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Everything posted by Vertigo
A: Spike was on the endless staircase, Faye was swimming in the abyss, and Jet was having a deep conversation with his bonsai plants. A: His name is Appledelhi Siniz Hesap Lufen. He is worth 50 woolongs. He was posted by Ed. Q: In the anime Hellsing, who is Alucard strongly hinted to be in the last episode, and how is this hinted?
J'apprendais francais, mais j'ai vuloir(sp?) apprendre japonais. Maintenant, j'apprend japanois et non francais. I was taking french, but I wanted to take Japanese. Now, I'm taking Japanese and not French. I took french for two years and Latin for three before I got sick of Romance languages.
Mm...Aerosmith...I need to get my old CDs out again...I love them. Also, I love the trippyness of Pink Floyd...It seems hereditary... Guns N' Roses is great...Sympathy for the Devil is amazing, along with November Rain. Some of Bon Jovi's songs really rock me...And you cannot forget about the almighty Queen...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IwakuraLain [/i] [B]i never knew i spoke with an accent until i hung out with my friend's brittish cousins who made me say "water" all the time while pointing and laughing! :blush: they told me i have that "flushing/brooklyn" strain of the new york accent... WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING!! i was obssessing over it for weeks, recording my voice and trying to figure it out. anyway if u've ever seen the show "The Nanny" (i dont think it airs anymore) i think thats somewhat close to how i pronounce words except that my voice isnt quite that annoying (i hope i hope i hope!!) and itsnt quite as heavy as "Fran's". [/B][/QUOTE] ...They must have never been to New York. Really though, saying "water" and stuff like that using more of a "d" sound than a "t" sound is NOT brooklyn accent. Not even close. And for the record, anyone who associates Flushing and Brooklyn doesn't know NYC for beans. As for me, I have a regular American accent. I've actually been asked once by an obnoxious girl at camp why I didn't have a Brooklyn accent since I'm from there. I can do an average one, but I don't have one at all, and I really hate it when people expect everyone in NYC to have that accent, because most of them actually don't.
My favorite has to be Albedo from Xenosaga. He's just so good-looking, and so insane at the same time. It's amusing, but also, his character is quite interesting.
Since you have a lot of pain in your thumbs, I think it might also be tendonitis, if it's more searing pain than tingling pain. For that, take Advil, and/or rub the spot where it hurts. Then, stop using it for a while.
Really, people, you should put more thought into your posts. But this si a pretty hard question...Tank!(Cowboy Bebop) is definately one that's really good. In fact, it was what first convinced me to watch the series... Duvet(Lain) is very calming, and very good for the series. Cruel Angel Thesis(Evangelion) is also very good for the series, and the opening video is quite amazing(I can't count how many times they flash something from a later episode in that...). Logos Naki World(Hellsing) just seems to fit the series well, even though it seems more like something Cowboy Bebop would have. I guess, for me, it'd have to be one of those, but there's no way that I could choose.
Why did you choose your screen name?
Vertigo replied to EdtheHackerGirl's topic in General Discussion
"Vertigo" was actually a word I had looked up a few years ago, right before I went to camp. At camp, someone persuaded me to play Unreal Tournament on the network, and I realized I needed a good name. Vertigo just popped into my head, and I decided to use it. People started noticing me on the servers, and so I'd hear lots of "Hey! Who's Vertigo?" or "VERTIGOOOO!"(I was also once mistaken as a bot by someone who later became my friend...but that's a different story...>.>). Soon, more people knew me by Vertigo than my real name, and even when they did learn my real name, my best friends still called me Vertigo, and it stuck. So, two years later, I'm still Vertigo. ^_^ -
Slit wrists/throat in a warm bath. It was the way the Romans senators killed themselves..It's supposed to be quite relaxing and painless.
Luminare has a very good tip. I also suggest thinking of things that changed you or your life, and writing about those.
A king or a queen is still a government. And maybe you should study more history. You can find tons of problems with monarchy there.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flamme Immorale [/i] [B]Xenosaga had good graphics? Ugh.. gah.. did they have a meeting about this? Damnit.. Why didn't anyone tell me? [/B][/QUOTE] I think you might be confusing Xenosaga with Xenogears...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyscorp2006 [/i] [B]Yeah for real and do you know if Allen and Tony are gonna be in it I've kinda fallen in love with those two and I can't beat the mothership so I'm kinda stuck on episode one. So if you find out let me know. [/B][/QUOTE] Are you talking about the mothership that you need to destroy in the Elsa? If so, PM me, cause I might be able to help. And Yeah, I really like Tony. He's a cutie...Allen started pissing me off when the Woglinde was under attack though..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B][b]Judge:[/b] "Mr. Simpson, do you have anything to say for yourself?" [b]Homer:[/b] "Yes, I do. I believe that famous people have a debt to everyone. If celebrities didn't want people pawing through their garbage and saying they're gay, they shouldn't have tried to express themselves creatively." [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I agree. I don't think anyone's personal life should be on the spot because of their profession. Saying that they shouldn't be actors or whatnot if they don't want to be famous is just silly.
The closest thing I have to a phobia is that I get seriously distressed around vomit. If I just see it like, on the street or something, I'll be a little freaked out, but I see someone throwing up, or someone's vomit in particular, I get really, really nervous, almost start shaking, and can't focus on anything. My heart races and I literally can't think straight. I've had this since I was a little kid, and I've never known why. But, for your fear, there are ways to help. I just don't know what they are. If it's really bad, try seeing someone about it.
Well, after a while of wanting to make a certain screenshot into something, but never having the time, I finally spent a little time in GIMP and came up with this. (The katakana reads "Akabane", who is the character holding the sword.) [IMG]http://vertigo.ubiquitously.net/bloodyswordbanner2.jpg[/IMG]
As good an argument both sides have, I have to admit that I really see no point in this post. If someone doesn't like something, they don't like it, and most of the time, no matter how much they see of it, it doesn't change. It just isn't their style. It seems a bit pointless to try and convince someone that Trigun is worth watching if, in their perception, it isn't. This could just go on forever.
I saw the first one or two episodes, and frankly I loved it. I always laugh my *** off when watching them... And yeah, the Korean animation thing was pure hilarity. I've been told I'd love Kevin Smith...I should really watch Dogma before my friends kill me...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]In watching the series "Neon Genesis Evangelion", there are numerous love-affairs encompassing the characters. Out of all these, I found myself attached to the couple Gendo Ikari/Yui Ikari because of Gendo's utter devotion to his wife. [spoiler] In the end of the series, we find out that the entire engineering of the Third Impact by Gendo was done for the sole reason of being reunited with his wife. [/spoiler] I think that is true love and true devotion, and thus I found them to be the best. Any thoughts on your favorite Evangelion couples? [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree whole-heartedly. I hated Gendo up until I saw End of Evangelion and realized his motives. They're so great a couple, and the fact that Gendo would do that is really sweet. I don't really like Shinji/other Children couples that much. Rei doesn't really ahve that sort of connection with Shinji, in my opinion, and Asuka doesn't really like him at all([spoiler]Hell, when she sees him at the end of EoE, she literally says "How disgusting."[/spoiler])
End of Evangelion really messed with my mind when i first saw it. I was walking around like a zombie philospher for about a day or so afterwards. Oh...and episode 20 of Cowboy Bebop(Pierrot le Fou) killed me the fist few times I saw it. The combo of the carnival music, the screaming, and the experimental horrors left me sobbing at one point and curled up in my bed whimpering that the music won't go away at another.
Well, I live in NYC, so you can find fandom for just about anything here...
I've been watching a lot of Get Backers, so now I ahve even more random opinions. 1. Kazuki and Juubei: They're undeniably in love...Ginji even says that it looks like they're newlyweds at one point. It's so sweet how much Juubei obviously cares for Kazuki, and they're probably one of the cutest couples in the show. 2. Ban and Ginji: ^_^ They're so cute...You can tell they like eachother because Ban isn't like "WHy the f**k are you calling me 'Ban-chan'?"...Also, I love the little moments they have every once in a while. 3. Shido and Madoka: Shido is so cute around Madoka, and it's really funny how Shido says he likes her house because it has a big yard...Their love is so pretty.
I don't look like anyone really, but I do have a close friend who looks like a chubbier version of Keitaro...If I straightened my hair, I would have hair like Alucard from Hellsing though.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ArgoGulski [/i] [B]Mine would have to be Anderson from Hellsing. [/B][/QUOTE] Anderson's not really minor though...the anime kinda makes him seem a bit minor, but I've read the manga, and he's really not.
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Vertigo replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
*heavy sigh of relief* Yes! I was so worried that you guys had started like, three weeks ago right after I left for camp! (I'm at computer camp, but I kinda forgot, and I've been having a lot of fun IRL..). Well, hope things get started soon, and can someone please email me when it finally gets started so I can remember to post...^^;;