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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i] [B]I say dubbing. I just can't get the feelings of an anime character when I have to read what they are saying. Also, I have yet to hear a JPN voice actor making a decent scream. Besides, most ADV series are coming out with excelent dubs, so why bother to hear it in a language that's currently gibberish for me? [/B][/QUOTE] You've never heard a Japanese voice actor make a good scream?...What anime have you seen? *knows that Hellsing, Trigun, and Get Backers all have very real screams in them* And I do have to side with Manic on the "bad dubs" thing. Although, as I said anyway, I just think that overall, the Japanese voices fit better. I mean, I remember when I was watching the Evangelion dub on CN, and even my mom could tell that the dubs were bad...although I did have to explain why I was laughing so hard. But also, we're kinda spoiled by seeing the unedited versions. I mean, look at Evangelion on CN. What else did they edit besides the voices? They took some blood out and hid Misato breasts. It's not really that bad sometimes, but people act like they took out an entire fight or something... I mean, some censorship is really, really crippling(*cough*Cardcaptor Sakura*cough*). But I'm sick of hearing rants about every little change between TV dub and DVD sub.
  2. (Note: This will probably only be funny to hikers and friends of hikers) As if chipmunks didn't steal enough of your food...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Savage [/i] [B]i like the death scenes in Vampire hunter: D and Hellsing because they're heartless and involve blood and decapitations. [/B][/QUOTE] Heheheh...I wouldn't really call 99% of the deaths in Hellsing "Scenes"...
  4. You would not believe how many times I've unintentionally hit my head on my bedroom wall...I know it has to be at least eight...
  5. As much as I like righting things and such, I doubt I'm really mod material. Even if I was, I'd probably only accept if offered because I'd be happy that people thought I could be one.
  6. Well, I think that Legato definately likes Knives in a more than friends/normal master/servant way...However, I think that how much and what type of abnormal like this is can be differently interperted. I do have to say, I am a big fan of Legato/Knives, but as I said, there are many different ways for their relationship to be interpereted.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGodlyME [/i] [B] and one of the great classics, the Excel Saga opening theme(you can even HEAR Hyatt dying!) [/B][/QUOTE] Hehehehe...I remember when I first showed Excel Saga to my friends...one of them has like, fallen in love with that opening...Frankly, I love Hyatt's constant dying too.. "Sore wa ai ja naiiiii...*coughhack*.."
  8. That's amazing! I can't even draw like that pencil-on-paper! I really like it... Heeheehee...He's so cute...
  9. Ooh, yes, the Chobits manga is great...I love it too. (That reminds me, I have to buy the sixth volume soon..) I never really liked the Cowboy Bebop manga, but I do really like Shooting Star. I also really like Trigun/Trigun Maximum and Hellsing, and I've read a little of a fun-looking series called Demon Diary.
  10. Oh, I love the Evangelion theme song, and the opening is just so...Eva... It;s kinda funny how much is in that opening...there are so many things flashed across the screen from later episodes(Kaworu, Yui, young Gendo)...I spent so long looking through that intro trying to see if I could find everything... Also, I love the Cowboy Bebop intro(I haven't seen the movie)...That intro was what actually made me decide to start watching anime just because it was so great and well-done. [Edit:] Endings too? Well, then... Get Backers - Mr. Deja Vu This song is just so perfect as an ending theme for Get Backers...The imagery is also quite lovely... Cowboy Bebop - The Real Folk Blues I don't think I know a person yet who doesn't like this song...It really fits the other aspects of Cowboy Bebop.
  11. Name: Meridian Adarta Age: 11 Sex: Female Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Chin length, dark red, slightly curly hair Wand: Cocobolo, dragon heart-string, 13 inches House: TBA, though she hopes Slytherin or Ravenclaw Pet(meant to put this in...): Kuro(owl/hawk crossbreed) Year: 1 Personality: Meridian doesn't really like people in general. She is usually quiet, but more because she doesn't think people are interesting than because she's shy. However, she loves sarcasm, wit, and a good sense of humor, and so people who have those qualities easily become friends with her. With these people, she is more open and happy. Biography: Meridian is an orphan, but she doesn't really mind that most of the time. She lives with her wizard uncle, who works in the Ministry of Magic to command Aurors. Notes: I'm going to camp next week, and although I will have almost constant internet access, I probably won't post as prolificly as I would usually. So, bear with me, and I'll try to make longer posts to make up for it in the six weeks that I'm there.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]Well if that's case, then you have to say what you're favorite manga is before we can if we like it. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. Personally, though, I love the Chobits manga and Hellsing, but I also really like Cowboy Bebop: Shooting Star.
  13. I happen to be a big sub fan. I just really like how japanese voice actors sound, and I just like how Japanese sounds in general, so that's basically why. Every once in a while, though, I find a dub that I really like, like Cowboy Bebop or Hellsing.
  14. People say I'm way more mature than my average age group(14), so I guess so.
  15. [b]End of Evangelion - Komm, Susser Tod(Or, Come, Sweet Death)[/b] Okay, anyone who has heard this song knows what I'm talking about. The lyrics are just so sad, but yet they sort of apply to everyone in some sort of way. [b]Alice Cooper - Ballad of Dwight Fry[/b] Another really sad song, but this one is about a depressant slowly going insane because of his loss of faith.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo] Wow do I have like Gay Vibrations or something? And yes Shy is gay. Hot and gay I might add. Sorry.... But hey guys thanks a lot. Every single on of these responses (pertaining to the topic at hand of coures ;)) ment a lot to me. I can't describe what you guys mean to me![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Do I have "wierdo teenager with preferences from Mars" vibrations? ;) I would say "Aren't they all?", but to tell the truth, I don't actually KNOW any gay guys IRL...(I know a lot of gay and bi women tho..) And it's nothing to me...really. Never really has been, and never will be.
  17. My God! How could I forget about [spoiler]Gren and Rocco! Rocco's[/spoiler] death was what first made me want to delve farther into the series! And [spoiler]Gren's[/spoiler] was the first anime death that really made me get close to crying... And The (Sic), put spoiler tags. It's in the rules, not that hard to find, and saves a mod from spoilers.
  18. *whistles* Very interesting...I'd like to see more.. Have you read the Hellsing manga/seen Hellsing? Because Pride reminds me a bit of Anderson or Yumiko from Iscariot(a group of fanatical preists and nuns)...
  19. Hmm...the last line sounds a little odd...but otherwise I like it.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Actually, it will be hard for him. When a child sees other children having good times with their fathers, they yern (sp??) for that. Believe me. I've gone through it. Lady Macaiodh, I'm not saying you're a bad mother, or will be a bad mother, I'm just saying, there are things only fathers can give. And some of those things are very important.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] In my opinion, you don't nessecarily need a father for those things. Any adult that will love you as much as your mother does and/or listen to you and give you advice will do. And believe my opinion on this; I've been through things like that too...Although my father was around through my childhood(and technically still is), I was the one that chose to shut him out, and it was for my own good. Not everyone that can stick it in is the kind of father we are discussing... I know mine isn't, and I know that there are plenty of people out there who are the same.
  21. ^_^ You know yourself. And that's one of the best things you can have. For me, being straight or gay doesn't really matter to me. In my opinion, what sex you prefer(or think you prefer) doesn't matter when it comes to love. On the other hand, knowing yourself means knowing your preferences, and that's something that really does matter... But I'm just a rambler who's dealt with too much in her short time...^_^
  22. They divorced when I was about four. I'm over that bit now. But I'd rather not say more.
  23. ~Happy babies or toddlers. I love them with all my heart ~Animals, especially cats. I don't have a little sibling, so I guess this is where my love goes in that case. (Not that I have a pet either) ~My insane wallscroll. For all of you that have seen Hellsing, you can guess what I mean. I have a very happy vampire grinning on the wall above my bed. Always makes me smile when I wake up. Hn..I can't think of anything at the second..But I'll come back. ^_^ *has to admit, this thread made her in a better mood*
  24. Got the book Sunday morning. Started Monday morning(about 11). With breaks and distractions, finished at 2:45am. Now, for Vert's massive spoiler section! [spoiler]Yes, I hate Umbridge as much as the rest of you. I hated her so much that I think if I was a student there, I'd probably look ahead in my Potions books to figure out how to poison her. *can just imagine her in Slytherin getting off with a month's detention just because Snape was too pleased to expell me* In fact, I woulda done it after she used that quill from Hell on me. (No...Hell is too good for that woman and her quill...) ;_; But this one really gave me the true reason why I always had a soft spot for Snape...I felt so bad for him by the end of Chapter 28. I've never ben teased nearly that badly, but I still know how it feels to be laughed at, and I hate it. I actually didn't like some parts of Harry's agressivness. It just seemed a bit out of character to me after four years, but I did still manage to feel sorry for him, which means that he was still written well. As for Sirius...I cried. I haven't cried over a book in just so long(I think the last time was when I was seven), and I started choking up the moment before it happened, because I knew then...:bawl: He was the character that always made me the happiest(though Snape is still my favorite, especially after now). [/spoiler] As for who dies, I have to say one thing: It will make you upset.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B]Actually that's a good idea. It could be like the apocolypse. There would be war on Earth and chaos coming from space. Thanks for the idea :D [/B][/QUOTE] *cries* No! That little earth is PEACEFUL. *crosses arms like a little kid* I dun wanna play war. War's no fun. (So, yes, I love the little earth)
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