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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]**SPOILERS** Another death that really sucked was that of [spoiler]Wolfwood. I just saw the episode last night, and I really felt bad for the guy. But what really ticked me off was that I heard he didn't die in the manga![/spoiler] :mad: Why did the creators of the anime have to change the story! [/QUOTE] Because the manga completely changes right before/around Fifth Moon. Also, Wolfwood is like, 17, and Knives appears much earlier. The Gung Ho Guns are different also, partly becuase when the anime was being made, not all of the GHG had been revealed in the manga. There are a lot of differences, and sadly, if you want, I can list a lot of them for you(but only if you've seen the whole series. I'm not spoiling anything else for you.)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]I really don't think Bardiel vs. Dummy Plug was something called a 'fight'... more like a one-sided beat down... [/B][/QUOTE] ;) Yeah, you have a point there..I still love all of the Bardiel/Unit 01 fight.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]Gendo and Yui Ikari from Evangelion. I sometimes hate the man and he freaks me out, but I still give him credit for the willingness of how far he plans to carry out his plans so that he can be together with Yui again. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. I remember I almost hated Gendo until I realized that he was doing all these horrible, awful things out of love for his dead wife. And I love in EoE when he comes to terms with what he's doing...it's probably my favorite Intrumentality or all of them. Wolfwood and Milly is another favorite, because I think they're just so perfect together. Besides, look how cute they look! Kaji and Misato is so tragic, yet so cute. I love how Kaji is always such a sleaze.
  4. Hmm...Well, Kaworu is my overall favorite angel. He was so loving, so caring, and so serene. I loved him so much...and he gave it all up because he didn't feel that he had the right to decide what happened to humanity. That alone makes him the best Angel, and in my opinion, one of the best characters. Next probably comes Bardiel. The fight between it and the dummy plug was really, really great. Leliel was also a great one, although at first glance, I almost literally face-faulted at it's appearance.
  5. I look for an anime with full characters, a captivating plotline, and just enough action to keep you in awe. I also have a huge weakness for tragic anime, and I'm not much of a fan of completely love or humor plotted anime(Love Hina, Tenchi Muyo). I love anime that makes me think, and that makes me want to write.
  6. Well, the first anime that I ever saw was Sailor Moon, but I really didn't get into it until much later. I was at camp again, and everyone seemed to have seen some anime, not just my Eva-obsessed friends. I had heard of Cowboy Bebop, and so when I was off for the weekend, I decided to check it out on Adult Swim. As soon as the opening finished, I basically knew I was going to be a fan of that show.
  7. Well, let's see... I, too, loved [spoiler]Wolfwood and Legato's[/spoiler] death scenes. I was crying by the time I finished episode 24...It's such a contrast...[spoiler]Wolfwood[/spoiler] finally realizes himself before he dies, and [spoiler]Legato[/spoiler] accepts the fact that he was only made to torture Vash. [spoiler]Spike's[/spoiler] scene was very, very pretty, and so unexpected that it really hit you hard. Rocco's death was pretty suprising, and it was one of the things that made me watch more Cowboy Bebop. Just the fact that they would do that made me more interested in the series. [spoiler]Asuka's[/spoiler] in EoE(and she DID die, whoever has something against this can IM me and I'll explain why) also really hit me. [spoiler]Kaworu's was really touching, and Misato's[/spoiler] in EoE made me cry too(I tend to cry over anime a lot). Gendo's 'death' in EoE was very amusing, but it also made me like Gendo a lot more than I had before.
  8. I haven't seen any Kenshin, so I can't voice my opinion on him or Aoshi, but I personally like Vicious the best. I mean, everyone else weilds a gun in Cowboy Bebop, and Vicious kills them all with a katana. You've got to admit, that is pretty good. (Though I beg that people vote for Knives in the Arena. Nothing beats the Angel Arm/mind control/loss of one's essence)
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