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Everything posted by Monkey_Orange

  1. [B]1. Regardless of whether or not you download anime, do you believe that doing so is wrong?[/B] 'Yes' if you are downloading licensed material. Have patience and be fair. I realize that downloading is very tempting for two main reasons: costs and availability. For me, I only download shows that have not been licensed and are still airing in Japan. [B]2. Do you think that you'd buy more DVDs if you didn't download any shows?[/B] Probably not. I view the downloaded shows as a 'sampler.' If I enjoyed what I watched, then yes--I'd make it legal! However, I've also bought DVDs of shows that I DIDN'T download. [B]3. Do foreign (not Japanese) anime companies pay attention to the popularity of various fansubbed series?[/B] 'Yes.' I honeslty think that the popularity of a fansubbed show determines whether or not the will be licensed and shown on TV.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [B]If[/B] this series is based on a manga, then I'd like to say that it's [B]not[/B] the original story. The story of the [B]Condor Heroes[/B] is based on an old Chinese epic adventure series. To be more specific, it's the second part of the 2-part epic series. Over 10 years ago, the epic was made into a very successful TV series in Hong Kong. It's very good--I watched it all! I don't really know that much about the anime, but it should have something to do with the original story--hopefully. And no, the emphasis shouldn't entirely be about forbidden love. There's martial arts, family secrets, and politics. I'm quite excited about this show. Now...if only I can find a way to acess it![/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Does anyone know how many eps long Saiyuki is? [/B][/QUOTE] The series is about 50 to 52 episodes long. So far, I'm pretty sure that all of these episodes will be coming to the US. I think that there are 2 movies. In addition, season three is currently being aired in Japan, called Saiyuki Reload.
  4. I enjoyed watching Saiyuki very much, too! Which character do I like? ALL OF THEM! Gojyo and Sanzo are yummy. I simply love Hakkai. And Goku is soo adorable. My sister absolutely looves Sanzo! Saiyuki, by far, is her most favorite anime of all time. She has the TV Fanimation book, and is planning on getting the first manga volume in March. As for the show itself, we are currently making our way through the second season [vol. 8 is coming out this week!]. So far so good! Why do I like Saiyuki! I guess it just boils down to the fact that I can depend on that show to make me feel better when I'm having a lousy day. Seriously. :D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Verykawaiineko [/i] [B]The other day i read in Animerica that viz will release it. Since Animerica is a Viz magazine its probably true. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh my gosh! I truly [I]truly [/I] hope that you are correct. If so, then I'd be oh soo happy. :D Why? Why not? I want to read it darn it! Such beautiful artwork...and i'll finally get to meet Terazuma! *sighs* I hope that you're right. [QUOTE][B]For scanlations you can go to [url]www.sakura-crisis.net.[/url] The work they do is almost professional.[/B] [/QUOTE] This link doesn't work. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sweet Pie [/i] [B]Tsuzuki is always clumsy..can't help but Muraki suits the baddie role...Really love his hair. Like his hair a lot. [/B][/QUOTE] Tsuzuki is adorable! And Muraki...yes, he's quite the villain that he is. I love his Seiyuu...such a sexy voice!
  6. I also enjoyed watching YnM! Tsuzuki is soo cute! Tastumi is yummy, and Muraki...well...he's not easily described. I really hope that the manga gets licensed for the US, because it's good! I absolutely love the artwork in the manga--everyone just looks soo much better in the manga than the anime. All in all, good stuff!
  7. Nope. New [B]Inuyasha[/B] will air Apirl 24th, along with [B]Wolf's Rain[/B] !
  8. Here's some happy news for my brother: Adult Swim, April 17th [B]Gundam SEED[/B] Y'all should watch this show. It's very good!
  9. Ooo...I have all 4 volumes of [B]Mirage of Blaze[/B]. I think that the story is pretty original. Keep in mind though that it's based on a long running series of novels, so 13 episodes is not enough to encompass the entire story. What's the story about? Mind you, the show is pretty much an introduction so even the characters themselves are a bit unsure of what's going on--actually it's only one character. In general, you got a bunch of guys from a long time ago who have been dispatched by a general to remain in the living world in order to exorcise vengeful spirits of the present time. Unfortunately, due to some internal conflicts within the group, the group leader was forced to seal away his own memories and is thus having a difficult time in coming to terms with his true identity. Now, take what I've just told you and add in a bunch of unresolved feelings, sneaky and villainous wondering souls, and mix it with a butt load of Japanese history and lessons in exocorcism, and then you'll have the show. I'll try not to spoil much, but the show does have a good ending that will have you wanting more. Unfortunately, unless you know other languages other than English [not me], then you won't be getting any. Sorry. [U]Good things about the show[/U] [B]Story[/B]: Not a simple one and quite involved in itself-->I like that! Supernatural. Drama. History. On one hand, there's fighting against the forces of evil, and on the other hand there's fighting that occurs within yourself, your feelings, and your sanity. Very angst-ridden. [B]Art[/B]: Pretty. Clean. Pretty. As a rabid fan-girl, I admit that I enjoyed the bishies. Personally, I like the look of this show more than [B]X TV[/B] . [B]Music[/B]: Not too bad, but it does make sense in that it contributes to the overall atmosphere of the show--serious and tense. [I]However[/I], I absolutely loove the acoustics in it too. Very nice. Um. That's all I got for now. Can't you just tell that this is one of my favorite shows? I love Naoe and Ougi, so much! And Chiaki kicks ***!
  10. These threads are always so entertaining. Lets see...who would I want? Ock! So many, but here I go with me top 10: :love: 10. Enishi, fr. Rurouni Kenshin 9. Fuuma, fr. X TV 8. Hakkai, fr. Saiyuki 7. Shinobu, fr. Here is Greenwood 6. Dee, fr. Fake 5. Eiri, fr. Gravitation 4. Naoe, fr. Mirage of Blaze 3. Kira, fr. Angel Sanctuary 2. Shigure, fr. Fruits Basket 1. Allen, fr. Vision of Escaflowne
  11. Excellent. [B]Witch Hunter Robin[/B] will be eventually coming to Cartoon Network so keep your eyes and ears open as to when THAT will be, okay? Finally, CN will show something new and interesting. *cough [B]Ravemasters[/B] cough* You see...there's still hope.;)
  12. Monkey_Orange


    I recently bought the first X TV dvd volume and it was pretty good! I can't wait to continue watching this show!
  13. They brought back [B]Kikaider[/B]? Interesting. The show isn't [I]that[/I] bad. I just thought it was pretty depressing in the end. There were a lot of references to the story about Pinocchio on the show. But...*sniffle sniffle* Pinocchio never had a sad ending.. *sighs* x
  14. I do not read much manga. Here's what I've read so far: [B]Rurouni Kenshin-Jin Chuu Arc[/B]: Abosolutely wonderful! It's got Enishi--need I say more?!? [B]X 1999[/B]: only the first volume. i've seen the movie, and now I really want to watch the anime. yes, i know it's depressing but i'm still drawn to it. ahh...Fuma... [B]Rave Master[/B]: only the first volume. not too bad. i've decided to wait for the anime debut on CN. [B]Fake[/B]: this is definitely a keeper! I've read three volumes so far and have decided to continue with this series. if you're into hot bishies with a touch of shounen-ai, then i'd definitely reccommend it.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Seems like MTV is catching onto the fact that anime (particularly shonen and action series) is a growing trend. Whether or not that's a good thing..... well, we'll see. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Excellent. As long as there's more anime, I'm happy! WAH!!! More shoujo! More shoujo! More Shoujo!
  16. Hehe... My brother is soo obessed with this game. I think that he recently beat FE 4 or 5. Which ever it was it took him a loong time to get through the game. To me, it looks pretty hard. Aside from that, I loove the the story--especially the ones the flow from one game to the next. I think that there are 2 out the series that kinda diverge from the main story. My favorite character is Celice--Inheritor of Light. I don't think he's in the newest game to be released. My bro told me that the new game will feature 2 characters from the game he recently beat. I can't seem to remember their names now, but they're pretty cool too.
  17. CN really needs more new and interesting shows. To say the least, Toonami really really sucks right now! However next year, Toonami 2004 [i think it'll be either Toonami or AS] CN will be premiering Rave Masters [ real title: Groove Adventure Rave]. Yay! Rave Masters is an excellent manga and I'm sure that the anime will be just as good [negating the possible edits and major cliffhanger]. I pray that this news is true. I soo wanna see Haru, Musica, and Sieghart! Mmm.... Response to other news: Inuyasha movie possibly shown on CN Saturdays? Excellent! I loooved the first movie. Let's hope that this news is true too. As for 52 new Inuyasha episodes next year--*scoffs* CN probably won't be showing it until summer 2004. They'll just keep us viewers in suspense while pushing the date further and further into the year. Let us all just hope for the best.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]I want to see this show SO badly... *stares greedily at boxed set* It looks really awesome. I did hear that they cut some parts out of the official American release.... does anyone know if that's true? ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] I'd be very upset if they did cut out some scenes!:flaming: Honestly, aside from the kisses ( :D ), I didn't see anything THAT inappropriate!
  19. I recently started watching this series, and so far my sister and I absolutely love it! Shuichi is soooo cute! And Yuki, well....he quite the hottie , eh? We've still got several more episodes until we're done. And yes, the music is great! Have y'all check out the animation book? It's pretty nice. I like the pictures a lot.
  20. Blue Gender is okay, for now. At some points, I found myself falling asleep. The only character I liked so far was Joey~~and then he croaked :( As for Yuugi, he sometimes need to be kicked in the butt 'cause he's sooo whiney. :D
  21. Hehe...As strange as it was, both my sister and I enjoyed this show. Right after viewing the last episode I was a bit confused about the whole Atamisk thing. But now, I think I'm more clear about it after having read the comment above. My question is: what's up with the irons, ironing out the wrinkles? Are there other irons at other places?;)
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tical [/i] [B]I just bought the movie. I havent watched it yet but it looks good.Is it as good as the series? Is the eries worth it if you have the movie? [/B][/QUOTE] Ooo...the Movie is very different than the series (almost everything is different aside from the characters--even their personalities differ). Actually, my first exposure to Escaflowne was the Movie. The Movie is much much prettier than the series (more money, of course). But after I watched the series, I concluded that I liked the series more that the Movie. Why? Better story, better characters, and more depth. But then again, there are people who loved the Movie and hated the series--I'm NOT one of them. But yes, to you I highly reccommend trying out the series. :D Good stuff.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kyo [/i] [B]I only saw the beggining, so does anyone mind telling me what happened after Hitomi found out about Van's wings? [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe...I strongly feel that this show IS one of the best. Anywho, after Hitomi saw Van's wings she told him how beautiful they were. Afterwards, he smiled and told Hitomi that Meryl says the same thing. Hitomi got a bit upset at that remark b/c she didn't want to be compared to Meryl. *sighs* Definitely good stuff.:love:
  24. [COLOR=blue] I was just suprised when I found out that the same person who came up with Big O also came up with Vision of Escaflowne--that would Mr. Hajime Yatate (sp?) [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue] I've seen one episode so far, and for now i totally loove Omi 'cause he's such a cutie. Aya's a bit antisocial, I don't not yet about Ken [but he seems nice], and as for Yojhi [heh, gotta have a your playboy--but, I don't like his hair do very much.] Aside from, not bad. I look forward to watching for of the series. However, I heard that second season was realllly bad. Toodles. [/COLOR]
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