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Everything posted by Monkey_Orange

  1. [QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1] Oh my gosh, I just can't believe how stupid this all is. Your parents are RIGHT to keep you away from anime! Look how it's making you think? It's just delusions of grandeur![/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]They say "experience" is the best teacher. You won't know how harsh life is until you really hit the streets. So if that's what they want to do, then LET them. Eventually they'll learn either way. That's how it was with me. It's very hard living on your own. You end up learning about how grateful you are to the life before--the comforts--especially when you are forced to live in poverty. Nothing is better than a slap in the face by this thing called 'reality.' [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ack, I'm a bit too old to use anime in my projects. Plus, it wouldn't really apply to what I'm doing. HOWEVER, I did help my younger sister use anime for a class project. Her assignment was to create a Periodic Table of her hobby. And yes, the table was required to have trends. So we combined our heads and completed the project. She ended up dividing her table into 4 main groups: anime TV, anime Movies, TV, and Movies. Each group was further divided into genres. Each genres was listed by which show or movie she liked best. Trust me, it sounds easier than it actually is. Overall, she got an "A". The poster is now hanging on the wall in her room ^^[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]When I watch anime, I usually investigate the show before hand so that I don't end up wasting my time and my money. There have been two anime that have fallen into my "regret purchases." [B]Rurouni Kenshin, the Movie[/B]: I think this was already mentioned somewhere. My main issue with this movie was that is was just plain slow! And way too many flashbacks for my tastes. Lastly [B]Rurouni Kenshin, very last OVA[/B]: Yes is was pretty. BUT content-wise it was absolutely horrid. What the hell?!? Every single aspect of that OVA was out of character WITH every character. Yes. I have condemned that OVA. To me, it's just blasphamous. :flaming: [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Eww...sales tax. I think I'd die quickly if I lived in a sales tax state. Ick! My anime spending habits were quite horrid last year. Why? Well, 2003 was when I went a bit anime crazy. Also, there were a lot of shows that tweeked my interests like [B]Fruits Basket[/B]. I think that I was just making up for my anime deprived life in 2003. Anyhow, things are gonna change this year. First, I'm running low on money. And second, so far there aren't that many shows that I'm interested in purchasing [although I am seriously tempted by [B]Gravitation[/B], even though I have seen it a bazillion times ^^]. Manga, on the other hand, is an entirely different story. Consider this: for 1 dvd volume @ $20, I can get 2 manga volumes @ $10 each. It's just more cost effective. I would suggest this route--unless reading is just not your thang. I'd say the over all value of ALL my anime...the average worth is about between $900-$1000. :eek: Wow. It DOES sound like a lot. My excuse: I'm just compensating, because pretty soon I'll be returning to a life of poverty...by once again being a student. BUT, once i'm done and finally land a good career that makes muchos bucks...mwahahaha...I'll resume my construct of an anime library. Message to all: Go to college, get an education, land a job, and you'll finally be free to do what you want to do instead of just mooching around. Take it from me ^^ Strange. I rarely preach. ^^; [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Here are a few random quotes that popped into my head: [B]Fushigi Yugi:[/B] "We invited numerous beauties to come be your royal consorts. Why do you ignore them?" Hotohori responds "Because they are not as beautiful as me...that was a joke." [B]Saiyuki:[/B] Goku asked "But Sanzo, if I bite off my tongue then how will I taste my food?" Gojyo said to Sanzo "That was nice of you. You're acting like you're a priest or something." "Shut up!" [/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Spike88][FONT=Impact] Well I would love to watch the series would anyone happen to know where I can get it. [/FONT'] :)[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]You can get the series at a store such at Suncoast. I think I read somewhere that Bandai will be cutting prices per Escaflowne DVD, so you might wanna check that out as well. ^^ As for the ending...both endings were similar. I didn't think it was THAT bad. Still, I may say that I did enjoy the series more than the movie. Escaflowne itself is one of my most favorite shows. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Actually, I'm also quite interested in this series as well. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a place where I could sample a few chapters in English ^^ pwease...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I was over at Borders yesterday and decided to read a manwha called [B]Under the Glass Moon[/B]. Has anyone else read it? What did you think? I think that there are a total of 3 volumes in the series. I only read the first volume so far--the store didn't carry any of the other books. I've never really read anything as gothic and dark-looking as this story, so to me, it was interesting. I enjoyed reading the first book--but I don't think I'll actually buy it, though. I've already commited myself to two other series. ^^ [QUOTE]well the real reason I'm writting is not to complain about other manga companies but about the new release of RAVE Master. Has anyone read it yet? Or does anyone know about it? [/QUOTE] I have volume 1 of [B]Rave Master[/B]. If I can recall, it was a pretty good story. Good shonen action ^^ My 8-year old brother looves it! However, I decided not to continue buying the series because the anime is coming to Cartoon Network. BUT, I will tell you that the anime itself will not contain the ending of the story itself--kinda like [B]Fruits Basket[/B] and [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B]. Despite that, if you are still interested in a story that is strong in action and adeventure, then go for [B]Rave Master[/B]. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Edit-[/b] YES!!! Today I was finally able to pick up [B]Angel Sanctuary 1[/B] and [B]DNAngel[/B]. I've been waiting quite awile for these series--especially for Angel Sanctuary, whose OVA was NOT satisfying at all. :D [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Edit2- Yep! Today I finally was able to pick up [B]Angel Sanctuary 1[/B] and [B]DNAngel 1[/B]. I've been waiting for these series for quite awhile--especially for Angel Sanctuary whose OVA were NOT satifying at all :D [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Please stop double posting. You've been warned.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Luminaire][color=crimson] What I really wanted to know is if anyone else prefers a specific distributor. Does anyone else have only Tokyopop titles in their manga collections? Does anyone else prefer a genre from one distributor but not another? etc. ~Lumi ^_^[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Honestly, when I purchase my manga I don't really look at the name of the distributor. It just so HAPPENS that the bulk of my collection are from [B]Tokyo Pop[/B]. For me, I purchase my manga solely based on the titles themselves. Of course, there some minor flaws within each distributor, but I do not let it stir me away from my stories of interest. As of now, I'll soon be finishing my [B]Tokyo Pop[/B] manga--Fake and Demon Diary. Then I'll be moving on to titles such as [B]Hana Kimi[/B], [B]Angel Sanctuary[/B], and soon [B]Yami no Matsuei[/B]. Those three titles ALL belong to [B]VIZ[/B]. So all in all, I guess that I don't prefer one distibutor over the other--it's all about the story *^^* [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I usually watch both OP and ED themes--unless I am on a watching binge, of course ^^; I've notice that the OP themes are usually more energetic than the ED--usually, not ALL the times. [QUOTE]I like to listen to the OP or ED of a song seperately, but when I'm watching, I tend to rate an OP because of the Video and what's happening visually.[/QUOTE] When I am watching a show, I listen AND watch both the OP and ED. The best OP and ED are ones with BOTH great music and visuals. Of course, there are some pretty strange sounding themes. For themes such as those, I usually give them sometime until I get adjusted. Afterwards, it's all good ^^ So far, my favorite OP themes are [I can't remember some of the title, so I'll mark what season they are from ^^]: [B]Pretear[/B] - White Destiny [B]Saiyuki[/B] - For Real [B]Saiyuki[/B] - Still Time [B]Gravitation[/B] - Super Drive [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B] - Tank! [B]Fake[/B] - Everybody! Shake it buddy! [B]Inuyasha[/B] - Change the World Favorite ED themes: [B]Pretear[/B] - ED #1 [B]Saiyuki[/B] - Tight Rope [B]Saiyuki[/B] - Alone [B]Getbackers[/B] - ED #2 [B]Inuyasha[/B] - My Will Really, I could go on and on... [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I got this info from [B]ANN[/B] today: [B]Gundan SEED[/B]: 4/17 @ 930pm [B]Rave Masters[/B]: 5/1 @ 830pm Enjoy! ^^ [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]You know, I'm still curious about that little story part-thing that happened in the beginning of volume 1. It featured, what looked to me, like an older Raenef setting off to find someone. He referred to that someone as a "him"--probably Eclipse?? Well, hopefully that'll get resolved in volume 7. I hate it when things don't get resolved. Hmm..I think that perhaps Raenef will set out on a quest by himself sometime in volume 7. It will take him about a year or so, and when he comes back he'll be all grown up and a gorgeous babe--like the pictures in volume 1 *^^*. What do [I]you[/I] think? [quote name='oshi'] (I've gotta start up on some more series. Saiyuki, maybe?)[/quote] Saiyuki is always good ^^ [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]*sighs* I was just thinking about [B]Demon Diary[/B] a while ago. It makes me feel sad that it's all coming to an end in May--very sad. Despite my sadness, I am confident that the story will end on a good note. Hehe...you know what I'd really like to see for the last volume? I'd like to see...a kiss from Raenef to Eclipse *^^* Wouldn't that be the most sweetest and adorable thing? I think so ^~ [U]Here are my favorite moments so far from [B]Demon Diary[/B]:[/U] "There's nothing like a little death and destruction to take the edge off...*ahem*" "Mr. tomato!!!" Imagining Eclipse wearing a pink frilly dress, with bows and ribbons in his hair saying "Awake, thee fair prince!" Ahh...good times. That's all I have for now. *goes off to cradle her tankubons* :D [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]My newest addition to my collected 'manga titles' is [B]Hana Kimi[/B]. I heard about this series from some friends who highly recommended it. The story is about a girl who enrolls as a male student at a school in Japan. She did this because she wanted to meet her favorite track & field star. Of ocourse, it's not easy to keep up the guise of being a guy, right? So far, I really enjoy this series. It's not too lubby-dubby, it's funny, and it features a non-annoying female lead. What else...? Oh yeah, since [B]VIZ[/B] is soo horrible at distribution, I probably won't be getting my [B]Angel Sanctuary[/B] until April. :flaming: It's very upsetting! I already know someone who got their copy like 2-3 weeks ago! *sighs* Must have patience :( [/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='~Blackrose~]:p [COLOR=Red']Hi! im new here,has anyone heard of the new manga Hana-Kimi?[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]YES!!! I just got my copy of [B]Hana-Kimi 1[/B] the other day :D I read it, and loved it very much! I highly recommend it ^^ For more information about the story, check out the following link: [URL=http://senshichi.net/hanakimi/index1.html]Hana Kimi Info. Link[/URL] Enjoy! [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yep. I'm happy to hear that [B]Get Backers[/B] has been licensed. I've watched the first 15 episodes and am dying to finish the rest *huggles Ginji*. Also, it may not be true, but I read somewhere online that [B]Naruto[/B] will be licensed by 4Kids. Scary? Yes. I haven't seen [B]Naruto[/B] yet, but anything done by 4Kids is something that i'm usually skepital of. As for [B]One Piece[/B] --my sister totally wants to watch this show. I admit that I want to watch it as well. It's a bit hard for me to watch newer anime because 90% of the time I spend online is via dial-up. So, yes, I rarely am able to download any fansubs. *tears* What shows would I like to see licensed? So far its: [B]Full Metal Alchemist[/B] [B]One Piece[/B] [B]Prince of Tennis[/B] [B]Condor Heroes[/B] That's about it for now :D [/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']At this point the biggest competition manga has is anime dvds. Because every twenty bucks some kid spends on an anime DVD he/she can't spend on a couple of manga TPBs (and vice versa). [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Very true. However, at this point in my life, it's working the other way around. I'm trying to SAVE money now, so I tend to invest more into manga than anime. But of course, the manga series itself has to be pretty darn good in order for me to commit to purchasing a bunch of volumes. As for my borther [who is 8 years younger than me], he'd rather buy dvds than manga. Hehe...I guess you don't have to use your brain as much when you watch rather than read. Silly boy :p [/COLOR] [QUOTE]However, I will generalize, and say that the reason people even had a chance to "get into" manga was due to the extremely wise business decisions made by numerous publishing houses who saw a vast amount of consumers without anything to consume, so to speak. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]True. It was probably mentioned before, but I also think that the popularity of manga can be related to the fact that it's a great alternative to your everyday American "comics." Once manga has been chosen, I think that word of mouth also play an important role. One doesn't usually see a bunch of advertisments for manga--at least I haven't. If one girl has started reading...let's say [B]Fushigi Yugi[/B], and then told her friends about it, I can confidently say that there will be a ripple effect. But yes, personal interests does play a key role too. You cannot force someone read something they hate. Oh...I haven't answered the primary question yet.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] Why and when did you start reading manga? [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][U]When:[/U] It all started in 2003 :D [U]Why:[/U] I'll just get to the point. There's a difference between the decision to BUY manga versus to READ manga. I shall not reiterate what I posted in another thread. I read manga for the following reasons: 1. Great story--has not been made into anime. 2. Great story--left unfinished in the anime. As for BUYing manga...that's a different ballpark :) [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]My first manga purchases ever were the first volumes of [B]Fake[/B], [B]X/1999[/B], and [B]Rave Masters[/B]. I gave up on buying [B]X/1999[/B], and decided to invest in the anime series instead. Upon learning that the manga series itself is still going on in Japan, perhaps I will pick up the last few volumes just to see how the actual story ENDS. I guess I'm just one of those types of people who must know the truth of all things. :D As for [B]Rave Masters[/B], I decided that I'll just be my lazy self and watch the anime that's now licensed--and will also be shown on Cartton Network too. I can't wait too see Haru in action! For me, I tend to buy manga if it hasn't already been made into anime [like [B]HanaKimi[/B] and [B]Fake[/B], not counting it's OVA] , because if I watch the show first, then I won't likely buy the book version. There are only 2 exceptions to this rule (1) a high level of enjoyment from the anime, and (2) the lack of story completion, as presented in the anime. For example: (1) I thoroughly enjoyed watching both [B]Yami no Matsuei [/B] [Descendants of Darkness], [B]Gravitation[/B], and [B]Angel Sanctuary[/B]. So even if I have watched these shows, I am still willing to invest in their manga equivalents--well, I know that I'll definitely be buying [B]YnM[/B] and [B]Angel Sanctuary[/B]. [B]Gravitation [/B] will come later, eventually. (2) Anime stories that were not animated and thus incomplete. I hate it when THAT happens! Don't you? Titles under this exception include [B]Fruits Basket[/B] [only getting volume 8+] and [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B] [only volume 18+]. (3) I forgot to mention that I have a third exception to my rule. Due to hearing very bad complaints about it's anime equivalent, I have decided to buy the [B]DNAngel[/B] manga and bypass the anime series all together [well, maybe i'll just get the the first dvd volume, maybe not]. [I]What about you? Do you buy manga before or after you watch the anime/OVA/movie? Or do you read manga based on your sheer interest in the story? What are your manga buying habits and/or patterns?[/I] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Everybody has different tastes. As for [B]DNAngel[/B] , I haven't read it yet because it's not sold in the US as of now. But it WILL becoming to stores this April ^^ [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched?[/B] Honestly, my first exposure to anime was [B]Dragonball Z[/B] when I was about 14 or 15 years old. I remember truly loving that show soo much. BUT, it was constantly on reruns so I gave up. For the next five years, I refused to watch it--in fact, I din't watch any anime at all! Then, I went off to college and finally had access to cable--Cartoon Network. [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B] was the show that jumpstarted my interest and love of anime :D So I guess that I'd pay my anime homage to [B]CB[/B] rather than [B]DBZ[/B]. [B]2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy?[/B] Oh definitely, yes. As mentioned above, I started out with [B]DBZ[/B] and eventually grew VERY tired of it. I was like "How much longer can it go on?" "There has to be more than just this" "It's time to move on because I feel like I'm wasting my time." Time has made me expect "more" out of a series rather than your blatent usual action sequences. I mean, action is good but the story has to go somewhere too. In addition, time had also made me older ^^; Unlike the days of my youth, I can no longer endure sugary-sweet shows otherwise I'll end up overdosing at the spot. So yes, the titles that I enjoy require a good storyline, music, character developent, and some darkness and drama--like [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B], [B]Yami no Matsuei[/B], [B]X TV[/B], [B]Vision of Escaflowne[/B], & etc. [B]3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now?[/B] Probably not. Like I mentioned earlier, I've come to expect a bit more out of a title than I did before. I enjoy the story better now, than when I was a yuppy teen. It also works the other way around too. For shows I used to watch like [B]DBZ[/B]--now, I'm like "Eww, I can't believe I used to be nuts over this!" .:Wow, that fun :) [/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue] I work at a library and luckily, through out inter-state library loan system, I can check out a variety of manga. The most recent ones I've started reading are: [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Wow! What a wonderful selection! The selection at my library is horrid. I've seen some [B]Sailor Moon[/B] here and there. And once, I even spotted [B]Angelic Layer[/B]...but that's about it. Perhaps I should try out your approach. Can non-library workers use that feature as well? I've never really done it before. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello all! I'm assuming that if you somehow wandered into this thread, then you must at least have some remote interest in manga/manwha right? :D Okay. Then let this be a place of gathering and discussion of the current or latest manga/manwha we are reading. I shall begin. I honestly didn't start reading manga until last year--so my collection is somewhat minimal. There are 3 series that I am currently reading [B]Fake[/B], [B]Demon Diary[/B], and [B]Kare Kano[/B]. Well, actually I've been reading other series too but they just haven't been licensed for the US yet like [B]Yami no Matsuei[/B] [which will be available soon, I hope]. Both [B]Fake[/B] and [B]Demon Diary[/B] are laced with Shounen-ai. And [B]YnM[/B], too. I'm not quite sure why I've been drawn to such types of stories. I think it's a girl thing, ne? As for [B]Kare Kano[/B], it's pretty much your typical romantic comedy. And sometimes, it can get a bit too sappy. [U]Here's my reading progress so far:[/U] Fake-up to volume 5 Demon Diary-up to volume 5 Yami no Matsuei-up to volume 5 Kare Kano-up to volume 7 Ahh yes! March will be an exciting "manga" month for me! Why? [U]Here's my list of March Manga/Manwha "to-get":[/U] [B]Fake 6[/B] [B]Demon Diary 6[/B] [B]Saiyuki 1[/B] [B]Hana Kimi 1[/B] [B]Angel Sanctuary 1[/B] And that's it! What about [I]you[/I] ? [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange]The first and only Manwha I've read so far is [B]Demon Diary[/B]. I have not read any other titles so I can't really compare it artistically to Manga. But yes, I'd have to agree that so far the artwork in [B]Demon Diary[/B] is really nice. But you know what, I think that it all depends on the titles themselves. So you can't really say that all Manga, in general, are not as artistically nice as the other Manwha. I'm pretty sure that there are some Manwha out there that are not as nice too. We'll just have to wait and see what other Manwha titles will be released this year. Aside from that, and based on my limited experience with Manwha, Manwha and Manga are pretty much the same to me. :D It's all good stuff! [B]EDIT[/B]: Manwha and Manga layout are similar. Manwha can be found at the same locations where Manga is sold. The only difference is their nation of origin: Korea vs. Japan. Hope that helps! [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange] *points to herself* I am also a fan of [B]Demon Diary[/B]. I've read up to volume 5 and am eagerly awaiting for volume 6 this March. Hehe. So I'm not the only one who thinks that Raenef is similar to Shuichi. Both of them are soo cute! *^^* You know, I kinda like Krayon too. He's funny. And yes, I like his hair too. I really do hope that the story will end nicely. Only two volume left![/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange]This is what I'd like this year, so far: [B]Pretear[/B]: I plan to finish this series up. I've only got 1 more volume to go. [B]Saiyuki[/B]: Season 2 looks very interesting. I'm kinda poor now, so I'll let my sister take care of the rest of the volumes. She loves this series more than me. Now, I'm curious as to whether or not ADV will release the movies and third season that is currently airing in Japan. [B]Gravitation[/B]: No doubts. I have seen this show countless of times--thank you fansubs! And come this year, I will make it legal and buy them! This is just a very good series in many aspects. [B]DNAngel[/B]: I'm pretty sure that this show will be released this year too. I'll probably just get the first volume to see how it is. I heard that the manga is superior so I'll most likely end up reading it. [B]Read or Die TV[/B]: No, I haven't seen the OVA. I may buy it sometime later. With this show, I may try out a couple volumes. I heard it's pretty good. [B]Gundam SEED[/B]: Nope. Not gonna buy it! I'll watch it on Cartoon Network. However, my brother is thinking about getting the first volume. Finally, I'll be able to finish that show. I've only seen up to episode 10. I love Lt. Fraga! [B]Wolf's Rain[/B]: I have to see how this show turns out first. [/COLOR]
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