'm not gonna try and sound deep by saying that I [I]initially[/I] like it because of the story and such. I'm a chick and [although the bishies are NOT real] I get a bit turned on when I see good-looking males engage in romance. NO! I do NOT watch Yaoi--haven't gotten that far^^ . I know my limits. But what I'm trying to say is that, fundamentally, I think it's a chick thing--hormones, et al. Once the initial 'interest' has been established, THEN we start looking at the story, characters...etc. As for Shoujo-ai [again the 'chick thing'], it doesn't interest me and...I'd rather NOT watch it. It doesn't respulse me--it's just preference [come now, how many guys do you know would sit down and voluntarily watch Shounen-ai stuff? Not many]. The only Shoujo-ai stuff I've watched is Revolutionary Girl Utena: the Movie--and it was strange. Umm...I'm not too familiar with the Shounen-ai terminology like Canon vs. Non-canon and Slashy vs Not Slashy. Would someone like to clarify them for me? That's all I got to say for now. *^^* [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange]It really depends on what your general interest is. I suggest stopping by the "What Manga/Manwha are you reading now?" thread. There are a bunch of titles and even some descriptions for you to pick through. :D [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ooo...I, too, like seiyuus and VAs. Without them, there wouldn't be much life to anime, right? [U]Favorite English Voices Actors (esses):[/U] [B]Steven J. Blum [David Lucas][/B] This guy is pretty well known for most of the roles you hear on Toonami or Adult Swim. In more recent roles on CN, he played [I]Spike[/I] fr. Cowboy Bebop and [I]Shishio[/I] fr. Rurouni Kenshin. You can usually find him in anime licensed through Bandai or Pioneer. [B]Wendee Lee[/B] She's usually found coupled with Mr. Blum. I don't mind it--they make a great team. She played [I]Faye Valentine[/I] fr Cowboy Bebop and Shishio's girlfriend fr Rurouni Kenshin. Lee also played [I]Karen[/I] fr X. Again, you can find her through anime licensed by Bandai or Pioneer. [B]Kirby Morrow[/B] This guy is perhaps my favorite English voice actor *^^* He voiced characters that include [I]Van Fanel[/I] fr Vision of Escaflowne, [I]Miroku[/I] fr Inuyasha, and [I]Scott Summers[/I] fr X-Men Evolution [yes, it's NOT an anime]. [B]John Burgmeier[/B] Another good one! I absolutely loved him as [I]Shigure Sohma[/I] fr Fruits Basket. He's also the guy who did [I]Kurama Minamino[/I] fr Yuyu Hakusho. [U]Favorite Japanese Seiyuus:[/U] [B]Inoue Kazuhiko[/B] SEXY VOICE ALERT! Yum! Seriously, I can listen to this man speak for hours--eventhough I won't be understanding a single word he says ^^; Notable characters include: [I]Eiri Yuki[/I] fr Gravitation, [I]Aion[/I] fr Chrono Crusade and [I]Oriya[/I] fr Yami no Matsuei. Mmm... [B]Sho Hayami[/B] SEXY VOICE ALERT! The same thing goes for this man as well ^^ Notable characters include: [I]Naoe[/I] fr Mirage of Blaze, [I]Muraki[/I] fr Yami no Matsuei, and [I]Remington Priest[/I] fr Chrono Crusade. Mmm... [B]Seki Toshihiko[/B] Ahh man! This guy has been in soo many. And yes, SEXY VOICE ALERT! Notable characters include: [I]Genjo Sanzo[/I] fr Saiyuki, [I]Legato[/I] fr Trigun, [I]Ougi Takaya[/I] fr Mirage of Blaze, [I]Watari[/I] fr Yami no Matsuei, [I]Zechs [/I] fr GW...and much more. This guy is a seiyuu veteran!!! [B]Seki Tomakazu[/B] Yep, this guy has also done PLENTY of work. I like him mainly because his voice is SOO flexible! Notable characters include: [I]Van[/I] fr Escaflowne, [I]Shuichi[/I] fr Gravitation, [I]Chichiri[/I] fr Fushigi Yuugi and plenty more... Really. I can go on. BUT, those are my 4 most favorite Seiyuus ^^ WITHOUT them, anime would be incredibly BLAH! [/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Panda]I worked my way through college so I wouldn't have student loans and work hard at my job today. I don't have any outstanding expenses because of this. Great credit, no debts, good job...it all equals extra money to buy what I want. And what I want is anime. :D [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes, yes. That's the way to do it. Another 4 years of professional school for me and I'll finally be free!!! A good career = money = happy fan girl Mwuahahahaha ^^ *shoves a poster board into the air* => [B]GO TO COLLEGE![/B] [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] Ahem. Well, here we have some one who has clearly failed to read the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Well, there you have it. Monkey, go out and read the manga, laugh, cry, get depressed. Then rewatch the OVA. I guarentee you will love it. u_u[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Nope. I've read the entire manga--all the way up to volume 28 ^^ To me, THAT is the only ending. Anything else afterwards is bad. So I guess I just plainly disapprove of how the mangaka finishes the story--whether via manga or anime. Again, the ending is just out ot character with every character. You, having read the entire manga, should be able to see this. So yes, while the last OVA may be true to manga, it remains untrue to the story.[/COLOR]
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